Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 26, 1909, Image 5

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SOCIAL, LOCAL AND PERSONAL PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS AND ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Mr. W. E. Merck is visiting in Gainesville. Anything you want to soil will le bought by Farmers Supply Cos. Miss Willie Young, of Lilburn, is the guest of Miss Amina Settle this week. Miss Dora Wilhite, of Atlanta, was the guest a few clays this week of Mrs. W. 1.. Bush. Mrs. S. T. Ross and Miss Ada Hancock are visiting relatives in Jefferson this week Mrs. W. H Bush, accompanied by Miss Cleo Bush, are in Elberton, the guests of relatives. Mrs. W. T. Ilamby, of Atlanta, i.- the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitehead. Fruit Jars, Fruit Jars and bruit Jars —pints to half gallons. ( heap as dirt at Cooper W Thomas’. Farmers Supply Cos. will deliver anything you want in groceries at once. Try and bo convinced. Misses Frances Henly and Ida Dorsey, of Athens, are to spend the week-end with Mrs. 11. E. Ed \va rd s • Miss Fay Cunningham, of rear Rome, arrived Wednesday for a few days’ visit to Mr. and Mrs. 11. P. Stanton. Dont forget to bring your eggs and chickens to Farmers Supply Cos. The highest price paid for country produce. Mrs. John Maynard and little daughter, Camille, have returned home after a pleasant visit to Anniston, Ala. The Traveling House party was entertained at a '‘42” party last Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Tavie Mathews. Miss Annie and .Clyde Patman, after a visit of several days to relatives here, have returned to their home in Athens. Miss fjois (4 rim wood, of Statham, Ga., after spending several days in Gainesville visiting friends, is now the guest fora few days of little Miss Sarah Hayes. Prof. E. J. Robeson retuned Fri day from Asheville, N. C., where he was called by the death of his brother. O. C. Robeson, of Martin, Tex. Ossie Rolieson attended Emory college, and has a large circle of friends in the state. Mr. J. E. Downing and wife, of Augusta, were the guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. O'Neal. Jack Downing will be remembered as the engineer who handled the throttle when the strikers and sym pathizers on the Georgia road raised a rough house at Lithonia during the recent strike. During the me lee he was hit with a rock. An enjoyable party of last week was that given by Miss Martha Belle McCants in honor of Miss Mai Audri Chandler, the guest of Mrs. T. A. Maynard. Bunco and other games were played on the spacious veranda and on the cool, shady lawn, after which cream and cake and mel ons were served. The young hos tess was assisted in serving by her mother, Mrs. W. B McCants. All report a jolly good time. Mr. McLain, of Athens, was here Sunday. Rev. S. W. Arnold is in Monroe this week. Mr. Roliert Cheatham, of Gaines ville, visited friends here Sunday. Miss Meta Duke, of Atlanta, is the guest of 1 datives here this week. Miss Parmelia Spencer, of East Point, is the guest of Mrs. Strange. Highest price paid for chickens and eggs. See Framers Supply Go. —— --- - ✓ Mrs. Oscar Dabney’and children, of Atlanta,are the guests of relatives here. Boarders —Wanted two schoo] boys to board. Apply at this office. Messrs. Holland Collier and John GrifTeth, of Athens, were in our city Sunday. A wading party was greatly en joyed by the house party girls Thursday morning. Lest you forget! We say it yet! ! We have fruit Jars for you. Smith Hardware Company. Mr. E. M. Osborn, wife, son and daughter, of Augusta, are the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. 1). Kesler. Miss Nellie lam Hamby returned to her home in Atlanta Tuesday, after a pleasant visit with the Misses Camps. _____ Miss Marie Smith entertained de lightfully Friday evening in honor of Misses Eollie lilasingame and Bertha Street. Interesting games were played, after which ices were served. u ~A~jolly party enjoyed a kodak outing Tuesday afternoon consist ing of the following people: Misses Ora Lee and Pauline Camp, Tavie Mathews, and Maggie Belle Arnold, Messrs. Ross Holsenbeck, Braswell, and Craig. Miss Starr Blasingame entertain ed delightfully Thursday evening at a snend-the-night party in honor of Miss Lollie Belle Blasingame, of Jersey,and Miss Bertha Mae Street, of Conyers. Several young men were invited up to play games from nine to twelve. Wednesday night a negro entered the home of Mr. J. B. Williams and stole his pocked book contain ing $30.50 from his pants pocket. Thursday morning Gus Martin bought a pistol, paying for same with a bill which tallied with the one stolen from Williams. He im mediately left on the train. The conductor arrested Martin, but he escaped at Hoschton. Chief Cope land, accompanied by Harry Segars and liis blood bounds, left imme diately for Hoschtown in an auto mobile to take up the trail. An enjoyable affair of last week among the children was the meet ing of the Sewing Club on the lawn a', the Way hotel, with little Miss Lena Jones as hostess. The in teresting game of “charade' was played, after which the children enjoyed a watermelon cutting. Among those present were Misses Louise Strange, Lida Dell Betts, Mary Louise Johns, Ethel Nowell, Nell McCants, Cornelia Mitchell, Bulah Ferguson, Charlotte MoCants, Freda Durst, Alton Young and Lena Jones- VALUES FROM THE EAST! ON FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 27, And lasting until the following Saturday night, I will put on sale 128 dozen Rever sible Silk Ties which have just arrived direiff from the East AT A CHOICE OF 15 CENTS. They are all made in the latest shapes and nobbiest colors New York affords. None in the lot worth less than 25c, most of them 50c sellers. I will sell no more than one dozen to one customer and 110 less than one Tie. J. L. SAUL, The Clothier. Preaching at the Baptist church next. Sunday Everylxulv invited. Cane Mills, Syrup Bans and Furnaces at Smith Hardware Com pany. Mrs. L. M. Mayne, of Atlanta, was the guest this week of Mrs. Arch Perry. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Dillard were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Arch Perry. Brgihten up! Brighten up! ! do it with paints from Smith Hard ware Company. Miss Maggie Bell Arnold is visit ing her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Arnold. Protracted meeting will begin at Cedar Creek next Sunday. Rev. S. P. Higgins will be in charge. Miss Susie Lou Jennings, who is teaching school at Maddox’s Acad emy, spent Sunday with Mrs. Arch Perry. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wright, of Mt. Vernon, Walton county, are visiting friends and relatives in the city. Mr. Wright now travels in his new automobile. Attention dinners J We want to sell you some Carbon Rubber Belt ing. You know its value. We also carry Leather Beit in stock. Smith Hardware Company. Colonel Brown and wife and Misses Ware and Brand of Laivrenee ville passed through Winder lues day en route to Athens- They traveled in an automobile. All parties interested in Manders cemetery are requested to meet at the cemetery Wednesday, Septem ber 1, for the purpose of cleaning off and beautifying the grounds. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Cannon are in Winder today. The friends of Mr. Cannon will be glad to know he is about recovered from his recent illness. They leave to morrow for their country home near Covington. Smiling and looking happy, Mr. Harry Hodges blew in Wednesday morning from the eastern markets. He reports a successful trip lx>th from the standpoint of pleasure and business Mr. Hodges intimates that when bis purchases arrive he will be able to set all competitors a pace, Iwith in quality and price. Mr. J. 1.. Saul, one of our pro gressive and.energetie merchants, is having the interior of bis store room painted. Goods are arriving every day and his store lias taken on quite a change in the past few days. Joe is a hustler, and is well and favorably known here- With cot tun around 12c, we prophecy a big business fur him this fall. WANTED To board two school children; either two girls or two buys; private home. For particulars apply at this office- PORCH PARTY. The Traveling House party spent last Friday night with Miss Leila O’Neal and they were entertained in the evening with a lovely porch party. The home was decorated for the occasion with large stands of lillics and foliage. The tables were covered with beautiful real lace centerpieces, the work of the hostess. After many interesting games cream and cake wore served. Those present to enjoy Miss O’Neal’s hospitality were Misses Tavie Math ews, Annie Lou Jackson, Pauline Camp, Blanche Smith, Nellie Lou Hamby, Ora Lee Camp, Memphis' Smith, Ethel Jackson, Emma Ola Reed, Messrs. Fort son, Callahan, Pledger, Strange, Oliver, Williams, Mathews and Suddath. IN HONOR Of HOUSE PARIY. One of the most delightful enter tainments of last week was the par ty given Wednesday evening by Misses Ora Lee and Pauline Camp at their charming home on Broad street, in honor of the Traveling House party. The home was attractively decorated withj[vases of cut roses and ferns. The guests were delighted with several piano selections by Miss Hanhy.of Atlan ta, the attractive guest of the Misses Camp. At a late hour ic ■s,f*cakc and honlxms were served. Those present were: Misses Ethel Jackson, Leila O’Neal, Tavie Mathews, An nie la>u Jack son, N( Hie Lou Hamby, Audry Wills, Ora Lee and Pauline Camp, Messrs. Mathews, Fortson, Jackson,Pledger, Strange, Williams and Camp. IN HONOR OF VISITORS. Mrs. Walter Wood entertain'd delightfully Friday afternoon at a card party in honor of Misses Lollie Belle Blasingame, of Jersey; Bertha Mae Sheets, uf Conyers, and Kate Gresham, of Atlanta. The first prize, a lovely lx>x uf stationery, was awarded to Miss tiussio O’Neal, and the consolation, a silver tray was given tu Miss Reba \\ bitehead- At a late hour a delicious salad course and ices were served. She was assisted in entertaining by her daughter,Miss Florrie Wood. Those invited were Misses Lollie Belle Blasingame, Bertha Mae Street, Kate Gresham, Gussie O’Neal. Marie Smith, Ada Hancock, Reba Whitehead, Ruby Carithers, Ruth Carithers, Irene McWilliams and Kathlcene Cukor. MISS JACKSON ENTERTAINS. The attractive home of Miss Ethel Jackson was a scene of gayety last Tuesday evening when Miss Jackson entertained the Traveling House party. Many games were enjoyed and at a late hour delightful re freshments were served. Those present were Misses Tavie Mathews, Annie Lou Jackson, Nellie Lou Hamby,Leila O’Neal, Ora and Pau line Camp, Messrs. Hipp, Potts, Fortson, Jackson and Mathews. LAV\N PARTY. The Traveling House Parly was delightfully intertained last Thurs j day evening lv Miss Annie Lou Jackson. The parlors, halls and spacious verandas were adorned with tall stands of cut flowers and ferns. The punch Ixnvl in the hall, was ladened with foliage and was pri - sided over by Miss Mildred Jackson. Many jolly old fashioned games were enjoyed, after which delight ful sah’d course was served. Those present were Misses Ora and Pau line Camp, Leila O’Neal, Tavie Mathews, Ethel Jackson, Lona Se ga rs, Nellie Lou Hamh.v and Autrv Wills, Messrs. Hipp, Nowell, Jack son, Potts, Fortson, Downing, Wil liams and Pledger. LIIRLE POINTS of Superiority- Goods, Prices, Assortment. These three go hand in hand here ! and make this a pretty good place !to come for desirables in the house furnishing line. If one of those : points were missing, you would l>e sure to notice it. So would we, and we watch things so closely that right goods, fair prices, and complete as sortments answer “present” here all the time. Today is as good a time as any to look. It matters not what furni tu-e need you have in mind. You will find us able to deal with you to your complete satisfaction. COME! W. T. Robinson. DINNER LOR HOUSE PARTY. Miss Tavie Mathews gave a lx*- lightful dinner Sunday in honor of the Traveling House party at her pretty little home on Candlsr street Miss Mathews entertained her guest in her usual charming manner, and the dinner served was delightful. Among those present were Misses Ora Lee and Pauline Camp, Ethel Jackson, Leila O’Neal, Nellie Lou Hamby, Annie Jackson, Messrs. Holland Collier, John GrifTeth, of Athens, Bob Cheatham, of Gainesville, and George Fortson. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mary Dunn entertained quite a number of her little friends last Thursday evening from 5 to 7 o’clock. The porch was beautifully decorated with ferns and roses. After many pleasant games the lit tle folks were served with dainty refreshments. About twenty-five guests were present. All went away wishing her many happy birthdays. Farm for Sale. I will sell my home place, four milis from Winder, Ix4ween Beth lehem and Carl. This nice little farm contains 47 acres of fertile land- One house on the place. For terms, see S, J. Sharpton, Winder. Ga. It is said to lx? against the law now over in Alabama to even feel “in fine spirits.,’ —Madisonian.