Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 16, 1909, Image 4

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WINDER WEEKLY NEWS; Published Every Thursday Evening H<>ss Bros. Editors and Proprietors Paltered at the I’ostoffice at Winder, Ga , as Second Class Mail Matter. Thursday, Sept ember 16,1909. Governor John Johnson, of Min nesota, is seriously ill as the result of an operation. Hon, Murphy Candler, of Dekalh, is being mentioned as a probable candidate for governor in the next campaign. Winder’s fire laddies will give a barlieeue Friday afternoon in \\ hite head’s pasture to the members of the company and a few invited guests. Edward 11. llarriinan, the great est railroad promoter of America, died last Thursday afternoon, ami was buried Sunday on tin* hillside at Arden, his country estate. Itoliert S. Lovett, E. 11. II uri man s close friend and personal counsel, succeeds the dead magnate at. the head of the executive com mittee of the Cnion Pacific railroad. Peary may be a great explorer, but lie impresses us as a sorry specimen of humanity. But then lie just had to reach the pole this time that he might he able to re imburse the backus of the scheme. Tin dispatches tell its ot a North Carolina man and woman who were grandparents at d(i and • >!, re spectively. Mr. W. 11. Beding lield, a popular policeman of this city, was a grandfather at •’•(> and lor wife a grandmother at dd. Mr. and Mr. Bedingfield have I’J child ren, ten of whom are living. The body of Lieutenant James N Sutton, Jr., was exhumed Monday and an autopsy held. It will be remembered that this young ollieer met his death about two years ago at Annapolis under peculiar con dition,'., and many believe that something akin to murder happened aN lit the same time Mr. J. L. Moore, of Loganville, the msui of many marriage licenses, has at last found a partner to sail with him on the sea of matrimony- On Saturday, in Atlanta, he mar ried Miss Fannie Kunlander, of Kernandina, Fla. Miss Berryman, in her answer to Moore’s suit to re cover the £I,OOO given to her when she promised to take the position, denies side-stepping the contract and asks the court to set aside Sid, 000 of Moore’s easy money as halm to her wounded feelings and blight ed chances to win a husband. RANK MAKES GCOD SHOWING. The stockholder.- of The Winder Hanking Company met in annual sesse >n Tuesday, the 1 Ith. This banlc is in splendid financial con dition and its stockholders have reason to he proud of it as a lead ing financial institution of this sec tion oi the state. A 5 per cent semi-annual dividend was paid and a handsome sum earned to surplus. For lack of space their annual statement is omited this week, but attention is tailed to the quar terly statemofit made to the state hank examiner which appears else where in this issue. IDDfELLOWS TO MEET IN MONROE Next Wednesday is the day the Odd Fellows composing Division No. 20 are to gather in Monroe. A special train will he run from Jef ferson atß:f>ond making connec tion with the Seahoaid at Winder.. All who expect to attend and are not delegates should at once notify the secretary of this lodge. This is going to Ih> a hig day in ■ ision 20, by reason of the fact that great preparations for the en tertainment of delegates and visitors by Monroe lodge and the kindness of the Gainesville Midland railway. WILL PREACH TO OLD lOLAS. The first Sunday in October will be a great day for old people here abouts, if the plans of Rev \\ . 1. Hunnieutt materialize. On that day the doctor will preach a special sermon to them in the good old primitive way. No song will le sung not at least a hundred years old, and the preacher will line them out as the preacher did in the good old religious times of long ago. Everybody for miles around are invited to come and bring their babies, and if they cry they are in vited to take them out and spank them in the good old-fashioned way. If there arc those living here abouts who would like to attend and have no way to come, if they will notify this office, arrangements will he made to send an automo bile for them. AUCTION SALT A[ CARL. From the fact that those who have wanted near Carl and Auburn, *hat they might enjoy the splendid school advantages of that section, have always been handicap jH'd in getting what they wanted in the way of homes with small farms, the sale that is to be pulled off at Carl Sept. 2-Sth, is attracting con siderable interest. Lamar A Perry having subdivided the Perry prop erty so as to give small farms right in Carl upon which farmers can build them homes and have sulli eient land to make a living and en joy the increased school advantages makes the proposition more attrac tive than an ordinary town lot sale. They have arranged to let a man name his own price, select his own farm and give terms within the reach of most any man who desires to obtain school advantages for his children while he continues to farm. We tiredict for this sale a great suc cess, and it will in all probability be some time before another opportu nity of this kind is offered the peo pie who are looking to Perry-Raincy Institute as the place to educate their children. THE BARIIECUE AT TYRO. Friday was a great day at Tyro. The barljccue planned to close the school, came off according to schedule, and was voted a success in every particular. There was plenty to cat and drink, good music and line speaking. Col. J. C. Turner, chairman of the county board of education, made the principal address. He complimented the citizens of Tyro on the election of their handsome new school bidding. Advised har mony among the trustees, pointed out the advantages of an education, and deplored the tendency of the ennitry youth to rush to the city. He said In longed to see the time re turn v.lien the country gentleman was a power in his county; when he would make the laws while the city chap stayed at home, and as sured his audience that real pros perity a county depended largely upon the prosperity of it* rural districts. Joe Matt Haynie was masfcei of ceremonies, and he performed this function in the good old way, every word he uttered breathing a hearty welcome and spreading good cheer I among the assembled throng. Mr. Luther Arnold, of Statham, made a short talk along educational lines. •Jas. W. Hill, of Fulton county, has l>een appointed by President Taft to succeed Alonzo M. Brown, of Lithonia, as census supervisor of the Fifth district. Brand is a dem ocrat and the man who gets his job belongs to that species of politician ! known as state democrat and national republican. A man that has headed Atlanta's “scab’’ direc tory as long as Hill has will feel no compunction of conscience at knock ing Brand out of his plumb. Millinery Opening ! Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 23, 24 and 25. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend Will have on display the largest, most com plete line of swell millinery ever shown in Winder. Several courteous salesladies will take pleasure in showing you. “C Jones” for anything in millinery. Will appreci ate your presence. Mrs. C. JONLS, Winder, Ga. THE RIDGE. It is given up by all who attend ed that we bad the lust exhibition held in the country this year and equal to some held in town. Every child knew his part perfectly not a bubble at all. Scriptural scenes were represented to perfection. Fun and merriment all along through the program* The program was the best arranged we ever saw. During one scene a person could not help hut letting tears of sorrow and sad ness trickle down his cheek and in another scene the flood of tears of laughter would wash his face. Big Ben Collier was there and made a short, funny speech; was no trouble at all to get him before the audience. He is Inking foward to something anyhow. He naturally wants to mix and mingle with the masses just before a campaign. Vos, and Bill Barrett was there, and came on the stage, with a face like a bull- dog, a voice like a lion and a nerve like an English sparrow, for the folks to laugh at him, and Lie to i laugh at them, and he did his part up “Joe Brown.’’ * The Hon. John X. Holder made a beautiful little speech, in which he paid a tribute to Ebenezer and her surroundings. He told of the need of more education and higher education. He complimented our teacher, Miss Essie Crook, very tnueh on the frav she had trained her pupils and on Lang one among the best teachers in the county. You can’t tell me that Ebenezer is going to stay far behind in styles and fashions, for Mary Janes are to he seen every Sunday now. While cutting wood, Mr. Luther Whitehead happened to a very pain ful accident, a piece of wood strik ing him in the eye, almost putting it out. He hasn't been able to set' any from that eye since. ! Someone said when Cook got to the North Pole lie climbed up to the top and looked back down this way and saw Jefferson, and the mer chants were sitting around on goods boxes whittling, waiting for court week to come so they could catch a little trade. But at Winder the wagons and teams were so busy hauling to and from town they made such a dust he couldn't even see that great big thing where the water stays. What do you call it ? Ni;kk Srd, MRS. C. 0. NIBLAOK En' In honor of Miss Geld’ smith and Miss Johns. Tuesday afternoon Mrs. ('. (). Xiblack enterntained charmingly at a garden party for her house guests, Miss (iussie May Goldsmith, of Stone Mountian, and Miss Jewel l Jones, of Bislmi), <<’a. The lawn was made very at- I tractive with tallies, rugs and howls of nasturtiums. An exciting contest was a pleasant ; feature of the afternoon. Mr*. Clara | Jones making highest score, was awarded first prize; MissAdell Nutt receiving the consolation. The guests of honor were presented with dainty pearl stillctoes. The hostess was assisted in receiving by her mother, Mrs. Z. F. Jackson. AUBURN. ' Mrs, E. L. Reynolds, of Chicago, is visiting her sister, Mrs J. \\ . B. Maughon. Messrs. Hula and Lola Blalock, of Hosehton, were over Sunday to visit their grandfather,.!. W.Spruell. Ibv. W. E. Moore has been spending a few days at White Hill, near At line*. Mrs. Dick Davis and daughter, who have lieen sick, are reported better. S. T. Maughon, of Carter Hill, spent Sunday with homefolks. It has been reported that he will move to Auburn. Mr. Sam Holdman’s little throe year-old hoy was buried at Duncan creek Sunday. I Mrs. Earnest Jennings, of Law rencville, has been visiting her father this week. Colquit Tanner has returned to Oxford, when- he will ga/duato this term. Jno. Attawav, who has been sick for a long time, passed away at his home Saturday near Maddox Aeadney, and was buried at Ehencza Sundav. Miss Mary Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. (L Cooper, is among the sick this week. Mrs. L. W. Hodges is expected home from Baltimore the latter part of the week- Baqtisl Aid Elects Officers. H Mrs. \\ . M. Hoisenheck and Mrs. Joe House entertained the Baptist Ladies' Aid Society last Monday af ternoon, at the home of Mrs. S. \V. Arnold, on Broad Greet, After a most interesting business session, elegant refreshments were served. This was the regular annual meet ing and the time for the election of officers. On account of leaving the city Mrs. A. S. Morgan, the faith ful and efficient president, was not a candidate for re-election,and Mrs. J. C. DeLaperriere was unanimously elected as president. Mrs. W. L. Bush was chosen vice president,Mrs. Joe House secretary and Mrs. W. H. Kimbell treasurer. ROBERES-SUMMEROIR. The many friends of Miss Bertha Roberts, of Between, and Mr. James W. .Summerour, of Winder, will be interested in the announcement of their engagement, the wedding to take place on Wednesday afternoon Nov. 17, at 2 o’clock. The brido-to-bu is the accom plished daughter of Mr. D. Pierce Roberts, and is one of Between’** most charming and beautiful young ladies, possesing the many nohl* traits of character which mafoe her loved and admired wherever known# For the past two years she has been s; successful teacher in the B* tween school, where she endeared herself to both pupils and patrons. Mr. Summerour is the bright and handsome young son of Mr. CL W. Summerour, one of Gwinnett s best and most substantial citizens, and is a most excellent young man I sterling worth. He has been licensed to the Methodist ministry and is a faithful and successful in the cause .of Christ. The many friends of Miss Rolwrts regret that she will leave Between; hut congratulate Mr. Suinmer nur on winning the heart and hand >f this fine Christian lady. Notice. Have in niv possession yealing heifer. Color, dun. Owner can hav# same by calling on A. Hamilton, Winder, Ga. Large Store Room ftar rent. See S. C. Sharpton. .