Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 14, 1909, Image 8

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An Essential Thing, and there are many, in the management of a bank is the personal, painstaking care of its officers. Recognizing this responsibility, the officers of this institution keep them selves in touch with every important detail of the business. And the outcome? A generous, and a steadily increasing patronage. THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER, . GEORGIA. —INDEPENDENT— Buyers of Cotton Seed. Wo itro in tin* market for Cotton Seed. Most convenient place in tin* city t weigh and unload. Highest Market Price Paid Will exchange Colton S ed Meal and Hulls lor Cotton Seed. See us at the store. LAY <sc GRAHAM, WINDER, GEORGIA. You of course have your house, goods and life insured. It is proper and wise that you should. IS YOUR EARNING POWER INSURED? Accident and sickness visits us unexpectedly? Are you prepared for these emergencies? If not you neglect an important duty. See BEN A. JUHAN. District Agent. and let him explain the NAAIC way to you. Farmers National Congress, y y NOVEMBER 3d to 9th, 1909. Very Low Rates from All Points VIA Seaboard T o —* RALEIGH, N. C. TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY K R<)M AVI N DEII ROUND $11.35 trip Tickets will he sold October 31st, November Ist, 2d, and for trains scheduled to arrive RALEIGH before noon November 3d, 1909. Tickets pood to leave Raleigh returning 1 up to and including, but not later than midnight November 12th, 1909. For further information or sleeper reservations, call on SEA BOARD agent, or write C. D. WAYNE, Ass’t Gen'l Passenger Agent, Atlanta. Ga. NATURE'S WARNING. Winder People Must Recognize and Heed It. Kidney ills.come quietly—mys teriously, Hut nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color js unhealthy— If there are settlings and sedi ment, Passages frequent, scanty, pain ful. lt*s t ime then to use Doan's Kidney Pills. # To ward off Bright’s disease or diabetes. Doan’s have done great work in Winder. C. T. Hamilton, Athens street, Winder, Ga., says: “The too frequent passages of the kidney secretions caused me much an noyance. I some times had to get up as many as four or live times during the night and in consequence my rest was greatly broken. I also had considerable backache. Being advised to try Doan’s Kidney Pills, I procured ja box at Turner’s Pharmacy and I began using them. I noticed an | ° ° 1 improvement from the first and bv the time I had taken the con tents of two I) ixcs, I was well j enough to discontinue t heir use. I jam now in the best of health and I T am pleased to endorse Doan’s , Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Cos, j New York, sole agents for the 1 Fnited States. i Demember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. fortunate foreigners. “The money collected lv benev olent persons in the I’nited States I for foreingn missions ‘runs yearly ! into millions of dollars,’ but it is a mere pittance in comparison with the discount made to foreigners who huv our ‘protected wares. We st-U them tools from 20 to 100 per cent less than the prices exacted from home purchasers. Saws are sold for export at Id per cent re duction from domestic rates. We ‘put the screw’ to home buyers of I screws by asking them 100 per cent 1 more than the export price. And iso it goes through the whole I range of protected manufactures. .Of course the American consumer 'should, in fairness, pay no more j for what he buys than is demanded •of outside consumers: but he can : not help himself. lie staggers i along as best he can under the ! weight of tariff exactions imposed ! by act of Congress for the sole bone | tit of the favored interests.” —Phil- adelphia Record. A litjht Dinner. ‘‘A clever criminal of gluttonous proclivities.” said a prison super intendent, “once couched a com plaint, in rather neat terms. “My inspector, entering this man’s coll one, day, found it very hot and stuffy. “Why have you got your venti lator closed? ’ he asked. “The burly and gluttonous pris oner answered plaintively: “Well, inspector, ycr honor, the last time I had the ventilator open a waspilew in, you see, and carried off my dinner while my back was turned ” Another Sell. Bill —I have just *fakeu some thing which was indorsed by my doctor. .fill —What was it? “A cheek.” —Yonkers States man She Never Came Again. “1 wish my hair uui reeled.” “Yes, ma'am. Will yon have it done while you wait or call again? ” —Cleveland Leader- REWARD OFFERED 4 VHHHUDpfegw For a man who is displeased with a Studebaker Wagon For five years we have sold this cele brated high grade wagon and have nev er had a dissatisfied customer, but in each case the wagon is a rolling adver tisement to us and sells other wagons. What everybody likes must be a good thing. Don’t take our word, but come and see the wagon and get our prices and have the BEST wagon on the road. For the best is none too good. WOODRUFF HDW. & MFG. CO., WINDER, - GEORGIA. The New Policies ot ret FIDELITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. PHILADELPHIA, FA. Are t he most up-to-date and com prehensive Life Insurance poli cies of the day. Thirty days grace in paying premiums. Most advanced non-forfeiture feat u res. Highest values, highest divi dends, lowest premiums. For further information apply to F. W. BONDURANT, Manager. Also Agent for Fire, Accident Causualty and Bond Insurance. Best Companies, best rates, best terms and prompt and careful attention given to all business placed with the agency. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. If you do not want to buy one you had better not come this way, for I have them from a 3-room to a 7-room house for sale so cheap that you would think that they were almost given to you. I also have many desirable vacant lots to se lect from. We mean business. For further information, see R. J. HUFF, AT RUSSELL, WINDLR, GELORGIA. A PAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing - the uncertainties ol the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property lind him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him b}- insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, BeiTOtiict* at The Winder Banking Company. No restrictions a* to residence, travel, oceupation. Total and permanent- disabil ty at once secures you your Policy fully paid up with no further premiums to pay. But instead of premiums being due, you re* i ceive an annual payment from the j Company during such disability.