Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 28, 1909, Image 6

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DON’T EXPERIMENT You \tfill Make No Mistake You fol low This Winder Clti/ens’s Advice. Never neglect vour kidm-vs. If yoli have pain in tin? back, urinary disorders, dizziness and nervousness, it’s time to act and no time to experiment. These are all symptoms of kidney trou ble, and you should seek a remedy which is known to cure the kid neys, Doan’s Kidney Pills is the rem edy to use. No need to experi ment. It has cured many stub born cases in Winder. Follow the advice of a Winder citizen and be cured yourself. Mrs.J. E. Elliott,Factory Hill, Winder,Ga., says: ‘‘Fused Doan’s Kidnev Pills and I am pleased to say that they did me a world <t good. 1 had been ailing for some time. I felt weak and tired, had pains acloss my back and was bothered by headaches and dizzy spells. Accompaning these trou bles were too frequent passages of the kidney secretions which caus ed me much annoyance. I used various remidies but it was not until I began taking Doan’s Kid ney Pills, procured from Turner’s Pharmacy, that 1 obtained per manent relief. They helped me so much from the first that 1 con tinued taking them and when 1 had used three boxes, I was with out a sign of my old trouble. -I gladly endorse such an effective ronedy as Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale Iv all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mil burn Cos, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name —Doan’s —and take no other. COUNTY LINE. OKI “Sager” in very feeble at this time. He fell through the belt hole at Clreeson’s gin, and, Insides some internal injuries, he has a still knee. The people in this section are making use of this tine weather- The bulk of the cotton crop has been picked out and sold. Don’t think many in this section availed themselves of the opportunity to sell last spring; however, there are a few who did. You know we said a few weeks ago that experience was a dear teacher, but some would learn. What has been done is done. We can’t recall the past, but we can improve in the future. So now let us begin to sow oats and make ready to sow wheat. Let the plows run every day we can; make every ef fort we can to raise our own sup plies at home, and not try to make so much cotton. As we feel hardly able to sit up, we will close, wishing everybody good luck and a merry time and a .home at last in glory. Hauer. LEBANON. Ib v. Gerge D- Stone preached two very able and instructive ser mons at Lebanon church Saturday at 3 p. m. and Sunday at 11 a. m. He will not preach any more at Lebanon for the conference year. We hope that the North Georgia conference will send him hack t° us at pastor in 1910. Brother Stone is a very able preacher and pulpit orator and our people are pleased with him very much. lrs. M. A. McElhannan of the rof Athens is spending awhile t as the guest of Mr. C. F. Hol y’s family. ' Jie Arcade Debating Society met again at the school house last Sat urday night, and debated the sub ject: “Resolved, That married life is more pleasant than single life.” The affirmative was repre sented by Messrs. W. P. Frost. R. F. Mize, W. A. J. Palmour and J. O. Freeman, while the negative was defended by W- W. Coley, R. L. Freeman, Elohis Betts and 11. T. Anglin. The judges rendered their decision in favor of the negative. The affirmative side has appealed for anew hearing, and the same subject will !><• debated over the first Saturday night in November. r l he same ones <>n the affirmative and negative sides, as stated above, will represent and defend their respec tive sides, f] very body invited. Sunday school was organized at Arcade last Sunday afternoon with E. B. Betts, superintendent; W. P. Frost, assistant; .1. L. Little, secretary and treasurer. A full corps of competent teachers were se lected to take charge of the classes. Sunday school meets every Sunday afternoon at b p. m. * A house owned by Seth Hunter and occupied by Janus Mack was consumed by tire last week, together with all its contents. It is under stood Mr. Hunter will rebuild at an early date. IN REMEMBRANCE Of Grandma Graham, who de parted this life Oct. 4, 1900. She was the wife of \V. \V. Graham who preceded her to the grave some fourteen years and the mother of S. F. Graham, M. J. Graham, Mrs, J. L. Pope and Mrs. Mary Grissam, all of this county, and was 75 years of age at the time of her death. She joined the church at an early age and lived a Christian life until the end came, and was always ready to welcome all with a smile when they visited her. She had been in feeble health for a long while and bore her sufferings with resignation and looked forward to the blessed time when she would see Him face to face. All that loving hands could do was done for her, but her time had come, and we submit to the will of Him who knows best. Let us so live that when the sum mons comes for us to go we can smile and say we are ready to meet our Lord. Grandma is not dead. She is gently sleeping in the arms of Jesus and she is happy with the love ones who had gone before. She has only crossed over the river to her sweet reward. She has gone but not for got. May we be ready for the sum mons and anxious to meet her there — A precious one from us is gone, A voice we loved is still, A place is vacant in our home That never can be tilled. When our troubles here is o’er We will join our loved ones there. It will be a glorious meeting. To greet father, mother, brother there. She is gone from us to heaven — To that home so bright and fair; If we’ll put our trust ui Jesus v\ e will meet dear Grandma there. —A Grandaughter. Schedule Seaboard Air Line EASTWARD. No. 52—For local stations, Mon roe and Columbus... 9:45 a m No. 32— For Norfolk, Washing ton and New York... 1:52 p m No. 58—For local stations to Athens *•••. 7:32 p m No. 36—For local stations north of Athens, Richmond and East 12:11 a m WESTWARD. No. 37—For Atlanta. Birming ham and west 5:23 a nr. No. 57—tor local stations and Atlanta 7:45 a m No. 33—For Atlanta, Birming ham, Memphis and West 3:12 p m j No. 53—For Atlanta and west 6:IS p m These arrivals and departures arc given as information and are not guar anteed. Schedule Gainesville Midland Railway SOUTH BOUND No. 11— Lv. 8:35 a. m. No. 13 —Lv. 2:50 p m. No. 15 —Lv. 10:80 am: Sun. only. NORTH BOUND No. 12— At. 11:25 am. No. 14—A r. 5:40 p m. No. IG—A.. 4:25 pro;Sun. only. PROFESSIONAL CARDS LEWIS C. RUSSELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. G. A. JOHNS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Winder, Ga. Office over Smith & Carithers’ Bank. Practice in State and U. S. Courts. J. F. HOLMES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Statham, (hi. Criminal and Commercial Law a Specialty. W. H. AN ATTORNEY AT LAW Winder, Ga. Practice in all the courts Commercial law a specialty. \V. L. DkLaPERRIERK DENTAL SURGERY. Winder - - Georgia Fillings, Bridge and Plate-work done in most scientific and satis factory way. Offices on Broad St. SPURGEON WILLIAMS DENTIST, Winder ... Georgia Offices over Smith <fc Carithers hank. All work done satisfac torily, Phone SI. DR. S. T. ROSS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Winder, Ga. Offices over First National Bank. EDMOND F. SAXON, M. D. WINDER, GA. Office over Turner’s Pharmacy. Residence on Broad St. ’Phone lib. Attend all calls day or night. DR. R. P. ADAMS, BETHLEHEM, GA. General Practice. Telephone. Office Hours —7 to 9a m; 7to 9 p m. ALLEN’S ART STUDIO. All kinds of Photographs made by latest methods. All work an d promptly. Office on Candler St., Winder Ga CHILDREN —AT THE— ‘"Awkward Age? ’ STILL WE CAN MAKE PRETTY GOOD . • . Photographs of them. And you know you’d like to have the pic tures to send away, and some to keep for yourself. Bring the children in, and let us show you what we can do. ALIEN ART STUDIO WINDER, GA. For Sale —One of the Neatest — 5-Room Cottages in Winder . Close in and convenient to all churches and school. A bargain for next two weeks. LAMAR & PERRY INTELLIGENT SERVICE POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock holders worth over a million dollars. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. The First National Bank of Winder Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. HAMILTON & SEGARS, UNDERTAKERS, WINDER, GA. Rooms in Segars building. Embalming by a specialist. Prices reasonable. TELEPHONE 173. HOUSE.S AND LOTS' FOR SALE. If you do not want to buy one you had better not come this way, for I have them from a 3-room to a 7-room house for sale so cheap that you would think that they were almost given to you. I also have many desirable vacant lots to se lect from. We mean business. For further information, see R. J. HUFF, AT RUSSELL, WINDER, GEORGIA. A FAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing the uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property find him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, at The Winder Banking Company. CITY PRESSING CLUB In Basement of H. J. GARRISON Building. Pressing, cleaning and dyeing. Altering a spe cialty. First-class work, prompt attention. Phone 180. ALONZO HINTON Proprietor. I carry in stock everything .. that it takes to build a house and the prices are right. W. E. YOUNG, The Shingle Man. ( • # K