Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 26, 1909, Image 7

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CHARLEY JOE The Laundryman Opera House Building , Behind Express Office . first-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices: Collars, I’c; Shirts, 10c; CutY?, 4c pir. All kinds of laundry neatly done. Will open for business May 1. INTELLIGENT SERVICE. POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock ' holders worth over a million dollars. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. The First National Bank of Winder Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. The New Policies OF TF'E FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PHILADEIPHU, PA. Are the in st up-to-date and com prehensive Life Insurance poli tic • of the day. Thirty days grace in paying pn- miums. Most advanced non-forfeiture feat lives. Highest values, highest divi dends, lowest premiums. For further information apply to F. W. BONDURANT, Manager. Also Agent for Fire, Accident Causualty and Bond Insurance. Best Companies, best rates, best terms and prompt and careful attention given to all business placed with the agency. A FAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing the uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property find him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him b\* insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, grtT’Office at The Winder Banking Company. HOUSLS AND LOTS FOR SALL. If you do not want to buy one you had better not come this way, for I have them from a 3-room to a 7-room house for sale so cheap that you would think that they were almost given to you. I also have many desirable vacant lots to se lect from. We mean business. For further information, see R. j. HUFF, AT RUSSELL, WINDER, GEORGIA. No restrictions ns to residence, t ravel, occupation. "Total and permanent disahil 1y at once secures you your Policy fully paid up with no further premiums to pay. lint instead of premiums Being dim, you re ceive an annual payment from the Company during such disability. Tiit SPIRIT 0E GOD AS FiRL We now propose to consider more definitely the nature of that volume of flame or intense heat which we denominate the sun. Of its temperature, it is dffieult to form an estimate the least comprehensive We know our furnace heat will fuse cast iron at a little less then 3,000 degrees*. Oxv-hydrogen flame, one of the hottest known, is estimated at about 14,000 degrees Fahrenheit, while temperature ascrilvd to the sun is obout 12,000.(XX). There is nothing our senses can realize or our minds conceive that will enable us even to approximate the intensity of this heat. Now we have seen that the sun is the source of all light and heat, the source, when the elements are concentrated, of that which we denominate fire. T he phenomena that fire jK'rvades by some of its constituent* 1 everything and all space is incomprehensible otherwise than in the belief that the spirit of (u>d is everywhere. Al though fire is always on this earth in a concentrated form, yet it source is the sun, and from this source we can concentrate it int* visible ignition, and yet we see tlial the element itself is ethereal. It will consume hy combustion, yet its heat and flame always tends upward and disappears in its own ethereal elements, and we can rec ognize no solid substance' in it. We can feel and realize its warmth and vivifying influence. We enjoy tlie light as one of its productions, yet all are ethereal, and we cannot grasp, mould or retain it. We know that the sun —that volume *>l heat —is the active source and agency of life ami animation, and it impart? it< blessings to us in a thousand ways. Vet, misused, it proves the source and clement oi punishment and destruction. We have said that light and heat are the two great stimulants of vital force. These two stimulants are in seperably connected. lleat is the so roe of light, and without heat there would he no light, for even reflected is derived from this source. This is manifest to every intelligent mind. Therefore, we see plainly that the sun is the source and mainspring of all animation. And to its influence, directed and on trolled by the all-wise Creator, are we indebted for every blessing' — nay, even life itself. It acts upon the elements appointed unto it and brings forth all animation; it causes the earth to yield her production, and clothes the forest with green, and gives to the lily and rose their beautiful tints and frag rance, and imparts to the llawi rs of the garden and forest their thous ands of variegated hues; it gives to the man his strength and wisdom, and to the woman her beauty and loveliness, and with refined and cultivated intellect, her thousands of charms. No wonder Adam ex claimed when his eyes caught a glimpse of that beautiful daughter, as he held her in his arms lu shouted in thunder tones ‘'this i bone of my hone and filesh of my flesh, and she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man’’. The psalmist tells us that hy the word of the Lord wi re the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth. Job tells us that “ a flame goeth out of his mouth, and Cod hy his spirit garn ished the heavens, and the heavens declare the glory of Cod, and the firmament sheweth his handiwork. How wonderful are Thy wanks, (> Lord of hosts, and I will praise the name of the L >rd with a song and magnify it with thanksgiving." Hear the psalmist break foith again: “Thy testimonies are won derful, who alone doeth great won ders. The heavens declare tie glory of Cod, and the firmament his handiwork.” Such knowledge is too wonderful CITY PRESSING CLUB In Basement of H. J. GARRISON Building. Pressing, cleaning and dyeing. Altering a spe cialty. First-class work, prompt attention. Phone ISO. ALONZO HINTON, Proprietor. s' " ■fif .N. mb'. Holy i You are proud of your wife and chil dren. Why don’t you bring them to us to be photographed? We will give you a picture that will make you prouder still. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO WINDER, GEORGIA. OLIVER, CANNON & CO., WINDER, G EORGIA. gggggggggggg WINDER LUMBER CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. Phone 47. (or me to 1■ lave th • false doctrine of astronomy or round-head the orist on lie' revolution of the earth. JoU tells us “11'- alone sprendeth out the heavens and treadoth upon the waV'S of the sea, and doeth woniers without number. How wonderful are Thy works, <) Lord of host. ! What is man that Thou art tuin It’d, ■ a t lie sou of man that Thou tale. 4 knowledge of him. ’ may we all he, when the end t omes, 1.1 e tie p<;< t of old while his spiiituol eye caught a glimpse, while atone in silent mod itation, t xelaini as lie did: ‘There on those wid ■ extended plains Shines one eternal day. There (hid, the San, forever reigns CANNOT SPUT OR CURL LIKE WOOD SHINGU3 CORTFIGHTSS Wouldn't it be • satisfaction to you to Kaye a roof on your property that was absolutely permanent; rather than to lay a slate, or wooden shingle roof, or any of the others which are at best only tempor ary, and always needing repairs? That is never necessary with " Cortright Metal Shingles • If you lay a Cortright Roof you needn't think of how soon you'll be repairing, or how soon you’ll be re-roofing, for Cort right Metal Shingles outlast the building without repairs, always remain water tight, defying wind, snow and lightning. If you are about to spend your money in roofing, post yourself first about the different forms by reading our book, "Con cerning That Roof,* and let us show you samples. FATHERS & EAVENSON VVINDfR, GA. CARELESSNESS make more mishaps than delib erate intent. Fact. Another fact—it’s criminal carelessness if yon do not see to it that every bit, parcel and piece of your horse’s harness is sound,staunch aid strong. Reliability as to harness is our chief watchword, a id you owe it to yourself to pat ronize us for safety’s sake. THE GROWTH Or OUR LUaIBER BUSINESS Ims le.-Hti something phenominal,and is due to strict adherence to sound business principles. Always provid ing full measures and the highest qualities of well-seasoned lumber, we have succeeded in retaining all of our old customers, and t attract ing new ones all the time. For re liable lumber at fair prices and prompt deliveries, come to m. ’Phone 17. And scatters night away. No chilling winds nor poisonous breath Can reach that healthful shore; Nor sickness,sorrow, pain nor death Are fealt- and feared no more.” Yours for a better knowledge of the Word of the Lord and for the truth of a Hat earth and a m wing un. Pkof. T 11. Rf.vnot.l)S. FROM MISSOURI. Mini-tor —Juhni/.y, d<> you know where little boys go that fish on Sunday? Johnny —Sure. Follow me an’ I 11 show vou. —Kansas, City Jour nal.