The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, February 02, 1882, Image 1

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W. E FURP, Publisher. VOLUME I. NEWS GLEANINGS. One tomato farm at Key West, Fla., has 12,000 plants. Four hundred inmates in the Alaba ma insane asylum. New Year’s day Georgia had $971,- 488 21, in her treasury. Voluntary donations to the Unjverei y of Virgin a since ISOS'foot up $440,- 000. This year’a hay crop in Augusta county, Va., is estimated to be worth over £IOO,OOO. Maury anty/feti. hrmkef debt, and her wjfrrlnts lire Woftly itn#tj|-h|a cents on the dollar. The license to sell intoxicatiing spir its within the town of Jasper, Ga., has been, raised Jo SI,OOO. One hundred thousand young Cali fornia salmon have recently been placed in the waters of Georgia. Bets of £">00 have been made jit Au gusta, Ga., that tais year’s cotton crop will be at least 6,000,000 bales. The-residence of Hon. Ben. Hill, at Athens, 'Ga., has been sold to Prof. Speer, of the University. It originally' cost $30,000. There are seventeen tobacco factories at Pe ersburg, Va., employing about 3,5C00 hands. The gross annual pro ducts amount to about $3,200,000. The city of Fayetteville, N. C., fol lowing the example of Memphis, has had its municipal existence teiinitiated by a state law in order to escape from the clutches of the mandamus movers. Chattanooga Times: As things are now going, the south will in the vear 1900 support her own markets with every grade of cotton goods, and with every form of iron and steel, line cut lery included. Dr. Barksdale, of the Virginia lunatic asylum, reports the case of a negro lu natic whose brain weighed seventy’ ounces' This is believed to be the lar gest brain on record, except that of Oli ver Cromwell. In Mississippi there are 108,040 horses, 115,600 mules, 273,250 oxen, cows, 220,330 sheep and 1,739,600 hogs, with the following average value: Horses, 57 73; mules, S7O 89; oxen, $7 69; cows, slz 00; sheep, $2 57; hogs, $2 70 The black confluent small-pox is ra ging at a great many points in Texas. It is said to have been first introduced by exiled Russian Jews. Be that as it may, it is very obstinate and fatal, re quiring the greatest care to keep it from spreading. A gentleman largely interested in the proposed canal, near Macon, Ga., states that the project is not abandoned by any means. At the proper time the whole project will be brought promi nently to the front. He is of the opin ion that tlve enterprise will only cost about $450,000. It if: generally conceded, says a FlOri da exchange, that the brown or rusty orange, is much the sweetest, and can be kept longer than the bright fruit, but by not a unusal perversity of taste, the brown fruit is depreciated in "North ern markets, and sold at hall' the price of fair fruit. Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser: There are $2,25 ',OOO acres of government land in Alabama, subject to entry under the homestead and pre-emption laws, and the entering of land was never brisker than at present. Hundreds of acres are being sold on the cash basis system ol $1.25 per acre, particularly in sotne Of the counties of the state. The total receipts of the city of At lanta from all sources during 1881, was $480,518 97. The city debt is $2,196,- 200, and the expenditures on account of interest and einking fund, $193,573, leaving a balance $286,915,97 for' ordi nary expenditures. The city h w no floating debt, and can not. as the state law stands, increase its bonded debt. The Baptists ministers of Richmond, Va., have resoluted against the bill be fore the legisfafwre ef that state, to re move the political disabilities of per sons who have, in recent years, violated the law against dueling. They say: “We look upon the proposed action as a violation of the spirit of the - constitu tion and the laws of the state, as an in sult to heaven and an affront to the rporal and Christian sentiment fnf the Virginia peopled’ Fernandiua, (Fla.) Mirror: A few days since we were on the north shore of Orange lake, in what is known as the island, once designated as Townsed Ter ritory, from its isolation. Five years ago, no public road passed through it, no rail or water communication came within twenty miles of if. While we wtre there within twenty minutes’ time, we heard the puffing of trains on the railways, the whistle of a steamer and of three steam saw mills, and realized the change which has been made and which is going oa all over Florida. An amusing incident occurred at Fin eastky Va., during the last term of the Botetourt county court. A jury was empaunelled to try one Bolen, charged THEf 1 JACKSON NEWS. with an assault on J. G. Sperry, the latter testifying in the case. After two days deliberation the jury returned into court with a verdict of manslaugher. It would be hard to picture the scene that followed. The bar was convulsed, the “dead man” smiled audibly, Judge Palmer looked on for a moment in mute astonishment and then hid behind his uewspai>w. A Richntont!, (Va.) State: It is impos sible for the south unaided to educate all within her borders. White she asks no exemption from all just obligations, this duty off ee education does not rest on.her exclusively. l>r. Bams in 1879, said there were 2,000,000 <U" children in tin. Southern States, without the means of instruction. Increasing efli ciency of school system is dailv furn ishing additional means, bnt -the latest reports of state superintendents show a wide difference between the number of educatable children and those in actual attendance at schools. A writer describes a Christmas din ner at a country house near Richmond, Va., during the war: The four gentle men were in uniform, and the three ladies were in homespun. They had for dinner a S3OO ham, and the last turkey on the plantation, value $175, with SIOO worth of cabbage, potatoes and hominy. Cern bread wrs served, made of meal at SBO per bushel and salt at $1 a pound The dessert was black molasses at S6O a gallon, and after one cup of tea—real tea, worth SIOO a pound, treasured for the occasion as a surprise, and not sas safras—there was coffee at discretion, made from sweet potatoes cut into little squares toasted and ground down. Memrdiis Appeal: Mr. May, a young Shelby county farmer, has been success ful in the .manufacture of ensilage’, a species of food for caitle, that in winter lakes the place of the clover of summer and is more nutritious. The method adopted by Mr. May was simply, to cut the nea-vine down, chop it aud press it into a pit forty feet long, ten feet broad, and ten feet deep. In this pit he made fifty tons of ensilage, with which lie proposes to fatten fifteen head of cattle for three months. Mr. May’s example should stimulate every farmer in this section of the country. Immense quan tities of hay and corn are sold in this market every winter, the money paid for which might be put to some other use, if only ensilage were made for cat tle. The best stockraisers recommend it, and the practical farmers at the west are loud in its praise. Know Yonr Business Ttioroiighly. A young man in a leather store used to feel very impatient with hi* employer for keeping him, year after year, handling hides. But he saw the use years after when iu au establishment of hie own he was able to tell by tlie touch the exact quality of the goods. It was only by those thousands of repetitions that tho lesson was learned; aud so it is with everything in which we acquire skill. The half-informed, the half-skilled, in every business outnumber the others, dozens to one. Daniel Webster once replied to a young man who asked him if there was any room in the legal pro fession. “There is always room at the top.” The better your business, the better your chance to rise. You can gßther much information by making a wise use of your eyes and ears, and per haps be able to surprise your employer in an emergency by stepping into the “ next man’s ” place, and discharging his duties satisfactorily ; so, learn your busi ness. We would guard the young against the use of every word that is not strictly proper. Use no profane expression, allude to. no sentence that- will put to blush the most sensitive. You know not the tendency of habitually using inde cent or profane language, it may never !>e obliterated from your heart. When you grow up, you may find at your tongue’s end some expression which yon would not use for any money. It was used when quite young. Good men have been taken Bick aud become deliri ous, In these moments they use the most vile, indecent language imaginable. When informed of it after their restora tion to health, they had no idea of the pain they had caused. They Lad learned and repeated the expressions in child hood; and, though years had passed since, they had been indelibly stamped upon the heart. Think of thus, you who are tempted to use improper language, and never disgrace yourself or your friends. Had a Hallucination. They were sitting beside the grate when all at once she looked up and said: “ Richard, do yon believe people ever labor under hallucination ?” “Of connse they do," he replied. “ I was jttst rending of a husband who went to bed supposing he had 820 in his wallet, but on awakening in the morning there was but 818. He at once charged his wife with robbing him, and a separation resulted. Wasn't it awful ?” “Yes, rather.” “If vou should suspect me of getting up in the night and going to your wallet that would be awful too, wouldn’t it?” “Not any tooawfnl, for I haven’t had a cent in it since I can remember,” he said as he turned to hit paper Tffat was alf she wanted So know. She -rot up that night and went through the hiad pocket of his pants, and next morn ng he had a hallucination that he was 84 short— Detroit Free Pre*x. Tits Mormon* had an idea that Presi dent Tavlor was stealing from them, and when he got a hint of it he replied : “Let me see the man who said so and I’ll hang bito inside of an hour! ” That Mttlad the question of hi* honesty. JACKSON, GEORGIA, WE.DNEBI)AY. FEBRUARY % \m. TOPICS OF THE DAT. Oscar \Vbj>e writes for a guinea a lino for Our Continent. ~ i o Thr, “hoy preacher,” Thomas Harri son, is saving souls in Cincinnati. Tub jails are full of convicted mur derers, aud hangings are a rarity. Vf.nn'or does not like to be classed with Mothor Shiptou, but it oan’t be helped. _ To settle the Cannon-Catnpbell con test, Utah will probably hold another election. Guitbau says public opinion is change iug. He puts it wrong. It wants a change. The iron-producing interests of the South are shaping thomsolves into a monopoly.- A great boom has struck Richmond, Indiana. She is to have a $200,000 opera-house. The author of “ Fool’s Errand ” has started a paper in Philadelphia called Our Continent. The census shows Paris to have a population of 2,225,900, au increase of 237,000 since 1876. A new law in Kansas forbids any per son to many within six months after procuring a divorce. Now that smallpox is rife, it is but reasonably precautionary on the part of every one to be vaccinated. The report of finding a boat of the Jeannette containing corpses is dis credited in official quarters at St. Peters burg. Judge Porter has been a power in tho Guitean trial, and for that will be deservedly remembered by a grateful republic. The National Temperance Society is advocating tlie appointment of a com mission to inquire iuto tho liquor traflio of the United States. Op the population of London, 3,620,- 000 are vaccinated and 190,000 are not. There were 1,532 deaths from smallpox in that city the past year. Mr. Lawes, a prominent English agriculturist, has sot aside $500,000, the interest of which is to be used in carry ing out agricultural experiments. Among members of the Lower House of the Tennessee Legislature are a whito man and a negro who held the relation of master and slave before tlio war. Something is always being laid at Beecher’s door. Lust week it was au infant only two days’ old, and he very properly and promptly had it sent to the City Nursery. Manufacturing paper from palmotto is one of the new enterprises in Florida. Twenty mills in all are shortly to be erected by a company in sections of the State where pvlmetto is abundant. Prop. Williams, of Yale College, re cently received a dispatch from tho in terior of China which had been sent the day before, traveling within twenty-four hours the distance of 19,000 miles. The rage in cirous circles the coming season is to be “ the handsomest woman in the world. ” Every circus will have her. Barnum has already published his offer of $20,000 for a famous beauty. The members of the new Chinese Legation at Washington wear their na tive costumes on all occasions, and at tract considerable attention on the streets and elsewhere, by their startling com bination of colors. John latdor, President of the Mor mon Church, has taken up) his abode in the Gardo House, at Salt Lake City, tho magnificent structure which Brigham Young built for his favorite, Amelia. It has been luxuriously furnished through out. Tire two heaviest taxpayers of Boston are Moses Williams and Joshua M. Sears, tho first name being assessed for 83,300,000, and the other for $3,244,000. And yet we never heard of these men before. Riches and fame don’t always go hand in band. Attornf.? O-ENRRATi Brewster is said to put on more style than any other Cabinet Minister who ever courted the smiles of fashionable society. His “turn out” is as gorgeous as that of any English lord, and his personal ward robe correspionds with it. PRonicrriov has moved on Congress in a body. On the 11th inst. every mem ber of the Senate had a memorial to present from his constituency, asking for a law to prohibit the manufacture, sale or importation of alcoholio liquors throughout the national domain. Justice is always expensive "where there is a high state of civilization. On the frontier, where churches and courts are unknown, murder trials are,of short duration and to the point, and cridK^less' t)evoti?d to iho Intei'owi ot Jackson and .Units Oonntv. frequent, to the population, than where the country is dotted with courts of law. Gbrmant has 8,250 co-operative asso ciations, of which 1,895 aro loan or credit societies, people’s banks, etc., 674 in dustrial societies, 643 stores for the sale of goods, and 36 building societies. Ami yet Germany is repined to be about, the hardest country on the poor there Is in the world. When the weather iu the Middle aud Western States is very moderate, mer cury in Dakota Territory is generally below zero, but up to the middle of Jan uary the present season it seems that they have had nothing up there but “continuously warm Heath er'v—not even an ordinary snow. Oscar Wilde ueems to be the boom for the present, and it is singular how tko rosthetie crowns his every move. His arrival in this country was January 2, or 1882-2. Ho talks in rhythmic chant, accenting every fourth syllable, thus : * I came from England because I thought America was the best place to seo. ” Business seems to bo pushing in Nevada. Says a Nevada paper: Not withstanding the absence of bonanzas, nearly 1,800 miners are at work on tho Comstock at present, representing a monthly payment of nearly a quarter of a million dollars. Tho miners in turn give employment to many in tho mills on tho Carson River, in Gold Hill and Silver City. The Cincinnati Gazette states the ease briefly as follows : If Congress will ad mit to seat in that body a delegate from Utah who admits that ho has several wives and believes in and practices tho doctrines of the Mormon Cliurel), it might as well stop talking and legislat ing against polygamy. A man who de fies law should not have a seat among iaw-makers. Miss Ida U human, a Now York belle who, a few days ago, recovered damages in the breach of promise suit against Mr. Henry 11. Moyers for $1,750, has married Mr. Cohen, one of tho witnesses in tho ease. Ida is charged with daring everybody to kiss her on New Year’s day, and that was one of Mr. Meyers’ reasons for not wanting her lor a bride. Her kisses were too abundant. Idaho ooutalnn 35,(YD inhabitants. Its gentiles or anti-Mormon residents are frontiersmen of the better class. Un fortunately the Territory lies immediately north of Sait Lake City, and tho Mor mons, finding themselves rather cramped in Utah, have marked out Idaho for thoir own. This is an imperative reason used by the Denver Tribune why Con gress should not delay the Mormon question. Dr. Buss thinks $50,0U0 would bo about right for his services as physician to President Garfield. Tho services of Drs. Agnew and Hamilton lie reckons at $25,000 each, aud Reyburn, ho thinks, ought to bo satisfied with SB,OOO. Dr. Boynton and Mrs. Dr. Ed son ho consid erately allows SI,OOO each, although per haps Mrs. Edson did raore real service and suffered more anxiety than the whole lot. Yes, Dr. Bliss is i groat main The printers in the Government, Print ing Office are being meanly treated. Notwithstanding they get a higher price for their labor than is paid for similar work iu any offico in tie civilized world, they still ask for more. Bo long as they aro so modest about it, we do not see why tho Government should not ho willing to divide the pjofits with them— or it might turn the institution over to them and make it a stock concern for that matter, and then allow them an annual appropriation Insides. The boys should be treated on tip square. Human nature is hard to understand. The wife of Henry Kirk, of Madison, ludiana, a virtuous aid handsome wo man of thirty years, was recently called upon by a young Pennsylvania jewelry mender, of good address uni oily tongue, Mr. Kirk was absent at the time. The young man was so excessively po lite and irresistibly fascinating that Mrs. Kirk was comph t ly captivated. A few days after the event she became wildly deranged, constantly repeating the substance of the -conversation, and her husband has been compelled to send her to the Insane Asylum. There are Incidents which, when we read them, seem really to be so r xhiter ating that one almost becomes intoxi cated with the “spirit cf Approval,” if that wore possible. A young lady in New York City, who was accosted by a weli-ilressed man in an insulting man ner, accepted the offef of an old woman, who was grabbing in an ash barrel close by, to “ cover him with ashes for ten cents.” The man was pelted with hand fuls of ashes, covering him from head to foot, before he could escape. The old dame was rewarded with a quarter. She should have had, at least, a dollar for such appropriate services, Ly i.i ijaid to be a ' ct capable of d-ro ot. Nation that- t-w* iwAieer marriage* r.-d in divorce to o:.e 'inter marriage. Hence probtfily (he wisdom of society ~p evinfthj; Jyte-P- \> - vunge the muiry ing season'—A’em .*: -•’ Ktar. The Early Kings. I believe, upon a good deal of evi donoo, that nuciontKings were itinerant, traveling, or ambulatory personages. Whyu they became stationary they gen erally perished. The primitive Kings ot communities confined within the ’.vails, like the old Athenian aud the old Roman Kings, soon dropped out of sight. Per haps, as Mr. Grote has suggested, thoy lived too much in full view of their sub jects for their l.nmble state to command much respect when the belief in tlicir sapredness lind been lost. But the more barbarous King of communities spread over a wide territory was constantly mov ing about it; or, if he did not, he, too, perished,, ns did the Kings called the nos faineants of the Franks. If I were called upon to furnish the oldest evidence uf these i.abits of the ancient King, I should refer to there Irish records, of which the value is" only beginning to be discerned, for, whatever may be said by tho theorists who explain all national characteristics by something in the rage or the blood, the most ancient Irish laws and institutions are nothing more than the most ancient Germanic laws and institutions at au earlier stage of barbarism. Now, when Englishmen like Edmund Spencer first began to put their observa tions of Ireland into w riting—at the end of the sixteenth century—there was one Irish practice of which they spoke with the keenest, indignation. This wits what they called the “ cuttings” and “cosher ings”of the Irish Chiefs—that is, their periodical circuits among their tenantry for tho purpose of feasting with their company at tlio tenant*' expense, It was, in fact, only a lato survival of com mon incidents in tho daily life of the barbarous Chief or King, who had no tax-gatherers to collect his dues, but went himself to exact them, living as a matter of right, while he moved, at tlie cost of his subjects. The theory of the Irish law was, though it is impossi ble to nay how far it corresponded with tho facts, that tho Chief had earned his right by stocking tlio clansman’s land with cattle or sheep. We find a 1 uglily glorified account of the s une practice iu ancient records of tho life mid state of t-lioso Irish Chiefs, who called themselves Kings. “The King of Munster,” says the “ Book of Rights,” “attended by tlie chief Princes of bis Kingdom, began his visits to tho King of Conuauglit, and presented to him one hundred steeds, one hundred suits of military array, one hundred swords, and one hundred caps, in return for which the King was to entertain him for two months at his palace at Aimehmi, and then escort him to the terri tories of Tyrconnell. Ho presented to tlie King of Tyreeinx ll twenty steeds, twenty complete armor, and twenty cloaks, for which tho King supported him and the nobility of Munster for one month, and afterward escorted him to tlio Principality <>f Tyrone.” Tlio King of Munster is then described as proceeding through Tyrone, Ulster, Meath, Leinster, and Ossory, every-" win re bestowing gifts on the rulers, and receiving entertainment in return, I sus pect the entertainment is of mere historical reality than the royal gifts. The practice, however, described with this splendor by Iho chronicler or bard iu plainly tlio same as tho out ting and coshering which Spencer and others denounce as one of the curses of Ireland. Sir Henry S. Maine in the I’urt uifhthj lie view. Timber in Europe. Sortie European countries are Almost is bad off, as far as supply of timber in vmceriHid, as is the United States. Ac cording to a French agricultural journal, rile oak of Sweden and Norway in ibout exhausted, and they are compelled to buy their wood in Poland, and tho pine is being rapidly removed. The forests of Russia, along the shores of the Baltic, in Finland and in the Southern provinces, have bleu so rapidly thinned that tlio forest area of the empire is now only one-tenth. The forests of Germany are well cared for, and there are now lit that empire about 31,09*1,900 acres of forest (over half of which are iu Prussia,) valued at about $409,000,000, and pro trying an income annually of nearly $50,- 900,000, The greatest effort is made to preserve the forests of Germany and to increase the forest acreage ("about $500,- 900 being annually expended in replant ing by the State,) and the imports exceed tho (rtqsirts by over 2,000 tons. There aro about 43,900,000 acres of forest in Austria. Austria, however, has so reck lessly cut her forests that she is obliged to buy most oi her tiirtber in Bosnia and Montenegro. Brirvin, Roiimaitia and Portugal have good forests, lint the fine forests of Italy and Hpnin are so situated that they eainiot reach a market when - lit. It would seem that- the United States might profitably follow the exam ple of Germany and save her forests. South Australia is at present engaged in ibis work and planting trees on an ex tensive seal to.—Boston Globe. He Had Ihine ’em Often. Over in Jersey the manager of a combination was applied to by a lanky legged chap for all engagement. The fellow, who looked lugubrious enough to pi avc been the shadow of a badly acted Hami t, stumbled across the stage, and unjoihtiug himself, collapsed into a choir. <• Well, what’s your line of business? ’ p,em and the manager. “ Not particular -anything thatpays.” “ Ever been on the stage ? ” “ Often ?” remarked the aspirant, throwing a quid of dog-leg at the heal f the lug fiddle, and his left teg over hi. i glit knee at oue and the same time, “Li ye ’pose you can do the landlord ,ii tic Lady of l.yonx ? ” “ y, s, sir-ree—l've done all the land - i'h in Camden.” An yet tlie aspirant wasn't engaged. “ I didn’t call, because when I piassed the house I noticed there was no light in the piarlor and I thought you wore out, ” apologetic illy observed the simple minded Chicago man who hurl an api piointmeut with a Cincinnati merchant. “ Never be such a fool as that wain,” angrily resjiowkd the disappointed pork pucker, “you ought,£b have known it was only one of ivy gala receiving com pany.” Despotism of Fashion, An eminent. English writev rays that Americans enjoy Inks real liberty, outside >f political rights, t-lihu the people-wt any country in Europe, lie siys vie accept onr fashions in everything from Europe in n blind and slavish ncqini s copco in marked contrast-with our jeal ousy of political interference ami des poil-,in. Even iu politics, ha says, tlie .sahie disposition ia apparent, for a third; oi'i independent party, is impossible, iu Germany anil Franco there are hinny parties, but iu great., tree America there is only room for two. Independence in thinking is rare, and more rarely takes shape iu notion. The aesthetic craze ha nql.dereloped any American standard ot taste. From somewhere comes p .uiodi cully a decree it ■ fashions, against which no American woman dare to rebel, However il-t-Miited to c.liiiiato or com plexion, tlio style is inexorable. Lin contest, is simply aa to preeodeli ,i in acquiescence. No one dares to revolt. Thus upon the American people are forced fashions iu dress for me::, women mid children, house furnishings, and even house arehite, ture, often nioiyt pre posterous and barbarous. Tin: curt wheal style of bonnets occurs as one of tho abominations in dross, u flagrant violation of good taste as well as of the rights of other,-, in public assemblages. lint somebody must originate these never-ending novelitks. Some brain lias been tortured somewhere to invent somethingsturtliug. The wonder is Unit the decree is accepted so uncoiopluju ingly. However preposterous or ab -urd, them is no remedy. It is this meek subaorvienco of Americans to the behests of fashion which male-s the birth and. growth of any real standard of taste im possible. Tho spirit of discontent and rebellion must precede every snee ssl'nl revolution. As in China, the inherited spirit of obedience stand.-, squarely in tlio way of every effort at progress. There was a people once who had, in dress and architecture, a standard which has passed unquestioned. It did not lluetiiato at the bidding of millimrs or ! clothiers. It had a foundation bohnv the question of dollars and ei- Nothing more plainly evidence's our singular | backwardness in sonic of th -• higher at- I tributes of civilization tliltn the I ct that ! we must, dress at the dictation of on i imperious and invisible tyinnt whoi-< j exact, location, tenure of office, ov t xn lit lof power'no otic knows. Tin v ■ are an | lions yet which have a national costume'. | Any one who lias over attended a. Kir at j Buda-Post.h Ims soon m n and women from provinces dressed in most grotesque I outre fashion, but just as their anet iters I have dressed for ages. Tho effect is j striking, novel aud sometime, beautiful 1 It is a question whether their never j changing fashion is morn hdttiiial (o tin I growth Of correct tasie than onr river-- changing styles. About iih inuoli lllmly and discretion is allowed in one its- the other. They accept their gianitji ii'ent"’ clot lies because they were 11..- fashion, mid we often do the Same tiling bi-eau e they will be. Tlio authority in equally shadowy alid doubtful in both mirtH. A woman on tin: Danube Im . no more no tion of making a dress to net her in dividual taste anil complexion, sluice or stature, differing from nor set, than one lu)m The goddess there is us fixed and Changeless ns Brahma, line, like the Romans, wo naturalize all the eoih no injitter how inconsistent, only • lipnlating .that any new ones shall comn ill like forms, lndiana gut. is',lnn null. Tho Egg Story. It would violate nil president if the Story of Columbus and the egg were to be spared the. readers of till, vo! nti v It is bristly as follows : Boon after his return to Spain hi’ dined with Cardinal do Mendoza, art eminent, clergyniHii with a talent for dinti'Ts. An objectionable young man wlm was present, and who undoubtedly had taken mor > champagne fbun was good for his fellow diners, asked the Admiral if he did not llmity tluit if iio had not. discovered the N'-w World sonic one else would lmvo very sliortly discovered if. Ho was unques tionably an impertinent young man, but lie was undoubtedly right in im inning that, sooner or later the Atlantic would have been crossed, even if Columbus hod never been born. Historians telt ns that. Colltrribliß, in reply, asked tie- young limn if be could stand iih egg on its little end, and when the young man, after rudely inquiring What Columbus was giving him, was 1 constrained to admit that he coilhl not perform the font ill question, the givst explorer simply flat tened tie- little end of the egg by knock ing it against till) table, and then easily made it stand up. 'Tlie whole company instantly burst, into team, a id exclaimed tit til Columbus wen tie-, greatest unit noblest of mankind. If this trick ot flattening an ,-gg was really regardqjl ns a brilliant repartee, by which the imper tinent young man ought to have been utterly withered up, it gives us a melan choly view of the state oi the art of repartee among tlie Spaniard a The real facts Of -the case an: probably ; Cardinal do Mendoza, tlio dinner and tho impertinent, young man doubtless ex isted in the manner spocidh and, aud the impertinout young man, in an advanced state of champagne, probably Said some thing insulting to tlio Admiral, The latter, disclaiming to notice tho affront by words, and reluctant to cause any unpleasant scene at the Cardinal's table, I merely throw an egg at file offender's bend, and pursued tin conversation with | bi-i host. Subsequent writers, d'te r- I raile d to give a profoundly sciclititto ! character to everything tie- Admiral did, I built up fiozn this slight basis ot fact tlie egg-balancing stoiy. in point of fact, I any one eon balance an egg on its- little ; aid by the exercise of a little care and I patience, and it is rather more easy to I do this with an egg that, ho* not been Ift rttened than with one that has.— W. L, | AUlen’s Christopher Columbus A GiiiDKD youth, who bad uc t with misfortune: . rut* rcii a foertli-c! :.i V '* taurant. ii* th. enoouuh.ued a waiter whom lie had formerly seen in the luxu rious e*tflblß / hmvnt:-> wWrti ho hime if had "What! ” said the whiter, “dii vr.u -dine Bert*, sir? “Weil,” retnri.i i the other, gloomily, “you wait her. , iioikt you? ” “It is truuf nr,” rep,ii',d Uw waiter, with euii saiious dignity; 1 1 hut I do not eat here, Si .M/j M.SU nor Aunt at. NUMBER HUMORS OF THE DAY. “Julius.' fleifle her t” Biifif Bamb#, m Ixilius was contemplating a fat pullet in he moonlight; • Dow C-sri o'troubles colrm bunched, like ailefy. i ■ : -.‘/ina .1. ; Tits only thing in this country that is let. injured by lmttpi& is applause. VVur.N you see an not committed are hnl not necessarily au nigh witness? “ iiusnwo and wife,” says some sage Mtrnou, “ should no inoro struggle to get tii’ last word than they should struggla ’6r the possession of a lighted bomb.” They don t, Tlie wife goto it without a druggie,— The, Judge. “IJ.vvr. One Little Kiss for Papa,” ia ho title oi the latest qoiig. It thw ra nt q-k is mil v-u at a Chicago girl with !imr' steiulv henux the old mini's chances trepieiiy Him. —Chicago Tribune. . “What a contradiction a watch is!" said Timmins. “How so?” asked Mrs. Timmins. “Wiry, bocauso it always tee I*, perfectly dry, although it con* itantl.) bus a running spring inside.” Winn the “mming man” shut the loor aftor him ? ’ He will in this office, >r tho going man will go out of the window.- —JiOunU Citizen. Ri.oxdi: —“ They say Carrie is en gaged.” Brunette —“Engaged ! why, -In- married a mouth ago and has just ■mod for a d.vorce.” Blonde—“How romantic! Isn’t it splendid?” —Boston Transcript. “Yes,’' said the Denver editor, “I think I must have got out a very reada ble paper tlua morning. I’ve boon licked by three prominent citizens to-day, an other chased ino with (logs and a gun and the police had hard work to kerip a mob from wrecking my office.”—Chi ougn Tribune. I >n. J > - bus a bright little girl, about four yours'of age, who is very fond of dells ill and lie buys anew one for her nearly every day. Ho brought her a now- olio tho other ovoniug, but it did not. appear to take her fancy at all. “What, don’t you like the now doll?” lie asked, after watching her a few mo ments, “No; J.’s tired of stuff dolls, 1 want a real meat baby,” sho replied, iriicrttly.-r-y/n) Judge. “ 1 can well remember tlio time, ” uai<? Mrs. Marrowfat, loaning over tlio fence .ail, ill conlid conversation with it i neighbor next door, “ when Bimp -on's Win* was glad enough to get a jila.u wo den shawl to wear. Now she always appears in a sealskin siicque.” “All, y .I forget,” was tho reply, “that Mr. Kiuipafiui’s brother has become a bank cashier.” A Detroit man calls his wife Vesu vius, because she is a holy terror, Chaff. A Burlington man calls his wife Coto paxi, because she spits lire and won’t lava tlye neighbors alone.— Burlington A". ./. Jinterjn-ise. A Jamestown man calls his wife a fool because she has not /H im thing sine the winter bonnet* buy.- made flu-ir uppoaftuieo.— Tender. A tliibunvflln man cilia his wife after In: gets iqi and builds a lire, for sho won’t g-. tup in tlio cold. —BhtbenvUle lb rgt% Darwin acknowledged hunse If iuat*h ml wlu'ii Ids little niece asked him, s rioitsly, what, a cat has that *o other niiirrtal ban. Re gave it up afior mature dejiber,ition, and then tho sly pirn* answered “kittens.” Hausaok .Fiiitz, of this city, is uo a*. Clietc. I b' say.: Up row has a “good qii'dity of home mute qdsstchos, with dor dog coll,i i'S nil picked owid. Dry vasb rhsi' utterly p.y gosh agnoplertf litmus, ant Von pet my lift* if J dold you so I bit - mini tint off." —Larntie Hill Bge. 'I lie Oneida fomfcutility. The Oneida Oommuhrtfy is a commun istic sore ty on Oneida Creek, in In-nox Town - tip ‘Madison County, N. abont ivlii-li ninth has been said and written, and which lias mine remarkable feature*, iln founder of tbo organization was John Humphrey Moves. Tie was boro at Crattloboro, VI., September ", 1811, ■ and graduated at Dartmouth College, ul, i: hi::’, vly twenty yenrs rtf age. At first be studied law, but ho soon forsook Bbielisbme and turned bis attention to theology-, studying at Andover mid New Haven, and w|is license 1 to preach when ho war twenty-two years bid. lii 1.834 lie rietic il what lie named a “second cojivVd-ion,” and made at once an at tempt to found a eommilnity at New Haven, which, however, was unsuccess ful. Three years Inter be organized the existing association, at I’utnev, VI., and the. nnjntbors removed to the present lo ulity tit 1817. The Community on Oneida Creek lias a lino estate am-unU n.ills min *sen''if*otorio, and is reported to be in n prosperous condition. The cardinal principles of the Community art four in number: rei o;.filiation to God, salvation from sin, recognition of the brotherhood and equality of man and woman, arid the community of labor and its fruits. The last-named principle anibraces a schemo fry which all the male and. ail the female members of the Com munity are held in a sortso to be married to each other. This lorn led to the elmrgo b< iug made against them of being “free jovt is, ' imt, say,, one writr r, tic system, ii regulated by the “principle of ajrra* pltfiy,” and controlled by that free pub lic opinion which constitutes the supreme govi i-i/meat Hf the society, “isfnrfroiß |,i mg amenable to the reproach of im -11-it’iility m any ordinary reuse of tin word."' These “ Bible Communists," t*r they are styled, reject all mb s of Oonduet except those which eaoh believer formu lates for himself, subject to the free criticism of his associates. They hold' that the Mosaic law and ordinances wer abrogated by the second comiug ol Christ, which Mr. Noyes place* at T. \ V. D., and at which time the reign o ! nit) Was concluded, and trne believers have since been free to follow the indies tiojis of tim Holy Spirit in a:l thing* nothing being good or bad in itself. Dr'iit'i samples o{ victuals analyzed by 11,6 lb-rim authorities. forty four proved adulterated. • Green tea dyed and mixed with Hewers of nay, e r )C()!l iih potato and corn flour. There will be more rigorous penalties. Osr. must set to work betimes to keep one’s self free from passion.