Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, October 28, 1909, Image 8

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We Are Too Busy Marking Down * The lots of gooks that are broken in sizes to write an ad. this week, but we call your i especial attention to the f i I Ladies’ Coats and Misses and Children’s jackets Don’t miss these now. A few more left. We have marked them down again. They must go. The SIO.OO ones £Qfl are now. '* • J * The $15.00 ones CQ A few $5.00 ones $3.48 at ■ Children’s and boys’ suits at prices below New York cost. Hats, Shoes and Millinery, while they last, at close out prices. The stock is broken, but that much the better, if we can tit you, for you buy them cheaper. Don’t forget that everything will be sold before this sale is over, and the longer you stay away and put off your buying the greater risk you take ingettingwhat you want. Comequick. Hoschton, 6a C. M. HUDQINS Hoschton, Ga CORINTH. Several from here attended preach ing at Chapel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Odum and family visited Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Morrow and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hinesley visited Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Wright and family Sunday. Miss Alma Hinesley visited Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hinesley Saturday night. The prayer meeting at Mr. Her shel Herndon’s was highly enjoyed by all present. 1 Mr. Edd Hendon visited Messrs. Birtisand Tom Day Sunday. M iss Myrt and Mr. Jim Smith visited Mr. and Mrs. Bud Willison Saturday night and Sunday. Messrs. Weldon and Albert Hinesley visited Mr. Vivian Kinney Sunday. Mr. and Mis. J. M. Fuller visited Mr. and Mrs-J. T. Hinesley Fri day night. Mr. John Hinesley is very sick at this writing. LONGVIEW. Mr. Renlen Carlisle left fur At lanta last week. Prof. Walter Rainey wl o has been attending school in Jefferson, lias returned home. Mr. and Mrs j. S. Jackson visit ed Squire John Justice Thursday. Mr. G. M. I). Moon is visiting his son, Mr- Lonnie Moon, at Sand Mountian, Ala. * Mr. Jarrett Carlisle visited his i brother Reuben, in Atlanta, Sun- s day. Mr. R. S. MeDougal visited ye scribe last Sunday. Mrs. Estelle MeDougal and Miss Montine spent the week-end at Winder and Bethlehem with rela tives. Mi ses Cora and Etlie Rainey were the guests Saturday night of Misses Florine and Ruby Fam h rough. Mr. George Moon, of near Hosch ton, spent Saturday night with J. W. Moon and family. Louis, the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mosley, is sick with fever. Middle Bi ster. PLEASANT HILL. Miss Maud Duncan was the guest of Miss Daisy Smith Sunday. Mrs. Fannie Hamilton visited Mrs- Bitha Grizzel Sunday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Stark Hunter visit ed their daughter, Mrs. John Fincher, Saturday. Mrs. Dave Owens and little son are visiting Mr. J. L. Owens and family this week. Sheriff Ben Collier passed through this section Friday. Mr- and Mrs. Will Millsaps were in Winder Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Owens spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Cobb Wall. The farmers in this section are in a rush trying to get out their 14 c nts cotton. Mr. and Mrs- John Robertson were in Wir der Saturday. HOUSE and LOT For Sale WILL SELL MY House and Lot On East Broad Street. Four large rooms and recep tion hall. Would rent to ap proved tenant. Apply to Walter Suddath, Winder Grocery Cos. CHARLEY JOE THE LAUNDRYMAN Opera House Building, Behind Express Office. First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All kinds of laundry neatly done. Clothes cleaned and pressed PRICES: Collars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c Pair. SVcovo &wA YC&ces —— NOVEMBER BTH TO I3TH INCLUSIVE. Grealty Reduced Rates Via Seaboard Air Line. Tickets on sale Nov. 7th to 12th, inclusive. Good for return until Nov. 16,1909. Limit of tickets may be ex tended until Nov. 30, by payment of sl. You can’t afford to miss these events. The greatest automo bile drivers in the world will participate in races on the fastest automobile race track of the world. Races every day, November 9th to 18th, inclusive. The i largest automobile show and exhibit ever given outside of New ! York and Chicago. Ask your ticket agent for complete information a9 to rates, schedules, hte., or C. D. WAYNE, CHAS. B. RYAN, Asst. Gen’l Passenger Agent, Gen’l Pass’r Agent, Portsmouth, Ya. Atlanta, Ga. And don’t forget the new Men’s CQ &K $15.00 Suits at A few of the $12.00 Suits - £7 7 A left at. - W And the SIO.OO ones $6.70 The Kurfees Paint r n ■ ■ ■ 1 ; V " ptvfllX ED -.: -Pin'r Louisviiu THE KURFEES PAINT PURE WHITE LEAD PURE OXIDE OF ZINO ■ADS ONLY PURE LINSEED OIL OF PURE DRYER PURE COLORS AND NOTHING ELSE Said (object to chemical analysis It’s really a pleasure to sell the Kurfees PURE LEAD and ZINC PAINT. We don’t have to make any excuses for any cheap adultera tions. It’s all pure goods and the exact formula, the chemical analysis, is plainly shown right on the can. You can see just what you are buy ing. We guarantee every gallon. Call and let us show you the latest and most up-to-date line of colors. WOODRUFF HARDWARE dr MANUFACTURING CO. Winder, Ga. TAX COLLECTORS SECOND ROUND I will be at the following places for the purpose of collecting state, county and school taxes for, the year 1909: and to register voters for 1910 elections: October 29 Center, 10 to 12 am Nicholson, i*to 8 p in Brockton, 4 to 5 p in November 8 — Commerce, 9 a m to 4 p m Apple Valley, 5 to G p m November 4 Maysville, 9 to 12 a m H *lly Springs, 1 to 2 p ni Miller's Court Ground 8 to 4 p m At Jefferson when not on rounds W. T Appleby, T. C. J. C. Tax Lists at All Banks.