Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 05, 1909, Image 5

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IN AUTOMOBILES TO FARMS IN HANCOCK COUNTY, LEAVE FROM FIRST NATIONAL BANK MONDAY, AUG. 9,1909. EARLY IN MORNING. Make your final arrangements by Saturdady of this week. These farms will make a bale of cotton to the acre. To good men, we will sell them on 5 years’ time. From 50 acres to 1000, at $20.00 per acre and up. Every man has an opportunity in his life to make something. This is yours. Act wisely now. Quarterman & Toole, LONGViEW. Mr, K. L. Durham made a busi ness trip to W inder 1 uesday. Messrs. W. W. Hayes and (’• ('. Swi-tman visited Hoseiiton Monday. Mr. E. D Johnson and wife spent the day with W.C. MeDougal Tluirs dav. * / Mrs. Skinner and Mrs Mosley visited Mrs Susie Rainey, of Mul berry . Wednesday. Mr. Hamp (lunnin and wife, of Hosehton, visited C. A. Moon Wed nesday. R. L. MeDougal and ye scribe went to Winder Thursday. M,. Jarrett Oarlise attended preaching at Bethlehem Wednes day. Rev. .1. A. Hall filled his regular appointment here Sunday. Mr. Pink Williams and wife, of Winder, attended preaching here Sunday. Cyrus Hogan visited Cedar Creek | Saturday. The Longview hoys played hall somewhere Saturday- Ask Jim Stewart about the score. Mr- J. R. Wills made a business to Winder Saturday. Mr. J. I\ Rainey went down to Winder Saturday. Arthur Gunnin and Ernest Skin ner attended preaching at \\ alnut Sunday. Ijongview was well represented at Hosehton Saturhay. Frank Gaddis, of Green county, is visiting here. Mr. Ralph Moon and sister, Miss Kate, attended preaching at \\ alnut Sunday. Middle Mustek. LEBANON. The Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union will meet at the usuil place of m eting next Satur- day at <1 p. m. A foil attendance is desired. Wr-ynian and lluhert Martin are in if a r tow eornnty selling window locks. Mrs. Fletcher Tuck, of Tuckston. is spending awhile here as the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ( . I -1 lolliday- J. R. and W’. J- Whitehead visit ed relatives at lilack Jack ( reek re cently. There is a good private school at Arcade under the instructions of Miss llattie Boggs. She is the daughter of Mr. I. 11. Boggs, of Harrisburg district- While attending the barbecue July Ml, in Jefferson, given in hon or of Hon. John X. Holder, I was impressed with the good manner in which the barbecue was carried out for so many people to be present- Sheriff B. 11. Collier had all organ ized iii good style and it was kept that way throughout the day. The barbecue was a very siu.ces.sful one. Protracted meeting will begin at Lebanon church August 17, and last one week. The meeting will he conducted by Rev- George I). Stone. Mr. John H. Hendrix, tin noted singer, will lead the singing. There will he a tent stretched near the church. Mr. and Mrs. .lames Doolittle attended service at Galilee last Sun day at 11 :<)<> a- m. A. I>. Mize and Jewell Anglin left last Saturday for Wilcox county to spend several days with Mr. T- R. Guest who lives near Kramer- OAK GROVE. Rain, rain —dog days' rain. The farmers are about through work in their crops for 1009, and are attending meeting, going fish ing, eating fruit and enjoying themselves. The school at this place is pro gressing nicely umh-r the manage ment of Prof. J. B. Vauglmn, of Commerce. The patr- ns are pleased with Prof- .Vaughan*s services. Mrs. Bona Jones and baby and Mrs. Erea Haynie spent last week in Atlanta, tin- guest of Mrs. May lm. Mr. J. M. Barrett and wife and Charley Gaddis, of Mulberry, spent a few days last week with friends and relatives near Woptl ville, in Oglethorpe county. Mr. Jack -Tones and family had as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Whitehead and chil dren, of Oconee county. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayes and son, Fred, from Bellmont, visited Mr. R. F. Hayes and family last week. Mr. Coleman and Seaborn j Wyley visited their parents at Jersey, Ga., recently. One of the mail carriers of j Statham is carrying the mail in an automobile. Come on Winder and Lawrenceville. Mrs. Nona Walla and children, of near Central, is visiting Mrs. Minnie Jones this week. Mr. E. M. Gaddis and wife, of Oglethorpe county, are visiting in (this section. In Japan, it is said, they have schools for the training of theives to steal. Probably a lot of peo- I pie in Georgia are from Japan. Remember Sunday school meets every Sunday afternoon. Every body invited. CARTER HILL. School is progressing nicely un der the care of Prof. W. M. Holsenbeck and Miss Bertha Hosch. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fuller and children were the guests ot Mr. J. M. Fuller’s family, of Russell, Wednesday. Mr. John Green and family, of near Winder, spent, the day wit h Mr. G. W. Fiilh-r 'Saturday. Mrs. T. J. Edwards and chil dren, Miss Louie, and Mr. Louis, were the guests of Mr. C. A Ed ward’s family Sunday. Mr. and M rs. Mos s Rutledge were the guests of Mr. Henry Queen and family Sunday. Merman and Dessie Fucker, of near Oilier, spent the day with Favett and Johnie Sims Sunday. NIBLACK’S STORE. Sev-ral from this part of the sticks are attending court at Jef ferson this week. Witnesses,, ju rors, spectators, plaintiffs and eefendants are among the num ber who are attending. Quite a crowd from here went to the picnic at Hosehton Satur day and all report a nice time and plenty to eat. Mr 'Fall Berryman and sister, Miss Billie, of Gwinnett county, were visiting in this section Sat urday and Sunday. Mr W A Me Neal was visiting in Gwinnett county the latter part of last week. Mr Guy Roberts, of Bender grass, passed through this section in his auto —(be-er-mule) last Saturday p. m. Mr and Mrs Truss Scott and children, of Wilks county, are visiting Mr ami Mrs West Landers here. Mr and Mrs Tom Brooks, of Jefferson, visited here Sunday. Mr J C Fades, of near Gaines ville, was visiting here last week. If you want to make folks think you am a witty fellow get up a bundle of pointed paragraphs and write them up in your locals as though they were original with you. That’s wit. Soribhlek. RUSSELL A large crowd attended the meeting Sunday. Everybody -m joyed the services. The dinner was plentiful, and of course all enjoyed file spread There will be services day and night lip to and including Sunday next. We regret to chronicle the ill ness of Mr John Oox. Miss Kudelle Smith was at home Sunday and entertained a large number ot her friends and relatives Sunday afternoon. Mrs W H Burson fell from the door of her residence one day this week, but fortunately was not seriously injured. .. Re.s. ( pshaw and Huff are de livering some powerful sermons at the Baptist church here this week. Rev Upshaw is making a deep impression on all with whom he comes in contact. Judge R B Russell was confined at his home with sickness Sunday. Col L C Russell was the guest of his brother. Judge R B Russell, Sunday. Mr and Mrs Will Pledger visited the home of Mr W P Smith Sun day afternoon. Mr K Z Wright had an attack of acute indigestion Sunday night, but is able to be out again. Mrs J J Meadow has been the guest of Winder friends the past week. Miss Minnie Moore has returned from a visit to Hoser.ton. The Seaboard road is prepar ing to put in a side track here. We hope to soon have trains stop ing at this place. The new budding being erected by Mr W P Smith will soon be completed, and will add some to Russell.