Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 21, 1909, Image 10

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PARADISE. Rev. Foster fi 11*il his regular ap pointment at Midway church .Sun day. We regret that our pages arc made sad this week hy the death of little Orene Waters, daughters of Mr. and Mrs J. 1.. Waters which occurcd last Friday night alxmt 2 o’clock. The remains were laid to rest in the Clack burying ground Sunday. The stricken family have our deepest symyathy. Mrs. N. E- Clack spent Friday night at Carter Hill, the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. \\ . A. Austin. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar liaison spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Odis Camp. Mrs. Ada Ward spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack. Master Herbert Smith spent Sun day with his grandmother, Mrs. Wiley I'atton, Mrs- R. E. Calck and son spent Friday night with Mr and Mrs. Frank Ward. Miss Maud Clack and Mr. ILirdy Hoschspent Sunday with Mr-and Mrs. Hull Clack. Vihcunia. LEBANON. Mr. S. M. St. Johns, of Jefferson, was here Tuesday of last week on business. The Arcade Debating Society met at tbe school house Saturday night and debated the subject, “Re solved,” “That the cow is of more benefit to mankind than the horse.’ ’ The affirmative was represented by Messrs. J. C- Palmmir, W. A. J. I'almonr and R. L. Freeman, while tlie negative was championed by E- E. Betts, J. It. Hale and W. W. Coley. Tbe judges gave Miss Bovine the decision. Next Satur day night the society wiil discuss the subject, Resolved “That single life is more pleasant than married life.” The Farmers’ Educational and Co-operative Union will meet next Saturday at 1 p. m. A full at tendance is desired. Business of im portance. Ivt*v. (i. I). Stone will till Ins reg ular appointment at LcUuion Saturday at 3 p. m. and Sunday at II a. in. Horn last Saturday to Mr- and Mrs. It. Hill Whitehead a 10-pound Ih.v . Mr. Ira ('. Segura, of Central, K|K-nt a short time iu our midst recently. Several of our eiet iz. ns attended the show in the (’lassie City Satur day. Prayer meeting was held at the home of the writer Sunday night with Mr. It. F. Mize leader. The next meeting will U> held at the home of Mr- L .J. Freeman, near Elder’* Academy, with W. \V. Coley as leader. Mrs. L. M. Coker, of W inder, and Mrs. Fannie Duuson.of It teky Branch, spent a part of last week here a* the guests of E. B. Martin’s family. We Never Promise What We Can’t Do. we promise we do. Your every Furniture is provided for in a manner that we know will please you, lecause your purse is given a thoughtful consideration. We waste no money in purchas ing flimsy furniture —neither do we ask our customers to. It must he of thoroughly seasoned wood, of pleasing design and perfect work manship. We think of all these points when :ng. If such goods as we have dcscrilnnl appeal to you, give us an opportunity to supply your next furniture wants. Always glad to show you through. W. T. Kohinson. NATIRt’S WARNING. Winder People Must Recognize and Heed It. Kidney ills come quietly—mys teriously, But, nature always warns you. Notice the kidney secretions. See if the color is unhealthy— ‘ If there are settlings and sedi ment, Passages frequent, scant v, pain ful. It’s time then to use Doan’s Kidney Pills, To ward off Bright’s disease or diabetes. Doan’s have done great work in Winder. C. T. Hamilton, Athens street, Winder, Ga.,. says: “The too frequent passages of the kidney secretions caused me much an noyance. I some times had to get up as many as four or five times during the night and in consequence my rest was greatly broken. L also had considerable backache. Being advised to try Doan’s Kidney Pills, I procured a box at Turner’s Pharmacy and began using them. I noticed an improvement from the first and by the time I had taken the con tents of two boxes, 1 was well enough to discontinue their use. I am now in the best of health and I am pleased to endorse Doan’s Kidney Pills.’’ For sale by all dealers. Price oO cents. Foster-Milburn Cos., New York, side agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s —and take no other. TAX COLLECTORS SECOND ROUND I will he at the following places for the purpose of collecting state, county and school taxes for the year 1909: and to regist r voters for 1910 elections: October 25 I’eudorgrass, 9 to 12 a m Talino, 1 to 8 p m C D Gregory’s, 4 to 5 p m Braselton, at night October !?♦ > — Iloschton, 8 to 10 a iu Sells Store, 11 to 12 a m Elmwood, 1 to J p m October 27 Winder, 10 to 4 p m .J W Casper’s, at night October 28— Chandler’s Court Ground, S to 9 a m Statham, K> to 12 a m Shackleford’s Store, 2 to 8 p m Clarkshoro, 8 to t p in October 29- Center, 10 to 12 am Xicholson, 1 to 8 p m Brockton, 1 to 5 p nt November 8— Commerce, 9 a m to 1 p m Apple Valley, 5 to G p m November 4 Maysville, 9 to 12 a iu H 11 y Springs, 1 to 2 p m Miller's Court Ground 8 to 4 p m At J off '■rson whi n not on rounds W. T Aiti.ebv, T. C. J. C. lax Lists at All Banks. A CARD Of THANKS. To our Neighbors and Friends: Words are inadequate to express to you our sineere appreeiation for all the kindnesses rendered during the illness and death of our beloved ehild. May Clod's richest blessings he showered upon each and every one, is our sincere prayer. Mh and Mi;s. .1. L. Watkiis. tallest —“Is there anv danger of 1 lire in this hotel?. M Boy (with his teeth chattering) “N-not unless you pay for it." — Kansas C ity Journal. There Is No Question But What Cook Has Found the North Pole and Peary Has Fell Down JUST like anyone else will do when they have a seat in a cheap CHAIR, or any thing else that is not based on merit. We absolutely stand behind everything we promise at this store, and don’t have to send back to Etah, or anywhere else that is such a cold climate; neither would we ask you to make a trip where it’s too hot, but would only ask you to take the factories here in our Southern States, where we have investigated, and we know what we say in reference to furniture that will stand the test of critic examination, and we want you to thoroughly examine the other goods and prices, and if we can’t save you money, we don’t ask you to trade at all. That’s fair, isn’t it? “Honest Goods —Small Margins,’’ is our motto. W. T. HOHLNHON. WITH THE KURFEES PAINTS (pura and Zinc Products) For inside and out, walls, floors, barns, porches, roofs, etc. A particular kind for each job, and each kind particularly good. :: :: :: :: :: :: SOLD BY WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING CO. WINDER, GA. HOUSE and LOT For Sale WILL SELL MY House and Lot on East Broad Street. Four large rooms ami recep tion hall. Would rent to ap proved tenant. Apply to Walter Suddath, Winder Grocery Cos. Seed Oats for Sale. LOO bushels of genuine Appleton Improved Seed Oats at SI.OO jr r bushel. H. P. Hardigree, Winder, (la., R. F. P. No. 10 INTELLIGENT SERVICE POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock holders worth over a million dollars. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. The First National Bank of Winder Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. c id Off’S Imc Overcoats made with regard ta fit and service. These two essentials, as wed as style, are found in the “Shield Brand" garment, built to meet every possible requirement demanded by either weather or wearer. Correct lengths, full width and artful designing furnish the style. A cold winter day will prove the reliability of the “Shield' Overcoat. “Shield Brand" Overcoats. The top notch of style and 'j /ui \ J I \ Sold in seven grades / l| /■ J \y\j L\ \ \ *at seven prices, ranging / / j) k \ from SIO.OO the lowest, to |/| jgW /J 7 nojp \ !'J JS [ j \. ?-0.00 the highest. a If M' c Each garment bears two rj&3i fy (2fZrk 1 e fields, one gives price, , aßy ijjif!;' look forth? “Shield." a, -• ! / / / Brand'••■arTi-'n's.o "tiiei-:>i • youth*.' :>:• Ivys’ ar*L sowav: 1. \fH.44THIN€< / J /fr 'lf S£j| \ i *4ll ....M L. F. SELL, Hoschton, (la.