Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, November 25, 1909, Image 5

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Our great Clearance Sale continues, and will continue until December Ist, at our large store. Those who have attended this sale all say that beyond the shadow of a doubt that this is the greatest bargain sale they have ever witnessed. We are hav ing a genuine Clearance Sale, therefore many good things are here for you. All we ask is that you visit our store and see for yourself the many values offered you. We are very proud of the success our sale has met with. We feel that our customers know and appreciate the low prices as shown by their many purchases during the Clearance Sale prices. * Bargains in Every Department of Store Dry Goods. t Every piece of Woolen Dress Goods in stock has been reduced. Below are a few prices mentioned, giving you an idea as to how much they are reduced: $1.50 Dress Goods, $1.29 i.OO Dress Goods, 89c 75c Dress Goods, 59c 65c Dress Goods, 43c 50c Dress Goods, 39c In these Woolen Goods we have a nice assortment to select from in all the new * weaves and patterns —Panama, Serge, Voile, Mohair, Woolen Suitings, etc. Best Calico made sc. Best Outing made 9c. 10 and 1 2 34c Ginghams Bc. 12 34c Embroideries Bc. 734 c Embroideries sc. 15c Kimono Goods i2 34 c - Don’t Fail to Visit Oar Store During This —CLEARANCE SALE— as there are in store for you many rare values. A purchase here means a saving for you. 4 " yS i ...... . ' i' v :to Everything to Wear , TGaY&ot e . Winder, Georgia Clothing. We have enjoyed a big business in this department. Clearance Sale Prices: $5.00 and $7.50 Suits $3.00 7.50 and 10.00 Suits 4.98 8.50 and 12.50 Suits 6.95 15.00 and 17.50 Suits 11.95 Hen’s Pants. Large lot Men’s Suit Pants at half price. Ask to see them. Men’s Shirts. sr.oo and $1.25 “Eclipse” Shirts. Best Shirt on the market for the price. Clear ance sale price 79 cents. 50c Facinators 39c $1,50 Shawls $1.13 1.35 Shawls 98c 65c Shawls 39c. SI.OO Table Linen 90c 1.50 Counter Panes $1.39. Shoes! Shoes! Lot r. Ladies’and Children’s Shoes 48c Lot 2. Ladies’ Children and Boys’ Shoes 98c. Lot 3. Ladies’ and Children’s nice Shoes. Values up to $4.50, now $1.48. Lot 4. Few Men’s “Heywood” Shoes left at $1.98, choice. Hosiery. Ladies’ Men’s and Children’s Hose. Values Up to 15c, now Bc. Underwear. Many special values in Men’s Women’s and Children’s heavy Underwear. 50c Men’s Neckwear for 25c 25c Men’s Suspenders for 15c 25c Men's Hose for 17c pair. Many other such prices too numerous to mention.