Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, September 30, 1909, Image 7

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OUR NEW STOCKS OF FALL AND WINTER Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Ladies’Suits and Furnishings Are now complete, and we invite you to come and look through them. Our Mr. LI. Men del spent seven weeks in New York and other Eastern markets selecting these goods, and buying in immense quantities to supply his large wholesale establishment in Atlanta and many branch houses in Georgia, we are sure we can offer you values such as you have never before received. We make no idle boast —we say we can save you money on your purchases, and we can and will do so. All we ask is for you to call and look through our stock and get our prices. CLOTHING Our line of Men’s and Boys’ Clothing is beyond doubt the very nobbiest ever shown here, consisting of the very latest shades and patterns in blues, grays, olive greens in worsted and Scotch mixtures at from 57.50 to $22.50 We guarantee every purchase to give you abso lute satisfaction in every respect. WOMEN’S WOES. Winder Women Are rinding Relief at East. It docs seem like women have more than a fair share of the aches and pains that afflict hu manity; they must “keep up,’' must attend to duties in spite of constantly aching backs, or head aches j dizzy spdls, bearing-down pains; they must stoop ov'T.when to stoop means torture. They must walk and bend and woik with racking pains and many aches from kidney ills. Kidneys cause mon* suffering than any other organ of the body. Keep the kidneys well and health is easily maintained. Read of a remedy for kidneys only that helps and cures the kidneys and is endorsed by people you know. Mrs.J. W. Marlow, Broad St., Winder. Ga., says: ‘"When 1 first used Doan’s Kidney Pills, 1 was much run down in health. I had pains in my back and hips, was bothered by frequent head aches and felt tired and languid most of the time. I had previous ly taken remedies, but they had proved of little benefit. Doan’s ’ Kidney Pills, procured at Turner’s Pharmacy, made a change for the better almost before I realized it and it was not long before the pain and lameness had entirely disappeared. My kidneys were also restored to a normal con dition and my strength and en ergy returned. My health is now of the best and I attribute it en tirely- to Doan's Kidneys Pills.’’ For sale by all dealers. Price •50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United State*. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no other. H. MENDEL & CO. the outfitters LEBANON. i Rev. George D. Stone preached \a very able and instructive sermon at Lebanon church Sunday morn ing. The debating society will meet next Saturday night at Arcade school house and debate the subject, “Wich lias the Most Influence, the Loye of Women or the Love of Money?” Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Boyd, of Statham, H. O. Boyd and wife, B. A. Boyd and B. D. Keslcr, of Oak Grove, attended service here S inday. E. B. Martin, B. F. Guest and E. B. Betts attended the quarterly conference in Jefferson Monday. R. L. J. Smith, of Statham, was here one day last week on business. COUNTY LINE. It seenw to u.~ that the crisis has been reached with the farmer if he will only raise his supplies at home. With cotton selling around 13 cents, if the crop is short there is going to be some money in circulation and it will lx; “who will" and “who wont’t get it.” Fpon al-j most every tree along the road we| read in hig letters of some great j bargain to l>e almost given away, j As we open the paper that comes to! us daily we see whole page adver- 1 tiseinents of merchants offering op portunities to spend the coin of the realm, and if per chance we hap pen to he in town ami walk into some store, things are so fixed and arranged as to catch our eye and hold us spell bound in wonder and amazement. What meaneth all this? Is it possible that the poor old farmer has peached the place where he has to be begged and per suaded to buy? Is it true that the farmer lias, or will have, a few dol lars poked away in his jeans that LADIES’ SUITS Our line of Ladies’ Suits tire indeed complete in the very latest styles, handsomely tailored, in till colors and sizes, at prices of from $7.50 to $20.00 Also full line of Ladies' up-to-date Skirts and Wrappers at all prices. he can cull his own and the mer | chant knows that it will take some thing a little extra to get it? There fore, we say the farmer has the j world by the tail and a down hill pull if he will only raise his sup plies at home. What need we care f meat is ldc a pound if we have none to buy, and how nice it would be to have a little to sell. Did you ever think of the difference between buying and selling? Experience is j a dear school, and fools will some -1 times learn. So the farmer lias learned many lessons in the lust f:w years, and God being our help er in the future as he has in the past, we will learn many more. The farmer has always boon looked upon as a low-down crowd. The press likens him to a man with a ragged shirt and an old flopped hat and run-down shoes, when he ought to he clad in tne finest linen "made, for with his own hands he feeds and clothes the world- But after all, the farmer’s lib* is ' the best of all. For on the farm we ! find as honest men as the world i ever knew, and on the farm we find |as virtuous women as was ever forced into existence, and from the farm all our great men and women have come and in the great beyond we are made to believe we will hear the Master say: “Well done thou good and faithful servants. While on earth I know thou and thy household had a hard time. Thou didst toil through heat and cold, many times hungry and thinly clad, but now you can come and inherit a home where all shall be peace and plenty forever; and those fellows you lived and had dealings with who rode around in thedr autoea, smoked tine cigars and drank red rye and fared sumptu ously every day will tie begging you to cool their tongue while they are tormented by the flames. Sager. SHOES In our Shoe Department you can find shoes for any occasion for men, women and ch’hlren. Also, complete line of Overcoats. Boys' Suits, Men’s Odd Pants. Call and see us when in town. It will be to your advantage to trade here, SPECIAL For Saturday only v will sell 25 dozen Fleered Lined Vndeiwear, regain r 50c value, for JJ7r. Put in your supply now. THE RIDGE. We have had plenty of rain the last few davs. Cotton crop is going to bo short, but tli<‘ farmers are not !growling so long as its 12 and Id | cents per pound. Every laxly made j enough syrup to have some every 1 Sunday morning for breakfast. ; Jefferson is entitled to the pre mium on doctors. She has here of date produced three very tine surgi j cal doctors, young doctor’s, not 'long passed the years of aecounta i bility. Shame on you,boys, to catch a little cotton mill boy who was selling newspapers for a livlihood, chloroform him and perform a very dangerous opperation on him, an operation that it should take skill ed physicians to do. Yes, they were tried and turned loose. Why? ( Because their fathers had plenty of this World’s goods, and he was just a little cotton mill boy. I say slmtne on the whole “eapoodle” —judge jury and all. Bill Allen has just returned from j the mountains. lie says if Wash- j ington city is the head of the United States, the mountains are the tail, i Mr. Torn Fleeman who lives near Copeland’s school house, was down here last Sunday and informed us he had sold his big gully. Mr. N else Whitehead is talking of moving to Winder another year. C. W. B. Howard, of Ficklin, is visiting in our burg. The game warden of Jackson county was through here one day last week. He happened to catch us hunting for nothing Jmt cotton pickers. Claud Conner, a negro boy that lives with J. L. Gregory, while playing with a pistol accidentally shot himself last Sunday. The ball entered just below the collar bone. Nlkf See. CHILDREN —AT THE— j“Awkward Age? ’ STILL WE CAN MAKE PRETTY GOOD . . . Photographs of them. And you know you’d like to have the pic tures to send away, and some to keep for yourself- Bring the children in, and let us show you what we can do. ALLEN ART STUDIO WINDER, GA. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32—For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 1:52 p m No. 58 —For local stations to Athens 7:32 p m No. 36—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 12:11 a m WESTWARD. No. 37 —For Atlanta, Birming ham and west 5 28 a m No. 57—For local stations and Atlanta 7:45 a iu No. 33—For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 p m No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:18 p m These arrivals and departures are given as information and are not guar anteed.