The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, February 02, 1882, Image 3

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pe sacksor< ■JACKSON, GA., FEB 1, 1882. towk COUNTY. ST. JOtiS'S LODGE SO. *5, F. ,0 A. M Meets First and Third Saturday nights in each month. CITY OFFICERS, ALniRMK?—J. j! h. N. Byrrs, M. Duke, and Wm. Mallet. Makshal. -aJ. M. McMichael. COUNTY OFFICERS. Ordinary.—J. F. CatNhiehacl. CbRRK SuPKRtDfcOttATRT. —In D. Watson. Sheriff.—J. Ci Bfcaiichamp. Deputy Sheriff. -W. D. Currv. County Trkurer. —H. t). Benton. Tax Collector.—W. C. Nutt. Tay ftfecEivoß. —8. I*. Vickers, (Tor Sty surveyor.- -J. M. C. Maddox* Coroner. —Jeaae McLeroy. ~ ~ NOTICE. On til id after this dnte, I shall do all advertising counec-ted with tuy office in the Jackson News, published in Jackson, Butts county. Ga. J. O. BEAUCHAMP. Sheriff, B> C. 2Sdeclm • 1,,,r ' ln " " Cold. Snow. ' Sleet. Mud. Measles. Disagreeable weather. Whoo’l help the brass hand. A mask ball is fining talked of 14th February. A supper forthe lienefit of the par sonage .is on foot. The boys have decided to order a set of brass instruments. Mark is a good barber and deserves to he patronised. • Col. Wright is the first Jacksonite to ride oil the Extension. Nimrod McCord' is with Col. M. V. j’McKibben. The Jackson Smoking Club all have pipes alike. Who’se president of the smoking club? Who’ll play the iiumstrum in the |hand ? Capt. Watson has the measles in his family. Luther Duke is erecting a millinery shop for Mrs Duncan. Jackson is to have anoth r black smith shop soon. Madam rumorstneached her blanket; he did’nt marry last Sunday. It is simply ridiculous, that Jackson has preaching only once or twice a month. Next Tuesday is legal sale day. See ivh jit our sheritfhas to sell oil that day, in another column. The measles is making a clean sweep through this section. We have heard of but one death from it. We will give notice of a h-ttture, for the benefit of the young tnen, in our next issue. It is said a night and day force is at work laying track on the Extension— Sundays not excepted Our people don.t seem to take hold of the Griffin, Madison, it Monticello Railroad fast. “A hurt child &c.” Burt Catchings has a walking cane that attracts the attention of all the girls. Mr. W. IT. Gillmore, .says old anil young in his settlement are having the measles. Wonder if there would he any dang er in shaking a red rag at Burt’s walk ing cane ? If they were all as solid as the Week ly and as clever a-' its genial proprie tor, there would he no discount on Hampton’s success- Our efficient deputy sheriff, W. TV. Curry, has been on the warpath and says the roads are simply, awfully aw rni. We are sorry -to learn that Mr. Ta’ lerson, a young man, died near Indian Springs last week, from a relapse of the measles. Don’t forget the sale of dry goods at UUblic outcry, on next Tuesday, at Jackson, under the supervision of Col. ill. V. McKihhen. Griffin is elainerour over the Griffin, Madison, A; Monticelio railroad. Guess they will find plenty of sympathisers over about Monticelio. A letier was mailed last Tuesday at the Post-Office with three one cent stamp-on it without anv address- All so, one directed to M's< Mary Holiii._btoke, Oa. without a stnn p. The grnnate in the railroad out don’t blow out with common powder, worth Mr. Irwin sent for some jiant lytwder. and we guess Splann is mak ing headway, now. Mr. Jimmie Bankston and Willie Nutt are down with the measles. Im prudence is ahout the only danger gentlemen. Keep close for a while this changeable weather. We regret to croniele the death of Mrs. J. Bankston, wife of L. A. Bank ston, who died at her home in this county, on the 26th instant. We ex tend our sympathies to the bereaved husband and family. M e have just learned of the illness of our friend David ThaXtoti. who has been quite sick at his residence inCoo dy’s District. We are pleased to learn that he is convah-ssing and hope tie will soon he able to send in his usual ’ Notes from Goody's District.” See card of C. J. Lower, in this issue. Mr. Lower warrants his clock and watch work, and only asks that you give him a trial to be convinced. He also, keeps sewingmrtehine oil, attach ments Jtc. Give him a call. Mann A Barfield are prepared to sell Butts county people a!! their gu ano this season. Lookout for their • irculars and c-rfll to see them. It will cave you delivering your colUin at Griffin or Hampton. White, the Pike county murderer, has been safety lodged in Fulton coun ty jail. lie has employed the services of Georgia's most, eminent criminal lawyer, Lucius J. Gnrtrell. Let the Cincinnati A Georgia Rail road Company establish their head quarters at Jackson. They can’t find a prettier location, and our council won’t dictate to them about the pitch of their grades at out street crossings either. IdOIICE I propose to establish nGtlittio Agen cy at Jackson, also buy cotton, or do any legitimate business. 1 am pre pared to give any reference for integri ty and fair dealing. Call upon me at Duke's store or Dr J. W. Cheney's office. C. T. PRESTON. Jan., 24th, IJW2; =- . Will It M>U lAl>—Raffle. The raffle of the Black Stallion Whirldwind, will take place On first Saturday in February, lSSib Those interested arc hereby notified to be on band. J. W.‘CARMICHAEL. See card of Dr. It. G. Bryans, in this issue. The Doctor is unexcelled l>y any in his profession in tins section of country He has the advantage of a thorough course of lectures and ex perience, Which fits him for the res ponsible and important position of a physician and surgeon. He is too well known at home to need any recom mendation from us. His office is un derthe Masonic hall. He can he found at night, with Y. A. Wright, over Jno. J. Easton’s. Orders left with Col. Y. A. Wright or Janies Harden, will re ceive prompt attention. SCHOOL NOTICE I will commence im' school at Jack son, Monday week, the 30th of January, and propose to teacli ten scholastic months. Pupils will not lie. taken for a shorter period than three months, and will be charged front the time they enter until notice is given that they have finally stopped. Jan., Kith. 18.52. janlS. ‘W. 11. BLACK MORE. Mr. Ingram Sued Barney Irwin, R. R., contractor, in the justice court last week, for the small sum of two dollars and some cents, and owing to some flaw in the proceeding, the plaint iff had to pay the cost, sixteen or sev enteen dollars. The defendant paid 75 cents the balance due plaintiff, which was held by the court as part of the cost, and exectlsions issued against the plaintiff - for remainder of the cos’. Powerful large lable for such a small package, eh ! Woman A REMEDY FOR HER ONLY. Cheaper than physician’s bills, and to be used by women exclusively. It is prepared for them only, and and is specially adapted to cases where the womb is disordered, and w’ill cure all irreg ularities of the ’’menses”, or monthly courses”, whether acute ut’ chronic, by restoring the dis charge. This great boon is Dr. J. Brad field's Ke nt Aft Regulator, arid known and recognized as ‘Womans Best Friend” Prepared by Dr. J. Brads field Price ; trial size, 7Gc; large size $L l or ale by all drugists. We take this occasion to retiAn thanks to Mrs. Bradv. for an. invita tion to participate in a turkey dinner, on the 29th instant. The table was nicely arranged, with a variety of choice cakes, pies, custards, jellies, fruit, candies, &c. A big, fat turkey and chicken in abundance, was pre pared in such a way that proved conclu sively, that Mrs. Brady knew welt how to superintend the cooking depart ment, and season edibles delicious, and to suit the taste of the most fastid erms. The party of invited guest, as well usher many hoarders, enjoyed the sumptuous repast in glee and merry ment. Ye local, was particularly de lighted-, and enjoyed his first turkey dinner in Jackson, hugely. Your Attention Is directed to th e law card of Cob E. P. Catchings, which can fie found in another column. Mr. Catchings is a gentleman of first water, a native of Jones county, and has been engaged in the practice of law, for sev eral years in Macon, where he has been quite successful in his profession. He is prepared to give any references re quired. There being a fine Opening here for a live, enerjetic lawyer, and having conceived a favorable opinion of our people, and the future of our town, he has hung out his “shingle" at the court house in Jackson, where ho can he found during business hours. In commending him to the public, w<; have no doubt, but that they will find in him, a prudent,speedy and suv.cesa ful manager of nil business intrusted to his care-. We bespeak for Col. f at< h ings. the good will and a liber,;' share or the patronage of cur people. Give him a call. TO GIVE mi A first-class sewing ma chine AT THIS OFFICE. \i- K have a bran neW WHITE 9EV INO hi A- V\ CHINE, with Ydrswe.*, rlroptc-J. cover, rollera an l a complete set attachment*, which we will give to any man or (rowan who will cel ui> a clubof ftu cash eubeel. >ei* to the Jeckaon Saws, at Sl.iO, each. Wc will rive company * written guarantee on the machine to keep the same in rood order for the spare of five years The machine is finely Uniahed with (flit and is a perfect beautv Come and see it. It la easily managed and the iirhtesr ninmnr ma chine in the market If you fail to ret op the . , subscriber*, s will pay you a liberal per cent on ti,e number you brinr u*. for your trouble. I4dectf lly W. E. HARP, publisher Some of our spoilsmen were giving a little of their experience tho other day, and in referingto the peculirari ties of the. Quail, Mr. Geo. Mann, ex postulated ns follows : “It has been said, by old hunters, that partridges will hide themselves successful!, by flying into the woods, alighting and wheel .•ver on therir backs with each claw full of leaves, and said he, 1 was out hunting one day, and rousting a covey, I saw them ’light in a grove where there was no undergrowth, and keep ing an eye on the spot, when I arrived I was unable to find them with my docs in all that piece ofwoods.” Now,George is a clever follow, and a good sports man, and all the boys agreed that he was perfectly sane, and we will vouch for him being perfectly sober, lor we don’t know that he touches a “drap” j but said he, “I couldn’t account for the losing of them birds, unless they Were on their hacks under the leaves.” But, to cap the climax, (that's not de termined though, however,) Mr. E. P. Catchings, ejaculated thusly : “I’ve heard it said, and I am not so share that it is'nt true, that partridges can witli-hold their scent from the dogs, for” said he; “I was out hunting one day, and flushing a covey of partridges, I saw them ’-light in the sage, and spot ted the place by a pine hush, and the dogs was unable to find them anywhere in the neighborhood of that pine.” Now, Catchings is alio a nice, clever fellow, and one of the b’lioys. but al ter relating the above, it was decided that be was not competent to sit on George’s case. “But,” continued.Patch ings, “I called off my dogs and took a rest, and on going back to the denti enl place nft.r a while, I found the birds and killed some of them.” This fact seamed to convince him that birds can with hold'heir scent. But as this was in a sage field Mid no leaves to he has been suggested that they were flat of their hacks with a rock in each claw. liAKMIS X Ili AOltlUk, DEALERS IN Cencral Tserplmndiw. lllßhcst Market tTioe paid for Country Produce. WORTHVILLE, GA, FEB., 1, 188S. Measles is plentifui around Worth ville. Mr. Z. T. Sparks, has returned home tiom Atlanta. Subscribe for y ur paprr and don’t borrow your neighbor's, Th<‘ qu si inn is, wdiai wi 1 we all do for guano this year. Credit >s bind up, and public ifoads are in a bad condition < apt. Loyd, our faithful mail fed passenger carrier, has something new to say every day, ami ha tePs il quick and is gone Again. Author Yancey, when three years old, his weight was 85 pounds •, lie is now eight years old and has rot gained or lost one pound. He never was sick. A correspondent from Jackson to the Tel. & Messenger, writes : The enthusiasm of the citizens of this town, and of Butts county, over the neW railroad is so great that it would astonish some of the quiet people of Macon to hear them lalk of the railroad and the rapidity Which will mark the growth of Jackson as soon as the road is completed to this place. This is my first visitto Jackson, and so'pleasantly 1 impressed am I with the town and sur rounding country, that I am convinced thfrt your readers would like to know something of the town, which is to lie the thost important station on the new road from Macon to Atlanta. Unlike the country along the line of t’iie present road to Atlanta through this section it is very level land, and Jackson is beautifully located on high level ground. The citizens are wide awake and many buildings are now going up. Mr W. M. Mallet, who was rais ed in Macon, is one of the most enter prising and successful merchants. He is a young mar. of energy and pluck, and will soon build a large cotten ware house, for which contracts hrtVe been let, and the work will he commenced as soon as ’.he materials can be hauled. The roads are in bad condition, and it is almost impossible to haul building materials, it being twenty-one miles from the nearest station on the Central -abroad. The people of this section seem very jubilant over the idea of having a rail road connection with Macon, but not one have 1 heard say anything of a roau to Atlanta. Messrs. Mann & Jeld who have bed!; doingbu.Jness in Clinton for many years have sold out and moved to Jack run, and a, doing a thriving general fnereh.tiidise business. They sell strict ly fill orsli; Mr. Henry F; Land and two othef tirolhefs from Bullard elation have leased a store and will ,oon move their families here. Jackson otoek is up. Mj-Coxitb. Rome Courier! Thirteen erf r loads of fish plates and spikes for tbe Home extension of the Macon and Brun swick railroad were carried down three miles below the c'ly yesterday to the point where this roaq will in* lersect the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia. There are now at > hat place three tlionsand crossties, and in a few weeks trac layings from this end of the 'me wit begin It is the intention of the company to push the nod through as rap.d y as a largo force ol hande an do iv* Items From Grilll** At'hs Policeman McKibben has been re instated by the city council. Mrs. Clara Haynes, daughter of Col. J. 11. Logan, is visiting Griffin. Griffin is on a boom in real estate, Rents have advanced and more houses wanted. At present, there are only two stores in Hampton, free from the nurturing care of the affectionate assignee. Col. Foster, of Bn'** county, had a had time with a bailey horse oil :v!u moo street Tuesday evening You may tie poor, voir may be un known, you may ncverrcach y nir dcs- : tinalion ; still, you may shut the dour. The prosperity of a town depends on its newspapers and itieivhunts. By helping the newspapers you assist yourself, and.the interests ol all are promoted. We are of the ttpiniuui R.LVr tho Grif fin News, that the small pox was at Hampton, hut got broke up and had to make ail assignment before it had been there half an hour. Which ac counts for the virus in our cotem|>o*, rnry’s remarks. Woman n.OCIjAiKATION—FRKEDOH FOR WOMAN.. What i the right of the ballot to woman com pared with her privilege of etijoying health an<l happincHM in the channell circle of her ttociul ami domestic relations? Aibong tjife many discoveries tending: to btomoto the hnpirindMH uti advance ment of the human nice, nothing is so intimately connected with thehelth mull nippiness tit Wpinun the centcre and source ofour highest earthly en joy nientu-as the discovery t>f a remedy which meets her peculiar wants, and tit* her for the en joy inentaof life, and for niinfatChlngto the happi ness ofthose with wlminc slid i assoeuiled ill the tender relations of sister, witV, and mother. This remedy is found in hr J. Ilradlie'd’s Female Regulator, ’’Woman* /lest Friend.” Ity it wo man i emancipated from the ills peculiar to her sex. Before it* magic power all irregularities of the womb vanish. It cures" whiten” mipprcs sion of the mens** and removes uterine obstruc tions It cure* conatipution and strengthens the system braces the nerve* and purities the blood mid thus doing, it does more for her, and through tier, for the whole human family than any dis covery of modern Union It never fails as thous ands of women oar testify. Prepared by Dr. .T, Brndfleld, Atlanta, dn. Price: trial size, large size, $1.50. For sale by all druggists. A correspondent of the Macon TVi • graph avows that a Methodist preacher in Marion county preached to three ol four churches one year, spent five hurdled dollars in order 10 get to lits church in time, ami fee iv* ed as pay one pair of fame strings, one bushel id potatoes, anil two dol lars and a half in man y. Monroe Advertiser The M icon and Bruns ■ ick i x'rnsion will I e com plete, wu do n<-t doubt, in lime to iirilig nex summer’s visitors to In ilian Rpri'igs. Wo hope and expect there will lie a thou-Hiid visit** s tu Georgia’* llini>i famous summer resort. It the landlords do not prep ire for a cow I they will r gr. t It. 0 oisiiuitioui Dining tbr fir. Satur ijay morning there w a gr. at deal of stealing done. Cigars; fobacon, bottles of liquor, pictures, >**<l eltitb ing, ee, rllsapbearcd a‘nips) a* rib idly by thieves us by the flames, und. as a natural result, the station house has bee i con ant y be-orge.l hv par* ties who are in such ol property which they remove from t heir buildings, ami which can not be bund- First Assistant Postmaster Gene ral Hartmi has made the following order : Postmasters Will not a 'low non subscihcrs to take from iln- boxes, nor will they hand to llnm newspa pers addressed to subsedhi rs, refold ed and returned to mem into iln general delivery, without verbal or written permit Irorn such subscriber. A violation of inis regnlati m will be considered as Mifh.'h irt, ground for tlic removal of tl e oft'i-iiding postmas ter. Postmasters tvid please ake no tice. Nabiiviixb Jan. 24—Some tint.- n:: the First'National ■'Hank of this ci y issued a chock o J on - !>. it n i-on, of’l eva-, lot ftnO-j Tin- die 111 into ot her hands aval n is'. - 1 to SO 800, Robison s ii,-on n-ii erased .ml an il tier u • u I 11 - s ea t. Ihe t .'outin-mi a bank, of N York, cashed th check lor aT-x -8 bunk, lhlou.;li which )t was drmi, tree,, ntly till- I'onrth Mammal lunik, of Nashville, issued > s cheek io.a man in Galveston f-o s|,j I o* chccl. came into posessioii of James |j ii b -mi and he load it cashed in a hank hi t.-ii veston tor SBOO. it having been rtis. i to that amount The U dyesion bank sent t on to New Yor . tor eoih e| in in lb. United States Na ujiial bank ol that city, where it vut reftne-d, the ciisflier defecting tin lof-geiy. There is an existing ami grow rig sentiment ilia' Gen. Luc ou-J. Gm trcll shall ho the G verno ot Georgia. The independent- i.fGeu gia pro) two to try nr) t furnish t h-- nexi Gov rnor of ibis State (O n. Garlrell has the mauhooii to say thsti lie prou >e to Mlliini 1 his claim und qual ficai on to and /or that high ami hnmuuli e posjiion to the kmofs ol Georgia. Iu short, WB expert Gen. Gar rell to bo die independent can** didale lor Governor, and the Fiee Press will HUsiain him in the rtco to lie best of its ahi ity and influence. That he is well qualified no one can doubti lie has taken hm ittlr active mi rest in politics since the u-ar, ex cept as a liberal rjvnlleiflun, every boiiv knows. Our opinion is ihai he should run. We are in lavor of any moveiDuut that will defeat ihe Kirk wood mts’tial adiuiratir society* the moM atujendous political tram! Vef grafted upon Georgia poli’ic*. Gft - trell car whip tins* out and wipe it out of existance. He can assault the Miscalled gnai triumvirate by which the United States Senatorslilp ol Georgia was bartered for a consider atiotii a bat gain no one cah success fitily reiute oil the slump or n print. We now sail in lor Osite|l tor Gov ernor We do go 1 w th 'in money <e itwani or the hope thereof/’ lElii a MCI. fJTITte itndt'rsigned having located in the town _L of .Jackson, respectfully oilers Ids professional services to this citizens of Jackson anti surround ing comity. Hb is an old physician of -*• years experience- His OFFIt'K is at the BENTON HOI SR. ;J. N. CHENEY, M. D. 21oct3ni Look Out ! SIOO,OOO To Change hands 40 Miles from Atlanta Vtiluub’i' Real Estate for sale and td tent in the <• ;% < ■ 11 ; ,i ami througli Middle Georgia to Hie v . ; j- iii’M>u*ki> thousand D‘i.- I. \:. •.!,<: d\ or, has been consigned to the under* • ,!:i■ • i . -i.ih* amt rent, consisting of improved i j.liMiiaii ■ both large and small; houses and j<*ts u; ! -lore houses in the city, with good add i:: •> : ishcl trade. Best water anti best oli ii!..i* 1 mi tdo South. \lso dealer in (r**btiesund 1 -ooi ilies, and agent for the (’Pnteimial ' .• 1 ;, i and Condenser. Call on nr add rest* G. \. (TNNINGHAM. Real Estate Agent; tn illin, On. <;EOItUI - lEOTl'il., OR IFFIX, * GA s. s. shell, r RbrUIETOU- The above hotel is located Twenty yards from the depot. Bates £2 per day Tables suppl < 1 with c Ih*kV thfe matket allbrtls. Special rates given to citizens Of Spalding and adjoining cdiiii ties. e 28-tf Brick Yard 1 Irick Mb(l<> WITH iIK HIXI Ul. \*N DF.RSIRNED ln*g leave to inform the • p. oplc of .Jackson and surrounding country, that they- null commence the manufacture of hii. li, ii/.lackHon, at an oarly day, and will fur idub t bent at prices that defy competition. They have purchased new and improved machinery, and will lx* prepared to furnish all the brick Used in this section at short notice. nOnovly 11. 1\ ARM AND It S(IN. DENTISTRY. ■ ■ " I AVINt l located at Jackson, 1 desire to at ate 1 Ito the people ttf this and surrounding coun ties that lam predated to do any and all kinds of DENTAL WORK, at reasonable prices. Of flee up Htnirs in thb Higgins building. Satisfac tion guaranteed. ~ Nov. ltitli J. W. f!Rrl. bCHtlst. MAHK, THE BARBER BltO 8 leave to inform tlie eitizens of Jank*<m and the public generally, IliaV jiu is now pre pared to give an EASY HIIaVE. Hair Cutting, Shampooning, Etc., done-in GOOD STYLE. (Jive him a call, at the Livery Stable. THE CITIZENS OF Butts and Adjoning Counties. We linvfi moved from IliKk’in's cor nel 1 tu (hu house I'eeenllv oci'iipid uh n Dfiijr Store b.v Dr. Garmielmel, where wu Will be pleased to see you all. \\ e inloml to keep good goods anil CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. OUli MOTTO is Quick Sales, And Small Profits. Our line of goods will be ns good ilk ran be bought in any market, consist ing of Orcvi CilomN (.eittlrmaiiN < HOliiug potions, liar:.. - - \V lllow-wiltu Glass ii iid •luvware. Boots, Shoes, lints, (laps and in fact all goods kept in a first-class general store. Roberts, Roberts, & Goolsby. j n,lB JACKSON. HA. FIRST CLASS BAR. EAT, DRINK 1510 MERRY. f'^\ b|( Sl )f ( /%\ .1. J. EASTON’S A \ ( \JL, WHISKIKH J A Makes you EAT. AArt ThSiiik. liefnr*- Ittkina SaV, ,trunk ; Von are icnttlng retWfcrfiil fiit of lain I USttillK I'leoly O. eat now ? Nitt any too niiinli to eat Jdlin, Ha th quality of liquor a man Urinks. Yon arc looking rather (hln John, what a tills matter, IfOt the cramp ? Wei, I tell yon Juilkc. I t<s-k a drink of red liquor 'while ko and I'm feeling powerful bod. It’* the quality of liquor you drink, my boy. book at me. if you want to live tonic and grow fat, always do your (radinic with the OI.I) RKI.I- A81,8.,. KAHTON, where you nan always get - PURE WISKIES. Gib, liiiiti, Bi'aiuliefl Act THE CELEBRATED AURORA L*GER BRER ™ drali and bottled. Pure Rye and o<>rn whisky for medicinal |Mirrotc. * Bfwwlty. If yon want something to make a lean man Sul and a fat man Iran-ajc tinat a |K>at call on 3.3. BASTO.N. 7i*ftf. Just mM at tlic New Hardware Store Burr ii Milis, 4!) IIILL ST LET, G'fIFFIN, GA. A Now and Complete of CONSISTING OF Cutlery, Guns. PistuN, Carlriires. Gun Material, Looks. Bull*. Jlinyes, SerelVs, Nails, Bolts, Horse and Mlilo Shoos, Shovels, Spades, Hay mid Manure Forks, Rakes, Axes, Blacksmith and Car penters TAols. Trave, Brest,(Halter, and Well Chains. Blip I*!* fills, Hill. unis, SHA FT S amt AXMIS, Belting, lace leather, Gum, hemp, and lead Baekiiig, babbitt, metal, Fittings for steam engines,. Rope, and in (net every thing tn he found in a first-class Hardware store. We have also on hand a full supply of cooiiilti —AND—* nnvti^r. STOVES, ? TINWARE, Boise Poriisliti Go'll', &c. ROOFING M oil Kills ef Tie, CeppS’, AND SHEET IRON. Work done neatly and on short notice. \Ve have the largest and gl’crttest va riety of goods, ill otir line, that has ev er been offered In Griffin, and all bought before tho recent advnnee. Please enll and examine goods and pri ces, as we intend to mnko it to your interest to buy from us. It I Klt .V llll.lA Sueeoesaors to It. C. Burr—ll. C. Burr’s old Stand, No. 40 Mill Street, Cififfin, Go 2800t3m New Process min. OR 0 ID KN BH KAD. p MANUKACTUUED at ISLAND. SHOALS MILLS, lmve an entire outfit <f MEW PROCESS MACHINERY uiHimfHcLiirctl cHp*dtlly for them. Thia flour ih highly rccomiociutctl by Dr. Hny gooil, I'rcHidcut of Emory L'ollege, who culls tlo* brtMt'l imitle from if ‘‘(lohlcn Breiul,” from vliicb the flour tukcM its name amt eui’li sack will be bruiuleU bULDIH BRE’D —Ft >lt SALE— IIy IIYKRS A MA I.I.KTT urel A. Mu WAT KINSf; HON, .luckson, Or. JOS! All I JOS \ 01 mi A co. 21dccly V roprietor’a Mills. Livery and Feed Stable, E. T. WA KIN , PROP'S. JACKSON GA. -0 rpilE PEOPLE of Hutto county find llir Iravcl -1 ilife public jffnFnUJy, arc hereby nolilU’d tlwl a livery himl utablfc i now oj©i in .lucknon. where they can Im: iwMsoinnioilatcU nt rcttHomibl*: priccM. I have in conned ion, i litric* 1 h*t for otfnvenimtl, to ©how nt'X’k to the best udvUnlaK.e. C DABBEII Your attciiUpn Jm hlmo called to the fact that a gofMIHAHBF.It HlltiJ* to run In connect loti with thc*thtc lliiir cut. ©having and MhuinixjonhiK; done by u tirhl-eioMH barber. 0 BsR AND BILLIARDS. tflftE Whiskey. Wines, been, ale, etc., R. T. Wallin, Prapriaior, JACKSOPI tIA; O My stock of wines, whiskey nre Urge, end are genuine. I keep the bent and purest in tbe market My tktWß and are reaeonHbig (hve rny goo<U w trial und be conriuccd of tlielf f|rja!Jty. 19*tirprty Sheriffs Sales for febiuaiy, TITITJ, BE SOLD before tP.e Court Hoiifu? i \ door, in the town ol Jackvon, ituttF coun ty, On.. on the KHtST TL'EsDAY in KKiHU AliY next, 1 ->b2, within the legal hours of Bale, the fol lowing described property 10-wit : One oodtubef und Moss Engine, five power, levied upon the projicrty of \V. i'. Marfain, T. J. Kitigewuy & William 'i’hnxton, by virtue of one Itla issued iY<*m the Superior Court of Butts-vfiunty, in favor of M. V. M>;Kibb -n vs W. I>. M trlain, 'l'. I. i(id{vG>vny k Williant Thax ton. This Dec., 21th, L'&i. ’ J. O. BEAtCIIAMr, bherUT, ii. C. WfILL nic SOLD Bnfoit tiio IL>u>c > \ door, in iln* town of.’latkPon, coun ty, Gn., on the I IBBT Tt’KSDAY in icY next. LSH2, within the leg’ll horn's ofiale, tie: following dt.MerilJcd properly to Wit : sixty acres of fund, lie lug pnrt ifftl'c CoD*- nmn rind, silimtcd. lying aud being tn tfus <’<>un- IJ- <*i llntts, bounded ns follows: North?y l:irnl4 of I*. .1. huwsuii ; West bv Mrs Lucy : East by Josjah Freeman ; Houtli by .JoHiuli.Frc - man. Levied upon ns the proucyty of JJ, \Y. (lolcnmn, by virtue of one ll fa from tho •il l District (3. M.. in favor of It. I*. T’rooku, vs. U. \V. # hlenuin. Levy made ly J. It. BiT.i-.ks, 1.. C., and returned tonic, this Dec., 2d. 1881. J. O. liEAIh’HA MD, Sheritf, li. C. . VX riT.L BE SOLD before Inc court bouse door \ V in the town pf JankHoc, ButtH clOUntv, Gif. outlie I'IBSi'TD BD.VY in FEBRUARY next, IBs2, within the legal hours of sale, the following described property to*wit : Forty acres of lend in tlie North-West corner of* lot of land nunibey not known, lying and be ing in the county of Butts and bounded as follows: North by lands of Mrs. Bishop; West by land* of M.i-ton Hendrick: South by lands of the estate of John Currie; East by lands sold by HI, V. McKih hn as udmiidstrator on the estate of Tho. Me- KlJ'ben, on the Ist 'J’uesd: y in Oeloher. 1881. Lev ied upon ;is the property of .John Currie, J>y vir tue of one tt fa issped fran the Justice cuintof the Glti District (?. N|., in favor Kohf. (. Puke vs. John Currie, property toint6d out by plointifl. Teiuint in poßHosnion given notice, as required by law. Levy made Got., sth 1881. This January iid 18$2. J. O. BEAFCUAMI’. SherilV, B. C. W ILL BE SOLD K i Tore the courthcm.sß rloof \ \ in tin* town of Jack...m: ltutts Ommty. (JO4 witiiin (lie legal hours of sale, on the FIRST TCEHDAY in FEBRFAUY rcxK 1882. thefol lowing dofiicrUicd property Ten acres of land in the North-East corner of lot of land No. not known, .situated, being avid ly ing llie county ol Butts, and bounded ns follow* : North by lands of Dr. J. If. Bryans; West by lands of t lie estate of J. B. Rumble : South by lands of the estate of J. It. Dutnlile ; East by lands of VV. A Elder. Levied upon as tin? property of tho csUite of J. B. Rumble, by virtue or three tax Ii fas issued by J. O. Andrews and W. C. Nutt, tax Collectors of Butts countv for the years 187'J. 1880, and 1881, in favor oftlntHtutf* of ffcorgin andetmn tj’ of Butts vs. the estate of .1. M. Dumbhu Ten ant in possc-vitm notified in tin* terms of the Jaw. Levy made and returned t*i me by J. M. MeMi cliacl, L. <T'his Jitmmrv Od. 1882. J. ). BEAUCHAMP. rihoritr B. C. DEPUTY SHERIFF’S SALE. WILL BE SOLD before the Court House in tin* town of Jackson, Butts oonnty On. outlie FIRST TFESDAY in FEBRUARY next, 18Mg, the following described propertyto-wit : (Inc hundred and ten acres of land more or less, IriiiK and iit'ing in the county of Butts and boun ded as follows : North by lands of William White, or I*. L. White; West Jiv land/ of B. Ft. Wliite; Bout) 1 by lands of W.C. T. Redrtinn; by lands of J. B. ThntnnM. f,evicd upon qs the projcrty of M. H. Burlier by virtue of One tl fa issued from the Huperior Court bf Butts county, in favor of A. P. WaJl vs. M. H. Barber. Tenant in possession giv en legal notice. This, January hth 1882. W. D CURRY. Deputy SherifT. WILL BE HOLD before the court house doot* in the town of Jackson, Butts county <m. on the FIR T TUESDAY in FEBRUARY next, 1882, within the legal hours dfstile, the following described property i.o-iyjt •, One eleventh undecided Interest in the Mcln tosh projHTty, known us lliF Mclntosh Hotel, ly ing uiitl Iteing in tin* Town of Mclntosh and In dian Springs reserve, now occupied by it. \V* Collier, containing eight acres more or less. Numbers soon which the Hr>tel and stable and garden nrfe Mttinted, contaiidng *4 acres less ho tcct front on main street . r h feet deep whereon is situated a small wood building known as the Lamar’s store houste; sIWI Mvo acres eneli, off lot No. 19 and fit) nil in thfc IncldMutc; and known as the Mclntosh property. levied on h the |*rrvp erty by virtllc and to satisfy one tl fa issued from the Dougherty county Superior Court, in favor of J. N. FretcHlit A Cos., vs. Brynnt A. Collier. Prop erty pointed out by N. C. Collier, PlaintifTs 'At torney. Tenant in possession given written no tice, ms required by law. This, January Fdh* 1882. J. O. tIEAtTCHAMI’. Sheriff, B C E. P. CATCHINGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .nt - • e.A. WILT. jilend tunl pru tino in IJuttH and adjoin ing ummtlfs, l and . fiFKD K at Court House, J lob ’HU. C. .1. 1.0 WETi, Jeweler , JACKSON, - - GEORGIA. Htj tiring done on nhort noli go. Work guar anteed. Dealer in sewing machine oil and at tachiucntH. lfeb ’H2 To 'Flut FilbllC. Till: underitfned Im now prepared to carry pi. --giik’gi-m on the mail route between .Inckrton and Covington at reuHonabie rates. Will leave Jackson every Tuif/duy, Tlmraday and Sul u. day morninir at 7 o’clock. I will aim/carry bamiiiftc or other light freight. Your patronage solicited. C'npt. J. J'. I.<)Yl>, Mail Conlruntor. I\H. Wlil’ii in Juoknon I can !• found at the liCilltih iloliw. nep 23-1 f M. V. McKibben, ATTORNEYS A T LA W, .1 \<KNO\| - - GAi sp 9 11. IIENT/Ui'K, Y. A. WEIGHT. HENDRICK & WRIGHT. Attorneys At Law. jacKkon, Ijutts co., oa, /. ,ni* t ice m all the COI’UTS except in th© COI N I \ ntl'KT. Will attend to all bunnies* PROMPTLY. BKVVOX HOCBB. .ItK'kson, <., r nill’, only lioti-1 offering •pcHu! nccommoda ] lions to the traveling puhiie vimtime Jarknon. Thu.tiible** are Airniahed with the very best market affords. Feed Ntabloi. Purlieu traveling by ptivutc conveyance cull i11... have their stock cored for at reasonable H. O. BENTON, sep 10-1 y Pkorsirres. DR.R. G.BRYANS. —o— pnysician nl Surgeon. • —O— .I\CWvHO*, - - G\. —b— orFIRE UNPF.pI MASONIC IIAtT . one Door South <jf IJruir Store. found st night with V. A. Wright, first door uvetf 3. J. Keeton’* W%,CAI-L8 cun he left with Y. _A. Wright, or James iTiM PHOTO' RAP HER And Dealer In Picture Frames, 17 Hill Street, - - - Griffin, C.t • All sires end Kind* of Firt-Class work executed promptly,, (ild picture* copied and enlaritod., w ii piutiite of yoitraelf lil a UntiUSoru'' frumiy I Mf!“*nclwe,onlv *T: