Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 26, 1909, Image 3

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NEW IMPROVED DAIN MOWER. * ... pMi M J ■ • ■ ; '' £ „J . s ’rsvV^> si ' -V ■ f$ n W: t . - .v<'-VV--• ' r£~* **!%%• V*.‘ \—■• ' % ’: / N ' ti JV. \■.k y 4p? f , A t*'’ i ’ - • - ’ • . ■• 4 - •* f ••", \ • ?.*. • n Iff i ' -* *> We handle the best and latest improved Mower on the market. We sell it at a reasonable price. It is not made by the TRUST. We sell you a Mower for $50.00, a good Rake for $20.00. This is a saving of five to nine dol lars for you. This machine is guaranteed to be equal to any ma > chine on the the market. It is equipped with brass bush ings and in every respect a first-class machine. We are here to save you five to nine dollars on each machine, also to keep up competition so that the Trust will not run the price any higher. Call and see us and ex amine the machine. Yours for business, WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WINDER, - GEORGIA. Just think what it means to ft have plenty of Hav. & J j Vlachine oiodo. v We can sell you either the McCor mick or New Defiring' Vertical Lift ■ Mower, with a 26-tcoth self-dump Rake, and you have the REST MADE. Don’t fail to see us before buying. SMITH HARDWARE CO., / WINDER, GEORGIA. I carry in stock everything that it takes to build a house and the prices are right. W. E. YOUNG, | The Shingle Man. | PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. RUSSELL. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Rank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winder, Ga. Cilice over Smith & Caritlnrs’ Bank Prnetic- in State and L. S Courts. J. F. HOLMES, ATTORN EY-AT-LA W, Statbam, Ga. Criminal end Connneii ial Law a Specialtv. W, H.GOAFTERMAN Attorney at law Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. \V. L. D eLa PE INHERE DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia • Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most, scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. SPUROKOX WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder - - - Georgia Offices over Smith tfe Carithers ' bank. All work done satisfac torily, Phone >l. DR. S. T. ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Winder, O i, Offices over First National Bank. EDMOND F. SAXON, M. D. WINDER, GA. Office ov-r Turner’s Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone 110. Attend all calls day or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BETHLEHEM,GA. General Practice. Telephone. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work do au promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga, ALL WRONG. The Mistakes Is Made by Many Winder Citizens. Don’t mistake the cause of backache. To be cured you must know the cause. It is wrong to imagine relief is< cure. Backache is kidney ache. You must cure the kidneys. A Winder resident tells you how. * Mrs. J. T. Ruff, Factory Hill, Winder, Ga., says: ‘‘As a result of disordered kidneys, I suffered considerable from a pain and lameness in mv back. I felt tired and languid most of the time ami the slightest exertion exhausted me. The kidney secretions were too frequent in passage and added greatly to my annoyance. After trying a numb r of remedies and finding no benefit, I had the good fortune to read of Doan’t Kidney Pills, and believing that they might prove beneficial, procured a box at Turner’s Pharmacy. 1 felt much better when I had taken the contents of this box and I continued using them until I re ceived entire relief.’’ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. ROUSING HER SUSPICIONS. The young man from the country sat looking amazedly about him at the splendid coiffures of the women and girls about the room, savs the Now York Press. “Marvelous!” he said softly to the girl next to him. “I new r saw anything like h. Your hair now. Wonderful! Wonderful! The girls in the country don’t grow su h: A as that.. 1 wonder why.” SI e put her hand quickly up f > her hair, then rose sudd< nly, “P;.r<lon me a minute,” she ini - pio red and, eros-ong the room, stood by a girl friend in the light of a single candle. ‘"Take a look at my pompadour,” : h ■ whi.-'p red, ‘'and sec if the pad ding shows.” “No,” returned the friend when she had looked. “Why?” “X thing,” said the girl, “only that young man from the country was so fawning!y coinpiiinentary of my abundance <1 locks it. made un suspicious.: ; • KG KEY RIDGE. Luther McDonald has returned home after a week's visit to relatives at Fayette, Ala. ( '. L. Sims and family -pent Sun day wit’ii the, frmily of Mrs. Gallic Hoseli. Hull Harrison antf family were the guests of R. 11. Whitehead and family Sunday. Willie Hoseh has returned home after several day’s visit to relatives at Buford. Miss Eddie Perkins, of Bethlehem, spent Saturday and Sunday with Miss ()ra Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. .J. H. Clack spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. House at Central- Mr. and Mrs. Wade Lackey, of Paradise, visited relatives here Sun day. Mr. Harvey DeLay and family, of Paradise, were recent guests of the family of Maynard Holloway. Messrs. Hardie Hosch and Jim Williams visited Monroe Monday. Mrs. Did Halloway is visiting rel* atives at Paradise this week. M. M. C. HOSCHTON. Lat Week’s Locals. Don’t use a pointed paragraph unless its original. Scribbler will point it out. Mi 96 Esther Hosch, Miss Newell Darby and Miss Lena Thompson returned from Gainesville Tuesday. Misses Emma and Lena Hayes,of County Line, were visiting in town recently. Rev. Brooks, of Milton county, has been carrying on a series of meetings at the Congregational church here. Miss Anna Finly Ponder of Gaines ville is visiting Miss Lena Thomp son this week. Misses Irene and Essie Daniel, of near Winder, were recent guests of Miss Bertha Sell. Mr. Henry Moss, of King’s Moun tain, N. C., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Moss. Miss Blanche Bird, of Oxford, is the guest of Miss Myrt Park. R. L. Frick and wife are visiting in Franklin county. Scribbler has turned critic. You must be sure it is original. Mr. Piggie Ward, of Crawford, Ga-, has moved to our town. Wel come, Piggie. Mr. Reynold Jackson is chief cook and bottle washer now. He is with the Huschton Bottling Works. B. F. Clack returned Monday after spending a week in North C; r olina. M’ssColena Darby, after spending a week in Gainesville,returned home Monday. C. M. Hudgins and W. J. Ran d >lph are in New York. Everybody ought to he getting good. Revivals in and all around town now. HOME. A map \s home should beon the hill top of cheerfulness and serenity, so high that no shadows rest upon it, and when- the morning comes so early and the evening tarriis so late, that the day lias twice ns many golden hours as those of other men. He is to he pitied whose home is in some valley of grief between the hills, with the longest night an 1 the shortest day. Horne should be the center of joy, equatorial and tropical. —Exchang" IN A DILEMMA. “A necklace of diamonds has been stolen from me!” said Mrs. Bumrox Aren't you going to notify the police?’ ’ “I don’t know what to do. It does seem rather classy to lie robbed of jewelry, and yet 1 bate to have people think that I’d ever miss a little thing like a necklace.” — Washington Star. A ROSY OUTLOOK. “How’s prospects?” “Fine,” answered the druggist. “I’ve been open a week now. My telephone has been busv every day and my new directory is pretty well thumbed. Six loafers have estab lished headquarters with rne, [ex pect somebody who wants to buy something will happen in before long. ’ ’ Lor Sale. One small farm near Winder; well improved; on R. F. D. route and telephone line. Plenty of run ning water. Terms to suit pur* chaser. Address P. O. Box 22, Winder, Ga. There’s a heap owed to a good wo- * man in the next world for what she never gets in this.