Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, July 01, 1909, Image 7

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CHARLEY JOE The Laundryman Opera House Building, Behind Express Office . First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices: CoUars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c pair. Allidnds of laundry neatly done. Will open for business May 81. E. D. Moore & Son, “THE OLD RELIABLE.’ DEALERS IIN Fresh Meats, Fish and Oysters, CANDLER STREET. , INTELLIGENT SERVICE POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock holders worth over a million dollars. HHIO YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. The First National Bank of Winder \ Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. MANY PERSONS keep their money in this bank, that they may have it within ready reach when needed for daily use; some keep it here awaiting opportunities for investment; oth ers, to avoid the risk and annoyance of loaning, keep their money here as a permanent investment. It will de seen that we accommodate all classes. The Winder Banking Company, WINDER, OA. ■■■■ ■ mW. L Young. LUMBER. YOXJ KNOW HIM. Warehouse on Candler Street. ■— 111 """ " —!■■■■— The New Policies OF THE FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Are the most up-to-date and com prehensive Life Insurance Poli cies of the day. Thirty days grace in paying premiums. Most advanced non-forfeiture features. Highest values, highest divi dends, lowest premiums. For further information apply to F. W. BONDURANT, Manager . Also Agent for Fire, Accident Causualty and Bond Insurance. Best Companies, best rates, best terms and prompt and careful attention given to all business placed with the agency. No restrictions as to residence, travel, occupation. Total and permanent disability at once secures you your Policy fully paid up with no further premiums to pay. But instead of premiums being due, you re ceive an annual payment from the Company during such disability. AGE NO BAR. Everybody in Winder Is Eligible. Old people stooped with suffer ing, M lddle age, courageously fight ing, Youth protesting impatiently; Children, unable to explain;- All in misery from their kid neys. Onlv a little backache first. Comes when you catch a cold. Or when you strain the back. Many complications follow. Urinary disorders, diabetes, Bright’s Disease. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure back ache. Cure every form of kidney ills*. J. A. Petal. Athens St., Win der, Ga., says; “Our daughter suffered for some time from pains in her back and hips and was also subject to terrible headaches. She seemed to be languid and tired most of the time and thought we did everything for h<>r, she grew no better. Finally we had Doan’s Kidney Pills brough to our at tention and getting a box at Turner’s Pharmacy, we began giving them to her. In less than a week she improved and before ong she was intirely free from lhe trouble. She is now well and ttrong and we are sure that Doan's si lney Pills should be given the credit for this great change.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan’s — and take no other. i'' BEWARE of the imitation band—the man who trys to sell you “ just as good as ” Cortright Metal Shingles If you want a roof that will last as long as the building itself and never need repairs insist on having Genuine Cortright Metal Shingles with the word* "Cortright Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.” embossed on the fourth ridge of every shingle. They make handsome roofs that are storm, fire and lightning proof. Just the thing for suburban or country residences. SOLD HERE BY LEATHERS & EAVENSON WINDER. GA. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32—For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 1:52 p m No. 58—For local stations to Athens 7:32 p rr, No. 36—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East #...12:11 a m WESTWARD. No. 37—For Atlanta, Birming ham and west 5:23 a m No. 57—For local stations and Atlanta 7:45 a m No. 33—For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 p m No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:13 p m These arrivals and departures are given as information and are not guar anteed. Schedule Gainesville Midland Railway. SOUTH BOUND No. 11 —Lv 8:45 a. m. No. 13 —Lv. 8:10 p. m. No. 15 —Lv. 10:20a m; Sun. only. NORTH ROUND No, 12 —At. 11:25 am. No. 14 —Ai. 6:05 pm. No. 10—A*. 5:15 pm;Sun.onlv. All trains going through Winder vard must be under full control. Gabmling Insurance. The estimable governor of New York is a foe of the gambler, but like many other estimable govern ors, he is only a foe of the little gambler. The two largest gambling con cerns in the world are the Stock Exchange and the insurance com panies. What is insurance? A group of men join together and form a company. They then agree to bet you so much that you will not die, or g<>t sick, or have an ac cident, within a certain period. On the otherjiand you bet that you will die, get sick or have an acci dent. You pay your bet in install ments. They bold the stakes and wait to see what happens. Bv taking a great quanity of these bets the insurance companies ean n >t lose. It is impossible to tell just which individual in each thousand will die, get sick, or suffer an accident, but by the rule of percentages, any one can tell that among the well-to do class about ten in a thousand will die each year. In the middle class, about fifteen per thousand will die each year, and among the working class from twenty to thirty per thousand will die each year. By arranging the rates in such a way as to cover the loss which is sure to come because of these certain deaths, the insurance company can’t lose. The individual is at a disadvant age. He may live, in which case he pays more and more into the company without getting any larger return. In this country insurance com panies are now offering a series of insurance policies to proteet auto mobilists. Fiy paying a certain fee you can he provided with hail bonds. If you are arrested, you can sign your own hail, have your fine paid, and not he troubled in ths least for having broken the law. Another policy protects you in case you kill anybody. If you are an autoinbilist you are very likely to l>e annoyed by damage suits on the part of pedestrians, bicyclists, or children, who may dart in front of your ear. By skidding, collisions, the break ing of the steering gear, or the frightening of horses, you may in jure property < f human beings. But the insurance company pro vides relief from all troubles on these small accounts. It defends the action, defrays any damages that many be awarded. For instance, you can have a policy for five thousand dollars, within which limit you can kill one person. For ten thousand dollars you can have a policy which will portect you against injuries or death to more than one person. Nor is this the end of gambling. The American people pay in pre miums to the various insurance companies untold millions. In a sense these millions are trust funds which should be carefully conserved for the purpose of paying the obli gation incurred. But these funds are used by Ryans Morgan, Harriman, and other great capitalists, to finance every big in dustrial project in which they are interested. The power of these men is due, therefore, not so much to what they themselves own as to these funds of the people which they con trol. The money which you place in the savings banks, in the trust com panies, in the insurance companies, is controlled by large financiers. With your money they largely fi | nance their great undertakings in tended still further to rob you. The petty gamblers which tla* governor has put out of business, never conceived of so complete and perfect a scheme for robbing and exploiting the people. The big gamblers have reduced the game to a science, which is the familiar phrase of the “con” man, “catches the people going and com ing.” —Ex. On a Rainy Day. Somehow I never seem to care However bad the weather gits; They’s somethin’ I kin fine some where, Some half-fergotten ravelled bits O’ work theft waiting to do done, A-oilin’ harness, piddlin’ round, Or just a-readin’ till the sun Comes out ag’n an’ dries the ground. I’ve seen brook trout bite mighty food Sometimes when it’s too wot to plow, I never have quite understood Why folks’ll grouch around and row When the day doesn’t suit their book, So meny things 1 know beat that, And always you kin take a hook And hike where fish are bitin’ at. Or ther’s a lot of other things — Just git the children on the stoop Out of the wet, an while babe swings Tell them of Chineee bird-nest soup An’ other things the heathens eat, Of dogs an’ rats an’ shark fins dried An’ how the women squeeze their feet Am how they keep their pigtails tied. I the best of all, To git de children round your chair And tell them, whilst the raindrops fall, Of everybody everywhere; Of how they eat snails out in France, And somewhere ate grasshoppers, too; ' An’ how Hindoos don’t wear no pants, And where men git the gum they chew. And tell ’em things you used to do When you was just a little tad; About the colt your dad give you, And the young critters that you had; About the banties that you growed, And ’bout the walnut trees you clum; And tell them all about the load Of things you got when Christmas come. That’s the way to take rainy days When it’s too wet to cultivate; Why there’s a hundred different ways To spend the time, so good you hate To see the Suncome smillin’ out To send you where there’s work to do; You bet Cod knows what He’s about And don’t need no advice from you.- —Judd Lewis in Hous ton Post. B FARMS FOR SALE ! In and around Jersey, Walton county, Georgia, t containing from 40 to 510 acres each. Terms easy :::::: APPLY TO W. L. Blasingame, Winder, Qa. t>p- !--r Josiah Blasingame, Jersey, Qa.