Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 26, 1909, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday Evening }{(ms Ilros. Editors and Proprietors KiitereU at the I’ostoffiee at Winder, Ga., as Second Class Mail Matter. Thursday, August 26, 1909. Even Jefferson is to have a sewer system, while Winder languishes ltehind. Winder owes it to her trade to immediately erect a public comfort building or build sewers. In one respect most any old town leads W inder. Call at this office and we will put you next. What’s the matter with a Tri-Coun ty fail at Winder? There are some good potties here, and plenty lovers of good horse flesh in this section. It is said that a few first-class funerals are sometimes good for a town, but sewers for this one would he better, and possibly save fun erals. A booze negro ran amuck in Monroe, La., Tuesday, and before lie was killed wounded 27 persons. His body was burned in the streets of the town. We learn that the city council has under advisement immediately installing a sewer in broad street, and will levy a special tax to pay for same. Now howl. After having her case pronounced pellegra, caused from eating corn bread, an Atlanta woman quietly informed her physician that she had not tasted eornbread in thirty years. Another American heiress is soon to he sold to hroken-dowu English aristocracy. This time Emperor Joseph arranged the sale, and the brother of the victim will hand her over. between 200 and 1100 persons, mostly women and children, perish ed Tuesday when the Argentine steamer Columbia and a German steamer met in collision at the mouth of the harlmr at Montevideo, Uruquay. Col. Georage Bell has been ap pointed by Governor Brown to the judgeship of the newly-created su perior court of the Atlanta circuit Colonel Bell is a native of Cum-1 ing, Forsyth county, Georgia, and a son of th<‘ late Hiram I*. Bell. Mr. E I*. Hardigree informs us that off of less than a half acre of ground he has gathered and sold sll .Jl of watermelons this season, lasides having a bounteous plenty for himself and friends. He says one “long gooddy” done him for two bits, but lu* hopes he en joyed the melons. Madame Carnello Zeggio, daugh ter of Mrs. Charles Robinson, of New York, who some years ago bought entre into Italian court circles, gave a reception Monday in Lenox, Mass., in honor of her SS,(XX) Marmoset monkey, which she has housed in a $5,000 gold cage. It is said that the fashion able set from a dozen cities called to pay court to his highness. The monkey seemed bored with his evoluted apes. John Harper, who has been sen tenced three times for the murder of Sheriff Keith of Murray county, says that he is converted and will preach if freed, but the people arc in no need of such preachers, and it seems now that l>e will have to go the hemp route —Pahloncga Nug get. Lying dead in a branch, on the Mercer Jackson place, near Russell, | the Itody of Adah Moore was found ! Sunday morning. Moore was an old man and chopped wood around town for a livelihood. The coroner held an inquest over the body Sun day evening, and reached the con clusion that Moore came to his death as the result of a fall from a hill to the branch ltelotv, where his body was found. It is said that for several days ho had been tanked up on Winder blind tiger whiskey, washed down by Jackson county near lieei. Friday night he left his home and wondered away, lie was seen the last time alive Friday night. His Itody was buried in the cemetery here Monday. 10 GIVE BOGGY AWAY. The News takes pleasure in call ing the attention of its readers at all times to Winder’s energetic and progressive merchants. On August 12th, we published a list of pre miums offered in the Ninth Congres sinal District Agricultural disblay to occur in the fall. Among the prizes offered is one by Mr. R. L. Rogers, of this city. In conjunction with the Rock Hill Buggy Company, Rock Hill, S Mr. Rogers will give to the farmer in Jackson county exhibiting five stalks of cotton bearing the largest number of bolls, a handsome Rock Hill buggy. The farmers of Jackson should interest themselves in this hand some prize, which cost such small effort on their part. Read Mr Rogers’ au in another column. SOME fINE CORN. Monday morning we were in vited by Uncle Wiley Bush to go look at a patch of corn he had been experimenting with. Mr. Bush designated it as Bush’s Improved Fowler Corn. He showed us several hills containing eight or nine stalks on which there were a dozen ears of corn- Mr. Rush tells us that he only planted one grain to the hill. That's a bad Dollar That finds its way into a mer chant’s till, at the risk of a custo mer’s satisfaction. We don’t want such a dollar — wouldn’t even think of accepting it There’s a mutual advantage to this business of ours. We sell you fur niture so genuinely good, so really and truly worth what it cost, that to purchase it is like putting the money out at interest. Here is an invitation to every reader of this ad. to inspect our stock to their heart’s content. Our time is at your disposal. Glad of the chance to acquaint you with the merits of what we sell. Again we thank you. W. T. Robinson. A young man of Hall county had been engaged to a lady of Dah lonega for a long time. But re cently the lady’s religion whs re newed and because her intended husband wouldn’t agree to pi ay four hours a day the engagement was broken. The fellow said that he couldn’t devote that much time in prayer and make a living. We don’t blame him lx*cause tlu* Lord wouldn’t want to be bored in such a manner no way. —Pahloncga Xug got. We wonder if a dog has the ra bies and bites someone, that tin fact that he has a dollar tag would prevent the hydrophobia. This is a great question which has lx-en bothering us for a long while. — Clarke County Courier. The Dawson News says that Tom Watson may lx- the father of thi rural free mail delivery, hut that Jim Griggs is its stepdaddy. QUARTERMAN & TOOLE THE REAL ESTATE MEN OFFER YOU Farm, 150 acres, 3 12 miles from Winder, at $26.00 per acre. Farm, 214 seres, 212 miles from Winder, at 37 50 per acre. Farm, 73 acres, at City limits. Winder, at 75. j 0 per acre. Farm, 40 acres, at Russell, Ga., at 55 00 per acre. Farm, 139 acres, 1 mile from Statham, at 40 00 per acre. Farm, 132 acres. 4 miles from Statham, at 30.00 per acre. Farm, 50 acres, in Statham, at 55.00 per aure. Eight farms on richest land in Georgia, Hancock county, at $15.00 tos2s.oo per acre. Small payments and liberal terms to buyers 5-room house and 200-foot lot 011 Wright street, together with 21-4 acres on Griffeth street, Winder, Ga., $2,750.00. New 5-room house on Broad street, Win der, Ga., $r,000.00. Other improved property and 40 vacant lots in various localities in Winder at reasonable prices and favorable terms. Buy NOW and make or save your profits on the rise soon to come. vSce ns for full particulars before these bargains are gone. Quarterman & Toole, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WINDER, GEORGIA. WOMAN’S MISSIONARY UNION Of Appalachee Association To Be Held in Monroe Sept. 9 and 10. The annual meeting of the Wo man’s Missionary Union of the Ap palaehee Association will be held with the Baptist church at Monroe, Ga., Sept. 9 and 10- An interest ing program has been prepared for the occasion beginning at 10 o’clock Thursday morning and continuing until Friday afternoon. We will have with us several prominent workers under the direc tion of the State Board,who will no doubt deliver profitable and inter esting addresses. Miss Amos, of Atlanta, secretary and treasurer of the W. M. U. of the state board, OI Tf fire AT REDUCED dUuuILo prices. I will sell my stock of Buggies in the Opera Eiouse at reduced prices up to the time of moving into my new warehouse. If you want a bargain in a Buggy, Surrey or Wagon, see my stock before I move. The premium Rock Hill Buggy given away by me and the Rock Hill Buggy Company, will be on exhibition at my new warehouse in a few davs. R. L. ROGERS, WINDER, GEORGIA. Mrs. F. C. Wallis, of Savannah, state organizer of the young ladies auxiliries sunbeam societies and royal ambassadors, and Mrs. Mary Gunter, state missionary of the W. M. U., will deliver addresses on subjects pertaining to our work. There will be several ladies of our association to take part in the pro gram- Pr. B. 1). Ragsdale will preach the missionary sermon Thursday night, September 9th, and the pub lis is invited to this service. Every church and missionary society in the association is expect ed to send two or more delegates. The number from each church or society is not limited. Let no one who can possibly attend this meet ing stay away because they were not elected by their church or society. Let the Baptist women of our association rally to this cause and attend this meeting, and we will have a glorious refreshing from our Heavenly Father, and a great i pet us will be given the wor.l in the bounds of our association. Pear sisters, let us come and make the meeting a grand success fur the glory of our blessed Master. One who has the cause at heart and is intensely in earnest. Your sistkT in Christ, Mrs. W. H. Prior. Superintendent of the W. M. U. of the Appalachee Association. We have forgotten just what the new Indianapolis speedway is called, but an appropriate name for it would be “The Death Trail,” or“A Shortcut to Destruction.” — City Journal.