Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, June 24, 1909, Image 3

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Machinery Builders MACHINERY REPAIRERS IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST! WOODRUFF MACHINERY IS THE BEST! Write to us for Descriptive Catalogue which explains why Woodruff Saw Mills, Shingle Mills, Lath Mills, Drag Saws, Wood Splitters, Hay Presses, and our Cornish Boiler Steam Engines, and Wheat Threshers are best We are manufacturers and give terms on our Machinery, and you can save money by buying direct from us. Write us at once. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Winder, Ga. : '^t' VERTICAL HORIZONTAL I- LATH MILL Ckii ur> run i- * ■, , -y CUlliri V M III v£'*-'-Y'W > -K;*'. ■” - - : ■' ■■■ ■ -■•- SHINGLE MILL* SHINGLE MILL _ HAY PRESS DRW!^- BICYCLES E ARE SELLING THE ; ‘OLD RELIABLE RAMBLER” and other makes. You know the satisfaction of a good article. RAMBLER’S lead all others in light running, durability, and satisfaction. Once tried, J) never denied. We also carry a line of repairs. We ________ need your business, you need our goods. Command us, SMITH HARDWARE CO. CHARLEY JOE The Laundryman Opera House Building, Behind Express Office . First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices: CoHars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c pair. All kinds of laundry neatly done. Will open for business May 81. R. D. Moore & Son, “THE OLD RELIABLE.’ DEALERS IIN Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters, CANDLER STREET. AND AGE NO BAR. Everybody in Winder Is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffer ing, Middle age, courageously fight ing, Youth protesting impatiently,; Children, unable to explain; All in misery from their kid neys. Onlv a little backache first. Comes when you catch a cold. Or when you strain the hack. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright's Disease. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure Imck a - lie. Cure every form of kidney ills. J. A. Pa tat, Athens St., Win der, Ga., savs: “Our daughter suffered for some time fiom pains in her back and hips and wus also subject to terrible headaches. She seemed to be languid and tired most of the time and thought we did everything for her, she grew n > better. Finally we had Doan’s Kidney Pills brough to our at tention and getting a box at Turner's Pharmacy, we began giving them to her. In less than a week she improved and before long she was.intirely free from the trouble. She is now well and strong and we are sure that Doan’s Kidney Tills should be given the credit for this great change.’’ For sale by ail dealer- 1 . Price f>o cents. Foster-Milburn Cos,. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for f he United States. Remember the name —Doan’s — and take n > other. JACKSON COUNTY SINGING CHOIR. The* Jackson county singing choir met at Oconee church and was called to order )>v President. J . E- J. j Lord. After singing a song, we were led in prayer hy B. J. Williamson- The secretary being absent, the j choir elected a secretary pro torn. The following program was arranged i and carried out: Prof. 11. B. Mathis, Earl Carter, C- E. Hutchins, Prof. J. E. J. Lord, W. T. Wallace, .J- H. Baird and L. B. Sheriden led 15 minutes ! each. Afternoon —Her.ry Cat let, Foster Freeman, Cato Ivy, W. 1). Wall, J. M. Ross, M. G. Henderson and C. C. McEver led fifteen minutes each. After a recess of fifteen min utes, a place for the next meet ing was decided upon. Mr. Wall, choir to meet at Statham second Sunday in September. On motion the invitation was accepted. On motion the president appointed del egates to meet with the next Jack son county convention to meet at Jefferson court house ou Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday before the fourth Sunday in July. Dele gates were as follows: Miss Bertha McDaniel, Mr. W. 1). Wall, Miss Ella Carter and J. H. Baird. There Ixjing nothing else in order the business session closed. Mr. W. L- Barnett, J. H. Baird and J. Z. Carter led fifteen minutes j each, after which the closing song, by R. L. Ross. Prayer hy Chaplain. Organists of the day, Misses Alice i Barber, Alma Bennett, Clara Wil liamson and Zona Ross, Mrs. Carl Thompson, Prof. H. B. Mathis. J. H. Baiud, Sect. Yesterday died at midnight; it has gone into the measureless past. Today is the living, pulsing present, to be taken joyfully into our hearts | and made the most of. Tomorrow |is a wonderful opportunity yet unborn. —Sylvania Telephone. Reconciled. Visitor —I don’t see how you can reconcile yourself to being a farmer. Si Seeder —I couldn’t if 1 didn’t see one of you city men ance in a while. Philadelphia Bulleten MANY PERSONS keep their money in this bank, that they may have it within ready reach when needed for daily use; some keep it here awaiting opportunities for investment; oth ers, to avoid the risk and annoyance of loaning, keep their money here as a permanent investment. It will de seen that we accommodate all classes. The Winder Banking Company, WINDER, GA. GOING OUT OF THE CLOTHING BUSINESS! WNHMMMrNMMManaMWMBa I will sdl Clothing at Cost from now until my entire stock is disposed of. Will enter tain proposition to s- 11 part or all. Como and see my stock before paying trust prices elsewhere. I a’so carry a line of General Merchandise, and if you want the benefit fair and honest dealings call on me. JUNE H. WOOD CARL, GA. A PAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing the uncertainties of tlie future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property rind him without Insurance. Furthermore, lie pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, Office at The Winder Banking Company. ‘IF. "" f- With every Cortright I Metal Shingle Roof, you p | buy peace of mind. Property owners in 8 districts lacking adequate fire protection are never 8 free from the care and B thought of the probabil ity of fire with the inevi- jjjjl table total loss. Cortright Metal Shin- Sk gles being fire proof, H| lightning proof and storm BL i proof take the place ot HI this lacking protection H! I A and bring a peace ot HI yT mind that can seldom be bought. They outlast J the building. Send for free took “Concerning That Roof’ which explains their tftflßl ■ Jj I jjf KQ llf , mi j!. mi 'jtil \ If Imi I 88hvy* wBB. 1 Ikß |Kn " J am \ , v LEATHERS & EAVENSON, WINDER, GEORGIA.