Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 02, 1909, Image 3

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What It Costs Not To Go 1 o College. Everlasting Sorrow: No one ever went to a. good business college with honest intent ami serious purpose who did not consider it money, time and labor well expended. Thousands who have not gone, re, gret the fact that they did not. You can go if you really hunger and thirst for an education• Nowhere else will you meet such choice companions. The earth’s noblest young women are in the colleges, and at no other time of life can you make such strong and lasting friends. (I iris and hoys from our most cultivated homes assemble annually at our college. If you do not go to college these choice friend ships are lost to you forever. Do n>t postpone your going to college. Youth is the time for preparation, just as spring is the .seed-time. The farmer who dots not plant his se< and in springtime has 1.0 haivest. If he hasn’t the mon ey to buy the seed, lit' borrows it. If you haven’t the money to goto college, borrow it, and pay it hack out of salary earned after gradua tion. You can do this. You can pt< pare yourself to fill your station in life* better —or if you must earn your living, you can earn m ire and ehoosr your occupation. Ii you are wealthy, all the more reason for going to college. Your wealth may go, hut your education e innnt he taken 1 rom you. Busim ss education is an asset . worth thoii.-ands. It is an equip ment ft>i life’s work; It gives the power to earn. It destroys poverty and enthrone* prosperity. It can not be lost or stolen. You cannot afford, deni young reader, not to attend the Athens Business College of Athens, Chi.. Rememlier the words of Chancel lor Kent, when he said: ‘ The parent who st lids his son into the world uneducated, defrauds the community of a useful citizen and liequcnths to it a nuisance-" Write for free catalogue at once. Mysterious Message hound In a Bottle. Alexandria, La., —What may have Urn intended as a practical joke, l>'it which is generally be lieved here to reveal a suicide, was a note found in a whiskey Mask, floating down tied river today. ! It was dated January 12, lt)()K, and reads as follows: “Here's luck to this old world. May it grow bright and pleasanter for those who continue to live in it, for it has been dark and dreary for me. 1 end my troubles in the waters of lied river and consign my soul to its maker. (Signed.) “Mrs. Frank Morris.” On the reverse side of the note is the address: “Mrs. Frank Morris, Paul’s Valley, 0. T.” Farm For Sale. My farm, just outside of corpo rate limits, of 7l> acres of land in. lrghjdate of cultivation, one 8 room house, (> fire] Lets, good well of water, large barn, large cotton, wheat, cotton seed smoke house and cellar combined, good blacksmith shop and other out buildings, large young orchard, one 1 room tenant house, good well of water, smoke house and barn, good Bermuda pasture. Lies 1-2 mile from cen ter of Auburn an road toHoschton. This is one of the nicest places in the county. All the buildings are new. If you want a farm near Perry-Rainey Institute, call and see mv place at once. n. R. WILLIAMS. Auburn, Ga. LONGVIEW. Mr. Otis Garner and family, of Gainesville, spent the week-end with \Y. \V. Hayes. Several from here attended the exhibition at Patrick last Friday night. Mrs. Echols, of Commerce, is visiting her daughter, Mrs J. G. Durham. Mr. Alonzo Ivey and family, of Elder’s Academy, visited Mr. li. b. McDougald Sunday. Prof. Z. li. Williams visited .Sun day school here Sunday. Mr. E. I>. Johnson visited W. C. McDougald Sunday. School will close at this place next Friday- Fodder pulling is m order this week. Miss Elbe Rainey was the guest of Miss Cammie Williams, at \\ in d r, last week. I'll second the i omination for Sager to he president of the Corre spondence Cluh. Anybody got any thing to say? Come across, hoy-. Let’s vote him in. Everybody going to move next year? W. W. ilayes and C. C. Sw< tman will move to Mr. .Joe Collins’ place. We hate to lose good folks like them. Mr. Albert Williams, of Winder, visits here quite often. Mr. Farncst Guilin and Karl Hill visited Sunday school here Sunday. B< v. J. L. Hall will lill his regll lar appointment here next [.Satur day at 1 1 o'clock. Everybody come. Mr. Walter Sauls and sister, Miss Bertha, of Bethlehem, are visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. M. 'l'. McDougald is very sick with fever. Middle Buster. Officers Jackson County Exhibition. Below we publish a list of the officers and directors of the Jack son county division of the North east Georgia Cotton and Corn exhi bition to occur in the fall: Geo. W. Bailey, Pres., Jefferson f. C. Head, V.Pres., Pendergrass Jere S. Ayers, Secy., Jefferson J. C. Turner, Treas., Jefferson niK kotows: T. T. Cooper, Braselton ' jS. Pinson, Jefferson A. C. Barnett, Jefferson J. M. Boss, Winder C. J. Hood, Commerce C. F. Holliday, Jefferson I). P. Mathews, Center B. A. Smith, Maysville. She Proposed to Boss. Nowed —(after the ceremony): “Dearest, do you really think I’ll prove a satisfactory mate?” inis. Newed: “Oh, 1 guess you’ll do as a mate, all right. Now look me over and tell me what you think of your captain." What a girl likes about the moon is how she can make it enjoy itself 1 icing out under it with a man. For Sale. One good six-room house in Winder, situated on a very desirable lot within two hundred yards of the city school building. On the lot is a very choice vari ety of fruit trees and a fine well of water. The price is very reasonable and attract ive terms are offered. C. R. Ware, Lawrenceville, Ga. GOOD WORK. Done Ddiiy in Winder. Many Citizens Tell of It. Nearly every reader has heard of Doan’s Kidney Pills. Their good work in Winder still con tinues, and our citizens are con stantly adding endorsement by public testimony. No better proof of merit can be had than the experience of iriends and ne'ghbors. Read this case. A. P. Copland, marshal, Win der, Ga., says: *‘l am glad to endorse Doan's Kidney Pills as I used them with the best of r suits. I had been suffering from an attack of kidney trouble for some time and could get no relief. Having Down’s Kidney Pills brought to mv attention, I pro cured a sup ly at Turner's Phar macy and soon after using them, my condition began to improve. In a short time I was rid of every sign of kidney trouble and have not been bothered by it since.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. FosLer-M ilburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Rememb r the name — Doan’s — and take no other. You are proud of your wife and chil dren. Why don’t you bring them to us to be photographed? We will give you a picture that will make you prouder still. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO WINDER, GEORGIA. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32—For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 1:52 pm No. 58—For local stations to Athens 7:32 p m No. 36—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 12:11 a m WESTWARD. No. 37—For Atlanta, Birming ham and west 5:23 a m No. 57—For local stations and Atlanta 7:45 a m No. 33—For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 p m No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:l>S p m These arrivals and departures are given as information and are not guar anteed. Schedule Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH ROUND No. 11 —Lv. 8:40 a. m. No. i;> —Lv. 2:00 p m. No. 15 —Lv. 11 :15 a m ; Sun. only. NORTH BOUND No. 12 —\t.5:10 am. No. 11 —Ai. 12:10 p m. No. lb —A.. 4:00 pm; Sun. onlv The fact that a girl has already allowed herself to Ik* kissed for the benefit of science will likely cause the scientific schools to do a rushing business this year. Covington News. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. Will Be sold in Jefferson on first Tuesday in Septem ber, <5 Lets in Winder: each fronting on Broad street 120 feet. Lot No. 1 contains 01-100 of acre. Lot No. 2 contains 1.03 100 of acre. Lot No. contains 1.12-100 of acre. Also at same time and place oneundivded, one-half interest in 143 acres of land lying in Chandler’s district. Terms easy. 30 days given to settle or pay for same. R. N. PENTECOST, Ad’m’r of J. C. PENTECOST, Deceased. You of course have your house, goods and life insured. It is proper and wise that you should. IS YOUR FARNING POWER INSURED? Accident and sickness visits us unexpectedly? Are you prepared for these emergencies? If not you neglect an important duty. See BEN A. JUHAN, District Agent, and let him explain the NAAIC way to you. An Essential Thing, and there are many, in the management of a bank is the personal, painstaking care of its officers. Recognizing this responsibility, the officers of this institution keep them selves in touch with every important detail of the business. And the outcome? A generous, and a steadily increasing patronage. THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. COPVRiC'i. OLIVER, CANNON & CO., WINDER, GEORGIA. > THE SHINGLE. THE APPLICATION. THE APPEAPANCC. cosiKiGifrii FOR PERMANENT ROOFS Roofs that wiU 'ast as long as the building itself, and never need repairs. That are fire-proof, storm-proof, lightning-proof, handsome, light and adapted for all kinds of archi tecture whether it be home, school, church or any other building down to the humble barn " CORTRIGHT METAL SHINGLES * fill all conditions and their price permits of their use anywhere Glad to show you samples any time. W rite for our free book, C*oncerning That Roof LEATHERS & EAVENSON, winder, ga • THERE’S A HITGH where there’s trouble, but there’ll be no trouble where the hitching is done with our harness. Strong, hand some, durable, and perfect in finish, our single and double creations, both for work and carriage purposes, defy successful imitation. We ask you to -follow us because we lead. Look for the fun of always comi g out ahead. For sale by