Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 05, 1909, Image 8

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PROGRAM. Of Cart-T Hill Sunday School Satur day. Auijust 14, 1909. Master of (.Vrcniotiies —S. T. M.tuglion. 10 a. m. —Song, led by Prof. .1. L. Moore, of Ketlileliein. Prayer l>y Brother J. < >. Wright. Welcome address hy Sidney Maughon. Song, led by Pi of. Moore. Recitation, ‘'The Master Cal., —Anna Wright. Recitation, “No One To Love Me Since Mother Died —Floyd McDaniel. Recitation,“(bid’s Work —E~sie Mae Maughon. Song, “Hope for the Tempter —Fred Fuller. Recitation, “The Surrender” Ruby Wages. Recitation, “Re Thoughtful and Kind” —Liliie McDaniel. Song,“Shall We Know Each Other There” —Merriman Tucker. Address hy Pallie (ireason. Dialogue hy twelve girls and eight 1)< )>'S. Address, 4 ‘ Education” —Arthur Perry. Song. Address hy Rev. .I I. Oxford, of Auburn. One hour and thirty minutes for dinner. Address, “ The Value of an Edu cation” — W. C. Carlton, president Perry-Eainey Institute, Auburn. Recitation, “Mona’s Waters” — Martha McDaniel. Address, “Creeds —OreenOroa son. Recitation, “The Little Mission ary’’— Dovie Ridgway Song, “The Roys We Want" Herman Wages. Recitation, “Rad Habit Land” — (’ammie Situs. Recitation, “NoSects in Heaven” Ruby Fuller. Addr< *ss hy Cline Wright. Song, “Waiting”—Sunie Mc- Daniel. Recitation, “Little Servants” — Ruby Greason. Recitation, “The Reaper and Flowers’ ’ —Alma Page. Song, “What Can a Hoy Do” — Henry Fuller. Recitation, “Tommy’s Prayer” —Jewel Thompson. Address, "Don’t Sow Wild, Gay Young Man” —Grover Brown. Recitation, “The Drunkard’s Daughter” —Mellie Austin* Song led by Prof. Walter Saul. Address by Fayette Sims. Recitation,“The Angel’s Mother” —Lindy Holcomb. Address by Jack McDaniel. Recitation, “Watch” — Perlie Page. Address by John Roy Perry. Song by Lucy Fuller. Address “Remember Boys Make Men” —Beit Greason. Recitation, "Needles and Pins” —Eunice Crow Address, "What 1 Live For”— Roy G reason. , Recitation by Lillie Mae Mead ows. Closing address by Krbin Mc- Daniel. HELD fOR IVIRDER. Tlu* .Jackson comity {fraud jury, n\v in session at Jefferson, after investigating and hearing from the witnesses presented by the solicitor general, returned a true hill, charg ing D. A. Boyd with murder. Boyd was at once taken into cus t >dy by the court- officers and will be held to answer before a jury on charge made against him. It will Ik* remembered that some weeks since Messrs. Boyd and Booth had some words about some of Boyd’s cows getting into Booth’s crops. A few days later the two men met in front of Booth’s house and in the affray that Booth was killed At the commitial trial Boyd was held for manslaughter and released t n a thousand dollar by ml. HOSCHTON. A man can see beauty in the homeliest woman who makes him believe that she considers him -mart. Mr. Frank Harrison and sisters, Mis- - Montine and lie / and Mary Rates, of Pendergrass,wen- in town last week. Miss Lona Rurson and sister, Miss •Maude, were yisitiifh Mi-- Lelia. and Alma Hoseh last week. Dr. and Mrs W. -P. Delnperrimv had as their gue-t last week Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Camp, of Atlanta, Dr. and Mrs. J. 11. Daniel, of (iainesville, and Mrs. J. C. DLfi perriere, of Winder. C. C. McCabe and Dr. Darby are in Atlanta on business this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fountain, of Rabbit Hill Farm, near Lawrcnce ville, were in town last week. Miss Lillie Pirkle, of Apple Val ley, was at home Saturday. Mr. Clove Forrester has gone to Buckhead and points south. Mr. .J. M. Story has resigned the presidency of the Loafers’ Club and accepted a job as bookkeeper at the oil mill. We welcome Mr. Boh Hill hack to Hoseh ton. Visiting Miss Curtis Adams last week, were Misses Roxie Robinson, Rosa Lamar and Estell House. Mr. Lester Mathews and sister, Elma were visiting in East View last week. Dr. L. C. Allen is in Atlanta this week on business. County Line base hall crossed hats with our team last week. Score 7 to a in favor of Hoschton. Also Flowery Branch Saturday. Score Id to 1 in favor of 1 loschton- Dr- W. P. ReLaperricre and R. L. Pirkle are attending court at Jef ferson this week. Russ may he after some legal papers. Pro. J. L. Hall and Pro. P. Mur uoka, of Japan, are carrying on a protracted meeting at New Liberl this week. Mr. .). W. Darby is on the sick list this week. Mr. Auto Roberts, of Pendergrass, was in town Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs- Alec Mahaffy and sons,John and Jim,went to Lebenon camp meeting Sunday- Dr. Earnest DeLaperriere, after spending a month in North Carolina, has returned in the l>est of health. Picnic last Saturday was a success. Good speaking, best behavior and largest crowd ever seen here before. What kind of a man is he who lets his wife cut the stove wood while he sits and watches her? Mr. Editor, please answer. In the first place he is no man, in the American sense of the word, but belongs to the savage tribes of the dark conti nent where females are made the beasts of burden —Ed. Wonted a few more real good customers, cash not refused, hut credit if you prefer. W. T. Robinson. VANDEfORD PARDONED. R. 1.. iYandeford, convicted of the charge of rape in (iwinnett county and sentenced to serve 20 years, was pardoned by (loverimr Brown Tuesday. Vandeford was sentenced in 1000. A potitioii bearing the nanus of (>oo citizens asking for Vandeford's pardon, ac companied the application. Over Heated by discussing 12\c cotton, Ni-Beer, McLendon, Hoke Smith and .Joe Brown. Well, we have a few more Refrigerators left that we are offer ing at 10 per cent rather than carry over. So keep cool and get one while they last. W. T. Robinson. sls WASHINGTON, D. C. sls. AIND RE I URN $12.00 RICHMOND, NORFOLK AND RETURN VIA. SEABOARD AIR LINE. On sale Saturday, August 14, good until August 31. Elegant Equipment, Splendid Service. Two Trains Daily, Through Pullmans; Vestibuled Coaches and Dinning Cars. For full information cal* on Agent, SEABOARD. Revival at Omer Christian Church. On Thursday be for* the t l ’ird Sunday in. July, the Minister, T F Yarbrough, and W P McDonald, of St.atham, Oa., began a revival at Omer, near Carter Hill, which continued nine days and resulted in the acc unplishment of much good, there being eleven addi tions to the ccurch. And yet this does not tell the entire story, as no one can foretell tlm outcome of this revival. The church mem bers were stirred to a sense of their duty, and put forth their best ef forts during the entire meeting tortile success of the work. Omer is one among our oldest churches in North-east (Jeorgia, and this revival gave it a spirit mil uplift, and the church is m an excellent condition, and re tains bright hopes for future success. We were v°fy fortunate m se curing the services of such a competent minister as Brother McDonald. His only method in leading sinners to accept Christ is by preaching the truth as it is in Christ Jesus. He believes the truths of the Bilile, loves them, and never fails to present them in a clear, forceful way. yet at the same time in a spirit of love. The fearless manner in which he presented the truth brought con viction to the minds and hearts of sinners, and inspiration and encouragement to the Christians as well, and this plain, simple method of procedure won a large place in the hearts of all the peo ple, irrespective of denomination or creed. As minister of this church, I am greatly encouraged, and feel that the work is in the best con dition : t has been in a long time. In saying this, I am giving the sentiments of the leading mem bers of tin* church. T F Yarbrough. PARADISE. The first of each month reminds us that soniethihg is required of us by others. Duty is something due. We owe something to every human being we chance to meet along the journey of life. When we start out in the morning for the day’s work we should remember our duty to the many we meet as well as to the loved ones at home. It is not always the poor man agement of people which causes their failme. Poor collections may ruin them. Farmers are done laving by crops in this section. Mrs. Cheatham and children, who have been visiting her mother, Mrs. R. E. Clack, returned to her home in Roanoke, Ala., Sunday. Miss Maud Clack was the HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. It you do not want to buy one you had better not come this way, for I have them from a 3-room tj a 7-room house for sale so cheap that you would think that they were almost given to you. I also have many desirable vacant lots to se lect from. We mean business. For further information, see R. J. HUFF, AT RUSSELL, WINDER, GEORGIA. An Essential Thing, and there are many, in the management of a bank is the personal, painstaking care of its officers. Recognizing this responsibility, the officers of this institution keep them selves in touch with every important detail of the business. And the outcome? A generous, and a steadily increasing patronage. THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. gggggggggggg OLIVER, CANNON & CO., WINDER, GEORGIA. charming guest ot Miss Sadie Smith Saturday night. Mr and Mrs Luster Childress, Mr and Mrs Paul Austin an i Mr and Mrs Fred Cox spent Sunday with Mr .) H Clack and family. Several from here attended the barbecue at Mr Tom Austin’s Saturday. All report a fine time. Folks have been attending pro tracted meetings in this corner, and 1 guess that is better than visiting. .Life is so short why not till its littlespace with sunny rays of hope and peace and good will. Virginia. WHEN ARE YOU COMING to buy that set of harness you know you need? Any reason why you shouldn’t come here? Lets of reasons why you should. Certainty of sound materials and skiflul workmanship here offer ed at very fair prices, second our invitation to visit us before purchasing anywhere. NVE DOLLARS' REWARD. 1 will pay Lo.OO for apprehension with evidence to convict party who stole a whip from my Jaurgy in Winder Friday, July 30, 1909. John Lay, Route 20,Winder, (la. Committed Suicide by not taking care of the bodv while not at work. To avoid this got some of those good No. 1 National Bed Springs and Hammocks. Prices cheap, at W. T. Robinson’s.