The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, January 04, 1882, Image 1

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■Ujc Jackson JJaiJs. VJ CJibOy, OA., SAX’. 1, 1882. ) TOW X A AII tOIM V. I~i yrvrrE. I On and after thin date, I shall do all Advertising connected with my office (B.D the Jackson Nkwr, published in Jackson, Butts county, Ga. \ J. 0. BEAUCHAMP, f' Sheritl, B. C. jf dSdcelm Dr. Crum has returned from Social ( irt'le. Col. Wright and Dr. Bryans left for Atlanta, Monday. It appears to us rather airisli for hoopskirte. Lost Tuesday way sale. day. An old lioiec old enough to vote, sold for v eood buggy and harness sold lor 30 odd'dollars. " Messrs Bond A Hendrick, of Worth vijfe, are authorized to receive sub sjiipiions to the News. rsp\,i. • ->t scarcely bear your name called, for" the bAbbuf) and disorder, ntthc Christinas tree, during the de livery of the presents. Sewing machine oil, of the best qual ity at C. J. Lower’s the new watch ma ker, Jackson, Ga. 2Sdcclt . Ma few spectators formed themselves l imn circle around the dancers, the oth rer night and those sitting down were debared from witnessing the perform •SiVatches repaired, cleaned and olfcystala furnished, by C. J. Lower, Ae new watch maker, Jackson, Ga. Mr. G. W. Mann and family, ar ved lasi -auu-dav evening. They are i ‘n-poing lU Swan’s. vr L y wittehes to the new watch repairs, C. J. on the JBlheast corner of the square fKhe negroes had a regular double tHptlp and a good time generally at tt®ncademy last Saturday night. | -Bt. . y OUr sewing machine attach nC and needles, from C. J. Lowei, Jjffison, Ga., who can also put your owpliinc in tip-top running older. 1 l Barren Waters, col., contributed to ilJßtown treasury again hist week, al ltMaying a portion of liis line in the rll TO BAFFLE. A FINE SEWING MACHINE, wwrcntel. ißwitli all the latest improvemeiitß ami attaOi Sits. Call at A. Me. Watkins A sou s.and Ul.e !1 ® " R ' e *° r Ul ' S valU ‘ lbl ‘ ! ‘ UKi usefu * uaL ' lll ' ; JVo had a call from Mr. Plunket who reiides near Conyers. He was on a prospecting tour and informs us that contemplates establishing a wood Rop here and will put in some ma- I hinery. I ‘FREE GRATIS.” X Those who think they have a gold silver, copper, lead, or any other kind if n mine on their binds, it the\ \nii. eiivc samples ot ore at the Ni.wslofllce, ve will have them examined and prop rly tested free of charge. <; ? y The Editor. Mr. H. P. Aim and and A. I). Mc- Donald, of Conyers, were lierc last week. Mr. Alniaml expects to put his brick machine in operation by March or April. Mr. McDonald, who is a me- CUM. i :v., tv oil IVI Ilion, t- L\ r u A../. otijjp if he (mold secure hou^eroom. ESTUA Y NOTICE. Cull at this office and obtain infor mation concerning a stray Black Mare Mi}]?! by paying for this notice, v The Jackson Male and Female Acad emy is left open, day and night, for Sots, 'negroes and tramps or anyone ivho nr ty see fit to u>e it. The only •eason the hogs don t occupy it, said a eM§man, they can’t climb in at the oor, ' We had a call from Mr. Bond, of the rpi *)l Bond & Hendrick. He reports 1 qijicl in hi.~- h.inywick. For once in verb j years, he says there is no whts- Bijftd at Worthville, which fact he jiVjfcii proud t" chronicle, and the oIU is. instead of the usual drunken Vsgfjnd frolics that usually attend the idey-. Christmas passed off quiet IflVr no at VYorthville. TG GIVE mi SEWING MA ’jB.Hl NE AT Tll IS OFFICE. a hran m-TvVHITE SEWING M \- <,i --i ; I I . .■. r . . *. t l 11 l i: . I • t t • ! | MlBll|l!)| !iISJBbiv. ii' v=i:ii* and ndsuii |j riv ! ■ * t!)lft Jftl'ft ' .BjS:h oec.tsh) .a;!y, a tew b'lmor- I e* remarks, nil deliverin'.: -ti-pi •!■*'' ►ftitin |w-k!jr* > his or her sweet en rt Quid* a ' i‘"wd *.V!’“ present a i E S;- ‘ ■ Af* L it** !-•■!• is were delivered it was LftiStin . 1 tT. t tli'-ro would in- dnne.- r *\ th ur:-i'’ *' •miii'Wic' •! i! a r.iru- B trii-ji'* t in .li:ut li’ti.ili* t Bib n: iif.-s |> .r i-i;> Ge l. in tiie >.T- Bipne i t/.t; •• | Bob Lawson, E. rounds, Doughty, 1 and others from (lie Springs, were in town sale day. Our friends Crum and Goolsby, in accordance with the old adage, have laid away their presents received at the Christmas tree, for future use. It is said if you keep an article seven years you are sure to have a use for it. A\ e would advise them to pack some cam phor or tobacco with them to keep the moths from destroying them. One moth could totally destroy small wool en artcles like those in a short while. A Government scout Ims reported to Gen. Pope that lie tears there will he an Indian uprising in New Mexi co in the spring, lie says the Mor m. ns are at tho bottom ol it and are tarnishing the Utah U’es with fire* arms. FOR SALE. We have, at this office a fine SEW - ING MACHINE, with all the latest improvements and attachments, which we will sell cheap and give a written guarantee, front the company for live years. Come and see it, anti huv it tor your wife or daughter as a Christinas gift. 1-ldcotf —— . . The enquiries of some, for mail mat ter, whom, we know not from Adam’s house cat, is tight amusing. Such ns "Anything here for mo?’’ ‘Got anything in the postoflice?' ‘What have I got to-day?’ ‘Nothing in the post office?’ "Is there any letters in the post office?” “Got any mail for mo or any of the neighbors?” “W i.-h you and look in the office for our crowd.” About the time we get busy and our mind collected, in steps the wholesale man and upsets us for the balance ol the day, with : “Is there anything in the office for me or John Jolinson-Sam I’erkins-Mary Ann Gun-Josiali Jenk ins-Sam Jopes-Eli Skinner-Isam Kelly John SmithTlannah Mariah Consen tena Brown-or any other man —more or less —just gimme all the mail in the post office for our settlement all in one breath—“ Corporal Powder and Gener al Bullet told me to ax for them and”— about that time we blow on the brakes and as the settlement mail carrier gasps for another breath, we request him to give them to us one at a time and no by districts. l Jffi Merry Christmas to You! 0 Great (Mi Ont Sate - OF ALL OUR - Winter Stock. O USEFUL HOLLIDAY PRESENTS —for— The Million! Conte and S(M‘. We Ask of you is ati inspection ol' Our Stock. o ON nttcount of the shortness in the colt'- crop this Tull we have decided to CLEAN OUT Our ENTIRE STOCK in order to hoavy payments. And to ae eornmodate our customers who intend purcha sing, we have rrmrkeJ our floods out in plain figures, which leaves no doubt of our sincerity in this matter. For instance we have marked down Two hundred pair men’s pants to 75 cents. Three hundred men’s shirts 50 cents. Two hundred and fifty men’s hats 50 cents. Five hundred men’s suits, §1,75 cts. One thousand men’s Cardigan jack- cts, 00 cents. One thousand men’s overcoats, $3.00. Two thousand undershirts, 25 cents. Fifteen hundred hoy’s hats, 40 cents. Three hundred boy’s suits, $2,50 cts. Four hundred and fifty hoy s over coats, $2.90 cents. Nine hundred and seventy-five pairs boy’s pants, 90 cents. Twenty-five hundred children’s knit hoods, 25 cents. Three hundred Ladies knit hoods, 50 cents. Five thousand pair children’s hose, 10 cents, and thousands of other arti cles marked down to NLW TOltlv COST, too numerous to mention. All we ask of you is to call and see us, and we know you will never regret it. lliid Star Ci.qthing House, 20, Hill street, Griffin, Ga. li. NATHAN, proprietor. 21dec 3 j|a| jjjjkjj tsx j^ a . Mf) ., .}<• cv.■•-■*•• T*ri*<.Cawn*, . . r . ,• i-a ff. (;Te. any. etc. Wo , . tj,VriV-ve y arc pcrioi.i o. i I Uir iern ns me •. n'.'-r’i io 'he Cl i, Tilts SU“— ■■‘l splftMldkl (lll.ft . A..;,,',.T s:;.-0;:: -vr.-l, ,v silii-I'carn-s f • ... I - .*. 1-, v-rv i i-fft-ft-f iosr.a- 'I Imsa.i s.< , AOdieSft .-G NN A 1 fat* > S. i'l . , ~(,*< of le.m AMr. ' an, .i. I ill- t- -• .’ A ... Hairtb v: ■ ■■■ tm ■_ ... _ Shsriffs Sales for February. \ l’E SOLD before the court house door \ V in the town of Jackson, Butls county, (in. on the FIRST TUESDAY in FKHUIJAItY next, 1882, within tin* legal hours of salt*, the following described property to-wit : Forty acres of land in the North-West corner of lot of land number not known, lying and be ing in tlie county of Butts and Ixnindcd ns follows: North by lands of Mrs. Bishop; West by lauds of Mast on Hendrick; Sout h by lands of the estate of .lobe Currie: Hast by lands sold lv M. V. MeKih ben as administrator on the estate of Tho. Me* Kibben, on the Ist Tuesday in October, 1881. Lev ied upon as the property of John Currie, by vir- ' tm* of one tl fa issued from the Justice com tof the tIG District (•. M., in favor Hob/, G. Duke vs. .lolin (’urrie. property pointed out by plaintiff, 'renant in possession given notice, as required by 1 i\v. Levy made Oct., slh 13&1. This January ‘M 1881!. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff, B. C. TTTILL BK SOLD beforo the court bouse door \ V in the town of Jackson, Butts county, Da., within the legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next, 1882, tho fol lowing described property to*wit : Ten acres of land in the North-Fast co-.ier of lot of land No. not known, situated, bein’, and ly ing the county of Butts, and bounded ■ follows : North by lands of Dr. J. H. Bryans; 1 est by lands of the estate of J. B. Bumble: So by lands of the estate of J. B. Bumble ; F ~t bv binds of W. A Elder. Levio.l upon as ,ne property of the estate of J. li. Bumble, b, virtue ot three tax tl fas issued by J. O. Atid.ews and \Y. (’. Nutt, tax collectors of Butts county for tho years 1879, 1880, and 1881, in favor o: the State of Georgia and oenn ty of Butts vs. t’.e estate ofJ. B. Bumble. Ten- : ant in posses-.on notified in the terms of the law. j Levy made and returned to me by J. M. McMi clmcl, L. 0. This Jimuarv .'M, 1882.* J. 6. BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff B. i\ VI TILL BE SOLD before the Cwnrt House \ V door, in the town of Jackson, Butts coun ty, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY in FEBIiUA RY next. 1882, within the legal hours ol sale, the following described property to wit : Sixty acres of and. being apart of the (’ole man land, situated. lying and being in the coun ty of Butts, hounded us follows : North by lands of K. J. Lawson ; West bv Mrs Lucy Lawson ; East by Josiah Freeman : South by Josinli Free man. Levied upon as the property of R. W. ('olemail, by virtue of one fi fa issued from the ('•I t District G M.. in favor of H. I*. Brooks, vs. K. W. ' (deman. Levy made by J. B. Brooks, L. and returned tome, this Dee., 2d, 1881. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Slier ill', B. (’. WILL BE si >LD before the Court House door, in the town of Jackson, Butts coun ty, tiu., on the FIRST TUESDAY in FKBItI'ARY next, 1 82, within the legal hoars of sale, the fol lowing described property to-wit : One Woodtaber and Moss Engine, five horse power, levied upon its the property of W. D. Murtuin, T. J. Hidgewav .V William Tluixton, by virtue of one fi la issued from the Superior Court of Butts county, in f.ivor of M. V. Me Kibben vs XV. 1). Mariam, T. .1. Ridgeway A: William Thax ton. This Dee., 24th, 1881. J. 0. BEAUCHAMP, Sheri If, B. C, MARK, THE BARBER. 0 TO EG S leave to inform the citizens oHdraekson IDand the public generally, that he is now pre pared to give an EASY SHaVE. Hair Cutting, Shampooning, Etc., done in GOOD STYLE. Give him a wall, at the Livery Stable. Mew Process mi. on— GOLDEN BROAD. —_o MANUFACTURED AT ISLAND SHOALS MILLS. r J ■'HESE MILLS have an entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY manufactured especially for them. This flour is highly recommended by Dr. Hay good, President of Emory College, who calls the bread made from it “Golden Bread,’’ from which the Hour takes its name and each sack will he branded SOLDO BiEID —FOlt SALE— By BYERS & MAI.T.ETT and A. Mo WAT KINS it’ SON, Jackson, Ga. Respect fidly, JOSIAII HOS'VOItTII & CO. Sldcely Proprieior’s Mil’s. DEHTISTBY. /f&Uss nAVINfJ located at Jackson, 1 desire to state t the people of this and surrounding (••uni ties that lam prepared to do any and kinds of IjKVTAI. WollK, at reasonable prices. Of fice up stairs in the Jlißtfins building. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Nov. 10th J. W. (!kum. Dentist. IlfiMliS i ITTIIB, . . I UFA C 7 Uli FES Ob A NJ) DF. I L FES IN j Games?: Boots, Shoes, Leather and * vi ii i; IjSDINGS, LAR6- SIX ii V, S O l HOD- £ID MIDDLE SEORGU. Keep constantly m stock, a run lim- .if Zeii’e’s, ft iefs, MUs sfl f’atiS l<Ts Fi eli s, hand and machine sewed. Home Made Brogans, For Men and Women, §1 50 ; Boys and Misses §1 25 ; < ’upper tipp-d sl. 00.73 m 22 HfLL TRvKT, GR T FFMtf QA Crotbry ml Glassware, CWltorc. Hall M M LaiLp. ESTEY ORGANS, VIOLINS, ACCORDEONS. and other Musical Instru ments at prices heretofore unheard of. WEDDING and CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, and FANCY GOODS in endless variety and at popular prices. Call and see N. *v .hi 11,11 r, t,/,//■/*/.v. G,t. New, FasNioiafils, Sty Mil LO :f PBIOEI Our stock of MILLINERY, RIBBONS, and FANCY OOOIIS hr Ldi-- ■ i will I'e complete hv he tir.-t of Oi lohcr, and our price- .-mu. , IT. Mi s Kate Camp, and Mrs. S. M. Duke, wilt he pleased to sop 23-3 in 87 Ilnl Street, Gi iffin, Ga. : il a. X Kl \ Vi v- tuYi. Jarkon. (it;:, * flMlEonly hotel off’ering special luvommoda I lions to the traveling public vi* ting Jackson, 'l’he tables are furnished willi the Very best tne market ufiords. Feed Ntitblos. 1 Parties traveling ly private conveyance enn also have their stock cured for at reasonable rates. 11. 0. BEM ON, M*P 20-ly I‘ROPUIKTOU. To Tlie l^cibiic. THE undersigned is now prepared to carry passengers on the regular mail mute tx-tween Jackson and I’ovingtou at rea-omib'e rates. Will leave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning ,;i 7 o’clock. I will also carry baggage or oilier light freight. Your patronage solicited. (.‘apt. J. I*. LOY 1), Mail (’ontraelor. P. S.—When in Jackson 1 can be found at the l!cntou House. sep 2.‘Mf ! GRIFFIN, .... 0.1 S. S. SHELL, Proprietor. The above hotel is hH'nted Twenty yards from the deiad. Rates ?r2 per day. Tables supplied with the host the market affords. Special rates given to citizens of Spalding and adjoining coun ties.” *€}> 23-tf M. V. McKihben, A TTOUXK VS A TLA 11, i\ckso.\, - - <a. sb p 9 11. HKNDRU’K. A. WUIC.HT. HENDRICK & WEIGHT. Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, IJUTTS CO., GA. AY L 1.1. iiriclifc in all the CUUUTS except in tlie COt’NTY YOl'liT. Will alien,! to all hnaincsw FItOMPTI.Y. Brick Yard llrivk Made with ji.M imr.itY. THIE UNDERSIGNI-:i) leg leave to inform the people of Jackson and surrounding country, that they will commence the nmnufaeture of briek, in Jackson, at ail early day, and will fur nish them at prices that defy competition. They have purchased new and improved machinery, and will lie prepared to furnislf all the brick used in this section ut short notice. fiOnovly H. l\ AJ V AND * SON. OItEAIWoUI'E VC, i viA 4 Western & Atlantic IS. It. On and after Sunday, December 1, 1879, Triple Daily Passenger trains will he rut} by the Old Re liable Kennesaw Route. THE FAST MAIL TRAIN NORTH. Leaves Ailanta ut - 2:00 p m Arrives Knoxville at ... 10;.40 p m Arrives Bristol at ■ ti m Arrives Lynchburg at ... - l:'n pin Arrives Washington lit 9 40 p in Arrives New York at - - - - 9 •!•"> a m THE FAST MAIL TRAIN SOUTH. Leaves New York at - - - - 10:0 P>“ lavivcs Washington at - - 7:00 ain Arrvics Atlanta at - - - - 12:55 noon Only 3!) Hour*from Few York to Allunln. Pullman cars run daily between New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, via Atlanta to Washington, without change, connecting close’y at W ishing ton with Pullman cars and eoAohcs for New York without change. Pullman Palace Bars leave Nlw A ork daily, making close connection at Wishinglon "id, Piillnmn ( 'ars for Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Orleans. The Kennesaw Route Is the only line ottering .such through car arrangements. { THE FAST MAIL TULIN also makes close connection ut riiittimooga from and to all points V. /H. THE FXFHt SS TRAIN NOUJ il Ivcaves Atlanta at - - * P ni which m i es close eonneetions fr Rome, also ut Chattanooga for all points West. THE EXPRESS TRAIN SOUTH Arrives at Atlanta - 10:50 pm making connection frm all points West, also from Virginia and Termesjee points. THE ACCOMMOHATIIIN Heaves Atlanta daily (except Smday) 4:55 p in Arrives Atlanta “ “ “ 7: 5 a in ],<,w Kxeurson and ICmigmnt Hates to all points in Texas. Send for V’RFNN Gen*l Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. CIIURCII DIRECTOR Y. Daptist Church. Drcaclilng on tin* Fourth Sunday, and Saturday before, n each inontli. <;. V'. McMicluud, pastor: Mi thouistChurch. Freacltiiipr on the Second Sunday, and Saturday before, in each month. Denver meeting every Wednesday nitfht S.ili l.atl'i School at 3 |>. in. each Sabbath. 1 omiL' Men's Prayer Meeting every Sufiday mtfhL. It. W. K<.gers, pastor. A’, M. C. A . meets the Final Tuesday night in each month at Masonic Hall. MAIL SCIIEDI p*X Forsyth. - Arrives in Jaeksoi?daily at i p. in Don ves Juclcson daily at 1:'!H p. m. ' ovr. JToN,- Arrives in at 5 p. in., every M<n l,iy. Wednesday and Friday, Leave* Jackson at 7 a. m., every Tuesdijy Tiiursday and Saturday. <■ itit i'in. Leaves Jackson every Wednesday and Saturday it da. m. Arrive in Jackson at 7 j. in., every Wednesday and Saturday. \V, li. 1 1 a. hi*, i'ostinaster. FIHST CLASS M .1 ACIvSON GA. EAT, DRINK W t? -AND- t’f ( Y'\\ \ BE M f, -UKV. /jfl e| ik a I AJ. J. EASTON’S \\ V ( V A. WHISKIES -'Makes you FAT. After Taking. Before Taking Bay, Jein:k ; You are getting powerful fat of luie ! Gelling plenty io cut now? Not any too miirli to eat John, its the quality of liquor a man drinks. You are looking rather thin John, whul'sthc matter, got the cramp ? Wei, 1 tell von Judge, 1 took ft-drink of red liquV* ’while ago and I’m feeling powerful bad. It’s the quality of liquor you drink, my boy Look ut me. if you want to live long and grow fat, always do your hading with the l>JA> RELI ABLE J. J. EASTON, where you can always get VURE WIBKIES. < in, Klim, 1 li'andies &e. THE CELEHIIATED AURORA LAGER BEER on Ural. and bottled. l*mv Rye un i corn whisky for medicinal purposes, a specialty. If you‘want something to nuke a lean man fat and a fat man Ican-aguinst a post call on J. J. EASTON. 7d vet f. Livery M Feed Stable, K. T. WATKINPKOP’it. JACKSON GA. rpilK PEOPLE of Butts county and the t ravel -1 ing public generally, are beivhy notified that a livery and feed stable is now open in Jackson, where they can lie neenmm(related at reasonable prices. I have in eon licet I cm, a large lot suitable for drovers, convenient, to bovr Block to the best advantage. IIATMJET? SHOP. Your att cut i<>n is also c.ille I to tho fact that a good BARBER SHOP is run in connection with the stable. Hair out, shaving and slium|M>oning done by a first-class barber. B l HD BILLIABDS. -FINE Whis&eys. WINES, BEER, ALE, ETC., 11 T. WnMns. Prpetor, O My stcKik of wines, vvtnskevs ©to,, are large, and nm genuine. I kocp the best mid purest in the market My terms nmt prices are reasonable. Give inv goods n trial and be convinced ot their I. *c*"Jltv ;Ml)iovl,v Jit tortile Mew Hardware Store Burr n iills, 4!) IIILL ST LET, (TIFFIN, GA. A Now and Complete Stcxjk of CONSISTING OF Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Oartriges, Gun Material, I,ocks, liutl’s, Hinges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Horse mill .Mule Shoes. Shovels, Spades, Hay mid Manure Forks, Rakes, Axes, Blacksmith and Car penters Tools,Trace, Brest,,llalter, and Well Chains. Bi'irv WußGis, ji te, Hulls, RIMS, SHAFTS and A.YEFS, Belling, lace leather, (loin, hemp, and lend Packing, liabl.ilt. melnl, Fittings for steam engines, Rope, and in fact every thing 1,1.. fotlltd IIV • v II .*. luuto KtO^D. Wo lutvo also on hand a full supply (if cooiiDdi —AN !>— It *•'■ VTINti 3 TCVIE 3„ TIN W ARE, ,; ca:e Furnlsli iGo J’, k- HOOFING Hi ? 1 Ki’fin if Ti', Cop Gf, AM) SI I MET IRON. Work done neatly and on short notice. We h ive the |ar'.o-t and creates! vn riet v of eoii-ls, in our ii ic, that has ev er Im-cii" otfereil it Griffin, and nil lion'hf hefu-e th'? recent advance. I’h-.i ii i• ?111 mill and pri ,* we intend to make it to your interi -i to tinv from ns. ISI’K V Mil.l.**. to If. C. Burr —It. Ilurr'- oh| stand. No. 44 Hill S| r . e|, Gri Ifi a. G i 2Snet3m EIW BT O rc S. IV. B. STIIM and M, Hampton, Ga. IVc wouKl respectfully inform the “I’EOI’LE of lII'TTS COUNTY” that vr> have opened up a DIG STOCK of ‘ General Merchandise.” M'lien you wnnt Suj-ai, Cos flee, Flour, Mrnt, Dud. rnp, Sood Oats, or any thilif; in the Groct-ry lint l , or I’rinls, Dross Uoodw, Joans, Shirting, Sheeting, Clothing, Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Hardware, etc., give ns a trial and we will try and save you money. gep 30-Jin “lABTIN L DUKET" JACKSON, GA. o—— — NEW FALL GOODS.. o We invite the attention of our friends, and tho public generally, to our elegan Stock of FILL AND WINTER GOODS. Which for variety and qualify wo foci no hesitancy in pronouncing the best over brought to Jackson. Our stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, ROOTS, SHOES AND NOTIONS, will he found complete and liret-daus, and as low as die lowest. Especial attention is called to our Large Stock of Clothing. CLOTHES FOR OLD MEN, CLOTHES FOR YOUNG MEN, CLOTHES FOR ALL MEN , LARGE LOT OF JEANS. A Fine Stock of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. o 111<: AI M| lAIC T KIW FO 1C PROVISIONS AND PLANTATION SUPPLIES. MEAT, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SYRUP, BAGGING, TIES, TOBACCO, CIGARS, In fact we keep tv well assorted stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. By calling on us we will save you many a long ride to Gridin or Hampton. M.AIITIX i. Dl liU. p s Those who I have befriended n the past, in the time of need, if they would have me befriend them again, will please come forward and settle up. 1 will pay you a quarter of u cent, above the market price lor your cotton, if you will settle before voiir notes are. due. We have the Inisiuess of R. G. Duke in cimrgo, find it must be settled up this fall. See M. L. Duke or Mrs. Martha Di ke. sep 23-Jm To Oor FrieMs and Customers in Butts Comti. If you would buy CHEAP Goods, If you would buy GOOD Goods, If you would gel your MONEY’S worth, If you wish to get FULL VALUE for you MONEY, go to SWELL 4 KEITH'S, mu. r**foSs - - - - amrrut, oa CLOTHING for tosnitlhe fancy of ALL—Men, Youths and Bovs, GENTS’ FURNISH ING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES- A New and Spteu.lld mock ol lIKY uiKlt/s, IJRESB GOODS, NOTIONS, ET < 'A It PITTS to order a little GH PAPER than elsewhere. Jessiee Little nil just make a man feel good to tradewith him II KADQ’RS FOR HARDWARE. 1 H. Jotai 8. Son. NO. W UIU. ST., (111 l 1-TIN, GA. W'e lime nn Immense WtisSc for Itie essatnlf 11l .MW Hl'eif (K)OIH UH are nlwuy m, leil liy tin- Kuriner, Mee i.mie ami House ):ee|KT. ennsisUllK in |Sirt, ll toIUiWM A .n, la iekmilli Tools, Itnlts. Hulls, Ciirrinice mill WiiK'.ii .'l.ileriiil. ('..rpeiilers’, l.'lmins. < littery. I .riiel-miies. ll,miifiiriiisliiiiK Oiksls, Here ami Mnlo Slim s, Irna, ls+.s. Nulls, Oils, I'uiiilA. I*, f-t.ii, it. I'lilMulimi Maelwiire. I'lnws, liulil.i r HelliiiK. !Snw <,i sll kiiels, Sewina Mu eliiiies, Hluei is. Sissies, Hleoi. ksiuiers Tunis’ ♦it**., 4*tV. '11,,. >, <i*l .wnu-iit ( I,j;;; V , ; v V r l>inxlt l* U.i mark it. A Isot of tiM- .Sj'AJsl>L\(i < I.U'P! M' A X fcS, m iutilftO LurcMl for tlii hcction. \\\t H-li oar at tin- LOW LSI I.S. t\ 11. .JOHN-ON SON. eft -l.'J-oM (•rnrrtil Iliirdware HeaUrM. WOOL CAHDIXC. overloy <Si Me*' .ilia liuvti now iii operation, at ( ouyt TH, #1.1., Ji ftrat cilUi'M Wool < anlinK Muclvinc. H .lisfactioo guarantee*! to ull who patronize them. I‘J^-pm MICA], NOTICE. rMU JO iiivlerHijcmMl Imvirifc I'iHitwl iu the town J of.JickM<ii, n , H|)eetfiiJly oMiwmlhh profeMbionuL M rvi<*ea tin* i itizeiut f JjiokHon ami .siirromii injf fomity. Ilf Uum 01l |>iyHifau of '!■> year* experience. Hi* Ui ,, l , 'i<.'L is j*t the BBNTON llOi Si: J. N. i IIKNKY, M. D. 2loct3ia Look Out ! SIOO,OOO To Change hands 10Miles from Atlanta Valuab’o Ih-al Lstute ftir Male and to rent hi tho eity o?'<wit!in and Middle Heortria lo the value of <NK IllTNDliKI) T!iOrH.\.M> |ML LAifSaud aver, haw Iwen consigned to tJ* under* hijfiKsl lor wale and rent, ooimiatiiiK of iinprovod oluntutioiiH, ixth larjje and Hinall; houses and lots, and ntora houaas in the city, with Rood and wel l entuhitabed trade, itest water and beat ells nude in the South. Also dealer iu (trocerienand Kamily SupplieH, and agent for the Centennial <>in, Feeder ami Condenser, ('all on or address G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Heal Estate Agent, <riffui, Ga. ft J. DEANE, V.i OTO( *RAP t } I Iv And Denier iu Picture Frnmes, 17 Hii.i. Stkeet, - - - Gum•fix. Ga. All sizes an,l kinds of Firt-' liiss work > xft iite>i prnmpllv. Old pioturrs copied anil enlnr|tcil. A wall picture of yourself in a hamtaoiue fraw% v kize Bxlo inches,only i-.