Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 14, 1909, Image 6

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1 .itlk Is now the attraction that enchains the attention of the ladies .... They Find the Best at the Lowest Prices Davison-Nicholson Co.’s Special display of Suits, Dresses, Waists, Cloaks, Millinery and Ready-to-Wear Goods .... MATCHLESS DISPLAY WOMEN’S SUITS No woman is well-dressed whose suit sort of suits one sometimes succeeds in get the e i eillcn t °f doubt left out. Almost T endless variety of styles, enabling ever}' ' model, to suit her. Diagonal and Serge Suits No more satisfactory suit for general wear, Smart, new pleated effects distin guish the skirts. Long, graceful lines in the coats add much style. One lot Herringbone Striped Serge Suits. Coats 35 inches, lined with the very best satin. Skirts, beautifully sl7 CA pleated, all shades. Price p" I *DU Over 100 different styles to select from ; all colors--in Taupe, Navy Blue, Mahogany, long ; pretty pleated skirts. S2O 00 i/ i ll ' Making a hit with the busy, profes lV/: j$ !/ li sional woman, who must have handsome Ifl j; m / 1 I ffl y dresses, but has little time to plan them. lfj% 'mm Wm I-' ■M s; i. I| Handsome dress of Lavender, Broadcloth, flI / M *1 yoke of Cream Irish Lace, braided in gold, Ii L ||| h~ M cut in the very latest Parisian style, with double circular skirt. in aA ml/fl *fffi Price JpoO.UU flf 1 / 111 Ml Crepe de Chine Dresses $45 fSI jf ( B 8 k mm Lovely shade Maise Crepe de Chine, w.£ W" TANARUS; ' M fjf f Iflf beautifully trimmed in Irish Lace and Gold * M .< 7, } • '■f-M §-• Soutache Braid and Hand Embroidery. if m I Waist draped to side and finished with fancy '7/ Ji&w. i bows of same. Skirt gracefully tucked, V//C'hanging close to figure. Sleeves made and m trimmed to match. These are lovely in a wealth of the newest colors. Women's Scarfs for Evening Wear Arc to be more in demand than ever, if we are reading the rumors right. And such charming things some of them are! You will Ifke to see those new ones of soft, filmy silk, covered with tiny, glistening beads. Dew-Drop scarfs they are called, and the} 7 look the part. They are in many colors, and the beads are white, gold and silver. Price $3.00 to $8.50. Oriental Lace Scarfs, in black and white, SIO.OO. DAVISON-NICHOLSON CO. Athens, Ga. Here Is Your Opportunity to BUY CLOAKS AT COST We are going to sell every Cloak at Half Price. So get here in time to buy a . . S4O 00 Cloak for S2O 00 35 00 Cloak for .•. 17 50 30 00 Cloak for 15 00 25 00 Cloak for 12 50 20 00 Cloak for 10 00 18 00 Cloak for 9 00 15 00 Cloak for 7 50 12 50 Cloak for 6 25 11 10 Cloak for 5 75 10 00 Cloak for 5 00 CL IAHLEY .TOE THE LAUNDRYMAN Opera House Building, Behind Express OlEice. First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All kinds of laundry neatly done. Clothes cleaned and pressed ' . PRICES: Collars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c Pair. The Proper Way to Harness a Horse t 0 rst £ et a set of our fine // •' ’|' hand-sewed and beautifully fin [f ished harness, and have it made ! '-h to fit perfectly. The best that /J* money can procure you can buy \A ■ Trom our oak tanned leather liar- W% yjf rness, that is put together, mount e<T ail( T finished in a superior ***:“.s• j&t manner. We will sell you a single or double set of harness at a reasonable price. OLIVER, CANNON & CO., WINDER, GEORGIA. INTELLIGENT SERVICE POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION. Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock holders worth over a million dollars. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. # The First National Bank of Winder Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. BRIGHT THOUGHTS BY PARAGRAPHERS * The average man is prouder of guessing the weather than he would be of understanding the tariff. — Toccoa Record. Thirteen isn’t such an unlucky number, when you get that many cents for a pound of cotton. —Mad- sen Madisonian. Bargain-hunters will be pleased with the new Hudson-Fulton stamp. The price is the same, but you get more stamp. —Dublin Courier- Dis patch. A New Yoik man completely lost his memory the other day. That’s a fine idea for the first of tin* month when the bills are coming due. — Romt 'ld ibune-llerald. Borne kinds of hedging may be wrong, but the nun who knows now that he has nut made enough corn to pull him through next year will not blunder if he hedges by sowing a good crop of fall oats. A man who killed his wife in France to relieve her from pain was turned loose by the courts of that country. This will encourage oth ers to pursue the same course, — Rome Tribune-Herald. A West Virginia court has ruled that forty kisses a day are too many for a man to ask of his wife, and the Washington Post is of the opin ion that this is an argument in fa vor of Mormon ism.— Athens Ban ner. Macon put it all over Atlanta a few days ago. She had two promi nent men to come to blows about the Cook-Peary question. But never mind. Atlanta will be claiming the victor of the bout as a former citizen- —Toomsboro News. Sumter county’s largest planters have purchased gasoline motors with which to do their plowing- Each motor will do the work of ten mules, and the disc plows cut a swarth five feet across. —Dahlon- ega Nugget. When she gets three transverse wrinkles across the forehead she is twenty-seven, said Dr. Jennie Lo zier, speaking of women in the ab stract, and when she gets two or three perpendicular wrinkles be tvvecn the eyebrows she is forty four. After that the deluge or the face doctor. —Henry County Weekly. If God Almighty really made Un cle Adam, and if by Adam’s “fall” all mankind was cursed, by sin, we wonder why the good Lord wasn’t more particular with the “job,” for if God is all-wise, He must have known that Cnclc Adam would “fall,” and if He did have this knowledge, then who is to blame for sin being in the world, Adam or God? Dogged if I wouldn’t have taken more time in moulding that lump of “mud,” and have given Uncle Adam a stronger backbone. — National Rip-Saw. Last Notice. All parties indebted to the old firms of Grifieth, Millsaps & Cos., and Griffeth, Millsaps Bush & Cos,, are requested to make immediate settlement. The administrator is pressing the winding up of the late J. S. Smith estate, and these notes and accounts must l>e settled at once, and unless we hear from you in the next few days, the same will l>e placed in the hands of offi cers with instruction to bring suit. Call at Griffeth, Smith & Cos.