Winder weekly news. (Winder, Jackson County, Ga.) 18??-1909, December 16, 1909, Image 5

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16 Pages 2d Section VOL. XVII. A LASTING REMEMBRANCE FROM THE RECIPIENT Just look at some of the extremely low prices in order that your friends may be remembered by you in years to come. The National Coin fort Chair, No. 100, Reduced to only SO.OO. TANARUS!x j National Comfort Chair, No. 105, Reduced to only §O.OO. The National Comfort Chair, No. 110, Reduc' and to only 812.00. The National Comfort Chair, No. 10G, Reduced to only 80.50, (Rocker.) The National Comfort Chair, No. 111, Reduced to only $1 (>.OO, (Rocker, leather.) Three piece Mahogany Parlor Suit, Reduced to only 825-00. (late End Dnyenp'wt, Reduced to only 825.00. TYRO. The-beautiful weather of the fall is passed and winter rain is begin ning to make some headway- This makes us sorry for ourselves as well as others who have to make a change in their place of abode. "It’s a pity more people don’t make haste when they know they have to move —not put it off until winter is on us in dead earnest, then move through rain and mud, and damage the little we country people have. It’s just awful to have to haul a load of nice furniture several miles und up the muddy steep grades there are in Chandler’s district. Just look where I have gone, right on the road again.' lam that much like the much abused drummer — all the time on the road. This difference, In* makes a living and I iTiake enemies. Say, why not issue bonds and build good roads from Jefferson to Winder, Commerce, Hoschton,Stat ham, Maysville and Center toward Athens and Gainesvill? After you have built these, go into the rural districts and make others good. You say it costs too much. Let’s see! Your team can carry, sav *two tons as they are. Make better roads and move four tons with the same team in the same time. Mr. Farmer has saved the price of one team which at low figures is $2-.50 a day. Now take just twenty days for hauling guano, marketing cot ton and other produce. What have you saved in one year, SSO, eh! You say, well, if I were to iUiniicr tUcckln IXcius. Clo nes will wear out, watches and rings nia> get lost, diamonds we cannot afford. So just make pome g,ne hap;;y by giving them a REAL NICE DEDRuOTT SUi F. Youb to serve, and believe me, DIVIDE PROFITS. Wishing Everybody a Happy and Merry Christmas, and Prosperous New Year, WINDER, JACKSON COUNTY. GEORGIA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1909 ask you to give the fifth part of that (I mean a four-horse man) each year until we had good roads you would give me a lot of abuse. The savings of buggies, wagons and automobiles would lx* money in the poeket. Then if you get money back as well as time, why not l>e willing to spend a part of it to make good roads. Oh you say you would not mind it if you could get the work done. Jackson county is not a garden. You can’t hoe her over before breakfast, Imt you can probably clean one row. If 1 were to go into ni3 r garden piek out a few small hits of grass every foot and pass by the weeds that were chokingthe life out of my plants you would use some language not appropriate if you were not a member of the church. Once J heard a fellow tell about the other fellow that took too much John Barley corn,, and he died with Pelagifi, but the story Mr. Blank took a good drink, walking from his hotel simply stated he could whip anything on that street. Back to his loom, takes another, walk ing back and a little louder says I can wallop anything in this ward. Rack for a third drink, returns somewhat boistrous declares he can whip any man in town. He has no opponent. But David was near to meet Goliah, On Mr. Blank’s return after the fourth drink came he stroking his heard all covered with filth from his mouth, eyes like new moons, his gait very wobbly, he exclaims in a drunken brogue: Lounges from SPUD to 81 1.50. The latest thing in Dev. Olounge, (makes a good bed) $17.50. Eight different assortment Side Boards, from 812.0 ) to 800.00. Seven different assortment I lull Racks, from SS.OO to SOS 00. Chiffoniers as low as —ju*t think only $12.00. The most iist-ful pr< sent for men only, hut the whole family uses it —it is a Chifforobe, 825 to 82< .50 Don’t let tie- little one fall in the tire, .lust, simply get oiv of those Spark Guards, only 81.00. Look Cases fill tic wav from 85.00 to 817.50. “I can wollop anything in the county.” Ep step a country *lad well muscled and ready. With a hack-handed blow with his brawny fist he sent Mr. Blank into the gut ter. Mr. Blank arose looking about as if ready to appologize declariugj in distinct tones: 1 took in too milch territory. That is just what some are doing today. Going over too much ground. The doctors the lawyers and men with brain and experience often differ on material points. Then we with limited education and lit tle experience must necessarily lie ►allowed a latitude to speak and show our ideas of difference though we he nut able to advance plans by which we, as a community, may be bettered. Tis any easy tiling to say this or that is right or wrong j but ;t much harder one to show up the wrong and give something bet ter. The birthday party at J. R. Johnson's was a success in every sense of the word, Tyrant. WHI lEHEAD-VOMOLIETH Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Whitehead, of Winder, announce the engage ment of their daughter, Reha, and Mr. John Nesbitt Vonderlieth, the ceremov to take place at the First Methodist church, December 22. No general rule can le laid down for the training of children. Take your child and make yonr rule to fit him. You can not make a child to fit a rule to save your life. —Ex. Art Squares, oxl2, from 15.00 to $22 50. Rugs from 75c to $4 00. Well when it comes to Parlor Rocking Chairs, “we’s sho got ’em” all the ,vay from 81.25 to $lO. And lost you forget, we have some of the very latest designs in Toilet Sets, 12 pieces. You ought to see them Dutch Patterns for Holiday presents reduced to only SB.OO. Led Room Suits. Well they are sure here to phase any one ranging from 20, 25, 25, 15, 55, 05, b 75 .and SBS. Well they arc worth more but we want to move some of them, and you cannot give a better present. THE RIDGE. Mr. Editor, we are here again. Those old maid’s have got in a good humor. You know it tickles some folks to death to see their name in print. If you tell where they went and who went with them, hut if you write a local about them and have a little fun attached, they are ready to tear your liair out. But we have resolved to have our share of fun in this world as long as anv fun is going. Backbone and spareribs, The order of the day, Eat the meat from off the bones And throw the hones away. Nearly everybody took advantage of the cold snap, and knocked the sonic” down. Send the Devil of the P ress out and we will give him a squaae meal of ‘‘chitling.” The weather’s getting very had To move so awful far. \\ ish that we had closed a trade To stay right where we are. The man who hasn’t been getting bis children any Santa Claus should come around this time. He can well afford it, for cotton has been a good price all the fall and he should make their little hearts glad once in life, if no more, We read of the little children in the Good Book. In one place it says: “Suffer little children to come unto me, and for bid them not for of such is the king dom of heaven.” and in another place: “We must become as a little child.” Think of this you ungrat- ful father and lil! their little stock ings as you wanted them to fill that basket with 15-cent cotton last fall. The days are swiftly passing by, Another year is gone, We stop and wonder, Master, why? Has time so swiftly flown. i es A mas now will soon have passed And then we’ll start ‘"agin,” To toiling all the long days through The year nineteen and ten. Children get your socks nailed up, Close by the mantle side, For on that glorious eve Old Santa Claus will ride. He’ll bring you toy’s of every kind. And candies by the pound. Now go to bed just after dark, He’s sure to come aiound. He’ll bring the girlies all a doll, He’ll bring the hoys a gun, A rocking chair, he’ll bring your ma, He’ll bring your pa a dun. And there the old man will begin To rip, to rare, and snort. Because he looked in his old “sock” And didn’t find a quart. Ni ff Skd. BLACKSIOCK-I.ONGINO Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant J. Black stock, of Jefferson, announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Elizabeth, and Dr. John Thomas Longino, of Fairburn, the marriage to take place at the First Baptist church, in Jefferson, on January 12. I6 Pages 2d Section NO. 40