The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, March 08, 1882, Image 3

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: |!)£ |a(kSCH • ' ”-i • t~:—-—— JACKSON, GAMAR , 8, 1882. TOW\ AND COUKTY. ; S 7’. JoilNSAMPtfr: xb~4s, F./ 1. M. Meets First uml Third Saturday ni£‘)7ia in each 'month. CITY OFFICERS. Mayor.— Y. A. Wright. ALDERMKN. —J. J. Huston, 11. A. Bvprs, M. Puke, anti Wm. Mullet. Marshal.—J. M. McMichael. COUNTY OFFICERS. J. K* TaVinirTmel. ‘Sheriff. —J. C, Beauchamp. -Deputy Sheriff.— \V. D. Curry. County Treurer.—ll. <>. Benton. Tax Collector.— \Y r . C. Nutt. Tay Keckivob.— S. P. Vi eke Vs County Surveyor.*^!. .3l. C. Maddox, Coroner. —Jew' McLeroy. MAIL SCHEDULES. ‘ Forsyth.—Arrives in Jackson daflv at 4 p. m Leaves Jackson daily at 4:30 p. n. Covington. —Arrives in Jackson at 5 p. m., every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Leaves Jackson at 7 a. in., every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. Griffin. —Leaves Jackson every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Arrives in Jackson at ’7 p. m., every Wednesday and Saturday. W, E. llarp, Postmaster. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church.—Preaching on the Fourth Sunday, and Saturday before, in each month. G. W. McMichael, pastor: -MEfitonfsT Church.—Prenehinjr on the Soeond birthday, and Saturday before, in each month. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night Sab bath School at 3 p. m. each Sabbath. Young Men’s Prayer Meeting every Sunday night. N. Z. Glenn, pastor. Y. M. C. A.. meets the First Tuesday niglitYn ranh.uxml h at Masonic* Hah Mr. Land’s baby*is still qifitesick. We are pleaseil to see Jimmie Har den out again after quite a spell of sickness. Col. Wright went to Griffin this week. Of course it was “legal that carried him.” Geo. W. Mann, left for Clinton, Jones county yesterday', on a short ■stay. The peach and plum blos?ohis fill the air with delightful odor in these 11. L. Daughtry of Indian Springs 'whs iii lo see us vest* rday. He is the jonier partner 'ot Phat popular firm J. G. Daughtry '<fc Bro. Col. N 0. Collier bought the Col lier property at Sheriff’s sale yester day, for 8800, containing eight acres, .situated at Indian Springs, •Charlie Slaughter, col, died last week near Indian Springs. Dr. Bryans, a prominent young physician of this place, held a post-mortem examina tion and found that both lungs had .n! most entirely pea risked away.. See notice of money ’l6aned to farm ers in this issue, and call on Colonel Wright, Jackson, Ga., through whom fhrmers can negotiate loans of money to the amount of one-third the value of their improved lands, with five years _grn ce. If there is any orphan children in llutts county in need of protection, and will make application to Col. M. Y. McKibben, be will sw'W for them a home at the Orphans’ Home jn DeeatiVr.Ga. There they willjhe cloth ed, fed and educated, and trained in the way they should go. Transports- 1 tion will also be furnished them to De catur. Two negroes and a enr dog, while crossing the Oak Jfulgee river a few ■ tnfres below Jackson, last week, by 6me means capsized the boat and were all drowned, even to the dog. The body of one of the darkies, as yet, has not been recovered. Henry L. tells a good one about the girl who wore the biggest stuffed sau sage she could get out of her dady’s sirtoke house, to church one Sunday, as a substitue for a bustle. Imagine the embarressing situation of herself and sweetheart when the string brok, while kneeling at prayer. Turner Barnes has our thanks for the nicest treat of the season. Turner knows just when and What to send a fel 16W to make him smile from ear to ear. A finer lot of sweet potatoes nev er made a fellow’s lips go “ fiip-a-ty flop ” at this season of the year. While listening to the dulcet (?) strains of the serenade of the Jackson Brass Band a few nights ago, my soul was stird by the “ concord of sweet sounds,” and my iiUVs'e that had lain dormant so long unbearthened herself as follows: The Cornet Band young man, The big brass bora young man, The base drum* smasher, The cymbal clasher, The rooty-ta<-toot young man. Dino. Mr; Giehn,our esteemed Methodist hiinister, has more energy than the majority of mankind. He keeps up with his ministerial duties and is nev er idle “between meals.” His ability to expound the Gospel is clearly prov en in the pulpit, while his ability is overbalonced by untiring en ergy, Among the many pursuits of jdustry that he has been engaged in, the last of which, we learn, was the making and ironing of,a wheelbarrow in Mr. Mallet’s blacksmith shop. We paid our first visit to Indian Springs the other day. We were very much impressed with the “Hill City” of Butts, as a summer resort. If it takes hills, pure, fresh air from moun tain streams, and mineral water, to constitue a healty, fashionable sum mer resort, why seek the mountains of North Georgia, when Butts county can boast of all that can be desired in this respect, Indian Springs is noted for its pleasantlocality, and its water for its mineral, curitive properties. The Collier House is beautifully situated on the summit of a high hill that over looks the valley and surraundingcoun try, and we imagine a most delightful place to live, during the hot, sultry days of mid summer. A ’l’tiik With .Hr. Julius SSrown —A Grand Ex cursion over (Re Ex tension to Home. 'Col. M. V. MeKibben, while in at tendance at the United States Court in Atlanta, last week, obtained seme in formation in preference to the Griffin, M., & M., I. E., that settles “he ques tion for the present as Tfgimls the building of the road. As has been said beftire bv Mr. Brown, he bought the road for specu lation. It belongs to him individual ly, and Toferred Col. MeKibben to the deeds, if he doubted his varacity. Mr. Brown states that he invested one third his worth in the road and does not propose to build it himself. He has already been offered a handsome profit on bis in'ffstment, but does n'Cft wish to sell now- it is not on the mar ket and, won’t be until the propper time, in Mr. Brown’s opinion, has ar rived. He says all this newspaper bosh about bis going to do this, that and the other, or wanting to build the road, says our informant, is without foundation. Mr. Brown is of the opin ion, as we understand, that the road will be litiilt in connection with the Northeastern, making a continuous line from the Air Line 11. R-, to Col umbus. Ga. Our informant further states, that Air. Brown, who is pretty well inform ed as the intentions of the .managers of tlio Cincinnati & Ga., R. It., says a grand excursion has been inaugura ted for the'4th day of July next, from Brunswick to Rome Ga., and that it will lie run, without a doubt. A negro man, known by the n+me of .Charlie Collins, "’ho lived with Air. Mead Hendrick of this place, was ar rested in Griffin several days ago, charged with being an escapped con vic and whose right nprr c is Charlie Jones. After tv preliminery trial he was sent to the *j)ftin gang in Clayton county, to serve 15 months. Charlie hits been livjug about Jackson some three years, aidJiSb flit as we learn, bis deportmenthasbeen that characteris tic of a worthy negro. Ris'wife, Alollie Collins, claims to have been married to him for five or six years, and says he has “been in no prison since she knew him.” Wo believe it is claimed that Jones has been at large for four years. Collins alias Jones, if indeed Jones be his propper name, has played bis part pretty well, to escape being captured this near home for "so long a time, and a reward being offered for bis capture. WORTHYILLE, GA., MAR., 8, ISS2. Measle? bis taken anew start in Butts ami Newton counties, on South lti- er, We have now, much to our satis, faction a Nourishing school in our vib ■lage, taught by A. Spier, who has bad many years ot suco sisl'ul exp rieiute. We hope and think his school will in crease gradually, tlVrYs'u&h ITh enety getio and efficient management > Brother weathers preached at VVortbville last night. The moon shown brightly and the ieongre ’.ation gathered early and awaited anxiouss ly, the arrival ot the min sLer. Every bouse in our district should he orni inented wilha preacher this year. I'o away with predjodioe and ask for prayers, an t God will bless you with things unseen. 11. T. 13, Cap*. Loyd is fastrr Jhan our new Editor He cuts through a near way, cuts off bis communication and iclls the news before lie can print it. ' Call at the Worfhville Post office, and 11. T. Barnes will show you a pair of snake feet, which he cut from an ugly snake. One bt the feet re sembles a dog foot, 'i'be snake was iracked by a colored woman and kill ed by Kater Wall hall. Holes From telly’s Din c . The wheal and oat crop is finer in this section than it lias been in many years. Mr Jas. 11. Pettigrew has just put the finishing t uch to Ins fine dweN ling. A few days work with the pick apd shovel would help our public road just at this time. Oar farmers have began in earnest to haul in their accustom quote of Baltimore soil. There are more fine shoals in ihese parts Ilian is usual at this time ot the year. Mr. J E Thaxton has a chicken that was hatched with but one wing and is now a grown rooster. Moses Bailey, col, claims to be one hundred and three years old, and is yet able to do regular farm-hand work, WOMAN A REMEDY FOR HER ONLY. Cheaper than physician's hills, ami to tie used by women exclusively. It is prepared for them only, and and is specially adapted to eases where the womb is disordered, and will cure ali irreg ularities of the "im ns'-V , or monthly courses , whether aeute or chronic,.by restoring the dis charge. This great boon is Hr. .1. Bradlield's Fe male Regulator, and known and recognized as ‘ Womans Best Friend ' Prepared by Dr. J. Brads field Price ; trial size, 75c; large size 11.50. For ale by all drugists. Money! MONEY!! Money!! Loaned to Farmers. Parties desiring to negotiate LOANS on five v *ars time can make application through me by calling at my office. I will act a* Attorney for any farmer Who has improved lands, in securing loans to the value of one-third of their real es tate. Y. A. YN RIGHT, Office at Court House, man Jackson, Ga., In Crittenden, Lue and Phillips count it* Ark., there are 15,900 ne groes in a destitute condition. Tlu* Extension will not he Open for Transporting; Freight Hefore July Fourth, next. The following private letter to Cod. M. V. MeKibben, answers the enquir es of many -as to when the Extension will be completed to Jackson, and When the road will be open for trade : Atlanta, Ga., Fob., 20, 18S2. M. V. MeKibben, Jackson, Ga., Dear Sir : Yoitrs of 17th inst.. reach ed me on my return from Florida. We hope,to have our track to Jack son within thirty days from this date, but will not be ready t<> do business over it before July Ist. Would like to accommodate our friends in Butts and adjoining .ebunties but it will lie im possible Hils Spring Yours, Truly fcc., W. V. MeCrockcn, Sup’t. Many of our citizens and others who have purchased property hero with the view of building this Spring and Summer, will be disappointed in get ting lumber from South Georgia, un less some arrangements cun be made with the management to give us, at least, one lumber train a week. Wfe presume their reasons are because they will have considerable hauling to do for themselves, such nr. Timbers for bridge, treslTq Pork and depots, iron and many things necessary to equip the road for hauling and receiving freight for the public. People along the lino won’t be ready lb receive freight and storing cotton, until build ing material, which can only be ba<ib from the piny woods, has been receiv ed with which to build. But perhaps our people won’t wait for July to com mence building. 11. P. Almand will com mence, soon, the manufacture of fine brick near the railroad, at prices that defy competition, and if our people commence right they will build their store liousel of brick, and if they can get window and door framing the walls can be got ready by the time lumber is plentiful. Air. Almand has secured the ve’rytrost macinery that can be bad for bis brick yard, and his specimens compare favorably with Philadelphia brick, which is said to be the best brick made. bidian Springs on a Bloom! From our Regular Correspondent.] Wednesday was a lively day in town; the stock law was inforced and the vig ilant marshal was on the alert ern pounding violators. Several cows were taken up, kindly offering their aid in replenishing the city treasury. The first whistle of the online will not find Mr. It. J. Lawson napping; the lfrown, scouring mop and river of water have elensed every corner and crevice, he has swept and garnished his storehouse for the coming stock. The sight of so much brushing away of cobwebs and scouring seemed unusual to. the “old settlers,” hut Mr. Lawson informed .- Visitor that was the way lie did’every Monday (?) Visitors, seeking health, are coming ip ■already, and the impression ’is that the coming summer will belike unto those of antebellum days. The hotels .will soon he putting on repairs and getting ready for the pressure. Odr stores are brightening up and displaying farm and garden emple mciits and stray pieces of Spring goods. The storehouse of J. G, Daughtry & Bro., is kept as neat as a ladie’s par lor, ami soon their shelves and coun ters will ho burdened with new goods. Their walnut case for advertising sam ples of groceries is attractive and in duces the ladies to loiter and test the grades of sugar—“sweet to the sweets.” The new street, christened Railroad Avenue, will soon put on a bright and verdant appearance'. Mr. B. W. Col lier has just planted out fifty beautiful trees —elms and water-oaks, with here and there a cedar. The opening of this street is a great attraction to the town. We hear that others are soon to he opened. Hurry up my towns men and develop your property and interest. The “street well” has just been “cleaned out;” the rock curbing band aged up, and soon tiie city fathers will enclose with an ornimental covering. Miss Laura Daughtry is visiting friends ill BlaokSlieare, will also visit the Forest city and extend her travels into the Land of Flowers. As the improvements develop I’ll .“dot” them for the Jackson News. List ol‘ Jurors The following a list of Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn at the Septem ber tern), 1881, to sei've at the March term 1382, of Butts Superior Court. GRAND JUROIU. Andrew J MoOre J W CnrnilcHael W M Mallet Sam McKibben Jno W OihEon L J Ball w R Thaxton Lewis Atkinson J W Lemmons R K Man M L Hendrick J M Ogletrce W A Newton W A J Fretwell L If Moore W F Douglass B C Ward J H McCallum J IF McCord Jr J C.Maddox R IF Aik in J M Ball j B Evans IF D Curry N O Alexander R F Gilrrio're Thos P 801 l JII Duke J A Moore CG Harper TRAVERSE JURORS. IFM Roberts R G Lavander A A Goodrum II J Aikin John M Holifleld S M Thomas John IF Strosier P It IFatkins J IF Fletcher IF N IFoodward Newt M Hanrfrhond IFF Swan Robt K Fears It G Byars Jr Henry O Benton M A Duke T J McMichael II J Collins 0 A IF Andrews M G Born! Pies Evans IFM Harkness Sim P Vardeman IF H Maddox L A Duke G IF IFhito T J Collins IF F Hale T J Preston John Kinard II B Foster T 0 IFoodward J II Lewis N C Amos C IF F Maddo* Canoda, Tex , was nearly destroy ed by a cyclone Yhersdfty night. A train bounced the track at Par kersburg, W. Va., Wednesday night and ran through the store of Geo. W. James. Store and train, except the sleeper, were burned Joe. Gigley, engineer, and Jno. Ilf ewer, fireman, 'were killed. A man named Ham well, claiming to be Irotn For-tf'iv, is wanted h* Kastman, on the charge of stealing v3GO from Air. C i.,-. Stillson, besides other mi-deim allots. The Kastman Tillies says that .Air. Thos. 13ry, engin* rof the heat Ida, jumped'lnto the lh mulyee river lie low Lumber Oi'y, r *si Sunday, and was drowned. He xns drunk. At Hogansvi 'e last Tuesday night John liagsdale and. John Worthcu had a difficulty, in which the farmer fired four pistol s ,cts at the latter without etieut. Tito*' wore brothers in-law. Goodman, Miss., March 2.—A hur ricane passed north-of ibis blace yes terday with most disastrous i fleet. Many houses were destroyed and peo ble killed. The house of L. S. lioty was .wiped out ot existence, not a shred ol furniture In ing 1011. T' O and <>t timß-Viii the rente of the storm is immense. Gov. IP own save lie would not be a candidate tor Vine President ot) ti ticket with Blaine. \n extract trom the j N Y Tribune,shotrs.* good reason, no | one wants him to. No doubt it is the tardy recognition of this fact that Irka induced this expression yet some of his votes and speech s w'ould seem to mean that he is seeking to “make unto himself friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness” if they mean anything. Air. Brown has planned very carefully to work himself up a boom cf some kind, but no one is deceived by it, except a few people in Georgia who do not understand the extent to which papers having no principle but that winch seems to be the best policy, and no interest to serve but their own, may be subsi dized in the interest ot schemiug politicians. Wien the Macon and Brunswick Extension was seeking an outlet foi its line from Macon,yihe city author ities granted a rlghT'of way tlircMigh Rose 11 ill Cemetery, Short I v alter the woik began a bill ot injui'olion was filed by hi vela I citizens, praying' that tlie contrite: made on the part of the city he annulled and the request ot the lail.oal autlioiilics denied. Judge Simmons refused to t'lanl tlie injunction, and the case was cairied by appeal to the Supreme Court. This tribunal has just deeded that the City Council bad full power and authority to give the right-ol.*way, sustains this decision ol the Court be low. Ilolsfo'n, on the 11. and 15. Extern-- slon, is to be the great country resort for a number ol ou'i " Uiness men and working people. Already lots an be ing bargain'd for, and the prospect is that quite a nice hide set'lenient will soon spring u,>, which w.ll eventually develop into a town. W en tli • new road is coinpb to 1 an accotiunodu ion or “gtoober’’ train will run twice a day tor the convenience of tluN' ou ! ol town-residence, they will come into work early and go home at six o’clock in the evening. In eonversa'ion with a gentleman who lives mar lie sum, be told us that lots could lie bought, for about liliy dollars an acre, and cl)i Up collages could be put up out there tor about fitly dollars a room. The wo, king n ail, ut li.eso figures, wiil be able to buy u lot, and his home will cost bun but little. We rather like this countiy l.fe idea, and will probably give, after awhile, some actual figures of living in ILdsion and doing business in town.—M icon Tel egraph A Problem cci I'Fiicing The Washington, [Ga. ] Gaz-tie has the following : Cm one rail fence an acre of laud* Interesting inquiry tor farmers,“Two hundred arid ten lent each way make an acre of land, Suppose wo lake ten rails to a pannel ot fence and each panne! cnoldses ten feet. To fence the acre there mrist be lour sides lenced of twenty one pannels or SB) rails to the acre. Now, if we double the length ol tlie field and take in two acres, we shall have two Sides of 420 leet each, and two sides of the original width 210 feel, and will need 1,260 rails to fence ahe two acres. If we now double the width of the field we shall have four sides of 420 feet eich, And with 1,780 rails will take in fa"r acres of land. l'ro ceediug in this manner to doable the size of the inclosure , wo find that 2,520 rails wi t enclose eight acres, and 3,360 rails will ttn< lose HI acres. The first single acre required 840 rails; tv,', acres required 42) rails per acre; and when we reach a 10 acre field we require only 210 rails per acre. Two hundred and fifty acres would require but about 105 rails per acre, Now, proceeding in this ratio, how large must the field be which will require but otie rail to each aere enclosed ! GUARDIAN* SALE T_)Y VIRTUE of an ordf from the court of Or- J ) rlinary of But!* eoujty, will be sold on the I'irt Tuesday hi April KM, at the court hou*e door, in ttaid county, between the bourn of wile, the followiriK propeuy belonging to George minor to-vrit : One tFiird undivided interest of Ktid minor, in all <if that track of lam! in said county where on Dolphin, Lindncy r hlc,! at the time of bin death, containing fifty hwh more or Ichh adjoin ng Linds of 11. YV, Carmichael, J. B. Carmichael, and K. 15.*. Termschmli. JOHN G. LINDSEY. OilAYdianoi ai l ilinor, New Process OR GOLDEN bread. o manufactured at KIM SHOALS MILLS, r MILLS have an entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY ■ manufactured e*|>e<*ially for them. This Hour is hiuhlv rycoinnirfided l>y Dr. Ilny ! pood, ('resident of Lmdvy. College, who culls the ! Bread made from it "GoM*n Bread,*' from which | the Hour takes its name and each sack will be branded SOLVE! BREAD. FOR SALE— tty BYKISS * MAT.T.F.TT ami A. Me WAT KINS tC- SON, Jackson, Ga. JOSI All BOS tv OIITII & CO. 21deely Proprietor’s IMills. VARIES! WORKS, KNOTT t HWED, JikCliSOlii ■ • 11 A. All Work Warranted, Carriages, Biiiss, ffag ons, to. overhauled and repaired on short no tice. ALLKINDSOF Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING BONE, UNDERTAKER. Will keep on hand Coffins, Caskets, and "Undertakers Hardware. A hearse w ill also he, furnished. BUR Shop in rear of Duke’s siorO. marl DR-.R.G. BRYANS. —o — Physician M Snrpon. —o— -3 - - GA. OFFICF IT NT) Fit MASO.YK! H.U*L, oiw Dour South of I M’uj; Storr. ('an h<* loiimi ut uitflit witJi Y. A. Wrißlit, fiiHt door over J. J. Fiißtou’H D@CALLS eaii ,be left with Y. A. Wright, or JmtVcs Harden.' "teM jan2s TO GIVE AWAY A FIRST-CLASS HEWING MA CHINE AT THIS OFFICE. U T K liaVv a bran new WHITE HEYVING MA CHINE, with 7 drawers, drop leaf, cover, rollers and u complete net of extra attachments, which we will give to any nmii or wowan who will get un a club of 5d cash subscribers to the Jackson NkVh, at each. We will [five the company's \\ ritten guarantee on tlu; machine to keep the same in good order for the space of live, years. The machine is finely finished with gilt and is a perfect heantv. Come and see it . It is easily manured and the lightest running ma chine in the market- 1/ yotl fail tonH U|> the 73 subscribers, we will pay you a liberal per cent oh the number you bring us, for your trouble. Respectfully, 14dcotf VV. IC. HARP, publisher. WOM AN J'U )CI.A M A TION -I* IlV: !•; 1 >OII FOR W OMAN.. What is the i ighl of the ballot to woman com pared witli her privilege of enjoy hip, health and happiness in the charmed cjp-U: of her social and domestic relations? Among the many discoveries tending to promote the happiness an advance incut of the human race, nothing is ho intimately connected with the hclth and happiness of woman the eenteie and source ofoitr highest earthly en joyments— as the discovery of a remedy which meets her peculiar wants, and fits her for the en joymenlsof life, and for ministering to the Imppi ii#*-' oft.hose with whonie she. is associated in the tender relations of sister, wife, and mother. This remedy is found in Hr. *J. Brudfield’s Female Regulator, ’’VVpqiaim />est Friend.” By it wo* man is emancipHt* and from the ills peculiar to her sex. Before its magic power all irregularities of the. womb vanish. It cures” whiles” suppres sion, pf the menses and removes uterine obstruct tions It cures constipation and strengthens the system braces tlie nerves and purifier the, blood and docs more for her, and through In r, for the whole, Imman family than any dis covery of modern times It never , fails as thous ands of women ea,n testify. Prepared by l>r. J, I trad field, Atlanta. <*n Price: trial si/.e, 76c, large size, sl. 50. For sale by all druggist*. GREATKENNESA IF ROUTE vtA Hcsfern A Aflimtic 18. 18 On and after Sunday, December 1, 1879, Triple Daily PaMMtnger trains will \n run by the Old Re liable Kennenaw Route. THE FAHT MAID Tit A IN NORTIt. lyCav* s Ailanta at 2:<W p m ArriveH Knoxville at l<):Wi p m ArrivoH Bristol at - 3:45 a in Arrives Lyneliburg at - - - - 1:55 pin ArriveH YViluhington at - - 9. 40 pin Arrives New York at - - - - 645 a m THE FAHT MAID TRAIN SOUTH. New York at - 10:00 pin Leaven YVaHhington at - 7:00 a in A rrviea Atlanta at - 12:55 noon Only .7.9 itonrn from New York In Atlanta. pullr ■! Ai ears run daily between New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, via Atlanta to YVaMhiijgton, without change, connecting closely at YVn -hing ton with Pullman ears and coaches for New York without Oumgy. Pulhuaif Pafiirc Gar- loavc. New York daily, milking dose eonneetion at YViishiuglon *viiii Pullman <'ars for Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, and N* w Orleans. The Kennesaw Itoute is the only line offering such through ear arrangements. THE FAST MAID TRAIN also makes close connection at t 'hattanooga from hihl to all points West. THE EXPRESS TRAIN NORTH J/caves Atlanta at - - - - 9:25 p m which close connections for Home, also at Chattanooga for all points West. THE EXPRESS TRAIN SOUTH Arrives at Atlanta - - - - 10:50 pin making eonneetion from all fioints West, also from Virginia and Tennessee points. THE ACCOMMODATION I.eaves Atlanta daily (except Sunday) 4:35 m Arrives Atlanta “ ” “ 7:55 a rn Ixiw Kxeirrson and Kudgrant Itatestoall points in Texas. Send for schedule. B. W. WRENN. Geu'l Passenger ,tneg.\ Atlanta, SUFrOBT Year M] pape p . MEDICAL NOTICE. r I'M IF. undersigned having located in the town J of.lackron, ivHpeotftilly oilers his professional services to tin* citizens of Jackson uml surround ing county. H *is jm old physician of 2 r > years • 'Xpt rienee. His (Jl-’F'iCF is at the HKnToN HUI’SIO. J. N. CIIKNEY, M. 1). 2loot3ni Look Out ! SIOO,OOO To Change hands -10 Aides from Atlanta Vnluah’c Beni Ksfute forstde uml to rent in the eitv of (irifiin and through Middle < ieorgia to the value of ONi: HUNDIJHI) THOUSAND D>L- I. \ HSjmd ov r, has been consigned f < tli.* under signed for sale and rent, consisting of Improved Idnntations, both large and small ; houses and ots, and store houses in the city, with good and well established trade. lU*st waiter and liest cli mate in the Spntli. .Also dealer. Gnuperies mid FamilN > 'ppL • agent /’•/ tlfCentetmial Gin, Feeder ami Cobd. iisi r. (’all on or address G. A. <’l NX INGHAM, jteid I'sta/e Agent, Griffin, (a. UIOKU l HOTfIX, airmix, .... ga S. S. SHELL, I’noPKiF.TOB. Theahove hotd islocated Twenty yards from the depot. Bates £2 per day. 'Tables supjpl&d with the best the market ailbrds. special ml s given to citizens of Spalding and ml.joinmg coun ties. se 23-tf Brick Yard. lJi’ieli Msklo WITH KIACHIIVERT. rip ms UNDKRSIGNKD lFg Dn v * G Inform the t h. IHvsjflt' of Jackson and sarrounding country, t int tlc> will commence the manufacture of brick, in Jackson, at an early day, and will fur nish them at |Vrieos that defy cum pet it ion. They iiave pimluvW*d new and improved inaehimsry, and will be prepared to fiivnish till the brick used in this section Jit shm t n/Miee. JlOuovlv 11. 1* ALMANI) ti SON. DENTISTRY. HYVVnVi located at Jackson, I desire to state to the people of this and surrounding coun ties that lam prepared Yo do any and all kinds Of I>Ki\TA L WoliK, at reasonable prices. Of fice up Stairs in the Higgins building. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Nov. 10th J. W. Cruwt, Dentid*. MAI, THE BARBEE. 0 B ICGS leave to inform the citizens of Jackson and the public generally, that lie is now pre pared to give an FASY HHaVE. Hair Cutting, Shamponing, Etc., done iVi GOOD feTY LIC. Give him a call, ut the Livery Stable. THE CITIZENS OF Butts and Adjoning Counties, AVo have moved from Iliggin’e cor ner to the house rocently occupicl ns a Drug Store by J)r. Cariniclnud, whore we will bo.pleased to see you all. We intend to keep good goods and CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. OUR MOTTO IS Quick Bales, AND Small Profits. Onr line of. goods will be as good ns can be bought in any marnet, consist ing of Dress Goods 4<>ii(l‘iiiaii's (nothing, .YoJions, GROCERIES, Hardware Willow-ware Glass and Jugware, Boots, Shoes, lints, Gaps and in fact all goods kept in a first-class general store. Roberts, Roberts, & Goolsby. janlß .JACKSON, GA. FIRST CLASS ITAR, .1 ACKSON <; A. EAT, DRINK BE MERRY. ft JL f f\A J. J. EASTON’S \\ \ ( lA. YVIILSKILH , * .Makes you EAT. After Taking. Before Taking Say, Ji’i>f;k ; You are g tiing powerful fat of late! Getting plenty to eat no\y ? Not any too much to eat John, its the quality of liquor a man drinks. You are looking rather thin John, what’s the matter, got the cramp ? YVel, I tell you Judge, I took a drink of red liquor ’while ago ard I’m feeling powerful bad. It’s the quality of liquor you drink, iny boy. Look at me, if you want to live long and grow fat, always do your trading with the OLD RELI ABLE J. J. PASTON, where you can always get PURE WISEIES. Gin, Ham; 1 5 m ndir.s &c. TIIE CELEBRATED AURORA LAGER BEER on draft and bottled. Pure Bye and corn whisky for medicinal purposes, a specialty. If you want something t< make a lean man fat mid a fat man leaipagninst a post call on J J. EASTON. TUcclf. SHERIFF’S SALE FOR APRIL. STATE OF GEORGIA,) Butts County. )' Wil.J, ISE SOI.I, before I lie "court boss, door in the town of Jackson said county and state on the first Tnesdny in April Ih2 with in the legal bourn of Hide the following diacHbed property to wit: One hundred acrenof land NO not known, situated and being in the <l6 Di.strh <. M. in said county and State bound as follow. North by lands of A. G. Smith: West ly landsof T. O. MckeJrov : South ly lands ol Witlmi \ Ikiml ; Mont by hinds of J. L. Larnet. Levicl lipoii as the property of Caroline M. It. (Jurgile by virtue and to satisfy one Fi. Fa. issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of John .Middleton Administrator on the estate of Nancy Middleton .vs Caroline M It Cargile tenant in posessiou notiued this Feb. Iltli 18S2. J. O. BEAtJCIIA Ml’, fiber iff, B. f. E. P. PATCHINGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. . V l-.SUT. - - li \. WILT. |>lewl and practice in P.utta and adjoin* ing counties, nU- OFFICE ut Court House', 1 feh ’B2. <sl JT. LOWER, Jeweler, JAOfvSuN. - - GEORGIA. Repairing done on short notice. Work guar anteed. Dealer in sewing machine ‘dhaml at tachments. ifeh To The Psibllc. THE undersigned is now prepay’*! io carry pussengers on the peghhit Kuril route between JaeksOii and Covington at reasonable rates. I‘ave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. I will also carry baggage or other light freight. Your patronage solicited. Capt. J. I'. LOYIV Mail Contract!./. , P. S.—When in Jackson I cun be found at the IV-nton ep 23-tf M. V. MeKibben, A TTOIINEY A TLA IF, JACK. SOX, - GA. sop 9 fr. IIKNY.niCK. Y. A. WEIGHT. HENDRICK & WRIGHT, Attorneys At Law. JACIxSON, BUTTS CO., GA. AVILL practice in all the COURTS except in the COUNTY COURT. Will attend to nil business PROMPTLY. BiiSTOJi tUllSt’,. Jackson, On., rpi IF only 1f0t7.1 offifiiYjv Apeeial uccominoda -1 tions to the traveling public visiting Jackson. The tables are furnished with the very best market affords. Feed N1 aides. Parties traveling by private conveyance chi'* also have their stock cured for at reasonable rates. 11. O. HKNTON, sep 30-1 y l'uopit IETOIU. E. J. DEANE. PHOTOGRAPHER And Dealer in Picture Frames, 17 ITii.l Street, - - - Griffin, GA Ali sizes and kinds of Firt-Olass work executed promptly. Old pictures copied and enlarged wall picture of yourself in a lmudsome*frame Bxlo inches',only #2. Itfcliiiionri Si Danville K. R I’ASHKXGKIt DEPARTMENT. On and after June sth, Ififll. Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line division of this road will he as follows : ICIIHIW fil'd. \:mtl'".d states maid, no. 43, a. Len *; Atlanta . ..*. 4:00 a in Arrive Charlotte, M 3:35 p m NKW YORK EXPRESS, No 47, I). Leave Atlanta,, ----- 3:15 p m Arrive,Charlotte, M, - 3:15 am UNITED STATICS FAST MAID, NO 49, O. Leave Atlanta, *•---• 0:30 pin Arrive Charlotte, m - - - - 5:35 ain SUWANKIC ACCOMMODATION, NO 21. Leave Atlanta, ----- 5:00 p m Arrive Suwannee, D, - - - • 7:08 p in Weihvard. UNITED STATES MAID, NO 42. T#eave Charlotte, m, - 12:30 p rrt Arrive Atlanta, ----- 12:05 a m NEW YORK EXPRESS, NC 48. Leave Charlotte, m, - - - - 12:43 a m Arrive Atlanta, - - - ,- . • 12:20 pui t UNITED STAttS FAfl# MAIL, NO 50. Leave Charlotte, m, - - - - 12:33 am Arrive Atlanta, ----- 10:35 a m SUWANNEE ACCOMMCDATION, NO 22. Leave Suwannee, and, 5:40 a m Arrive Atiunta ----- 8:00 ain CONNECTIONS. A, with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A aml-W P railroads. B, with arriving trains of Georgia Central, A and YV I* and W and A railroads. C, with train* arriving on Ga. railroad. I>, with Lawreneevillo Branch to and from La wrencoville. M, with 0 Cand A—C C. —R and D and A T and O, for all points West, North and Fast. Pullman Weeping Car Service on Trains No 4T and 48 daily, without change, between Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, sept 9 Gen’l Pass. Agent. Lively and Feed Stable, 8. T. WATKINS, PROP’S. JACKSON GA. o r PEOPhR offirttfl bounty iitid the travcl- I ing public generally, are hereby notified that a livery and feed stable is now open in Jackson, where they can be accommodated at reasonable prices. I nave in connection, a large lot suitable for drovers, convenient, to show’ stock to the best o i vantage. — c BARBER SHOP. * Your attention Is also called to the fact that a good liA KB KB SHOP is run in eonneetion with tlie stable. Hair cut shaving and shampooning done by a first-eluss barber. O Bar and billiards. FINE Whiskey, WINES, BEER, ALE, ETC., R. T. Mins, Pr~ JACKSOI^ O . My stock of wines, whiskey ec and are genuine. I keep the best a*, the market My terms and prices hia Give my goods atrial and be convince exceleut quality. soiu