Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, August 26, 1909, Image 8

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PARADISE. The protracted service held at Midway church was one of the most successful meetings of the year. We rejoice with great joy because so many communities have been blessed with gracious meetings. Wo are sure the times are getting better. Miss Maude Clack has returned home from Kastville. Mr. and Mrs. Ilenf'y Hardy and children, of Oconee county, passed through our burg Sunday. Mr. T. A. Smith and family were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Patton. Mrs. N* E. Clack, and family spent Sunday in Kastville, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jt: 0. P. John son. v and; Mr. j. H. Clack-is making syrup this week. •*/:> Some cotton is opening in this corner of the woojjp, and your scril>e is sorry to see it. for it is too h >t to pick cotton now. Mr. John Nowell,. pf Bethlehem, Was in our community Monday. Mr. E. Y T . McCullum, of Mariet ta, (ia., spent MoViday here, the guest of Mr. J. 11. Clack. 4 VriMiixiA. Another Way. —i There are several ways of throw ing bricks at your “esteemed con temporary.” Thi.YdnV is employ ed by the (’lay Center Times: Was the editor of- “Black and White” looking toward Clay Center when lie wrote the following: \\ hen the editor Of a certain country newspaper-]/? in a hurry, he doesn’t waste words?' 1 by saying *it r lined. ’ He simply writes: “After many days of arid desi cition, the vapory’captains mar shaled their thundering hosts and p >.ured out upon scorching human ity and the thoroughly incinerated vegetation a I few inches of aqua pluvialis.”—Kansas City Journal. Would Muzzle the Rooster. The recent municipal jedict which in \y spell the banishment of the insomnia-producing rooster with in Washington’s city limits has aroused the inventive genius of a m m who lias devised a muzzle- His idea is to kill the crow, but save the rooster. This advocate of a noiseless chan ticleer believes that }f the authori ties will sanction the use of the de vice, which consists of a simple col lir of leather with a small cotton pul, fastened around the rooster’s neck, sufficiently tight to throttle the vocal organ, both the commun ity and the rooster can live in peace • and quid. The corporation counsel has been a<ked to determine the unique point whether to muzzle roost* rs is legal Ever notice how the follow who does the most grumbling almost al ways gets his living >IT some gt n ore us class. —Dalton Citizen. Show a disp nation to an easy mark, and everybody will help you made good—Cover Chat. The follow who complains that tilings are not coming his way might change his way. —Phila- delphia Record. It has been decided that a dog has as much right to the middle of the road as an automobile. Still that does not prevent the dog from getting hit if he persists in asserting his rights. —El her top Star. The Tampa Tribune says that Georgia is still wet “in a sneaking, law-evading, bug buying, bad booze drinking, unrestricted yet secret! v. j y way. His Heart Desire. A I would not Ik' a millionaire, With scads of cash to liother me, Such wealth requires top much care, Too mai.y worries here'and there; That rich I would not tie. I only crave a modest sum, To keep from getting on the bum. , I would not lea magnate grim, j And ride in state from day to day; I envy not the likes of him, i Though 1 could pamper every whim, If I were built that way, Enough to pay my wife’s way through Down at the beach one month would do. I am not seeking after wealth By ways both tricky, dark and vain, To get a bank account by stealth, Is not conducive to one’s health; It is unrighteous^ain. But, oh, I’d like .qf roll of jbills, To spend a week out in the hills! —lx>B Angeles Express. THRU POINTS of Superiority— > Goods, Prices, Assortment. ThAse three go hand in hand here and make this a pretty good place to come for desirables in the house furnishing line. If one of those points were missing, you would be sure to notice it. So would we, and we watch things so closely that right goods, fair prices, and complete as sortments answer “present” here all the time. Today is as good a time as any to look. It matters not what furni ture need you have in mind You* will find us able to deal with you to your complete satisfaction. COME! W. I\ Robinson. • Sensible Girl. “Docs your husband pay you the compliments that lie did in days of courtship?” “Why, I—l ” “Docs he praise your eyes or your taper fingers, now. that you are married? Of course not. Bah!” Well, ho says a good word for my pics and my biscuits,” retorted the bride, ‘‘You can’t make me dissatisfied with married life.” — Kansas City Journal. Over the Telephone. “Do you know who this is?” in iquired the young lady who rung up the bookkeeper. “Haven’t you an idea? Can’t you guess?” “I guess it’s some fool girl,” an swered the senior partner. That ended it. Eager Lady. Jim —“1 started to propose to Miss Jones last night, but 1 war in terrupted.” Joe —“Tough luck, old man! What interrupted you?,, Jim —“Why, she accepted me before 1 was half thorugh ”—Cleve land Leader. Impossible. In a certain town are two broth ers who are engaged in the retail coal business. A rthted evangelist visited the town, and the elder brother was converted. For weeks after his conversion he endeavored to persuade his brother to join the uhureh. One day he said to him: “Why can't you, too, join the church, Bichard?' ’ “It’s all right for you to he. a member of the church,”* replied Richard, “but if l join who's go ing to weigh the coal?” Farm for Sale. I will sell my home place, four miles from Winder, between Reth lehem and Carl. This nice little farm contains 17 acres of fertile land Ony jiquse on the place. For terms, j'C S. J. Sharpton, Winder. Ga. .. BUGGIES Kf CED I will sell my stock of Buggies in the Opera House at reduced prices up to the time of moving into my new warehouse. If you want a bargain in a Buggy, Surrey or Wagon, see my stock before I move. I \ r v \ i The premium Rock Hill Buggy given away by me and the Rock Hill Buggy Company, will be on exhibition at my new warehouse in a few davs. R, l. ROGERS, WINDER, GEORGIA. Why Worry? . (-New York World.) Why Averry? it is all going Uncle Sam’s tvay,/ u The crops are big, bigger than' even, and food is going to be .cheap an ingrowing cheaper day by day. Work is increasing. Men are more and r jmorc in demand. The rate of dropped little iri depression. Thenew men are going on at the rate and hours of 1907. Every day furnace or mill starts up. About $7d0,000,000 is going into building. Big railroads are buying rails and equipment for 1910 right now, so as to get it then. There is more wheat and corn, more wool and leather, more iron ore, coal, coke a*hd copper to lie turned out in the last four months QUARTERMAN & TOOLE THE . REAL ESTATE MEN OFFER YOU Farm, 150 acres, 3 12 miles from Winder, at S2B 00 per acre. Farm, 214 acres, 212 miles from Winder, at 37 50 per acre. Farm, 73 acres, at City limits. Winder, at 75. JO per acre. Farm, 40 acres, at Russel’, Ga., at 55 00 per acre. Farm, 139 acres, 1 mile from 3 tat ham, at 40 00 per acre. Farm, 132 acres, 4 miles from Statiiam, at 30.00 per acre. Farm, 50 acres, in St at bam, at 55.00 per acre. Five farms on richest land in Georgia, Hantock county, at $15.00 to $25.00 per acre. Small payments and liberal terms to buyers 5-room house and 200-foot lot on Wright street, together with 2 1-4 acres on Griffeth street, Winder, Ga., $2,750.00. New 5-room house on Broad street, Win der, Ga., $1,000.00. Other improved property and 40 vacant lots in various localities in Winder at reasonable prices and favorable terms. Buy NOW and make or save your profits 011 the rise soon to come. See 11s for full particulars before these bargains are gone. Quarterman & Toole, FIRST NATIONAL BANK, WINDER, GEORGIA. of 1909 than ever before. Why worry? The boom is on. Prosperity has come. The United States never saw more of cither than this coming autumn is to show. Why worry? Bonus. “My mother sent me over,” said a youngster to a butcher who keeps a shop on a busy suburban street, ‘to show you the lug bone brought with the piece of beef this morn ing.” • “Tell your mother next time I kills a bullock without bones in it I’ll make her r present of a joint,” said tne man of meat, with a grin. “And mother says,” continued the boy, “next time you find a bit of sirloin with a shoulder ol mutton bone, in it she’d like to buy the whoae carcass as a curiosity.” h The West Indian Tornado. A conservative estimate of the dam age wrought at Monterey, Mexico, by the recent flood placed the dead at 1,400, and the property loss at $12,000,000. The river has now gone down and the danger is over. Up to Tuesday (150 bodies had been received. One entire quarter of the city of Moneerey was destroy ed, and 15,000 person are homeless. The water mains are useless, and the city is consequently without drinking water. An area of thousands of square miles extending west from Mata moras to Turreon, a distance of 800 miles, and south 400 miles, is practically all under water.