Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 01, 1909, Image 5

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LITTLE LOCAL LINES. W- L. Blasingame spent Tuesday in Atlanta. ALiss Gussie O'Neal is visiting %3ft-nds in Onion Point. Dr. Z. J. Ilerrin, of Atlanta, was visiting relatives here Sunday. Mr. Golden Knight, of Monroe, was in Winder -Sunday afternoon. All hrides are requested to C. Jones, the fashionable milliner. Mi'S Pauline Camp has returned PK>m ft visit to friends in Hoschton- Mrs. Otis Jaekson lias returned from a visit to relatives in Crawford, Ga • Mrs. Tom Cape hart, of Monroe, N. C., is the guest of Mrs. W. O. Perry. Mrs. S. G. Arnold, of Statham, is visiting the family of Mr. Char lie Robinson. Mrs. R. 1). Cook, of Bishop, is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. T. A. Maynard. Dr. Sam Ware came over from Athens and spent Sunday in the city with friends. Guy Newman, who has been the guest of Carl Robeson, returned to bis home- in Gainesville Wednes day. Fruit Jars, Extra Caps, Fruit Jar Rubbers and Jelly Glasses! Just lots of them at Smith Hard ware Cos. Mr. R. FI. Cannon and family leave next week to spend the sum mer at their country home in Rock dale county. Preparations have been made to open a near-bear joint just outside the city limits of Winder, on the Jefferson road, in Jaekson county. It’s cooler to ride a Bicycle than to Walk. If you don’t believe that, just buy one of the make that Smith Hardware Cos. sell, and you'll see that it is a fact. Miss Eva Crovat, of Thomasville, Ga., i's the guest of Miss Roxie Robinson. Both ar.- spending the week with Miss Lillie Bell Robin son, on Athens St. Miss Fannie Caldwell, formerly a member of the faculty of the Win der Public school, has been the guest of Col. and Mrs. \V. H. Quartcrman for several days. The work on the handsome new residences of Mrs. C. E. Daniel and Mr. J. 11. Jackson is being rapidly pushed to completion. These will he two of \\ inder’s pret tiest homes when finished. Rev. Arp Woodruff has been ap pointed to the Carnesville circuit in place of Rev. J- R. Speer. Brother Woodruff is a young graduate of Young Harris college and has many relatives and friends in Winder who will watch his ministerial career with a great deal of interest. Raising hay is a paying crop Its no trouble to raise hay this year. We want to sell you either the Latest Verticle Lift McCormick, or the Verticle Lift Deerimr I I J Mowing Machine, with a 2;> Tooth Horse Dump Rake. They are the world's best. Smith Hardware Cos. Messrs. Harrold Mallett, Otis Ball, Willie H-e Nutt, accompained hv Misses Adel Nutt And Pauline Mallett 'came over from Jackson Saturday in Mr Mallett’s big tour ing ear on a visit to Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Turner. They returned Sun day, Mrs. H. O Ball, who had been here for several days on a visit , making the trip with them. Married, Sunday afternoon at the Methodist parsonage, Rev. W- T. Hunnicutt officiating, Mr- Wil liam Stewart and Miss Elzora Bur son. Mr. Stewart holds a position with the Gainesville Midland rail way and commands the respect and confidence of many friends. The bride is a daughter of Mr. Jim Burson and a very popular young woman. Carl Robeson is visitihg friends in Gainesville. Miss Blanche Smith is spending a week in Atlanta. Mr. H. C Collier, of Athens, was in Winder Sunday. Mr. W. H Quarternsn is having a building erected on his lot on Broad street. Dr. 11. P. Quillian now occupies handsome 1 rooms over \V. T. Rob inson's funiturv store. Mr. J. N. Yonder Leith has ac cepted a position in the offices of the Winder Lumber Cos. If we cannot sell you a Now Mow ing Machine, let us sell you the re pairs for your old One. Smith Hard ware Cos. Mr. L• H. Roberts attended the funeral of the little infant of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mines at Pendergrass Tuesday. Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. Haw thorn-, who have been visiting Mrs. E. B. Edwards, have returned to their respective homes. On account of the Fourth of July falling on Sunday, next Monday will he observed as a legal holiday by the Winder hanks. Mr. Willie Cooper, of Atlanta, is the guest of his brothers, and sis ter,‘Messrs. A. G.and J. G. Cooper, and Mrs 1). S- Thomas. The many friends of jovial Mrs. Daisy Looney-Rogers, who has been spending sometime in Atlanta, will he delighted to know that she re turned home this week. J. T. Strange & Cos., have taken i advantage of the little breathing spell given the merchants by the; farmers’ scrap with the grass to tear out partitions, eidarge and add to their department store- Rev. F. 1). Harris, of Gainesville, a Missionary Baptist minister, is conducting a series of meetings in a tent on Stevens street, near the res idence of Mr. W. A. Pledger. A cordial welcome will be extended to all, and ministers of other de nominations are especially invited to attend. Services begin at 8:80 p. m. Mrs. Laura Richards died at her home, 281 N. Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga., Saturday morning at 2:30 o’clock- She was the wife Captain J. B. Richards, formerly of Winder. Mrs. Richards had many friends in this city who will be grieved to learn of her death. She was noted for her bright, sunny disposition and was loved by all who knew her J.L.Page.W.J- Moon,l).S. Thom as, W. A. Warters, A. L-Dunnigam W. T. Brock, Luther Steed, W. C. Roberts, R. 11. Wall, G. W. Mc- Donald, Jr., Ilarvie Greenwav, Dither Slaton and Henry Cain sent us cotton blossoms the early part of the week, but Dudley George, colored,of .Jackson county, takes the prize by sending us a cotton boll Monday- Mr. Brewer Mathews is getting up a unique telephone hook and business directory combined. Each advertiser in the book will be placed in a classified directory,giving phone number, and business in which lie is engaged, thereby as sisting house wives and strangers in ordering by ’phone. Mr. Ma thews will have his book in the hands of the printers in the course of a few days. Mr. John Elder, an old and highly respected citizen of Hosch* ton, Ga., died Friday evening aid’ was buried Sunday morning at Bethabara church, in Gwinnets county. He leaves many friendt and a large family of children to mourn for him. Mr. Elder, was the father of \V G. Eider Mrs. J. O. Wright, Miss Cinthia Elder and Mrs. J B. Williams, of Winder; Mrs. 11. A-Smith, of Lawrenceville; Mrs-John Adams and J. 11. and J. C. Elder, of Hoehton. The be ! reaved relatives have the sympathy lof a host of friends here. Winder’s Latest Enterprise. v: _ f . . *?js3k -i'* • k} WINDER, GEORGIA. Office Removed. I have moved my office to rooms over W. T. Robinson furniture store.- 11. P- Quillian, M. D. Mrs- S. E. Young is attending the district meeting of the Woman s Foreign Missionary Society, in ses sion at Buford. Little Roy Cooper, the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G- Cooper, who has been quite ill for some time, is improving. Mr. F. M. Furlough, of Jackson, Ga,, has been spending some time in Winder, the guest of his daugh ter, Mrs. Mac Potts. Try your luck and send in a hid for the organ which goes to the highest bidder July oth. bor par ticulars read ad. of Dakin A* Dunn. Mrs. E. D*Killingsworth, of Ab beville, S. C., is the gue*t of her daughter, Mrs. S. E. Young. Mrs. Killingworths carries her age re markably well, and motlu r and daughter have the appearence of sisters. The military boys go to St.Simons July 27th at the state’s expense for an outing of about ten days. \\ e understand there area hw vaea.n eies in the company. Young men desiring a plunge in the surf should investigate this matter. Rev. W. T. Hunnicutt will preach Sunday the second of has series of sermons on * Ihe Platform of ( hrist or the Program of Christianity.' Public is cordially invited to hear these sermons. Sunday evening at S: lo Rev. Parrish will represent the Anti-Saloon League at the Meth odist church. And, 10, our city fathers have caught the beautification and im provement. fever. Ihe old band stand which stood in the center of Broad street, an eye-sore to the town for so many years, lias been torn down, the tree near by uproot ed and anew hydrant and cement watering trough for st( c c placed in their stead. The change adds great ly to the general appearance of the town, and will cause a more favorable impression to Ih* made upon strangers entering \\ inder. Real Estate Bargains. Two vacant business lots on Athens street, each 2oxS7. One house and lot on Athens street. Prices on all the above cheap, with terms to suit purchaser. E. Loyd Thomas. The Bell Overall Company is now in full operation, and every man in this section should feel a keen interest in this home enterprise. The demin is made of our own cotton right in Winder. Tne Overall is cut and, made he*e, and you will find by strict measurement that they are larger, fuller, and there non3 better made. Ask to see this garment; wear it, keep your money at home and thereby help your neighbors as well as yourselves. Strange, as in all matters relating to the interest of Winder and country, is pushing them. For sale only by MRS. JOHNSON ENTERTAINS* Mrs. W. D. Johnson entertained the Young Matrons club in a happy manner on last Thursday afternoon at a pretty heart dice party at her home on Broad street, in honor of her sisters, Mrs. Wing and Miss Katharine Suddath, of Roswell. The home was beautifully decora ted with nasturtiums, the bright blossoms being used in tall vases while the house and on the broad porch were .quantities of beautiful green ferns. Ihe score cards were hand-painted sun-bonnet babes. Af ter the game delicious refreshments were served before and during the game. Twenty-four guests wen entertained. DEGL4RES DIVIDEND. 'Hie First National Bank of Win der completes its first year with a very satisfactory showing. In speaking of the matter Mr. Toole, president of the hank, said: “We are very well pleased with our showing, starting as we did a year ago, when the depression was on all over flic country. We have persued very conservative lines, yet have done a large volulrnc of busi ness. We feel confident that the First National has made some good business friends. We are paying July Ist a f> per cent dividend and putting a very nice sum up to undi vided profit account. We believe that the First National hank is des tined to he one of the foremost finan cial institutions of this section. 1 MRS. 11. E. EDWARDS ENTERTAINS. One of the prettiest and most enjoyable parties of the season was given Saturday afternoon by Mrs. H. E- Edwards to her sisters. Mrs. Mitchell, of Athens, and Mrs. Hawthorne, of Atlanta. The ladies who had called were invited from b until S o’clock, and all enjoyed the heart dice contest- To Mrs. Rad ford wa- awarded the prize for top seoie,the guests’ prize to Mrs. Haw thorne and the consolation fell to Mrs. Turner. The heart design nhd color scheme of red and green were carried out in every particular —most attractive perhaps in the punch and sandwiches, served by ; Misses Ruth Carithers and Ciussie | O'Neal. r k* ggggg CARTER HILL. Mr. and Mrs. J. 11. Hill will need a piano now. They have a little girl visitor. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sims spent Saturday at their old home place near Daeula. Mrs. G. W. Fuller was in Win der shopping Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Edwards were visitors at the home of Mr. Lawrence Rutledge Sunday. Mr. John Hinesley, of Corinth, and Mr. Lem Cole, of near Omer, were the guests of Fred Fuller Sun day. Among the visitors at Sunday school Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith, Misses Miller,Austin, Haynie. Thompson and Messrs. Saul, Jim and G rathe Austin, all of Bethlehem “ Null Sed,” you had Utter watch out. You are dealing with wise owls when you write what you did last week about those good preachers. When men’s heads have been cut off, men have lx-en stoned and even have been crucified for preaching the word of God. It is heavenly times when the word of God has no oppsitioii worth men tioning. Will Rev. W. T. Hunnicutt please tell us when the Scriptures or tin word of Cod became a hook of dreams or a hook of mystery that the light of men should interpret it. What if men should in.h >pret it like those scribes and Pharisee* did that Christ was talking to in the 23 chapter of Matthew. Please tell us which chapter needs inter preting. Why did Christ cast a devil out of one who knew him? Why not let him live to interpret his words jf they should need it? Maybe you have a Bible wiitten in some other language that you can not read, that yours should need interpreting. Tell us about this in your next page. Mrs. Tahitha Hosch, of Hoschton, was the guests of relatives here last week. The Misses Hill, of Winder, were the guests of relatives here Saturday. Land For Sale. Four tracts of land ranging from 10 to lo acres each; inside of city limits; price lower than any adjoin ing land; terms to suit. E. Loyd Thomas.