Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 18, 1909, Image 8

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CORINTH. There will i>*> preaching at this place next Sunday. Everybody invited to attend. Mrs. J. T. Morris and daughter. Neva, visited Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. (). A. .Johnson and J. T. Uineeley Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. I* Hinesley visited the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hinesley, ami fami ly Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morrow and children visited Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Odum and family Saturday night and Sunday. Messrs. Vivian Kinney and Tom Day visited Messrs. Weldon and Albert Hinesley Sunday. There well he prayer meeting at Mr. Ruben Smith’s next Sunday afternoon. Everybody invited to attend. Messrs. Birtis and Turn Day were the guests of Mr. .Jim Fuller Mon day night. Misses Pearl and Emily Morrow and Messrs. Price Miller and Leon ard Marlow visited Misses Mamie and Ruby Odum Sunday. Mr. Jim Odum and daughter visited Mr. and Mrs. E. 11- Odum and family Sunday. Misses Ruby and Drue Willie Odum visited Misses Krona and Bertie Hinesley Sunday afternoon. RUSSELL. Mr. :m< 1 Mrs. John Mosemnn and littl• daughter, of Athens, spent the week-end with Mrs. 11. B. Russell. Mr- and Mrs. Joe Austin and family visit' and relatives in the coun try Sunday. Mr. Harold Starr visited Master Walter Russell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. \V. 11. Quarterman vi-it-'d in Russell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. .1. J. Meadows and Miss Della, Smith visited Mrs. Tuggle of Winder Sunday. Mrs. J. 11. Huff and children are visiting relatives in Madison coun ty this week. The small boys were interested in several apple wagons that camped in the woods of Russell Saturday night. Mr. E mory Wright's horse ran away Sunday, hut fortunatly on one was hurt. However, several were scared when the horse tore off the front steps of Mr. Zion Wright’s house and jumped over the buggy of Mr. Zion Wright. The Real Part. “1 suppose, doctor.” inquired a visitor, “a large proportion of the ills of your patients are imaginary.” “Yes sir, quite a large propor tion.” “ And your treatment in su(h eases, I suppose is by imagir.aiy pills.” “Well, 1 suppose you might call it that.” “Then, of course, for treating imaginary ills with imaginary pills you send in imaginary bills.” ‘‘Oh, my dear sir, nothing of the kind. There’s nothing imaginary alsmt the bills. I have to draw the line somewhere.” PARADISE. The farmers are about done gath ering in our community and have begun to plow. The prayer meeting at Mr. T. A. Smith’s Sunday evening was highly enjoyed by all present. Mrs- R. E. Clack and son spent part of last week in Oconee county the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. The Rebekah lodge at Paradise has changed its meeting evenings to At the prices named below. The goods will interest you and the money will interest us. These prices are for cash at the counter, and will not be charged until tomorrow. 10 pounds Red J Tobacco $3.00 A dollar bucket of American Bell Coffee .80 1-pound can Caroja Coffee .19 1 16-ounce package Coffee 13 1 box Gun Shells .38 100 pieces Penny Candy...- ? .55 7 cans Baking Powders 25 1 pound Jar Snuff .43 1 Medicated Brick * 20 2 !f-pound can Tellev’s Tea 23 Any 10c package Crackers 08 Any brand of Pork and Beans 08 20-gallon Galvanized Wash Tub .65 15-gallon Galvanized Wash Tub. 55 10-gallon Galvanized Wash Tub 45 Remember, these prices are strictly CASH, and will last for only 10 days. Cash today, credit tomorrow. Please don’t fall down, and forget the place and prices. _ We are headquarters for everything in Groceries, and will make the prices right. All we ask is a trial. Country Produce a Specialty. And last, but not least, don’t forget the place, and especially your pocketbook, as it will be needed. Yours for business, PHONE No. 72. the second and fourth Saturday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greeson and children, Mr. and Mrs. .John McElhannon and Miss Lola Chand ler were visitors in our burg Sunday. Miss Pallie Clack was the guest of Miss Hessie Cosby Sunday. Ny \\ , ' M /—'-/Z --\ NOW MAI' TOO GOOD TO ME (Mg K- " \\l AND that wagon looks L " ' y^^ HTY SUSp i c j Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Clack visited Mr. Smith and family Sunday evening. Mr. Tom Cheatham and family spent Saturday night and Sunday here the guests of Mrs. R. E. Clack. i0 pound can Wesson Cookery Oil $1.15 Kit Fish, per kit 45 Any Soap, 7 bars .25 4 cans Tomatoes 25 85c Lanterns for .60 Louzine Coffee, per can 20 Gold Scrubbing Boards - 20 3 cans Hominy - 25 3 boxes Nabisco Crox .25 3 packages Gum. 10 Dukes’ Smoking Tobacco, per pound 38 R. J. R. Smoking Tobacco, per pound 33 1 quart jar Pickels 20 7 packages Washing Powders 25 Salt, per 100 pounds .55 But Will Not Vote For Him. The South will eat possum with the president and drink ice water with him;it will decorate its streets when he arrives and march in pro cession behind his automobile. It will throw bouquets to him and re ceive with deep bows and blushes of pleasure those that he tosses back. It will meet him in every social di version. But it will not vote for him*. The elections returns in Vir ginia show that not the least pro gress has been made in republicana izing the Old Dominion. —Philadel- phia Record.