The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, January 26, 1882, Image 3

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gi )c giukstra |cu)s. JACKHOy, GA,., JAN'. 25, 1882. TOWX COUNTY. iT. JOHN'S LODGE NO. 45, F. <i- A M. Meeti First and Third Saturday nights in well month. CITY OFFICERS. MAVOfc.—Y. A. Wright. „ _ ~ ALUKWIF.N.—j. J. Kart oil, 11. Byrra, M. Duke, and Wm. Mallet. Marshal. —J. M. McMiehael. COUNTY OFFICERS . ORPtWARY.—J. F. Carmichael. ('i.KKK Supriuoß Court.—L. I>. Watson. Sheriff.—J. C, Beauchamp. pF.PUtY SnEnH-'E. —W. D. Curry. County Trf.urer.—H. O. Ii niton. Tax Collector.—W. C. Nutt. Tay Receivob.—S. P. Vickeiß* County Surveyor. -J. M. C. Maddox, t oRONKR.— J+me Mel/Cfoy. NOTICE ** On am! nfter this date, I shall do all advertising connected with my office in the Jackson News, published in Jackson, Butts county, Ga. J. 0. BEAUCHAMP. Sheriff, B. C. 28decl m Mr. Mnnn’s bird clops perform well. See oiir club rates, offered for new übsrribe. We are bound to give some body a |line sewinp machine, and we ’aint car ing who it is. See school notice in this issue. Prof. Blackniore has taupht here for sever al years, which fact is sufficient with out further comment. Remember lliat E. L. HENDER SON & CO., can make your bable’s pic ture by lightning process. Col. Y. A. Wright, has pone to Al bany. Ga., (this time,) on legal-business. He will return about Saturday next. We wish him eucccess and a gay time, (over about Forsyth.) Mrs. Johnnie Carmichael is in Grif fin under medical treatment. Miss Tommie Benton, her sisster, accompa nied her. We wish her a speedy recov ery and a safe return to her husband and family. The Benton House if full lip with hoarders. The cleaver and accommo dating proproieter, knows how to keep his table* furnished with choice edibles, and the rooking, under the supervis ion oftliat excellent laydy, Mrs. Benton, is, well, you’ll just eat yourself sick if you ’aint careful. Barney Irwin, the cleaver railroad contractor at this place, has returned from Tennessee, where he has been on a visit to see bis faintly, one member of which, a pretty, plump, “little girl” he had never seen before. “Working on tl> railroad, a long ways from home, Barney, yud pick it on the banjo/* If yoti havp an old, faded picture of souj klecciiwed rein* 1 "" •*” f,l ' ll,js ' t j|W i lW r-c an opportunity of having it cojptod :md enlarged itt homo. Work guaranteed equal to any of the coppy ing houses, at K. L. HENDERSON & CO’S., Gallery, at Benton House. The Argus states that a thief secreted himself in the store of R. <l. Lnttson at Indian Springs, and while lie was at supper, the money drawer Was rohhed of a few dollars, Perhaps he is the same fellow that hit pur you tig friend llamni. Cupt. W. C. Nutt loft for Orange county, Fla., on last Tuesday, to he gone several weeks.- lie is arranging the prelcniinnries preparatory to mov ing to the Land of Plotters. Bulls’will loose one of her host citizens. He wil| not move his family, however, he fore next fall; Pleasant trip to you Cap tain. Our efficient and wide-awake Ordi nary, judge J. F. Carmichael, lias made some improvements on our square hy setting out shade trees around the court house yard. lie proposes if the council will build a wall around the yard to erect an iron fence oit it or vice-versa he will build the wall. Let it he done hy nllmeans. We think the proposition of the judge a liberal one; and it will make such a pretty city park. FOR SALE. We have, St this office a fine REtV - IXG MACHINE, with all the latest improvements and attachments, whirl, we will soil cheap ami give a written guarantee from the company for five years. Come ami see it, and buy it for your wife of daughter as a Christmas NOTICE. T propose to establish ai Guano Agen cy at Jackson, also buy cotton, of do any legitimate business. I am pre pared to elve anv reference for integri ty and fair dealing. Call upon me at Poke's store or Dr. J. W. Cheney's office. C, T. FRESTON. Jan., 24th, 1882. The defence in the Guitesw case Lave closed. GullfttU nttem. ped to make a speech to the jury, lnit broke down and joined In Miter weeping with his sister Mrs. Bcovilfe. LOOK OUT. Parties indebted to me must come forward and settle, or renew their pa p rs. If they do neither, they will find their papers in the hands of the officer of the law. Jan. 18lh, 1882. M. V. McKIBBEX. DR.R. G.BRYANS, Plysician and Sargeon. OFFICE UNDER MASONIC HAt.T,. ms Poor ~outliof Drugstore. Un a*- found with S. A, Wright, tirft door mr* r .1. J. Easton's W%.C\LLS can be left with Y. A b cfit '.w J . im—Hcrb'ii.-'"j-r# * uLN> A Terrible Mtrieoniflpr#!* at Indian Springs As the News bad a local ef the inci dent, the following has been handed us for publication : A young lady put upon the Christ mas tree, a bottle of whiskey and a pack of cards for a young gentleman. The young gentleman was a witness before the Grand Jury of Butts county, when there were severl presentments against parlies for violating the laws, and I “speck” the young Indie’s papa or buddie were among the violators. Indian Springs. January, 21st., 1882. En. News : I was in Macon on yes terday, and track laying on Macon A Brunswick Extension began in earnest. Nearly one mile was completed, and in the evening the construction train wheeled around the city to the foot of 2d street, where but a few hours before there was no track, and to the surprise of the nations in that part of the city who turned out to see and welcome this great enterprise. The road will be finished through the cemetery bv this p. m., and Monday morning will find all in readiness and the train beading on towards Atlanta at an average rate of one mile per day. Rah ! for“Gen’l., Jackson.” Yours, Truly, a* H. F. Li We all join in three hurrahs and a “Tiger”, with our friend, for the M.<fc B. Ex., and especially, are we obliged to him for this information, as we have no other means of gaining any, except through thtfTel. & Messenger, and they don’t take nny stork In the new enter prise. . Strange, too. Isn’t it. Rome Courier: Mr. John C Mt> up, who resides ha'fa mile out ol the city, was a witness ton very singular occurrence a few days ago. He was standing in his jard and oh served a hawk flush a covey of qttnil* just above his house. The birds flew rapidly towards a canebrake King a short distance below the residence —four of I hern bing so frightened tli y dished themselves against the lions -with such violence that they dropped t i the ground dead. Mr. II . re pickrd up 'be dead birds and Niwthe live ones laid ‘saint, under cover, the hawk lai ;ng to put. h s caws 011 II single bird. On i ot ■ he* obj. C's of the enliven tion of colored in mi which meets at Macon next month will be to organize and ho and a gra id State lair, at wh cli the predicts of colered men will be exhibited" The different Sow hero St tes are to be represented and will send displays. The New York Court of appeals deci ded yesterday that tlie prosecution, where some evid.-nce of insanity is produce Illy I tie defense, must make out a ease of sanity beyond a reason* able doubt, WIKI IS Ll> W I \I) —IS a Hie. The raffle of tlie Black Stallion Wliirldwind, will take place on first Saturday in February, 1882. Those interested are hereby notified to lie on hand. J. W.‘CARMICHAEL. Augusta Evening News : It is ru mored in Nashville that Col. E. W. Cole contemplates retiring from all railroad Business, and connecting himself with a hank in that city Athens Banner : It is reported in Nashville that King Cole is about to abdicate, and go into some.tnoresettled business. Ife has been so badly check nut toil by the Lousisvilleand Nashville that it would not he surprising that if he gels disgusted and quits. ♦ ♦ AVliirb!wind [horse] wi! ho rallied 00 chances at $5. radii SCHOOL NOTICE I will commence my school :tl Jack son, Monday week, the 30th of January, and propose to tench ten scholastic months. Pupils will not lie taken for a shorter period than three indnihs, and will lie charged from the time they enter until notice is given that they have finally stopped. Jan., Kith. 1882. jan 1,8. W. H BLACK.VORE. WOMAN A reSiedy for her only. Cheaper than physician’* hills, and to I>e uved by women exclusively, ft i prepared for them only, and and is specially adapted to cases where the womb is disordered< and will cure all irreg ularities of the '’menses”, or riionthly courses”, whether ucutc or chronic, bv ffeathrihg the dis charge. This great boon is Dr. HradileMs Fe male Regulator, and known and recognized as 'Womans Best Friend’'Prepared by I>r. J. Kriwls field Price ; trial size, 7 'jC; large size $1.60. For sale by all drugists. Treasurers Report. We give below, for tbe benefit of our readers, the annual report of the coun ty treasurer. Treasurer’s Office, Butts county. Ga. January 13th, ff! B2i. H 0. Benton, Treasurer, in and for said county, herewith submit to your Honor, this my first annual statement of accounts as required by section 553, paragraph 7, code ofOeofgia, 1873 ; ac companied by all vouchers from March 14th, 1881 to Jan., 15th 1882 inclusive. Amount of cash-tin hand March 14th, as per rejSifl of that date, - S 933,79 Amount fSsr,T?Sd from ail sources tsinee) &3U7.4S Total receipts ifui '-;is!i on hand, 14th March. tSSI toJan., lAh, 1883. - - $ #,241.37 Amount disltursed for tiridaes. - -3 3*34.3# " ■* Int. on hritlye orders 30.71 “ '* for paupers - - 457, 7 •• ©tnaifal Ftirtd - 1,r.',23 •• •• J il Fas - - - 1720 •' " Elites and FV/ffAttures 277,35 Total disbursements - - * 9 5,'*37.12 Cash on hand. * * * 4 # M 1,17, Respect fully, 11.0. Bento#; Tres. Ordinary's Office, Butts County ,oa. At chambers, Jan 13, I>>B2. I hereby certify that I have careful ly examined tbe above, it is correct, and that H. 0. Benton. Treasurer, has complied with tbe reqtiiromefci* of the t C/r'-'rretM'r. G-dinsr- /l'he Monroe Advertiser says : The people of our section are despond* ent; tliero is no use of denying the fact. Last year’s business placed scores, it not hundreds of them, in debt. Not only farmers, but merchants and tradesmen, have suffered. Short oiops and the heavy purchases of slipp’d s last spring and summer have threwn the commercial world out cl gear and long taces are too common. We heard a gentleman say a tew days since that ihe “ivolf was at the door of many pe-qUe. Bin gnu I wi I come out ot l hi*. E’lC nnniiy in living wib he practiced tins year more rigidly than ver before and next la 1 will witness olid rial impia veineiit in (he condition of tin- people Saida rata chant in Us a>t wm k, “not a sin gle wagon load ot goods on tun - has lei: Koi-sjih tus Ini- ’’ It economy is thus practiced, we may I >< k for the most favoraide resu ts. We lie ieie there is a more general disposition to work than we ever saw manifested There is a vast demand lor more money, at reasonabb rates, and scores of applications are going forward to tlie loan agencies that, have 'men es tablished in Georgia. We do not know that any good will come out o' these companies. We trust there may. No one, so far 86 we have heard, has yet secured uey money from them. There conditions are very biudin ; and tight, but they can be complied w ith. It is evident that re ief must come from some source, and at pres* ent this is the only one that hold! out any hope. In reti ring to the finances of the Exposition , the All mm Constitution, summaries as its omi figures as fol lows : To snmmar'ae it may be said that the cost of the Exposition was $250, 000, of which §15(1,000 in round mini bus was Put in buildings and improv ifieUts and the balance pail out fo ' running expense, priming, eel. Thai the receipts were fom two hundred and fif v thousand dollars, ot $ 155,- 000 came from stock, sl6 000 from privileges $10,0(10 Iroin miry I is,. $90,000 from gate receipts and s>,- 000 from miscellaneous lesoincrs.. Add to these receipts whatever ahe buildings will bring and w e will have about the total receipts of the Intel' national cotton expos-tion. Front the best inform ition at h ast 200,000 witnessed the exposition The gate receipt s being perhaps some thing under SIOO,OOO. ilie number t'■ itors would tall under two hundred thousand, as many people passed in more than one time. The Western and A’lamic railroad >s represented as having sold about 850,000 neke's At 10 cents each the road would have roai zcd the handsome sum ot $35.- 000. One ot the latest jokes about the Exposition is that of a young lady who does not live a thousand miles Irotn here. She was returning home from the Exposition on a-crowded train, and was competed to stand up until a ( olite geiiKeuian offered her hdf' of liis S-at. They sum liecame ! agreeable coin anpms, aid Wi re chat- , iin ,r a wav very socml* v ivin.-n tin* young l ull -ilddeuly liiscnveiV I "-lie had lost her pm-kt-tb. ok. Mie acdisvd the gcntli iiiml of having pick and poc'-et He smo e a ghastly smile and nuked her it-1 e looked -like a pick pocket true lb tight. lie did. lie pro posed to assist her ill looking 'o'.' li e lost lieisni-e. S e soon t nod it on j In r oivn person. Or coin s- , sin- wax ica-iv to ap.ilog-.ze t > tin* g'-nlfi man who had gtv n In r halt In- seat, for the great injustice slie tin.l done him liy accusing him of stealing her pocket book. It then luruo-i out that tlio gentleman was a Methodist Preacher and was oh his way to the Soudi Georgia Conference. And then the front ctlrtain was rolled down upon the bewildering scene amid tumultuous fiiiehtie.—Covington Star. The Si. Louis Globe Democrat says : The fact that Senator Hen Kill is 1 so worked up about tlife Independent movement in Georgia and in tbe South general'y, would furnish sufficient ev idence, if there were no other, that there is a good deal in it. It is well to notice that the news of tbe disin tegration of Southern lioufbonism is utjt disseminated by Republicans so mnch is by Democrats. Neither was the dissolution ol tbe ‘’Solid South beg tiff by Republican influence. 't sprang from willnu the Democ'.'icv itself, wherein tbe causes for it existed. Tbe buildings in Oglethorpe I’ark used for the late Expostion hav, be,n turned over tcf the purchasers, who. together wii'n the organist item al ready reported, should negoti itions with the city /of the ptfffthnSM of (be ground be satisfactory, wi beg n ,(n. pr vent ms itn media ely, lh” exiituidi [ ture on which is e-iimated ,t SIOO : 000. The main building wil lie li ed as a cotton factory, and ai fertiliser | mit m.Victory will be built, Le.>idcs :t tariety of Other wanufactor>.. Hill Arp On Hill nud ITl* toir. Rotttß Ottutfer. When the folks aw billions let cm’ bile, Its not right, I know, to encour age any body to quarrel, especially boys for (be good honk says,, let dogs delight to bnrk anil bite “ anil Vi forth But Still it is mighty good fun these gloomy days to see Dr. Felton and Ben Hill aslashiug a way at one another. Lay on MeDuff! There's no hotly to part em’tbat 1 know of Those Old-Line Whigs stuck together until the roads forked, and now they are breathing out threatnings and sloughny. When the doctor undertook eight' -Mrs ago to purge the Democtntic party, our Ben llill patted him on the hack and said", go it my friend, lain hatting on you”, and six years ago lie wrote him a letter, of credit and (lie doctor had ii published in the papers and blinked on it; and Alex Stlieveus anil D,-. Miller wrote him lt> the same effect, anil it any no man more than another is re sponsible for the laist in this District, it is our Ben. Well we ilid'iit hlinne him so much for the first interference for may he he thought the Trammel ring was a little too bigot v; hut he bail no excuse the second race nor the third and the Doctor had no excuse either and ho know it—confound him dad rat him after lie purified the party Why dident lie come hack to it, act like a gentleman and a Christian. If his blue mass was good anil genuine it ought to have cured the patient in fnltr years and ifitdidont ho ought to have give it up ami let some other dcMor tried awhile. I've never had any respect for a doctor that volunteers in it case am! cant cither cure or kill in eight years. Fact is I dimt know now which the Doctor lias been trying , but. he come mighty nigh killing it shore and lie seemed to bo powerful mad because he tlid’nt succeed. Hurrah fur Clem ents I I golly, he come at the fifth choice of the party, when we were hunting around fur a Savior, nnd ho saved us. and I’m for him world with out end, amen. But there was Tien Hill 'standing around mixing the medicine, and now he conies out and says it is the aw lillost medicine in the world—that its pisen and will kill anybody, lie put tied Emory Speer on tiie hack and told him to try it on his patients. He wrote Mr. Chittenden a long letter and inti mated that it was a good medicine, and I don’t sec exactly what lias made him change hit* Opinion so suddenly,. Dl - . Felton says it is because Men i, afraid some Independent is going to atop i noil turn him out of the sciattti May he so—l don't know; somehow lam losing faith n the sincerity of polititi cbm*. We have forgiven foil a heap, for lie is “our Ben ” and we know lie is ii spill child, lull he is so smart, anil when he stands up and defends ns in Convrcss In 1 ilocs it so grandly, so ef fectindly, Hint we I'm-jel and forgive all his tnml'noleries and hurrah fur “our Ben.” But, alter all, sincerity i- a lug ger thing than cl quciiec—bigger in the lung mo. .Ini* Brown undertook to lecture Malmneiiii Denntfritry, and Mahone skinned him, ainN was glad of it. I despise to see our lug men a dodging nroii>n!. Il may pay in: the short run but it won’t pay in the long run. ilnhestv is a higgei thing tlTau smartness. l\l rather li.-c Clements Hum Felt.m, preacher or im jneaehcr. The Doctor takes up our fli-n by the nap of the neck and shakes him over the inl'emul pit, but the Doctor fori ets the issue. It is not whether Ben llill pays debts or tint, nor wh'-ivr’-rhs'.sbm ders Governor Colquitt or not ; bfft the issue is whether I)r. Felton has made a tivnl.c ol'peace and co-opera tion with die Republican parly in Georgia That’s the issue. Now it is a!tt"’.‘ s best to tote fair—inahr a clean p.-cast. Bo either hawk or buzzard, pig or puppy, cold or hot. TVie good book" says, “I would that thi ill wort cold nr lint, btit seeing that thou art lukcwarili I will spew tliec out of my moilfh.” My dear Doctor, we admire yoU for your smartness, Imt If you want us to love and respect you. IFt Ren llill alone ami tell us sninet liing iibori't your own position. But it you and Ben pre fer to light on. why, go it. Wo will keep hands off and enjoy the'fill). Bii.i. Ann. \ lic.h'iiotii], III'!., .Tan If). Da vid 'mi'li, mi old firmer, st.ut loiim! in-o del ed in • well near here ?lnl nrday. To-dm In son Dm confessed to shoo ing Ins fat ber seven t imes. He firsi unshed bis skut. with J huininei in a quarrel over a lens • It I. Kimball nominees that lie will he ready to take hold of file Chat tuliiiiichecnutil hv the first c*f Fetmnry. WOMAN I* LOCI. AM ATI oN —FltF.EPoll Fat WoMANL. Wlmt if t!c* riirlit of the ballot to V'/Amini' com pared with her privilege of enjoying iionltii and happiiiCMH in the charmed ei>•<•! #l UfY ho< in) pud eloffivHtie relationa? Aniontr the tending to promote the hap|>in*H#f an advance meii( of the Imiimn rae€, nothing; *■ rJ intimately coniic'cted with the hcltli and happiness of Woman the ecu ten* ami Hoiirre of our ltij?h<*Mt earthly en joyniCMitM-an the cliaeovery of a re*n<*ly which nirrtft her peculiar wantn, and tit 1 - In t for the en joymeiiiHof life, and for inimHturinjftevtlie happi m*t oftho**e with whome h i awHoeiatecl in the tender relation* of niater, wile, ami mother Thin remecly is founci in I>r. J. BrodT'Ald'a Female lttifrtilutnr, " Womnns Beni Frifcnd." Ity it wo man |h emancipated from the* ilia peculiar to iter wi Before it* inatfic power all of the womb vaniab. It fores" whites'’ HiipprcM nior? of the menaca ur-d remove* utetfoe olwtrue tion* It cores conntifNiion ami ftiri ojethena the *ynt*!rii brace* the* iutvch nnd jmrifuthe hlood nucl thoM doing, it doe* more for her, and thromjh her, fhr the whole human family than any din covtffy of modern timet* It never f*ul m thou*- siiiclh of women can testify. Prepared hy Or. J. Ilffrfdfleld, Atlanta, Ga. Price: trial sixe, 76c* ( large Wise, Z I. 60. For wile hy all drufcsiftt*. TO GIVE AWAY A FIRST-CLASS SEW /flfG MA CHIXE AT THIS OFFICE. \ ' K have; n bran new WHITE', - ♦w'lNO MA f’HINK, with 7 drawers, drop leaf, oovt t, frfj Jem ana complete net of extra attHcnment#, l*hich we will give to any man or yowan who vffll get uim elubof 50 umhli puhwci ifrer* 4 to the .taekHon New*, nt Hl.Vl.inoli, We v/HI give the written giiirantee on the /nuchin** to k* f‘p the name in good order for the rtpitce of five yr(sirn. The machine in finely finiMhcn with gilt alid i# a perfect beuutv Come arid it. Jt \n 46-i Ki'y manage J and the light ear rimming mn- in the market If you fail tog* t ttp the 75 MiiWserilKTtt. wo will pay you a liberal JV r cent on tht£ iHiniljrr von bring n, for your trouble. Keopec’fully, Wieetf W, E. IIA Rl*. GROKGIt IIOTI I. GRIFFIN, .... GA S. S. SHELL, pßorn.Wou. The stove hotel locatcl Twer.**t .J-sr-Is from the depot. Rates 77 per lay T.'CXf" supplied with the heat the market .fiords .t-pcri-tl rules riven to cic.aeoe of-tpaltliin; p<| reun ites | 3U-tf ll.AfcOfl rtoisti Jackson, (In., f PHE only hotel ottering npeoinl ncconiinoda -1 lions to the traveling public virtliok .Jackson. The table* ure turnUhed with the very beat the market ufiord*. I’cetl Ntablca. Parlies tin volt ns by private conveyance Ant also have their stock cared lot ot reasonable rules. H. O. BENTON, sep 00-l jr IWKitTon. To Tlic Public. THE underslimed is now prepared to carry passetiKcrs on the regular mail roule between Jackson and Covington nt reasonable rules Will leave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday mornhiK sl7o'#tnok. I will also carry bomiaKe or other lHtht freUtil. Your pnlronnKe solicited. Capt.J. P. 1,0 YU. Mail Contractor P. S.—When in Jackson I can lie found at Ihe Itenlon House. sep ‘Jtt-lf M. V. McKibben, A TTOKNEYS A T LA W, - - <a. so p 9 It. IIENDKICK. t. k. WliiaHr. HENDRICK &WRKJHT- Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. Win. pfaelieetn nil tlieCOrFTSexcept tn th COUNTY COURT. Will attend to hM hustneasPßOMT 1. Brick Yard T3i*iolc Mndo WITH nACIIIWItY. J*HE UXDERSIftHKI) cg leave to inform the people of.luokson nnH Niii-rouiuliny: country, that they will commence the niamifaeluic of brick, in JaokHon, at tm early day, and will fur nish them at price* that defy competition. They have purohaaed nexv and Improved machinery, and will he prepared to furnish all the bWeta used in this section at short notice. OOaovly H I*. AI.MAND Ar HON. DENTISTRY. 1,1 "■ NAVI NO located nt Jackson, T dertre tortnte to the people of this and turroiindiiff eoun lies tli;ii I him prepared to do any and all kinds r DKM’AI. >V()UK, at reoHonahle price*. Of lice up rttiir.s in the Higgins building. S.itisfac tioii guaranteed. StV. Iflth J. W. Curst. Dentist. iahl, the barber. "OECiSloavc trriinform Ihe eili/.ons of .TnoUlon I.Jand the public pa-nerally, Hud. he is now* pre pared to Rive tin LvVMY SIIaYK. Hair Cutting, Shampooning, Etc., done in GOOD HT.VLK. (Jive him a call, at t!ie U very .Stable. mpr THE CITIZENS OF Butts and Adjoning Counties, We Ii •lve intivwl front Higgln's r..r ner tn the kifttsu nu'cnlly uci-tipitl ns Drug Stm-e by lit. Cavillii'l>.ii“l, where we will be pleased to see yon i(fl. Wo inteinl to keep good goods null CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. OUR MOTTO IS Quick: Sales, AN!) Small Profits. Onr line of goods Will he ns good hr cun he hofrglH in any niiu'Ket, consist ing of ifrcwi (>oiN (Jcnlleniaiai Uullilng Notion*, GROCERIES, Hardware Willow-ware Glass and Jugwiire,- Boots. .Shoes, Huts, (laps and in fact all gimdtt kept in a first-class general store. Roberts, Roberts, & Goolsby. juilß JACKSON. OA. FIRST CLASS BAR, JACKSON GA. EAT, DRINK MERRY. M£\ A jf 'f J '\ (v f \ \ J. J. EASTON’S \\ t •'{ WJIISKILH . **Sb*:^ M akcH yuii FAT. After Taking. Before iakinff S*y, .linos; Von are KUltiiet powerful fat of late ! MeUinj- plenty to eat now ? Not any too much to eat John, its the quality of liquor a man ,Irinka. You are looking rather thin John, what’a the matter, got, the cramp 7 Wei, I tell yon Juries, I took a dfi!-k 6f red liquor 'white uko and I’BI fselirix powerful trad. It'ethe riualttyof liquor yon drink, my boy. Look at me. tf you want to live long and grow fut,always <!', your tra-Uny with the ‘ 'l,l> It PXI A’II.E J. J. E'AHTON, where you can aJwaj-e yet PURE WIEKIES. Oina 11 am* Bhthdies Ac. THE CELEBRATED AURORA BRER on d-sii rind bottled. Pure Rye rvl i whisky for medicinal pnrpo*e, h. ipMl-tlty. If you wiint rtomctiiinj4 to nmkr a 1 win man lt an l a fit rnxfr lean -against a r>oet coll M J. J E.VBTON. 7dc^*.f XnJJSW bTOi-tE. i ii. srinviLi, 41', Hampton, Ga. J We would respectfully inform the ‘TEOPLE of BUTT'S COUNTY ’, that e.v have opened up a BIG STOCK of “General Merchandise.” When you want Stigm, Coffee, Flour, Meat, Lord, Syrup, Feed Out.-, or any tiling in the Grocery line, or Prints, Dress Goods, Jeans, Shirting, Sheeting Clothing, Boots, Shoes, llats, Hardware, etc., give hr a trial and we uiU try and save you money. sopSO-S in To Oqf Friends anil Mourn n Bolts tioutr. • !f vou would buy CHEAP Goods, If you would buy GOOD Goods, If you would get your MONEY'S worth. If you wish to get FULL VALUE for you MONEY, go to STILLWELL ft KEITH'S, 2d HILL STREET, - GRIFTTK, GA CLOTHING for to suit the fancy of ALL—Men, Youths and Boys, gKnts’ furnishing goods* Hats, caps, boots and shoes A Now and Splendid Stock of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS, i t CARPETS to order a little CHEAPER than elsewhere. Jossiee Little an just make a man feel good to trndewith him HEADERS FOR HARDWARE. C. H. JolMSon & Son. NO. 10 HILL ST., GRIFFIN, GA. Wfl Imvfc nn tminFßpn Stork for th* cominor Nt'iiMon of JtTHT SUCH (HKiM tr* ulwuy* nevJod by ihc Parmer, and House keeper. con*i*tJng in part, im follow*: Axe*, Tool*, Bolls, Uuttn, Carriage ami Wujrwi Material. Carpenters* Tool*, Chnlmt, Cutlery, Crimitilonc*, IlmisefurnUhluu; CJood*, Horse and Mule Sluaw, Iron, loOClch, Kfiil*. Oils, I'aiuts, i’ackiiißr. I’lanlation Hardware, Plow*, KuhUer Belting, Saws of ull kinds, St wiuK eiiifios, Shovels, Spades, Steel, Fur in era’ Tools' Varnish***, etc., etc. The Fairest and Finest assortment of CT T T- I-EUY ever hrounht to thl* rtinrket. A Lurge lot of the “HFALDIICb CLIPPER’ AXES, mannfactured for this ; ection. We h*U ur good* at the LOWEST PUJCEfL C. 11. JOHNSON Ar SOX, cj 2.'F‘Tu' (Jeheral Hardware Dealer*. Just RecoiveE at tie New Hardware Store Burr a Mills, . 40 HILL STEET, G’ H FFIN, GA. A Now arid Complete Htcgk c-f IAKIWAHB, CONSISTING OF Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Cnrtrigcs, Gun Material, Locks, Butts, 11inges, Screws, Nails, Bolts, Horse and Mule Shoes, Shovels, Spades, Hay and Manure Forks, Rake*, Axes. Blacksmith and Car penters Tools, Truce, Brest, .Halter, and Well Chains. Bj[|v Wcesls, p hs, Hills, RIMS, SIIA FIS ami AXLES, Belting, lace leather, Gum, hemp, and lead Packing, babbitt, metal, Fittings for steam engines, Rope, and in fact every tiling to lie found in a first-class Mafdtt’afe store. We have also on hand a full supply of roomiir. -AND— HIHTINU BTO^IES, TINWARE, Reuse furaisli 1 ! do fi-, &c. ROOFING JIM all Kinds if Tii, Ctpfe', AND SHEET IRON. Work done ntiuly and on ihortnotice. \V have the largest nnd greatest va riety of gotn|g, in our line, that has ev er boon offered in OrJlnn, and nil bought before the recent advance. Please call and oNsminegoixls and pri ces, as we intend to make it to your interest to buy from its. • It Slut X JIBI.TX, *V;D*f , <vwanr < * to H. c. Burr— ft, C. Tiurt-'s obi stand, Xo. 4'J fljll Street, Griffin, Ga ?Bort?r.i MEDICAL SOIIUI. r ["MIE underpinned lmvinp: in the town l of Jttekson, respectfully oli*rn his *e.rvit.**s to the. citi/.ea* of Jackson and survouiiG _ lnpr county. lie i* an old physieian of 2 * year* ♦ sperieuw. Ills OFFICE, in’ at the HUi .-vK. J. N. CIIENEY, M. l\ •J I oct/m Look Out ! SIOO,OOO Tn Chiingn linnds 40'files from Atlanta XnhinhV Peal Estate for *a!e nnd to rent fn tTio city <f ‘irillin and Mnldle CoorjHa t * ihre value of ONE Ht NDItED THOUSAND J’Oy.. LA Its and over, has been eonalei'od to the m.dnr- Hfßited for salj and rent, con*lstiii|r of impr> *<t nlantution*, both larpf* and small: houf-.- f *>d Mia, nndHtore hotiee* In tin-eilj’, With (.00/; pnd Well e*tiiblish-d trade. Beal water and t •■*( male in the South. Al*o <tealer in (it’fH’erc*sod Family Supplies, find accent lor the ' en'erfoa) Oin, Feeder find f’ondenser. Call on or odd it. A. CUNNI N(UIAM, Heal Estate Affent, (iriifln, fJ.t E J. DEANE, PHOTO RAF ill-: j; Anti Dealer in Picture Frame-. 17 11 in, SmKKt, - - - OrtimN, G/. All Mre* and kinds of Flrt*Hnw work evecuted promptly. Old picture* copied nnd enlarged. A w.'ll pielurf (f yotirself in a humiboinc Iruiiif re txlO inehen,only Mew Process Mil. cm— GOLDEN BREAD. o MANUFACTURED AT ISLAND SHOALS MiLLS. r PH EBB MILLS liavc an entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY mnnufiietnrod espeojatly for them. Thi* Hour is highly reconmen<!d by Hr, Hny ttood, PruKiclent ol‘J’fii'ory who cullk tlio bmtd rnude from it " Golden Hreud,” from n iiich the ft .“it if takes jin name ami each Hack will bo I/runded }Jj IES BREAD. —FOR SALE— By BTKRS * MAM.BTT ar.-I A Me V.'AT KIN'S A- SON, .Tiickson, On. JOS I A II BOS \ OIvTII <: CO. tildeely Prrqirietor’o Mills. Lively and Feed Stable, R. T. WATKINi, FEOP'JI. JACKSON GA. n'Trn of TTuMm county r.nd the trvc!* inp: public: uenentlly, arc* hereby notified that a livery and feed Hhtblu is now open in Jaekrton, where the y can he nt reu*onabl<j ftricea. I nave in oouticction, a iarge lot Fuituble or elrovrrn, conveuionl, to a how atock to tito bet advantage. BAUREtIi SIfOP. Your nttention ii hNo called to tTio fact that good liAUBKR BIIOP la run in connexion with llieatahle. Hair out. shaving and done hy a flrat-clai* barber. Bar and billiards. - FIXE Whiskeys, WINES, SEES, ALE, ETC,. R. ?. Wiiiites. Pruprieioi’, JACKSON GA. My tock cf wine/, wlililjcva e‘c., sjrr \ tz~, nrn\ urc f keep bt ami purest :a them :rkct My teruuand price?nre r‘:is< ov<ipiy h trkti bo convinced ot !• r ** 4 u#!]♦'■ JTjncrly