Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 19, 1909, Image 7

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NEW IMPROVED DAIN MOWER. • ' I v'- u. v 4 ----- ■ *'' ' ■'■' • ,r *. " ’** - /_■ '■* ' ■,.- * - <£>• We handle the best and latest improved Mower on the market. We sell it at a reasonable price. It is not made by the TRUST. We sell you a Mower for $50.00, a good Rake for $20.00. This is a saving of five to nine dol lars for you. This machine is guaranteed to be equal to any ma chine on the the market. It is equipped with brass bush ings and in every respect a first-class machine. We are here to save you five to nine dollars on each machine, also to keep up competition so that the Trust will not run the price any higher. Call and see us and ex amine the machine. Yours for business, WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WINDER, - GEORGIA. Just think wat it means to have plenty of Hay. And think again what it is to have the best Mowing Machine made. We can sell you either the McCor mick or New Dehring Vertical Lift Mower, with a 26-tcoth self-dump Rake, and you have the BEST MADE. Don’t fail to see us before buying. SMITH HARDWARE GO., * WINDER, GEORGIA. I carry in stock everything that it takes to build a house and the prices are right. W. E. YOUNG, The Shingle Man. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. RUSSELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winder, Ga. Office over Smith dr Caritlmrs’ Bank. Practice in State and U. S. Courts. J. F. HOLMES, ATTORNKY-AT-LA W , Statlmm, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty. W. H. QU ARTE KM AN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. L. DkLaPERRIERK DENTAL SITROEUY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winded - - - Gkokuia Offices over Smith it Oarithers hank. All work done satisfac tori lv. Phone SI. DR. S. T. ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Winder, G*t. Offices over First National Rank. EDMOND K. SAXON, M. 1). WINDER, (.A. Office over Turner’s Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone ID). Attend all calls day or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BKTHLKHKM, OA. General Practice. Telephone. ARDEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work an d promptly. Office on Candler St., VV'inder Ga AIL WRONG. The Mistakes Is Made Ly Many Winder Citizens. Don’t mistake the cause of b.i knche. To be cured you must know the can-*. It is wrong to imagin'* relief i cure. Hue' adm is kidney aclu*. • V’mi must cure the kidneys. A Winder resident tells you how. Mrs. .f. T. Rr.tV, Factory Hill. Winder, Ga.. says: ‘‘As a result of disordered kidneys, I suttered considerable from a tain urn! lameness in my back. I felt tired and languid most of the time and the slightest exertion exhausted me. The kidney secretions were too frequent in passage and added greatly to my annoyance. After trying a numb r of remedies and finding no benefit, I had tin* good fortune to read of Don n’t Kulnev kills, and believing that they might prove beneficial, procured a box at Turner's Pharmacy. I felt much better when l had taken the contents of this box and 1 continued using them until I re ceived entire relief. ’’ For sale bv all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster *Mllhurn Cos.. Buffalo, New York, side agents for the l nited States. Rememb r the name —Doan's — and take no other. THE RIDGE. After an absence of some weeks we conic again.. We've been <>if visiting up near White Sulphcr Springs and taking in big meeting; went to camp meeting some, heard Rev. llunnicutt preach some able sermons, met up with your fellow townsinon, J. ()• Lay, out in those hills and hollows. He seemed easy and at home. Would have written while up there, hut were visiting our mother in-law, and you know you have to keep quiet when she’s around. Just want to say that Hall county has some of the U*st roads we ever traveled in Georgia and some of the finest corn we ever saw grow. Nearly every man in our section went to court at Jefferson first of j last week to hear the Boyd-Booth j trial. Mr. J. H. Robinson and family, accompanied by Jim Hogan, has gone on a two weeks’ visit to NaicoocEe.* valley. Mr. Rat Boon, of Atlanta, is preparing to elect a ten-room dwell ing on his farm here at The Rige. People are talking of changing around some already. It’s move, move, move every year. Mr. Bill Allen has sold his farm to Mr. Harvc Gooch for per acre. Mr. and Mrs. Love Whitehead are visiting Mrs. M. A. Wood, near (ialilee-' The Ridge and County Line were to have played ball last Thursday, hut County Line never showd up. They arc afraid of Joe Wood’s kick ing delivery. Hbciiezor '■•(•liool is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Es.-ie Crook. We were hank ing very much on an exhibition this summer, but some of the trustees had to “buck” tip and act big “Johnie-on the-Spot" and cut it all out. Hope they won’t never get to go to another exhibition. 11 s so. Longview and The Ridge crossed hits Friday. The score stood oto 2 in favor of The Ridge Nuff Sed. The longer ago a woman was born, the easier she caa remember to forget when it was. LONGVIEW. Mr. .1. O. Nunn, who has been visiting at Alto, lias returned home. Tin ice cream festival at Mr. J. M. Mosely's Thursday evening was enjoyed by all present. Mi." Lifie Steward, of near Gainesville, visited MG- •' Cora an 1 Kffie R dney last week. Mi. F.stes Gaddis and wife, of Oglethorpe county, visited C. T. Gaddis and family recently. Mr. M. T. McDottgald spent the week-end with his sister in Athens. Mrs. N. C. McDotigald is serious ly ill at this writing. \\ < hope for a speedy recovery. Mrs. Mellie Jackson and son, Worth, spent the week-end with relateves at 1 >ry Pond. Mr- J- R. Annually an 1 sister, Miss Frank, of Bogart, visited their sister, Mrs. X. C. McD.mgald, Sat urday and Sunday. Longview Odd Fellows were well represented at County Line Friday night. Longview and Kim wood crossed bats Friday. Score (5 to 3in favor of Longview. Mr. Cyrus Hogan and Miss Alma Durham attended preaching at Rockwell Sunday. Mr. Reuben Carlisle made a trip to Hoschton Saturday. Mr. S. ('. Wilburn and son vis ited Mulberry Saturday. Mr. J. P. Rainey mad * a business trip to Winder Saturday. Mr. R. A. Watson and daughter, Miss Jenie, attended preaching at Bellmont last week. Mrnnr.F. Bi stkk. Editor Tom Gamble sizes it up this way: The Georgia Leislature lias taxed the yellow dog and lots of other small tilings, but it has signally failed to tackle inheritances and incomes. Even in Georgia the poor man frequently gets the tarred end of the taxation stick. Albany Herald: A broken prom ise is a hard thing to repair. Hawkensville Dispatch: Tin Tifton Gazette puts it “The Lynch ing of McLendon.” Wo don’t think it was quite that bad, however, but what they did fur him was a shame ful plenty. swirowcuHiuwfHroatiMai corthhlilss Wouldn’t it be a satisfaction to you to have a roof oo your property that was absolutely permanent; rather than to lay a slate, or wooden shingle roof, or any of the others which are at best only tempor ary, and always needing repairs) That is never necessary with Cortright Metal Shingles If you lay a Cortright Roof you needn’t think of how soon you'll he repairing, or how soon you'll he re-roofing, for Cort right Metal Shingles outlast the building without repairs, always remain water tight, defying wind, snow and lightning. If you are about to spend your money in roofing, post yourself first about the different forma by readiag our hook, Con cerning That Roof,* and let us show you samples. LEATHERS & EAVENSON WINDER. GA.