Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 21, 1909, Image 11

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Standard Lumber and Manufacturing Company Chase St. and S. A. L. Railway, ATHENS, : : GEORGIA. ********——aafcJHM—a—ax. w,n i ■— ■ m ■ Sash, Doors, Blir.ds, Shingles, Laths, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding. A New Enterprise. A New Mill. New Machinery. No Old Stock. High Grade Work. C\.?ne to See Us Telephone 556 CANNOT SPLIT OR CURL LIKE WOOD SHINGLES > Last as long as the building and never need repairs. Think of it! They’re also fireproof, stormproof, handsome and quite inexpensive. 6ENO FOR ESTIMATE LEATHERS & EAVENSON, winder, oa H. J. GARRISON, THL JEWELER. FULL LIKE OF High-Class Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, Silverware, Etc. Come In and See the Beautiful Diamond Ring to Be Given Away in the Coining News' Popular Voting Contest I I. JT. GARRISON. CHARLEY JOE THE L A LINO RV MAIN Opera House Building, Behind Express Office. First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All hinds of laundry neatly done. Clothes cleaned and pressed . PRICES: Collars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c Pair. |j£".; r: "-y <3 Mrr ■ OLIVER , CANNON & CO., WINDER, GEORGIA. ENJOYING A DRIVE in the bracing air of Autumn in a comfortable carriage and hand somely and safely harnessed horse is a pleasure to lovers of the “open.” If your harness is getting old and worn don’t drive with it and risk your life, when you can buy a stylish, handsome and well-made set of harness at such attractive prices at Fall and Winter Wearables Seasonable goods that measure up to every requirement of fashion at prices that save you money. • Present unusually attractive Bargains in Suits, Cloaks. Skirts, Blankets. Comforts, Underwear, Sweaters Matchless Display of Women s Suits No woman is well-dressed who?** suit do* s not, (it her as thoroughly as though designed for her. I)a v i son -N i cholson Co.’s suits have this exclusive made-for-your air. They are the sort of suits one sometimes succeeds in getting made to order by the best tailors, hut with all elements of doubt left out. Almost endless variety of styles, enables every woman to find just the shade, as well as model, to suit her. Diagonal and Serge Suits No more satisfactory suit for general wear. Smart, new pleated effect, distinguishes the skirts. Long, graceful lines in the coats add much style. One lot Herringbone striped Serge Suit. Coats 35-inches; lined with the very best satin. Skirts beautifully pleated, all shades. Prices $17.50. Over 100 different styles to select from,all colors —in Taupe, Navy, Blue, Olive, Raisin, Mahogany and Black. Coats 45-inches long pretty pleated Skirts. Price S3 TOO. One Piece Dresses Making a hit with the busy, professional woman, who must have handsome dresses, but has little time to plan them. Handsome dress of Lavender, Broadcloth, yoke of cream Irish Lice; braided in gold, cut in the very latest Parisian style, with double circular Skirt. Price #3O 00. 100 Suits SIO.OO, value $18.50. The greatest Suit sale ever held in Athens. Beautiful Mannish Suiting, made up in a strictly tailored Suit. The Coat is 51 indies long, lined with best quality satin and the skirt is pleated You will lay that this is the greatest suit ever offered at SIO.OO DAVISON-NiCHOLSON CO. Athens, Ga. Our sls Suits Can’t he matched elsewhere for less than 820 *>r 825.00. A Suit of Clay Serge, Coat full 40 inches long, lined with the very best guar anteed satin. Skirt beautifully pleated. This suit can’t be duplicated for less than $25. They come in all the leading shades of plum, taupe, old rose, mahogany, raisin, garnet, navy blue and black. Price $15.00 Mary Jane Dress , Moyenage Style, $ 28.00. Material of Knickerbocker Suiting with just a touch of red now and then. Collar of Payon velvet. Buttoned down the front with buttons to match of same material with red velvet center. Skirt pleated. Price $28.00 Moyenage Dresses — This One at $22.50. This pretty little dress is of Imported French Serge in a rich snade of navy blue. V shape yoke of Baby Irish Lace, finished off with tiny soutache braid and buttons to match. Skirt beautifully pleated. Avery stunning suit. Price 822.50 Striking Skirts of Shepherd Plaids Pretty Skirts of Black and White Shep herd plaid beautifully tailored, cut on the new 1909 models. Regular $7 50 Skirts; all priced at $5 00. Crepe De Chine Dresses at $45. Lovely shade Maise Crepe de Chine, beau tifully trimmed in Irish lace and gold Soutache braded, and hand embroidery. Waist draped to side and finished with fancy bows of same. Skirts gracefully tucked, hanging dose to figure. Sleeves made and trimmed to match. These are lovely in a wealth of the newest colors.