Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 12, 1909, Image 5

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gggggg WINDER LUMBER CO. WINDER , GEORGIA. Phone 47. Mr. I. T. Hogan, of Elmwood, was in Winder Tuesday. Mrs. \V. W. Hinton is visiting relatives in Commerce. Miss bailie Seay is with relatives in Bogart for a few weeks. Miss Edith Mayfield is visiting friends in the Carolinas this week. Mr. Joe Quillian. of Carrollton,is visiting friends in the city this week. Mr. .J. Auhie Williams, of Atlan ta, was in Winder Saturday on lousiness. Mrs. W. E Young, wife of the Shingle Man, was in Atlanta Fri day shopping. Miss Ella. Meadows,of Gainesville, *is ffie guest of Mrs. W. B. .Johnson on Broad street. Mr. and Mrs F. E. Weatherly spent Sunday in Bra si It on with friends and relatives. v Mr. Malcom Stanton spent several days last week with his sister, Mrs. It. L. .Johnson, at McDonough. Misses Ora Lee and Pauline Camp have as their guest lhi- week Miss Nellie Lon Hamby, of Atlanta. Miss Sarah Lou and Richard Henry Tuck are the guests of rela tives in Lexington and Crawford The friends of Mrs. I'. A. May nard will be sorry to learn she is confined to her room with sickness. Miss Myrtle Williams and Mr- Alton Williams were the guests of their sister, Mrs. K. 1). Moore, last week- Lawrenct v.lle (.amp meeting is in progress and a number of Winder ites will be in attendance, a large crowd going over Sunday. A number of young people were delightfully entertained Monday evening by Miss Reba Whitehead at her home on Candler street . Miss Ina and Master Chester Moore were the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Williams, of Athens, last Sunday. Misses Annie Thomas and Blanche Smith left Monday for Watkinsvilie, where they will spend several days with relatives and friends. _• Mrs. W. J Bussell, of Winder, eame lip Monday to visit her father, Senator Day, and family. Mrs. Russell was in" the wreck Monday afternoon and while not seriously, was painfully injured. As Miss Addle Day, Mrs. Russell, was one of our most popular young ladies. — Pickens County Progress. SOCIAL. LOCAL AND PERSONAL PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS AND ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. HOW LONG? That's the question ! It’s not the first cost of painting your house— hut how long will it last? If yours last 1 years and your neighbors lasts but 2 years,vours is chaeper by half. Consider the durability of our paint —its staying quality, its lasting color, etc. Better pay a tritie more and save half ’ll the end. Miss Mary Russell, who has been in Franklin, N- C., has returned home. Miss Ethel Watkins, of Atlanta, is the guest this week of Rev. and Mrs. Hunnicutt. Miss Emma Moore has returned home after a pleasant visit in Athens and Comer. Mrs. A. B. Williams, of Gridin, was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. R. I). Moore, last week. Mrs. I). P. Camp has returned home, after spending several weeks in Chattanooga with relatives. Mr. Thus. A- Robinson is now among Winder's auto owners, pur chasing a Ford ear last week. Mrs. SalHe Knott, of Apalachee, Ga., is visiting her brother, Messrs. S. P and Robert Smith, her*' this week. Mr.-. -Tames A. Mobley and two little hoys are the guests of Mrs- S. P. Smith and family on Athens street. J. \V Canaday of near Nicholson, was in Winder this week visiting friends and relatives. He reports good crops in his section. Miss Bessie Brightwell, of Knox ville, and Miss Georgia Boswell, of Springfield, are the admired guests of Misses Ruby and Ruth Carithers. A beautiful catalogue for the Winder Public schools lias just been issued. Those interested can get a copy by calling at (• \\ . DeLa perriere’s Drug store. — ■ ■ • ' A Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Turner at tended camp meeting at Indian Springs Sunday. Mrs. Turner is spending some time with her par ents at Jackson, Ga. Miss Mary Mendelhall and Mrs. V. A. Clifton, ot Athens, returned to their home Tuesday after a very pleasant visit to their sister, Mrs. If. A. Caritners, on Broad St. Walter Smith and his sister, Miss Louis, who for the past seven months has been attending school here, son and daughter of Mr. J.H. Smith, of Varnon, Tex., have re* turned to their home in Texas. Their grandmother, Mrs. Callie Millsaps, accompanied them for a visit. Rev. J. S. Settle was in Winder for a short while this week. Rev. Settle has been conducting revival services at Elienezer, Mt. \ ernon and Lilburn. Seventy-five converts have been added to tlm church rw ter under his preaching during the past few weeks. IP left Monday for Bethel, where he will conduct services. Miss Gussie'O'Neal is spending a few days in Norcross. Miss Starr Blasingame will have two visitors next week. Mr. Earl Kimball is expected home to spend the week end. The well-known Clarendon Coun terpane for £1 2”> at J. L. Saul s. Miss Kathleene Coker expects three young ladies to visit her next week, from Conyers. We have just received a ear load of nails. See us before buying. Smith Hardware Company. Have you seen these good Mow ers and Rakes at Smith Hardware Company? They are the l>est. Mrs. Rainey, wife of Rev. II N Rainey, of Mulberry, who lias l>een quite ill for the past week, is much improved. Misses Nellie Lou Hamby and Desma Pentecost are spending the week with Misses Ora Lee and Pau line Camp. Miss Ada Hancock, after an ex tended visit to her sister, Mrs. Tay lor McClelland, in Montgomery,has returned home much improved. Mr. and Mrs. E. (,’. McDonald left Tuesday for Norfolk, Washing ton, New York and other eastern points. They will return in about ten days. Dr. W. L. T)eLaperriere has pur chased the cottage on CandEr street owned and occupied by Mr. J. L. Lanier, who movi s to Ilawkinsville in October. Mr. Andrew Thomas, the genial assistant cashier at Smith A ('anth ers hank, lias been indisposed for several days this week. Ilia friends hope to see him at Ins post again soon- Prof. F. J. Robeson, superinten dent of Winder public schools, is in Asheville, X. at the bedside of his brother, Mr. 0- C. Robeson, who is critically ill and not expected to live. Rev J. B Thrasher, of Savannah, Ga., will preachat the Methodist church next Sunday, both morning and evening. Rev. Thrasher is the son-in-law of Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Quillian. Mr. Ed Griffeth and daughters, Misses Bessie, Lueileand Katherine Griffeth left last week for Adairs ville to attend the family reunion at the home of his sister, Mrs. M- A. Cunningham. They will return Friday. Messrs. H. (L Hill, J. -J. Wilson, Claude Mayne, George Woodruff and C. O. Nihlaek went down to Atlanta Wednesday to the annual convention of the Fifth District Masons in session in that city. Carl and Julian say the moving pictures are tine down there. Mrs. J. C. DeLapcrriere enter tained her Sunday school class and a few of her little friends at a picnic Tuesday afternoon at Park Place. Many interesting games were played, after which a tempting lunch was served l>y Mrs. DeLapcrriere. All reported a good time. Dr. and Mrs. H P. Quillian are expecting a family reunion the last |of this week. They hope to have | with them Rev. J. IT Thrasher and family, of Savannah; I)r. K- P. Quillian and family, of Valdosta; Mr B.K. Thrasher, Jr.,and family ; of Atlanta; Dr. B. 0. Quillian, of Macon, and Mr. W. C. Quillian, of Atlanta • Miss Marie Smith will enter Bn nau college in September. Mrs. R. L. Rodgers and children left Wednesday for Latta, S. C- Miss Dora Wilhite, of Atlanta, is the guest of relatives and friends in Winder. Mrs. W. E. Merck and children are visiting in Gainesville this wet > k. Mr. Earnest Osburn, of Augusta, is the guest of Mr. Duncan Johnson this week Don't forget about Smith Hard ware Company selling Mowing Ma chine Repairs. Set' our display of low cut shoes at prices below market cost. E. Lloyd Thomas. Mrs. A- C. Perry, of Bethlehem, is the guest of her son, Mr. A. C. Perry, on Broad street. . John W. Gregory Jr., of S. C., spent several days of this week with his brother, C. C. Gregory. Miss Ladye Breedlove, of Monroe, is expected over Friday to visit the Misses Carithers fora few days. Mr. aud Mrs. N B Lord are the happy parents of a little hoy who arrived at their home last Friday. We are receiving new goods daily. Don’t fail to get prices and save money on your purchase. F. Floyd Thomas. Om* case of 82.0 ) IDd Spreads, 10 I and 11-1, will he put on sale for the next ten days for 81 2-5. J L. Saul. Messrs. P. A. Flanigan and J. B. Williams will leave Saturday for a business trip to New York and Baltimore. Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars. Thousands of Fruit Jars at Smith Hardware Company- Lost —Somewhere on tho stn-ets in Winder Wednesday morning Fountain Pen, gold band. Return to Mrs. /. F. Stanton and receive reward. _ Miss Cal lie Wilhite, of Atlanta, is visiting among friends in and around Winder, this week. Miss Wilhite is being warmly welcomed back to her old home. Messrs. (L W. Smith, Homer Smith, II (1. Hill, Joe Hill, Mac Potts, Fritz Potts and others left in automobiles Thursday morning for Oglethorpe county on a fishing trip. Mr. J. W. Westbrook, the effi cient assistant postmaster at this place, is up in Cherokee visiting relatives, and Cnele .Job and Emory barber are having the time of their lives these hot days. fust to convince the editor that he meant what he said when In stated io The News that he could raise as fine vegetable down here as ever grew in Lumpkin, .J. W. Mar low, of Route 21, presented us this week with on-' of the finest cabbage we ever tasted. Mr. Hirschberg, a representative of my tailors, Edward E. Straus A Cos., of Chicago, will he here Fri day and Saturday, August P> and 1 1, with a full line of latest samples for fall lbO'C Your inspection of the line will lx appreciated whether you buy or not. The workmanship, quality and prices are guaranteed by them and hacked by my per sonal guarantee. J. L. Saul. Mr. W. B. Suddath is on the a ick list this week. Mrs. Luther McGee, is at homo with her mother, Mrs Foy for the I week. Misses Annie and Clyde Patman, of Athens, are the guests of Mr. W. ; L. Bush and family. There will be an all day singing at Omer church Sunday. Every body invited. We learn that Mrs. H. N. Rainey Jr., has about recovered from her recent illness. The many friends of Nick Rainey will lie glad to know thatjhe posseses among his most ex cellent traits the qualifications of a first-class nurse. Mrs. Nellie Smith, the pretty and efficient milliner who presides over the Harry Hodges parlors, left Sat urday for Cincinnati, where she will study the styles for the approaching season. Later she will join Mr. Hodges in New York and assist him purchasing his millinery stock of goods. It is not often the lot o? one lady to he able to accept two good paying positions in the same hour, but that is just what happened here la<t week A special delivery let ter was handed Miss leie Smith notifying her of her selection to teach in Statham this fall- She accepted. Then she was handed another letter tendering her a posi tion at Yellow River school house, Gwinnett county- She accepted. However the terms do not conflict. NOTICE. A horse and Echols top buomy f, ,r salc cheap. Over stocked and must sell. Ap ply at Turner’s Pharmacy, Winder, Ga. Commuted Suicide by not taking care of the body while not at work. To avoid this get some of t hose good No. I National Bed Springs and Hammocks. Prices cheap, at W. T. Robinson’s. “Does the ‘anti-straddle’ states man at Atlanta not know that Joan of Are rode her horse man-fashion? and she has now lieen sainted. Lady Godiva also rode that way and she has lieeome famous in English literature for her beauty, goodness of heart and purity, says the Savannad News. W hat should the ‘‘statesman” in question know about Joan of Are and Lady God iva. We should not he surprised if he did not swear out a warrant against them on the News infor mation. —Macon News. More Accurate. The pastor and his wife had called upon a member of the congregation, a widow with a small hut exceedingly lively boy. and were on their way home. “Well,” said the preacher, “she seems to be a very intelligent woman anyhow.” “Yes.” “And very positive In expressing her opinions.” "On the contrary,” said his wife, “she struck me as being strongly negative.” “Negative? How?” “Everything she said to her little boy began with a ‘Don’t, Johnny!’”— Exchange. Ethics and Morality. If a woman’s husband has been silly enough to take more wine than is good for him, morality would lead her to send him to bed. Ethics would lead her to send him to Coventry. And ethology would probably lead her to send him to a penal settlement for in ebriates. If a man’s wife throws a teapot at him (as happened recently in the aris tocratic neighborhood in which 1 livo> morality would lead him to go out of the house for an hour or so ar.d give her uerves a chance. Ethics would probably induce him to go out of the town and write to her from a garden city that their temperaments were in compatible. What ethology would make him do I hardly dare to think.— Chester**’* in Illustrated louden News.