Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 16, 1909, Image 3

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t Just think what it means to have plenty of hay. And think again what it is to have the best Mowing Machine made. We can sell you either the MCor mick or New Dehring Vertical Lift Mower, with a 26-tcoth self-clump Rake, and you have the BEST MADE. Don’t fail to see us before buying. SMITH HARDWARE CO., WINDER, GEORGIA. I carry in stock everything that it takes to build a house and the prices are right. W. hi YOUNG, The Shingle Man. An Essential Thing, and there are many, in the management of a bank is the personal, painstaking care of its officers. Recognizing this responsibility, the officers of this institution keep them selves in touch with every important detail of the business. And the outcome? A generous, and a steadily increasing patronage. THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. TOESHINCIE. I. THE CORTRIGHTS FOR PERMANENT ROOFS Roofs that will last as lon* as the building itself, and never need repairs. That are fire-proof, storm-proof, lightning-proof, handsome, light and adapted for all kinds of archi tecture whether it be home, school, church or any other building down to the humble barn 'CORTRIGHT METAL SHINGLES'’ fill all conditions and their price permits of their use anywhere Glad to show you samples any time. Write for our free book, ''Concerning That Roof’ LEATHERS & EAVENSON, WINDER, GA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. KLSSKLL. AT TO UN K Y AT I AW, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder, Ga. Otlice over Smith & Panthers’ Bank. Practice in State and IL S. Courts, J. F. HOLMES, ATTORN K Y - AT- I.AW, Statham, Ga. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty, W. H. QUARTERNAN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. W. L. DkLaPERRIERK DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Killings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St.. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder - - . Georgia Offices over Smith & Carithers bank. All work done satisfac torily. Phone Si. I)R. S. T. ROSS, PHYSIC TAN AND SURGEON, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. EDMOND F. SAXON. M. D. WINDER, GA. Office over Turner's Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone 1 IP). Attend all calls day 'or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, UKTHLKHEM, (.A. General Practice. Telephone. ALLEN S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work do 3U promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga. DAYS OF DIZZINESS Come to Hundreds of Winder People. There are days of dizziness; Spells of headache, sideache, backache; Sometimes rheumatic pains; Often urinary disorders. All tell you plainly the kidneys are sick. Doan’s Kidney Pills cure all kidney ills. Here is proof in Winder. J. 0. Sea graves, Factory Hill, Winder, Ga., says: “Forirregu larity of the kidney secretions or the back, I do not believe there is a remedy equal to Doan's Kidney Pills. I was troubled by mv kidneys for two or three years and at times my back was so lame and sore that I could not turn over in bed. Occasionally I had dizzy spells when everything be fore me became dark, i used any number of remedies but nothing helped me in the least until I took Doan’s Kidney Pills, procured at Turner's Pharmacy They went, at once to the root of my trouble and it was not long before I was completely cured. I gladly rec ommend Doan’s Kidney Pills to anyone afflicted as 1 was.” For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbnrn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. All-Day Singing. At Cnion Academy, four miles from Winder on the Jefferson road, the first Sunday in October there will lie held an all-day singing. Old and new l>ooks will lx- used. Come one and all, and bring well filled baskets. Rev. H. N- Rainey will deliver an address. R, T. Seymour, Ch’n. J\CKSON COINTY SINGING OiOiß. Royally Entertained by People of Ntatham —Many Attend Meeting. The Jackson County Singing Choir, held its regular quarterly session at Statham Sunday Sept. 12th. The services were held in the large auditorium of the Statham high school. Prof. J. E. .). Lord was present and presided over the body with much distinction. The following committee was appointed and promptly arranged a program: J. I). Wall, J. M. Ross and An drew Evans. PROG R A M. “Coronation" led by Prof. Lord- Invocation by Elder W. B. Mc- Donald- And then the sweet singing began in good style. The first leader on •he program was Mr. J. M. Ross, who led the great chorus for fifteen minutes as they made the welkin ring. • Next on the program was the address of welcome in behalf fo the people of Statham, delivered by Col. James F. Holmes, of Statham, in which he assured the great throng of visitors that they were welcome guests, extending to them at the sane time the appreciation of his people to them for having done Statham the honor and distinction to conic among them in the futhcrance of so great a cause. The address of welcome was beau tifully responded to by President Lord,assuring the people of Statham that their hospitality was more than appreciated. The class was then led in si vcaal l :lit if 111 selections by Prof. \V. L- Sikes, of Winder. Prof. A. A. Wolford, of Winder, then led the singing for ten minuts with some lively awakehing songs. *,‘‘l Am Bound for the Pomised Land” was sung by tin- entire con gregation, led by Prof. M. F. White head, of Statham. Elder W* B. McDonald at this juncture delivered a. most beautiful and instructive sermon. His subject was the ‘‘Holy Spirit.” lie spoke for twenty five minutes, after which a beautiful selection was led by Mr. Lord. In a few well choen remarks Prof. A. P. Watkins, in liehalf of the ladies and the committee that had made preparation to feed the great croud present, hade all welcome to the table and dinner was announced. This was a beautiful sien. There were in the company more than a thousand people and a table that was ample long and wide enough for them all. And then to behold the good Clings that wore on this long table. Well, you would have to see it to lx- able to know just how beautiful it was. I ju.-i want to say that the person who went away from Statham Sunday without plenty to cat was simply blind or wasn’t hungry, one of tin* two for it was on the table and all were in structed to come and eat. It wa in fact, the most beautiful dinner that we have eyer seen spread in any place at nnv time on any occa sion. When all had atea nd talked, and ate and talked again until none were hungry, the great auditorium was soon refilled to it’s fullest capacity and the good singing begun again. First i,:\ the program was Prof. Mohlev, of Pleasent Hill, who led several nice selections. Next Mr. William Hayes, of Kbenezer, with some soul stiring songs in which the chorus joined. Then came Mr- Charlie Wilson, of New Chapel, with some gems of song. One of the features of the day was the great concourse of people singing that grand old hymn, ' “ Pisgar’, led by that good old man, iW. J. Ross, Sr. Oh, how they j made it ring, and the very uanvlted I skies were filled with sweet melody. Following this came Mr. M. G. Henderson, fo Pleasant Grove, with some nice songs in which the chorus joined. Yes, and there was Mr. W ill W allace, who led a few songs. At this point Prof. John Rob ertson came forward and with him came several members of the Stat ham Silverine band, with their in struments, and for fifteen minutes •the great chorus seemed to be lost in the devine atmosphere of sweet music, led bv this most beautiful singer. There was Mr. L. M. Arnold, another Statham singer, who led the music with several beautiful selections rendering also, a beauti ful solo. Mr. Muller McKlroy, of Chapel, then led the chorus for some beau tiful selections. Prof J. 11. Beard, of Braselton was next. The ladies who presided at the organ at different time, during the day was Misses Zona Ross, Eunice Gwinn, Bertie Mobley, Ber tha McDonald, Miss Griffeth and Mrs. Irwin, Cooper. The books used were Happv Voices No. B and Tillman’s Revival Songs. By a unanimous vote the choir will meet at New-Harinon.v, near Commerce, on the second Sunday in December. It was by a unanimous vote of the choir that the minutes of this meeting be prepared and published in all the papers published in -lack son county. And a resolution of thanks to the people of Statham for their hospitality, was introduc ed by Prof. J- II- Beard, which was read and adopted by the entire body, and the same was made a part of this report and follows in full: “We, the members of the Jack son County Singing Choir, do most heartily extent our thanks to the good people of Statham, for their hospitality and most royal enter tainment especially do we thank the good ladies of the entire com munity for the most elegant repast served. We shall never forget this piasant day. The kindness of the good people of Statham will forever abide pleasantly in the mem ory of ail whose pleasure it was to be here on this great and grand occasion. Long live the people of Statham.” The great choir joined with Mr. J. M Boss in singing that soul stir ing melody, “Oh Come Angel Band,” and it did seem that the great building was aflame with a melody that was even divine, verily the angelic choir must have joined in the chorus as the song died away on the evening quiet- The bene diction came in beautiful and fitting words by Prof. Andrew Evans, and the crowd l>egan to disperse, For us to say that this was a grand occasion would he mild lan guage. It was great. Over one thousand people were our guests and we fed and cared for them and gave all a most pleasant time, and there was not the slightest thing to mar the plasantness of the day,not a one was hurt, hot even a baby cried but all was lovely, and 1 would pity the individual who dared to say that it was not the great est occasion of the kind ever held in Jackson or any other county. President J. E. J. Lord says that he has been going to singings all his life and that the best was last. He was loud in his praises of the whole occasion and he told me to say all ! the nice things that I could think of and he would endorse them. So it ! is up to him if anybody wants to doubt what this report contains- Nost obediently. James F. Holmes, Acting Secretary, J. S. 0.