Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 14, 1909, Image 12

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THE BEST IN MERCHANDISE THAT THE FALL SEASON HAS TO OFFER CAN NOW BE FOUND AT ... HODGES & COOPER'S STORE —— (0L STATH4M PERSONALS. Miss Jewrell Hammond is im proving after a week’s illness. Mrs. Ward is slowly improving from a long spell of typhoid fever- Mr. C. E. Nickelson was in At lanta Sunday to have his eyes treat ed. Mayor L. 1). Niekelson has joined the automobile crowd. He is driv ing a Ford- Elder W. B. McDonald is in Pittsburg, Pa., in attendance upon the national convention of the Christian church. Mr. Thomas Aycock has been confined to his room this week hav ing been quite ill. It is hoped that he will soon recover. Every Woodman of the World is invited to attend the unveiling services of the monument at the Booth grave yard Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the grave of the late J. J. Booth. The public is also in vited to attend. The handsome two story brick building being erected by Hale Bros, on Broad street is nearing completion and when iinished will lx 1 by fir the most commodious and modern building in Statham and will add much to the appearance of Broad street. I hope to Oe able by the next is sue of the News to give the readers a full history of our little city, giv ing each merchant and enterprise a special mention. We hope by this to give the readers of The News a general outline of what we are do ing and of what we hope to do in the future. On Sunday evening at 9 o’clock Mrs. 0. W. N. I>anier, the wife of Dr. I tinier, passed away after a long illness. She was a patient suf ferer, and had been for several months patiently waiting for the Master’s call. She was one of the HODGES <Sc COOPER WINDER, GJ-A WE ARE not in business for a week, a month, nor a year. We’re building for the future, and we know a pleased customer is one that will stick to us. COAT SUITS Ccat Suits that are astonishing when the price is put to you. You’ll find the very latest styles here in a fashionable array of colors and patterns that will please your fancy. If you are hard to please and want a big line to select from, don’t fail to see ours. We have almost any color or style. SHOES Mr. Farmer, what about some of the famous ‘‘STAR BRAND SHOKS” for your family this winter? If you are looking for quality, they can’t be beat. It’s a well known fa<sl among smart buyers that the “Star Brand” is the best on the market. oldest residents of Statham, having lived here for many years. She leaves a host of friends and a large number of relatives to mourn their loss. Mrs. Lanier was a faithful member of the Church of Christ at this place. Owing to the absence of her pastor, Elder W. B. McDon ald, the funeral was conducted by Elder Grizzle in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. The interment was in the city cem etery. SHIPP-MTLESKY. Americus. Ga. —The marriage Monday evening of Miss Freddie Agnes Shipp and Mr. Lucius Lamar McClesky was one of the brillant occasions marking the social season in Americus. The marriage was solmnized at the residence of the bride's parents, Col. and Mrs. J. E. Shipp, and witnessed by a large company, including representatives of Atlanta, Macon, Athens, and Albany society circles. Dr. Lan- j sing Burrows, of First Baptist dumb received the vows of the handsome couple. Mr*. Mattie Lewis Dodson was maid of honor with Mr. Sion B Hawkins as best man. The par lors of the handsome Shipp resi dence were beautiful in their decor ations of autumn roses, carnations and graceful ferns and smilax. The bride, one of Americus’ most attractive and charming young women, wore an exquisite gown of white satin with pearl passamen terie, her Hewing veil held by a bunch of real orange blossoms. Many magnificent gifts in silver, cut glass, rare China and bric-a-brac attested the esteem in which the young couple are held. The hour of the marriage cere mony was 10 o’clock, and after the wedding collation was served Mr. and Mrs. McClesky left upon an extended trio to Florida. They will be “at home” here at the residence of Dr. and Mrs. S- H. McKee, on Broad street, two weeks hence. — Constitution. Mr. McClesky is the oldest son of Mrs. Emma McClesky, of this city, and has many friends here who will be interested in the news of his wedding. Tne Old Reason. “I can’t see how so many men stand it to eat in a ebeap and noisy and un tidy restaurant.” “I suppose the explanation is as old as Adam.” “What’s that?” “The craving for food.”—Cleveland Tlain Dealer. Too Long For Her. “When 1 have SIO,OOO in the bank I trill ask you to marry nr?.” he said. “I belong to a long lived family.” re plied the sweet girl, “but 1 can’t hope to live as long as that.”—Life. E. LLOYD THOMAS, , DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes . Hats and Millinery Broad and Candler Sts., Next to Winder Banking Cos. Phone 163. WINDER, GA„ 1909. To the Public: We could not if we would. We would not if we could sell you all your purchase, but we trust to win at least a portion of your business by dealing honestly and sqarely with you, and we wish to say here what we have before said, the only way for you to know we mean what we say is for you to give us a trial. Hundreds of people have given us part and all these purchasers went away satisfied. We wish to continue satisfying customers till all will know our motto and will give us such patronage as we merrit. This is the season you are preparing to buy the different needs for your household wants, and wonder where you can get the most for the moner. We invite you to inspect cur shoes, Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Dress Goods, Ready-Made Skirts, Cloaks, Furs, Quilts, Comforts, Blankets and othor things too numerous to men tion. Our goods and prices are such as will enable youto make purchases that will satisfy you. So cone and join the thong of people who are trading with us daily. E. LLOYD THOMAS • CLOTHING When you buy a “SPERO, MICH AEL & SON” suit of clothes you pay for quality and the style is thrown in. They are made for men of good taste and judgment. * They might be called “the poor man’s clothes,.” Why ? Be cause a poor man can dress as well at our store as a rich one can at the other place. If you have plenty of money, we can save you some more, if you are in a “tight.” Our prices will give you relief. The Same Stock. People who knew the Huntley fam ily, “root and branch.” always said that there could be only one other per son in the world as blunt and tactless as James Huutley, and that was his cousin William. James lived in New York and William in Boston. One day James appeared at William's home just at dinner time. “Well, this is a surprise!” said Wil liam. “You’lT the last person in the world I should have expected to see tonight! Cot tired of home?” “You wouldn’t have seen me if 1 could have got through my business in time to catch the 3 o'clock train.” said James. “I tried hard enough.” The cousins looked cheerfully at each other and were quite unaware of the frantic efforts made by Mrs. William to guide the conversation into a smooth channel. Seated at last at the dinner table and attacking the roast beef, tbe host said: “If I'd known you were going to drop in on us this way. without warn ing. I’d have ordered a better dinuer.” “Don’t trouble about that,” said James heartily. '‘lt does well enough, and next time I'll be sure to let you know beforehand.”—Youth's Compan ion. designed by Spero, Michael & Sor /C w YORK Mother —“There were two apples in the cupboard, Tommy, and now there is only one- How’s that?” Tommy (who sees no way of escape)—“Well, ma, it was so dark in there. 1 didn’t see the other!” —Judge- Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32—For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 1:52 pm No. 58 —For local stations to Athens 7:32 pm No. 36—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 12:11 a m WESTWARD. No. 37—For Atlanta, Birming ham and west 5:23 a m No. 57 —For local stations and Atlanta ...... 7:45 a m No. 33—For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 p m No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:18 p m These arrivals and departures arc given as information and are not guar- I anteed.