Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 25, 1909, Image 10

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The Biggest Sale of the Season! Begins at Hodges & Cooper’s store on Friday, December 3d. Watch this paper next week for prices, etc. ........... NEW TIMOTHY. Mr. P. K. Smith spent Sunday in Atlanta. Mr. J. M. P age killed a fine hog last week. Miss Mary Russell, of Winder, spent Monday here with relatives. The ladies of Chap# 1 church have collected enough money to buy a carpet for the church. Mrs. Cal lie Mathews, of Central, came over to New Timothy Satur day and Uft for Atlanta to spend a few days with relatives. Rev. Mr. Foster, of Winder, spent Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mr. P. R. Smith. The little child of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Thompson was very sick first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Milion Caruth, of Clarke county, were the guests of Mrs. N. 1. Duncan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. E. V- Hardigree spent Sundav with their mothers, SWEEPING REDUCTION. WE have gone through our entire stock and have marked everything down to un heard of prices. Owing to a change in our business, we intend closing out every piece of merchandise possible by January 1. These goods goods are all new up to date and this season latest styles. flen’s Clothing. • Finest line of Men’s Suits ever seen here of best makes in all colors and styles re duced as follows: Men’s Suits were $25.00, now if 18.00 Men’s Suits were 22.50, now 10.00 Men’s Suits were 20.00, now 14.90 Men’s Suits were 15.00, now 11.35 Men’s Suits were 12.50, now 8.80 Men’s Suits were 10.00, now 050 Don’t fail to come here when buying, it means a great saving to you. Everything guaranteed or money refunded. H. MENDEL & COMPANY, W inder, Georgia. HODGES & COOPER WINDER, GrA Mrs. F. M* Wallace, at Patrick’s Academy. The little child of Mrs. V. L. House has been quite sick, but is improving now. Mr. Madison Rogers, who is traveling for the Watkins Medicine Company, passed through our burg Monday. Rev. Eritz Rauschenberg,of Law renceyille, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Russell Monday. Mr. R. L. Pruitt and family and Mrs. Centie Hill spent Sunday with the family of J. M. Page. Mr. P. R Smith and Miss Sudie Smith made} a business trip to Bethlehem Monday. The trustees of New Chapel Academy have elected Miss Mamie Chastaine. of Apple Valley, teacher for next year. Miss Lizzie Dunn, of Statham, was the guest of her cousins, Misses Annie and Pear Page, Saturday night. WATCH OUT FOR Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Smith spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Winder. The friends of Mr. Preston House are pleased to know he won the prize in the Business college for the best work in penmanship. Mrs. W. H. Quarterman and Mrs. June Jackson, of Winder,were visitors to New Timothy Friday. Hon. Clarke Howell and family, of Atlanta, spent a short while here one day last week while en route home from Athens. Mr. Willie Smith and Miss Sudie Smith spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Frank McDonald at Bethlehem. 25 ACRES LAND EOR SALE. 25 acres of land with small cot tages in the corporation of Winder, will make good building lots, or One farm,will sell at a bargain. See me at once, for it is going. Apply to C. H. Morgan, Auburn. Ladies’ Suits. These Suits are beyond doubt the prettiest suits in town, handsomely tailored. We have only a limited number left and will sell them while they last at follow ing prices: $22.50 Ladies’ Suits, now $15.00 20.00 Ladies’ Suits, now 13.50 17.50 Ladies’ Suits, now 12.00 15.00 Ladies’ Suits, now 10.00 12.50 Ladies’ Suits, now 8.00 We have a large line of Ladies’ Skirts in all colors and sizes. These we will close out at a great sacrifice. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF Bank of Hoschton located at Hoschton, Ga., at the close of business Nov. 16, 1909. RESOURCES: Loans and Discounts $39,359 02 Overdrafts (cotton) 4,984 02 Banking House 1,630 00 Furniture and Fixtures.. 2,407 91 Due from Banks and Bankers in the State... 6,219 03 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States 1,047 98 Currency 5,103 00 Gold 718 00 Silver,Nickles and Pennies 586 88 Checks and Cash Items 84 67 Total a $62,140 51 STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Jackson. Before me came B. F. Wilson, Cashier of The Bank of Hoschton who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said Bank. B. F. Wilson. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day of November 1909. J. H. C. Randolph, J. P. Shoes! Shoes! Our Shoe department is just full of the very best solid leather shoes obtainable in Sunday and every day wear for Men, Women and Children until January 1, we are going to offer the trading pub lic a chance to buy shoes at a great saving to them. In fact we have marked everything down in our entire stock, regardless to cost, limit or value. LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Paid in $30,000 00 Surplus Fund §,OOO 00 Undivided Profits less Current Expenses and Taxes Paid 1,136 21 Individual Deposits Sub ject to Check 18,852 03 Time Certificates 6,082 34 Cashier’s Checks 69 93 Total $62,140 51