Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 02, 1909, Image 6

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NEW IMPROVED DAiN MOWER. ".* . • . r* •. ." * *-' .■' * 7 ' H p- v . . We handle the best and latest improved Mower on A- ’ ) .% . \ the market. We sell it at a reasonable price. It is not made by the sell #© a Mower for $50.00* a good Rake for $20.00.“' This is a saving of five to nine dol lars for you. This machine is guaranteed to - be equal to any ma chine on the the market. It is equipped with brass bush ings and in every respect a first-class machine. We are here to save you five to nine dollars on each machine, also to keep up competition so that the Trust will not run the price any higher. Call and see us and ex amine the machine. Yours for business, WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING COMPANY, WINGER, - GEORGIA. dust think what it means to have plenty of Hay. And think again what it is to . have the best Mowing Machine made. We can sell you either the M Cor mick or New Dehring Vertical Lift Mower, with a 26-tcoth self-dump Rake, and you have the BEST MADE. Don’t fail to see us before buying. -SMITH HARDWARE CO.. WINDER, GEORGIA. I carry in stock everything that it takes to build a house and the prices are right. \v. E. YOUNG, " The Shingle Man. I PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. RUSSELL. ■- : ' , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winder, Ga. Oflioe over Smith & Gunthers’ Bank. Practice in State and U. S. Courts. •J. F. HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Statham, Ga. Criminal •-■nd Commercial Law a Specialty. W. H. QUARTER MAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. L. DeLa PER THERE DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder - - - Georgia Offices over Smith & Carithers hank. All work done satisfac torily, Phone 81. DR>S. T. ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. EDMOND F. SAXON, M. D. WINDER, GA. Office over Turner's Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone 11(5. Attend all calls day or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BETHLEHEM, GA. General Practice. Telephone. ALLEN S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work an d promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga OPPORTUNITY. They Jo me wrong who say I eomt* no more When once 1 knock and fail to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door And bid you wake, and rise to fight and win. Wail not for precious chances past away, Weep not for golden ages on the wane! % Each night I burn the records of the day — At sunrise every soul is Ikyhi again! Laugh like a boy at splendors that have sped, To vanished joys be blind and deaf and dumb; . My judgments seal the dead past with i*s dead, . . But never bind a moment yet to come. Tho deep in mire, wring not your hands and weep: Blend idy arm to all who say ‘“1 can! ” No'Shaine-facedo out east ever sank so deep ’ • # But yet might rise and be again a man! Dost thou behold thy youth all aghast? Dost reel from righteous Retribu tion’s blow? Then turn from blotted archives of the past And find the future’s pages white as snow. Art thou a moarner? Rouse thee from thy spell: Art thou a sinner? Sins may be forgiven; Each morning gives thee wings to flee from hell, Each night a star to guide thy feet to heaven. —Judge Walter Malone, of Mem phis, Tenn. One Point Settled. Anew family had moved into the house next door, to the Town send.-, and little Kitty Townsend, on the hack porch of her own home, was cultivating the acquaintance of the little girl on the opposite porch, about ten feet away. “What’s your name?” she asked. ■‘Florence,” answered the new comer. “What’s yours?” “Katherine, but they always call I me Kitty. The name of the old folks that lived there before you moved in was Jones.” “Our name's Thompson.” “Ours is Townsend. You didn’t know the Joneses, did you? <<V 1 ) .No. “They was awful for borrowing. They used t< * send oyer to our hous once or twice every week and bor row a cupful of coffee for breakfast, and they never paid it back. You folks don’t do that, do you?’.’ “No.”^ “She says they don’t, mama!” called out Kitty, turning her head and speaking t<> somebody back of the dining-room window curtain. —Youth’s Companion. Just Shopping. “At least you doctors are not bothered by shoppers.” “Aren’t we? Many a woman ha> gotten my prices on a fashionable operation that she never intended to buy. Her Busy Day. Higglety-pigglcty., my black ben; She laid three eggs at half past ten; She laid another at half past eight, And then laid off to re-coop-her eight. Lippencott’s. Telling a lie in business’[is inex cusable; telling it when a young mother asks if her baby isn’t the sweetest and prettiest you ever saw, ! is—unavoidable! —Selected. The Smallest Engine * Tiny Tini is the name to the smallest engint in the world. it is made of gold and steel, and is so small that a common housefly seems large in comparison. It weighs just four grains complete, which is the weight of an ordinary match. It takes over 100 such engines to weigh one ounce, almost 2,000 to weigh a pound, and more than • 3,000,000 to weigh a ton. The engine bed and stand are of gold. The shaft runs in hardened and ground steel bearings inserted in the* gold bed. These bearings are counter-bored from the inside to form a self-oiling bearing. The flywheel has a steel center and arms, with a gold rim, and the complete wheel weighs one grain. The. cylinder is of steel, with octagonal Lise, highly polisher!. The stroke is 1-32 of an inch; bore, 3,100 of an inch. Seventeen pieces are used in the construction of this engine. The speed of the engine is 6,000 revolutions per minute.. When run ning 1 (X) per second no motion is visible to the eye, but it makes a noise of mosquito. The horsepower is 1-498,000 of one horsepower. Compressed air is used to run it, and it may f>e of interest to note that the amount required to make it hum can easily be borne on the eyeball without winking. A Girl's Preparedness, There is something very pitiful about a girl. She wears calico, but talks knowingly about tho latest !styles in silks. Her home is fui nished plainly, but she knows the latest styles in furniture; she knows | how the silverware should be ar ranged at dinners, the latest stitch i for the marking of monograms on : the finest table damask, the eti quette to be observed at a dinner, a reception or a ball, although she | never attended anything more than a neighborhood party in her life. Her father’s monthly income is not as large as the pin money a rich girl would spend in a day, but she knows what the rich girl should wear and buy to be in touch with the times. She is, in short, pre pared at any time to marry a rich man and become a society leader. — Atchison Globe. What He Really Wanted. An absent-minded husband rush ed into a Curtis Street drugstoie last night, says Eflie McDowell Davies in Lippcncott’s, and, slap ping down a dollar upon the coun ter, said, “Give me a youthful bot tle of —1 mean, my blooming wife wants —er —I ” and, glancing around at the amused expression on the bystanders' faces, be bawled out angrily, “Darn it —I want a bottle of 111 jothfulyum ; —and wrap it up quick; Pm in a burry.’’ The weary, yellow-headed clerk smiled weakly ns he wrapped up a bottle of “Ever Youthful Bloom” lotion. True Eloquence. The lawyer for the plaintiff had finished his argument, and the counsel for the defense stepped for ward to speak. Trie judge, new to the bench, and young for his posi tion, interrupted him. His eyes were wide open, and tilled with wonder and admiration for the eloquent plea of the plaintiff. The Green Bay tells the story. “Defendant need not speak,” *he said. “Plaintiff wins.” “But, your honor,” said the attorney for the defendant, “at least let me present my case.” “Well, go ahead,” said the judge, wearily. The lawyer went ahead. When he had finished, the judge gaped in even greater astonishment. “Don't it beat all!” he ex claimed. "Now defendant wins!”