Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 09, 1909, Image 5

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Your choice from this Car Load of Rock Hill Buggies for the best five Stalks of Cotton Raised in Jackson county, field condition taken In consideration. This premium buggy will be awarded at the Jackson county fair this fail and will be on exhibition at my new warehouse until the fair is ever. SOCIAL. LOCAL A Si!) PERSONAL PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS AND ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST. Choice round steak at 12 l-2e. U. I). Moore & Bon. Mr. W. J. Whitehead made a '•business trip to Sparta Monday. Mr. L. W. Leslie was up from Bethlehem yesterday on business. Mrs Frances Whitehead is the guest of her son, Mr. J. CL W bite head. Messrs. Henry Pledger and Hor schel Hill left Sunday night for Panama. Sepeeial Agent O'Neal, of the •Seaboard, spent Sunday with his family here. Hon. C. Pv. Ware, county school commissioner of Gwinnett, was in the city Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson spent Monday in Monroe with the latter parents. Miss Adel Nutt, of Jackson, will visit her sister, Mrs. J. H.Turner, here this week. Mrs. L. D. Williams, of Atlanta, is visiting her mother, Mrs S. L. Young, tliis week. Miss Re ha Whitehead returned Sunday from a ten days visit to relatives at Pendergrass. Mr. Wood Sheats has moved 1 1 is family here from Monroe. He will buy cotton here tins season. Miss Runett Wescutt, of Macon, is tin* guests of her sister, Mrs. W. H, Toole, on Candler street. Miss Launa Arnold, who is con nected with the firm of J. T Strange <fc Cos., in the millinery department, spent last week in Atlanta, return ing here Tuesday. For Sale! An attractive home, corner of Center and Stevens Sts. Also three desirable build ing lots on Center Street. For particulars apply to A. Hamilton, Winder, Ga. Is it the residence lot? See Z. F. Jackson, Winder, Ga. Mrs. W B. McCants visited rela tives in Gainesville this week. For Sak —One Rambler Bicycle; good as new. Apply at this office. Hello! little people. Going to school? Hundreds of tablets and pencils at Boyd s store. Mr. Fred Cunningham, of Rome, visited the family of Mr. H- P. Stanton this week. For Rent —1-room house on New street. In first class condition. Ap ply to Herrin Bros. Miss Florrie Wood left Tuesday morning for the Georgia Normal and Industrial College. Tablets for pencil, tablets for pen and examination tablets, composi tion books, pencils, pens, pen holders, pencil holders, combination pen and pencil, pencil sharpeners, ciayons, ink, pens, etc., at Boyd’s store. Hill Buggy has always been the \. fr es t medium-priced buggy on the them. ' The price is right. Phone 4?> for your fresh neats. R D. Mot re A Sun. Don't forget about that good Belt ling at Smith Hardware Cos. Fresh Fish and Oysters at (Jem Grocery Cos. Saturday. Miss Starr Blassingame will leave next week for Brcman. Miss Lila May McKibbon left Tuesday for Cox College. Miss Lula Bowden, of Lawrencc ville, spent Sunday in Winder- Miss Gussie O’Neale will leave next week for Agnes Scott College, I at Decatur. You want the best. You get the best of good tilings to eat at Gem Grocery Cos. Misses Rubye and Ruth Carithers left last week for an extended trip j to Clayton, Ga. The friends of Colonel 1.. C. hus sell will he glad to know lie is im | proving after Ids recent illness. Miss Jule Niblack, of Atlanta, spent Sunday in Winder, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Niblack. Revival services are being con ducted at the Wesley Memorial church this week by Mr. Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ayers are receiving congratulations upon the arrival of a little hoy at their home last week. Miss Bertha Mae Street, of Con yers, who lias been the attractive guest of Miss Kathlene Coker, lias returned home. Master Keith Quarterinan enter tained a numb* r of bis friends at a birthday party Saturday afternoon, in celebration of his ninth birthday. Behold the beautiful Bow of Light, Built by DeLay, Smith and Wright, j It will guide you through the dark ness of night, And will touch your pocketbook very light. See them at Smith Hardware Cos. Choice mutton at 1L D. Moore A Soil's. Miss Kathlene Coker will spend Sunday in Atlanta, the guest of friends. Ouite a number of young people will picnic at the Park Thursday afternoon. Hello! little people. Going to school? Good candy and plenty of it at Boyd’B store. Miss Nellie Kilgore, who has l>een quite ill for the past few days, is recovering rapidly. If you intend buying any Pre pared Roofing, it will pay you to see Smith Hardware Cos. Miss Bumbo Cook, of Watkins ville, stopped over with her cousin, Mrs. T A. Maynard, on route to Monroe. Miss Claude Coker and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Higginbotham, of At lanta, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. R Coker- Mrs. Minnie Daniel and her mother, Mrs. M. J. Perry, have moved into their handsome new home on Candler street. The sale of the J. C. Pentecost property, which was advertised foi the first Tuesday in September, was postponed until the fir-4 Tuesday in October- Read the ad. in this is sue. Miss Sella Fretwell, of Jackson ville, Fla., arrived in the city last week, and is with Mr- and Mrs. M. L. Rodgers- Miss Fretwell won the capital prize in the Jacksonville Metropolis Contest —a fifteen-hun dred-dollnr house and lot. The subject of Rev. W. ,T. Hun nieutt Sunday morning will be, “Remembering Christ. Evening subject, “How Husbands Should j Treat Their Wives ” This is the first of a series of Sunday night sub jects, all of which are to be prac tical. Best Ham, sliced at 20c. R. I). Moore A Son. Phone No. <S for your fresh Fish and Oysters Saturday. Norfolk Fish and Oysters at Gem (J roeerv ( o. Saturday. 1 am going to Smith Hardware Cos. for one of those good Lanterns. Are you? For Rent —Five-room house on Broad street. Apply to L. M. Leathers. If it is a farm you want on easy terms, write or see /■ F. Jackson, Winder, Ga. Mrs. Wages and little son, G. T-. of Augusta, are spending the week end with Mrs. Z. F. Stanton- Eiise, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. IC. A. Starr, who have been quite sick, is improving. Mrs. A.veVs, of Aycrsville who has been visiting her son, Mr. W. A. Ayres, has returned home. Have wo Hold you any Paints? If not, why not? We have* the l>est. Smith Hardware Cos. My store will Ik- closed next Thursday and Friday, Aug- 16 and 17, on account of a Jewish holiday. J. L. Saul. Mrs. L. W. Hodges left Wednes day for Baltimore. Before returning Mrs. Hodges will visit Hagerstown and other points. Mrs. H. A- Carithers and sister, Miss Grace Mendenhall, who have Been visiting here, left this week for an extensive trip West. Mr. J. H Durham, of Chauncey, (Ja., <*. Winder hoy who is prosper ing in South Georgia, is circulating among friends in the city this week. Mrs. M. L. Hutchinson and Mr.— Hutchinson stopped over a few (days with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin ! Maynard, en route to their home in Opelika, Ala. 4 —+ • ‘