Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 25, 1909, Image 3

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INTELLIGENT SERVICE POLITE TREATMENT. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION Strong Board of Directors that direct Stock holders worth over a million dollars. YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. Your business will be appreciated. The First National Bank of Winder Capital Stock Paid in $50,000.00. HAMILTON & SEOARS, UNDERTAKERS, WIINDER, OA. Rooms in Segars building. Embalming by a specialist. Prices reasonable. TELEPHONE 173. HOUSES AND LOTS FOR SALE. If you do not want to buy one you had better not come this way, for I have them from a 3-room to a 7-room house for sale so cheap that you would think that they were almost given to you. I also have many desirable vacant lots to 'se lect from. We mean business. For further information, see R. J. HUFF, AT RUSSELL, WINDER, GEORGIA. A FAR SIGHTED MAN, Knowing the uncertainties of the future and realizing the responsibilities of life, does not let the fire which may consume his property lind him without Insurance. Furthermore, he pro tects his estate and those dependent on him by insuring his own life. For reliable Insurance, life and fire, see KILGORE & RADFORD, Insurancec Agents, BatTOfficp at The Winder Banking Company. CITY PRESSING CLUB In Basement of H. J. GARRISON Building. Pressing, cleaning and dyeing. Altering a spe cialty. First-class work, prompt attention. Phone ISO. ALONZO HINTON, Proprietor. I carry in stock everything that it takes to build a house and the prices are right. W. E. YOUNG, The Shingle Man. HIRAM FLANIGAN PINK FLANIGAN mS Pianos, Organs, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, A N D AUTOMOBILES WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS. 4 | - WILL SIKES JIM SAUNDERS CARTER HILL Last Week’s Locals. There is some talk of having a Christmas tree here. The cotton crop is about har vested in this neck of the woods- The gin here only runs two days in a week now. The candy drawing at Mr. W. J. Page’s Saturday night was highly enjoyed. Mr. Will Harrison, of Bethlehem, passed through our ville Saturday. Mr. Paul Sims, of Suwanee, visited his parents here one day last week. Several from here attended preaching at Bethel Sunday. Miss Mowena Edwards was the guest of the Misses Fuller Satur day night. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Edwards and little daughter visited Mrs. T J. Edwards Sunday. Mr. W. M. Fuller attended preaching at Maddox’s Academy Sunday. M iss Melia Austin was the guest of the Misses Adams Saturday night. The Kurfees Paint r;l ' ;■ v-; Q I• i-r%: LouiiviUtJfiG^ ’• -'u THE KURFEES PAINT PORE WHITE LEAD PURE OXIDE OF ZINC MADE ONLY PURE LINSEED OIL OF PURE DRYER PURE COLORS AND NOTHING ELBE Sold subject to chemical analysis It’s really a pleasure to sell the Kurfees PURE LEAD and ZINC PAINT. We don’t have to make any excuses for any cheap adultera tions. It’s all pure goods and the exact formula, the chemical analysis, is plainly shown right on the can. You can see just what you are buy ing. We guarantee every gallon. Call and let us show you the latest and most up-to-date line of colors. WOODRUFF HARDWARE & MANUFACTURING- CO. Winder, Ga. An Essential Thing, and there are many, in the management of bank is the personal, painstaking care of i its officers. Recognizing this responsibility, the officers of this institution keep them selves in touch with every important detail of the business. And the outcome? A generous, and a steadily increasing patronage. THE WINDER BANKING CO. WINDER, GEORGIA. =INDEPENDENT== — Buyers of Cotton Seed. We arc in the market for Cotton Seed. Moat convenient place in the city to weigh and unload, Highest Market Price Paid Will exchange Cotton Meal and Hulls for Cotton Seed. See us at the store. LAV Sz GRAHAM, WINDER, GEORGIA. CHARLEY JOE THE LAUINDRVMAN Opera House Building, Behind Express Office. First-Class Work. Satisfaction Guaranteed. All kinds of laundry neatly done. Clothes cleaned and pressed . PRICES: Collars, 2c; Shirts, 10c; Cuffs, 4c Pair.