The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, April 12, 1882, Image 3

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jpe gtscbon JACKbOST, GA., APR, 12, 1882. TOUX A\l> COUNTY. ST. LODGE AO. F. &A. M. Meets First and Third Saturday night* in each month. CITY OFFICERS . Mayor.- Y. A. Wright. Ai.debmen.- J. J. Easton, H. N. Byprs, M. Duke, and Wm. Mallet. Marshal.- J. M. McMicliael. COUNTY officers; Ordinary.—J. K. Carmichael. Clerk Superior Court.—L. D. Watson. SHERIFF.— J. C, Beauchamp. Deputy Sheriff.—' W. D. Curry. County Treurer.—H. O. Benton. Tax Collector. — W. C. Nutt. Tay Keceivob.—S. P. Vickers, County Surveyor.—J. M. C. Maddox, Coroner. —Jesse McLeroy. MAIL SCHEDULES. Forsyth.— Arrives in Jackson daily at 4 p. m Leaves Jackson daily at 4:30 p. ni. Covington.— Arrives in Jackson at 5 p. m., every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. leaves Jackson at 7 a. m., every Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. OBIFFIN-^—Leaves Jackson every Wednesday and Saturday at 6a. m. Arrives in Jackson at 7 p. m., every Wednesday and Saturday. W, E. Harp, Postmaster. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church.—Preaching on the Fourth Sunday, and Saturday before, In each mouth. W.'McMichaeL, pastor: Methodist Church.—Preaching on the Socond Sunday, and Saturday liefore, in each month. Prayer meeting: every Wednesday night Sab bath School at 3 (>. ni. each Sabbath. Young Men’s Prayer Meeting every Sunday night. N. J 5. Gmcnn> pastor. Y. M. CL A.. meets the First Tuesday night in each month at Masonic Hall. NOTICE. OFFICE BOUNTY COURT,) Butts County, Ga. > April 4th 1882. | On a*nd after this date, all advertisements of ■county matters will be done in the Jackson News JJy order of the Court. HENRY HENDRICK, Judge C. C. B. C. Ed car Jewel, of Conyers, was in to see us this week. Mr. Cloud will soon have a hundred thousand brick ready for the torch. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Hal Byers is recovering from recent severe illness. There seems to he plenty of fruit, especially peaches, on the trees around •Jack-sen. The machine for driving the pricing at the creek near the rock cut is about ready for operation. Jim Bankston is the finest looking married man in Jackson. This is i dm plimentary, too, because tliere not on ugly one in town. .Set’ivm up Jim. ■“Husselers” little shooting match j Saturday evening, cost him $12,50 a. shot, and thus the town treasury will probobly te. replenished, or else Coon -will have a ’boar dor for several days. Jackson now has a beef market. Those who have nice young hoevs to dispose of, on foot, or otherwise, can find sale for them by applying to Mr. Simon Joiner at this office. Bring your young beeves, lambs kid. sind shoals to Jackson and Simon Join er & Ci.., will pay you the market price for them. Mr. Aleck WTlkersnn informs us that he has been very near all over the county the past few days, and says the prospects for an abundant yield of oats and wheat in Butts county, were nev er better. Ones? “Kitsselef” don’t fell much of a champion now, and doubtless he will feel less so, if the law is properly vin dicated, and Judge Hendrick gets a lick at him. * H. P. Almaiii has puehnsed two more business lots-on which he will erect brick buildings as soon as bis i brick machine, which is now in opera tion, can make them. Mr.Plunket. of Rockdale, was in town again last week, looking up a location 1 for some machinery foT the purpose of dressing lumber &c. J. O. Beauchamp, tells of a curios ity in the shape ot a colt three weeks old, near Millegeville, which was folded with on ly three legs. 11 is the property of a Mr. Acy Simpson, who says it can get about as good as any horse with four legs. Col. Y., Has joined the Esthetes, and it is said he will will shortly appear in full aesthetics style—knee breeches and a swallowtail, highly ornamented, a pair of Indian shoes and beaded'stock ings and a plug hat. A gay costume for a bachelor, but the widows all like ’em, and anything to please the girls you know. Your attention is called to the tax receivers notice fn this issue. Give in your taxes promptly, when the receiv ever comes and avoid a rush and in convenience as the time draws to a close. Laborers, teams and implements have been passing constantly, for a day or two, moving up theline ns the work is being finished up on the railroad helbw Jackson. This makes us feel like things are being brought to a fo cus and theenjine is close by. The Jackson Sabbath school will pic nic at Duke's pond, on the first Satur day in May. A day of pleasure is an ticipated for the young folks. A boat will be placed in the pond for those who delight in boat riding. A fine spring, of sparkling water, is sha dea with a beautiful grove of larg growth, and we learn, upon tho whole, it a most delightful place for a pic-nic. We regret to chornicle the death of Mrs. Crawfork, who died Thursday last at her home in this county. She lay on her bed of affliction for sever, weeks before her death, which, we learn was caused from general debility, li e ex tend our sympathies to the -bereaved family and relations. George Upson has paid his fine, and has been released. How, about the concealed weapon, last Saturday ? The rock cut is quite a resort for Jacksonites. Quite all of our citizens were out yesterday to witness the pile driving machine operate. Buy Carmichael’s Horse Powders. The nttentiond of bridge builders is called to the notice in another column, of the letting of contracts, on the !3tli day of May next, to build two bridges, one over Sandy creek at Indian Springs, and one over Wolf’s creed near J. Ed dleman’s mill. Specifications may be seen at the offices of the Ordinary and Jundge Henry Hendrick. Buy Carmichaels Vermifuge. Mr. James McCalla passed through Jackson, last Monday, with a lot of hands enroute for work on the railroad above Locust Grove. He says the en jine crossed Towaliga bridge about 0 o'clock that morning. The grading and cleaning up gang aresevcrnl miles ahead of the track layers and will keep in advance of them until Jackson is reached. Extra forces have been put on the work at this place—Sun day work has been commenced and everything is in a rush. Buy your Drugs at Carmichaels. T AX NOTICE. I Will beat following named places to receive the lax returns of Butts county for the year 1882, during the present month. Indian Springs District, Monday the 17th; Dublin, Tuesday the ; Iron Springs, (Harper’s shop) Wednesday the 19th ; Buttrill, Thursday the *2oth ; Goody’s, Friday the 21st, Towaliga. Saturday the 22d ; Jackson, Monday the 24; Worthville, Tuesday the 25th. S P. VICKRRS, T. K, B. C. Buy Carmichaels Horse Powders. IIVHMM & IlllMMtK K. DEALERS IN General llerelianilixe. Highest Market Piscepail for Country Prodpoe WORTHVILLE, GA., APRL., 10, 1882 Mr. Editor : I write you a few lines to let you know that we have not forgotten you nor your valuable pa per. We farmers have been very busy this fine weather, planting corn and jire paring land ior cotton. Some of us will commence planting cotton this week, while others think it too early. The most of us will need our cotton very early, hence we plant according ly. The wheat and oat crops are very beautiful, and tlie outlook for unwbun dant yield of both was never better. We think that wheat will be at least three weeks earlier than we ever knew it, and if the yield is as good as the in dications now suggest, it will cause a considerable tumble in flower, that is, if i t is all gathered, it may be that there will be so much made that it will not pay to gather it, especially if the price should fall to seventy-five cent per bushel. We have in our vicinity, a gentle man representing a carriage manu factory located at Wilmington, Dela ware, searching for hickory timber to ship North. He informs us that lie finds such as he wants very plentiful, and has engaged some from Mr. Tiros. Stewart and Drake Knoavls. He also, informs tnc that he expects to start n steam saw mill, gitr ami griss mill in Jasper county, next fall. Instead of shipping timber to bis factory, why not ship the factory the to timber? We think it would pay better; it would pay us better at least. This reminds the editor that he heard of a man around Jackson, who was on the same mission, a few days ago, but the kind of timbers he wanted, he said was “sknee” about these diggings, and in rambling through the woods, in search (?) of suitable timber, ran upon Costello & Co’s., pile diriving machine which attracted his attention, and be ing a versitile fellow, has turned out to be a first-clflss “ pilpdriver /’—little tougher work, but his pocket hook is doubtless heavier than when hunting “carriage timber” for a Northern facto ry. As to the mills in Jasper county, well, he, er, lie’s a better piledriver than be is a sawmill-man. Our clever mail carrier has made a rise—a new lint, seventy-five cents. I learn that his mind was so occupied with his purchase, or someting else, that he left in the store, his beaver, wortli one dollar, and seven dozen eggs. Strange what effect anew hat has. Hat! Anew spring hat with a blush ing widow under it, by your side, will make most of us absentminded. It’s a wonder be ditn’t forget the mail sack. —Ed. Buy Carmichals Liver Pills. 2m New Orleans, April 7.—The Times Democrat’s Morgan City special says : ‘•The situation here is fast becoming desperate. The current through the streets of Morgan City is at least five miles an hour. In many places it is difficult to manage boats. A large schooner is now anchored on .Second street The water from the swamps is coming in through the rear of the city in a perfect torrent. Every thing that can Jet away i doing so. The Mercer took over GOO to-day. She went to Plnqueminef* to connect with the Orleans Pacific road.” ICe learn yesterday that a little 12 year old daughter of a Mr. Marable, jiving about 0 miles from the city, was verv severely burned a few days ago, receiving injuries which wo! doubtless cause her dcath.-Oriffin News. Last Saturday evening onrlittle town was a scene of someexcitement, x*ca sioned by the report ofa pistol. About 25 waggons and 75 or 80 hands were moving from the works below to a point on the railroad above Jackson and stopped over here for the night. George Upson, a Tennessee negro, who belongs to Irwin's gang at this place, and who is considered by his color to be ft desperate negro, lu\d a. difficulty with one of the moving crowd and it is said drew a pistol and discharged its contents into the ground to frighten the other darkey. Our marshal was promptly on the spot and arrested him. George resisted the marshal who “pealed” him one or two blows that s t oggered him and a1 i vely ch ace i nsued. He was, however captured by another negro who headed him off, and in a moment he was well surrounded and carried to jail. At first, as the large body of negroes followed in persuit, itappeared that an effort to rescue the prisoner was in contemplation, hut the majority of them recognized the wrong that he was guilty of and refused to interfere. This is the second difficulty this ne gro has beon engaged in, and this time he should be taught a lesson, not soon to he forgotten. The practice of carrying concealed weapons, one from which the mostse rious, and crimes of tho highest magni tude known to the law are perpetrated, is a growing evil, and unless the carrying of a deadly weapon itself, concealed, is not placed in the cutagory with high er crimes, or else the present law more rigidly enforced, there is no telling to what end the practice will he perpetu ated. The judges of our courts, in whom the power lies to almost entire ly check the people in this unwise ex ample, so pernicious to good morals and training, and degenerate in purpose, are in default of that trust and obvious duty they owe to civilization, when they fail to deal severely, and rigidly enfor e the law to the utmost extent when opportunity presents itself, in cases of this kind. Leniency and pet ty fines area license that serve to en courage crime of this sort, and unless the heavy arm the law is made to feel its weight, when the statue is violated, we need not expect any abatement in crime culminating from the unlawful carrying concealed weapons. If our judiciaries would maiitaln the dignity of the courts and be respected, they should not be overly anxious to seek out extenuating circumstances, but en force the law rigidly, when it has been willfully violated, and we will have less brandishing of pistols on our thorough fares and peace and quietude will pre vail. A the panic of Spence, who claims to be a lawyer, and who has been here about a week left uncer emoniously yesterday, and now Henry Benton says “he wishes lie had collec ted his board bill in abvance.” Buy Carmichael’s Cologne. 2in There was a young groom in the city, not long since, who married the most fastidious lady we have yet heard of. Instead of, as has always been the cus tom, she adopting the name of her hus band, in this case, the husband assum ed the role of the feminine gender. M e have often heard of the wife wearing the breeches ; but this is our first ac quaintance with the knight of the pet ticoat.—Athens Chronicle. Buy Carmichaels Female Tonic • Fae Simile of a Note. Jaumvory the 4 Schley county Ga IVo promise to pay the state of 4"> Dollars And 60 eernse to pave Jammer fore 6 Hogs the fifteen of October 1882 lloddun Melvin x Scaly Dicsom x Jerry Dicsoni pas se eurituy x Camp intnom pas YVidmers Andso’n pas widness An mom Baisdlem pas widness. The above is a true copy of a paper handed the Clerk Superior Court to record during the March term, with the following words written on the back : “This is a mortgage note for Record.” Buy Carmichael's Vermifuge. 2m A Soft Answer—“Ah 1” he exclaim ed, as he pressed her tenderly to him at parting, “shall I hold you in these arms again to-morrow and paint our future with the bright pigments of the imagination ?” “No,” she said, calmly, “not to-morrow. To-morrow’s wash day.”—Brooklyn Eagle. Taking Time By the Fore lock. At the battle of Groveton, Stone wall Jackson tried an experiment which nearly frightened a Federal di vision out of their boots. Barsof rail road iron were cut tip in foot lengths and fired from some of his heaviest guns, and the noise the missies made as they went sailing through the air was a sort of cross between the shriek of a woman and the bray of a mule. r l 1 <• Federal? listened in wonder lit the fiist few which lmngcd through the trie t( i s. and presently one of the pie ces fell just in front of a Pennsylvania regiment. A captain stepped forward to inspect it, and after turning it over he rushed to his colonel with the news: “Colonel, them infernal rehs arc fir ing railroad iron at us!” “No!” “They are, for a fact I” “Captain, advance your company to that ridge and deploy, and tiie minute you find Jackson is getting ready to fire freight care at us send me word. I don’t propose to have my regiment mashed into the ground when it can just ns well he decently exterminated in the regular way. 1” Huy Carmichaels Liver Pills. A county treasurer in Pennsylvania is defaulter to the amount of $50,000. Washington, D. 0., April 4.—The President has just vetoed the bill pro hibiting Chinese immigration. Gwinett Herald : Stevenson was sen tenced by Judge Erwin to he hung on 12th of Mh v. On that day just forty years ago Tom Chambers was hung in our village. There has not been a whim man hung in this county since that date. Rome bulletin: A eat went into a cook stove at Cave Spring for warmth. The cook was deaf, and when she kin dled the lire and closed the door on the cat, could hear nothing of its cries. Consequence, a choked cat. Cuthbert Enterprise : There was 22,- 000 shingles on the barn and sheds at Mr. J. E. Bridge's place, and when the storm was over, we were told that not one shingle was to be found on the premises. All bad been blown over into the pauper farm, where they had to be battled out before any plowing could be done. Talboton Register: Mrs. James Xocll within the last year has caught be tween 60 and 70 hawks. The process is Iter own invention. Slut makes a circular cage of old iron, places a few young chickens in it, attaches a steel trap well bated on the top ot the cage anil awaits results. The hawk comes to the noise of the little chickens, and in attempting to get at them alights on the trap, when bis liberty isamediate ly seized upon by the merciless jaws of steel. It is hi re pop every time. Mrs. Henry Lumsden has .recently caught six hawks in the same way. Columbia, March 24.—Masked ri ders have visited farmers in this coun ty, who are getting their pastures en closed to comply with the stock law passed by the last Legislature, which goes into effect on April Ist. Threats have been made of incendiarism if the fence enclosing the fields are removed and parties endeavor to cultivate un enclosed lands. Various significant devices, such as coffins with death's bead ami cross bones and other tokens of terror,-have been left at the houses ofstn k law men. The recent fires in Richland ami one in Kershaw county are attributed to stock law opponents. Columbus Enquirer : The curiosity <>f 11 great many was very milch exer cised yesterday to see the man leap from the bell tower’s to the earth be neath. At tiie appointed hour a large number had congregated near the tow er and upon the four corners of the in teraectinj? streets. The mayor of the city entered ho protest against, it, and as no orders wore issued none were ex ecuted to prevent it. Two men went up to assist in the preparation for the leap, which alas! Professor LoofLirpa, proved a fatal one. Amid the shouts of the adniiWaj? multitude, the leap was made, lmt when a few feet of the descent had been made, the cords that had hound the umbrella to the jumper was broken and down become, turning somersaults to the earth. As the height from which the leap was taken is about ninety feet, the consequence may be very readily imagined. Both arms potli legs and neck were broken r-y the small boys who made a charge oil the dutn-niy as soon as it struck the ground. - Mr. H. I\ Kimball has sold out his property in this city to XV. C. Morrill, treasurer of the State road, and will remove his family this week to New York, where Mr 1 Kimball lias accept ed an official position on the new rail way line to Florida. -This change of base deprives Atlanta of one of her enterprising citizens. The price paid for the property was $23,000. —Post Ap peal. Covington Enterprise: Nap Wallace has several barrels of corn in bis crib four years old, nnd besides nil bis last year’s crop out hand ; so Nap is inde pendent, or would be if Itis hogs would stop (lying. Bv the way, a strange dis ease is killed many hogs in this district. It comes on like the plague, the hog is soon shorn of his hair ami innumera ble sores appear all over the body and b<* soon dies. .We advise our farmers who are trouble with this disease among their hogs to anoint t hem once every two days with train oil and lime water, giving them daily in a little meal or bran a tablespoonful of sul phur. A young man named William Sim mons has been arr- sted in Macon, charged wiiti stealing a diamond ring from Hon. F. 1) Dmii tike, of Griffin, ami an overcoat from a in ii named Manley. Simmons says t he ring was loaned to him by Miss Disnmke ami that he simply borrowed the coal. But as he had sold the coal ami pawn ed the ring, bis story does not soon I plausible. Besides, he lias been guil ty ol similar things in Dalton. The Atlanta Fostoffice seems to have about as many temptations eon. nected with it ns any other govern ment institution, One employe is lint disposed of by tlie court for em bezzlement before another in arrested by the detectives lor the same cause. This time it is Thomas E. Mills as sistant city distributing clerk who was las' Saturday arrest'd tor rob bing the mails The immediate act lor w hich lie was* arrested wa-' the taking ot $25 from a letter put in the office by llie detectives lor him. lie captured it and was in turn captured, lie was bound over in th*- sum $750. Amerieus Rep'thl ! can : A citizen of our county tells tin- following as a true fact : He had a choice hen soi ling on nineteen eges. One morn* in ; in i in ing tliJ' bf' a visit he tound hig hoc had left the ticsi, and to sen n perceived that a 'arge drk snake had curled itself within the nest. Up'-n -e'ing this the gentleman stepped hack, gathered a stick and kil ed the snake On cutting of the head of the snake, he took i: by the tail, shaking h overtlie rest, the nine teen eggs dropped hack into the nest. The eggs being lett ill the nest, the hen returned to her seat, and in due time she hatched eighteen little chick ens, said by those who have seen them to be tare curiosities Tin* fie ■ cu iarity is noticed in the little chick ens as being afraid o! every stick that they see, runniag back from a stick in the greatest terror, uttering the cry of peve. Why this fear, does a stick resemble a snake ? These little tilings are a study for a nautralis's, and sometimes trutli is stronger than fiction, General Gnrfrrll Galveston News : The announcement of General L. J. Uartrell as a candid ate for Governor in Georgia gives to the Independent movement in that state a little more vitality than the coalition of Felton and Longstreet could ever have inspired or work up to main strength and stupidity. It will bring to the opposition the support of a vast number of tho leading young men of middle and north Georgia, who with such a leader; will present an array of strength that will at last entertain the straight-out democracy with a vigorous nod closely-contested canvass. Gener al Garlrell lias several times been over slaughed by the machine democracy of the state and forced to take a back seat fortlie promotion of men no wor thier than lie. He is us good a demo crat as tho best of them. He is gifted with remarkable brain power, and no man living has a clearer record in pub lic or private life. To llridgr lluiltlei-s WILL he let to tlu* lowest liiikler before the Court House iloor, in the town ofJackmm, Butts county. Georgia, on Saturday the 13th iluy of May next, 1882, at 10 o’clock a, in. ofsiitl day, the contract to build a bridge over Wolf’s creek near.l. Eddlenian’s Mill in said comity. The stone work will consist of one abutment four feet tit buao and two *eet at top. fourteen feet long, with wings to extend to foot of hill, wings nnilabutment to lie built up together, being placed on a good and firm foundation and of suf ficient height as to be above high water-mark, wings to be two feet at base and one foot at top, the batter or slope to be on the outside. The nat ural abutment must be raised above high water mark. The wood work, one span of fifteen feet, to be built U|hii plan of bridge over Towaliga river, near .1. B. Carmichael,* in Maid county. Also, work to la* done in as good and substantial and workmanlike style. Term*, money to be paid 20tl> December next. 11ENUY IIKNDKK K, Judge C.< \.B,C, April 10th, 1882, 4%v To Itridge Builders "AY TILL let to the lowest bidder, bsforo the Court YY House door in the town of Jackson, Mutt a county. (la,, on Saturday the 13th day of May next, 1882, at ten o'clock a. in., ot said day, the contract to build the stone and wuod work of the bridge to he built over Sunday ' reek, at Indian Springs. Stone work to eonsiat of two abut ments, built on a lirtn foundation, four feel at base, two and a half feet at tlu* top and fourteen feet long, with wings three feet at base, one and a ball' feet at top, to extend to foot of hill with batter or slope all from outside Imilt up with abutment. tne rock arch in center, five feet at base, two feet ut top. Length of abut ments and all of said stone work to be ofsullleient bight as to make tlu* bridge above high water mark, laid in cement abo'e ordinary current of stream. The stone work to be done in a good, substantial and workman-like style. The wood work to be built after the plan of the bridge over Towaliga river near J. ft. Carmichael's in said county, and to lx* one hundred and thirty feet long. Full specifications may be seen at my office. Terms, one-third to be paid 2nth Deeem- Ikt next, the remaining two-thirds December 1883, orders bearing interest at seven per cent from date of first navi unit. April loth, 18249. HENRY IIENDRICK. 4>v Judge C.C..8.C. TO give away A FIRST-CLASS SEWING MA CHINE AT THIS OFFICE. \ \ ’ F. have a bran new WHITE SEWING MA ’ ' CHINE, with 7 drawers, drop leaf, cover, rollers and a complete sc*t of extra attachments, which xvu will give to any man or wowun who will get ui a club of 50 cash subscribers to the Jackson News, at 81,AO, each. We will give the company's written guarantee on the machine to keep the same in good order for the space of five years. The. machine is finely finished with gilt and is a perfect beautv. Come and see it. It is easily managed and the lightest running ma chine in the market. If you fail toget up the 7*l subscribers, we will pay you a liberal per cent on the number you bring us, for your trouble. Respectfully, 14dectf W. IS. HARP, publisher. WOMAN PROCLAMATION’ —FREEDOM FOR WOMAN.. Wliut Is the'rtifht oftlie ballot to woman com imrcil with her privilcKe of enJoyltiK liealtli mid liuiipiiKMs in tin* charmed circle of her iioeisl mid domestic relations'.’ Anionic the ninny discoveries lending to promote the happiness all advance limit of the, nothmir is so intiinntcly connected with tlie heltli and happiness of woman tin* eentere and source ofour hiitiicst earthly en joyments- as the discovery of a remedy which meets her peculiar wants, and Ills her for the en joyments of life, mid for luinititei'iiiftto the happi ness ofthose with whome she is associated in the lender relations ol sister, wife, and mother This remedy is found in Dr. .1. Hrndlield’s I'Yninle Ueitnialor, ’’Womans /test Friend.” Ily it wo man is emancipated from (lie ills peculiar to her sex. llcfore its maicie power all irregularities oftlie wolnli vanish. II cures" whites" suppres sion of tlie incuses and removes uterine obstruc tions It cures eoiistipulion nnd strenicthens tlie system braces the nerves and purities the blood and thus d.iiinr, it docs more for her, and throuich her. for the whole human family than any dis covery of modern times ll never fails ns thous ands of women can testify. Prepared by l)r. .1, Brad field, Atlanta, <a. Price: Irial size, 7Je. lan-e size, $1.50. For sale by all drunicists. uocu DONE BY HEW IMPROVED METHOD, IN Wells, Mill Races, Ditches and Shoals. Add rout me at JackMou or Indian Hpringa, Gu. JOHN LASPEYEUE DR. R.G. BRYANS, Physician ai Snraeon. OFKJCK UNDHII MASONIC HALL, one Door South of Drug Store, ('tin In? found at night with v. A. Wright, ftrat door over J. J. Khhlou’h B&-CALLH rit ll be |pll with Y. A. W right, of Janies Harden, r ’*tsa jun2s VARIETY WORKS, morn HOLIFIELD, JVCIkHOKs - All Work Warranted. Carriages, Buggies, Wag • BUS, &C. overhauled and repaired on short no tice. ALL KINDSOF Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING DONE. UNDERTAKER. Will keep on hand Coffins, Ca-kcts, and Undertaker* Hardware. A hearse will nl*o he furnished. Shop in rear of Duke’s store. marl Goddard House, LUCIUS GODDARD Proprietor. lintadway, < or. ltrnok Mr. GRIFFIN, GA JUST RECEIVEI), M W sPltlMw MILLINERY, —at— Miss E. R, Fiji’s. Cheapest lot oflmts, trimmed and tlHtf-irfi.mwb evw br<Might to Jackson. Beautiful hat* ready trimmed lor 50 cents apiece. Kid Gloves from SO cents a pair up. worth 75c to §l. Beautiful Silk Dress Patterns, Fashionable Dresses Made to Order A Mipt-rb lot of ribbon, of nil nrados htul color. Pros. Trimming, of every kiml nml many other thing- too numerous to mention. Mv-toek i- full nml complete. oomprlSnK the latest style, nml lowest prleen. full anil exam ine mv goods and price, before purcliamng ele where. l.Vmnrtm The Pomona Pill Nurseries Glir.KXMlOllO, X. c j. Van Linflley, Proprietor, Having had twenty-fight year. ex|>erienff in growing Nursery Stock, bent adapted to the Southern climate, including all varieties ol Peaches Apples Pears Plums Cherries Grapes Strawberries and all other fruit grown in the South, from the Lat st to tho Earliest Varieties Mr. E. P. CANTRELL, AGENT FOR Middle Ga., And Ills assist.nt Agent, i. now canvassing this county All those who desire to obtain good fruit trees from a reliable Nursery, now is your time. Knelt and Every Tree is Guaranteed to llvo with propper attention. Notice of fact of any tree* dicing, made known at the ofttoe, Greennboro, S. C„ will be replaced at once. Mr. Cantrell, our General agent for Middle Ga. has been engaged in tlie fruit busiuem for sev eral years, ami can advise you as regards the fruit best adapted to your climate. His Perma nent residence is Griffin, Ga., nil conn nui cat ions promptly answered. E. P. CANTRELL, mnrlft Gen. AgcnL^ Look Out ! SIOO,OOO Tt> Change bands 40 Miles from Atlanta Valuable Real Estate for sale and to rent in tlie oltv of Griffin and throuich Middle Georjfla to the value of o.NIi HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL- I.MlMimd over, lias been conelicued to the iindcr siiciied for sale and rent, aunalstiiiK of improved plantations, both larice end small: houses ami lot*, and store house* in the city, w ith good nnd well established trade. Best water and best cli mate ill tlie South. Also denier in Groceries and F.unilv Supplies, mid uaeiit for the Centennial illn. feeder and Condenser. Call on ornddreoe G. A. CUNNINGHAM, Real Estate Airent, Griffin, On. Brick Yard. TJriclc Made WITH nAGHIKKRY. TTIIK UNDEIUMGNED beg leave* to inform (lie proplo of.lHkon and mtmmnding country, dial they will commence the manufacture of hriek in .Taokwon, at an early day, and "111 fur nigh them at prices that defy competition They have nurehaaed new and improved machinery, and will be prepared to furnish nil the brick HM’.' AEMANDA SON. dentistry. I TAVING located it la iem. I desire to stale I 1 lo the people of Ibis and aurioiindine conn tlea tlnit lam prepared to do any and all kind* of DKINTA L WORK, at reasonable prices. Of fice up stairs in the Biggins building. Hatlsfae tion guaranteed. , _ .. . Nov. ltith J. W. Crum, Dr tint. MARK, THE BARBER. B EOS leave lo Inform the citizens of Jackson and llie public icenerally, Hint lie is now pre pared to icive an EASY 811a VK. Hair Cutting, Shampooning, Etc., done in GOOD STYLE. Give him a call, at the Livery Stable. FIRST CLASS BAR, ACKSON (iA. EAT, DRINK tBE MERRY. /m\ lik u J. J. EAHTON’St \V WIIJ.SKI KH Makes you FAT. After Taking. before Taking Hay, Ji'iKjjT; You arc getting powerful fat of late f Getting plenty to eat now ? Not any too much to cat John, Its the quality of liquor ft man drinks. You ure looking rather thin John, what’s the matter, not the cramp ? Wei/ I tell yon Judge, I took a drink of red liquor ’while ago and I’m feeling powerful bod. It’s the quality of liquor you drink, my boy. l/ook ut me. if you want to live Ion*? one! grow fat, always do your trading with the OLD HELD ABLE J. J. FASTON, where you can always get Pl‘re — WISZIES. Gin, Ilum, 13 randies &c. THE CELEBRATED AURORA T.AGKR BEER ■ draft and bottled. Pure Rye and corn whisky for medicinal pnr|x*scA. tt |>eciulty. If you want something to make lean matt fat mid fi fat man kutidißaiiiitl it ixwt mil on J. J. EASTON. T.Urtf. Sheriff's Sales for May, POSTPONED SHERIFF’S SALE. STATE Of GEORGIA,! Butts County, j Wild, he sold, before the court house dtmr in the town of Jackson, in said epuntir arul state, on the FIRST TUESDAY in MAY 1882, within the legal hours of S’.erlff Sale, the follow ittg described property io wit; Two hundred and fifty-seven acres of more or less, siibated and lying and being in the second district of originally Henry now Butt’s eottnty, bound as follows ; West by lands of A. P. Wall, North by lands of Mrs. Lewis, Eust by landsof Woodward, South by lui.klhol ’ arniichael. Levied Upon ns.the property of R. Stillwell, by virtue and to satisfy one fi fu Issued from the Superior court of said county, in favor of John S. Crockett vs Wiolmrd HtUlwjPll niut John Stillwell. Tennant in poHeselon jfM'en notice as required by law, thil March till* 20th, 1882. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, __ Sheriff B, 0. STATE tF GEORGIA, } Butts County, j YXT ILL BE MOLD before the eourt boilSt: door YY / in the town of Jnckso", said county and State,on the FIRST TUI HDAY MAY’, next 1882, within the legal hours of Hale, the following deserilH'd property to-wit : One Woodtalier A Moss Engine five horse power, levied upon as the prMiffty ofW, D. Martain. ■k TANARUS, J. Ridgeway, At Wilfmm Thaxton by vir tue and to satisfy one fl fa issued from the Supe rior Court of Huid county Si state, in favor of M. V. MoKjl'hen. vs wm D. Martain. TANARUS, J. Ridgeway, & William Thaxton, this March 28th 1882. J. O. BEAUCHAMP, Sheriff. B. C. GEORGIA PUTTS County : Application will he made to lletTowt of Or dinary of Butts County. Ga.., at the first regular term after the expiration of tbwt Weak* u*m this notice, for 1 nve to sell the the estate ofJas. Lyons, late of saw oaonty, de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs nd ereulttffs of said deceased. A prif Ist, 1882. M. L, LYONS, - AdnunisiraUrix. - 1 ■■ ■ "i— wm Oil hi A T KEXKEBA IP liOUTK VIA Western A Atlantic It. R On and after Sunday, December 1, 1879. Triple Daily Passenger trains will be run kgr the Old Re liable KennoiNtw Route. THE FAST MAIL TIIAIN SOUTH. Leaves Ailanta at ■* ... £OO P m Arrives Knoxville at 10:30 p m Arrives Bristol at - * , , 3**s a m Arrives Lynchburg at - - ■ ■* 1:36 pm Arrives Washington at - ■ • 940 pin Arrives New York at - - - - 645 * m THF. FAST MAIL TIIAIN SOUTH. Leaves New York at - . , 10:00 p m Leaven Washington at 7;QO * m Arrvies Atlanta at .... Ll&Sneon Only 30 Hours from New York to Atlanta. Pullman cars run daily lietween New Orleans, Mobile, Montgomery, via Atlanta to Washington, without change, connecting closely nt Washing ton with Pullman ears and coaches for New York without change. Pullman Palace dare leave Now York daily, making close connection at Washington with Pullman Curs for Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Orleans. The Kennesaw Route is the only Una offering such through car arrangements. THK FAST MAIL TBAIN also makes close connection at Clmftanooga from and to all points West. THK EXPRESS TRAIN NURTIT Leaves Atlanta at - - - 9:3ft p m which ma es close connections for Rome, also at Chattanooga for all points West, THE EXPRESS TIIAIN SOUTH Arrives at Atlanta .... ]o>3o p m making connection from all points West, alno from Virginia and Tennessee points. THE ACCOMMODATION Leaves Atlanta daily (except Sunday)- 4:.V p ra Arrlvea Atlanta “ “ “ 7:68 a m Low Excurnon and Emigrant Ratos to all points in Texas. Send for schedule, B. W.WRKNX, Oen’l Passenger .tnegA Atlanta. Ga ~B J- DEANE, P ! OTO RAP HER And Dpfor in Picture Frame*, 17 Him. Strf.kt, . • - Griffin, Ga AH sices and kinds of Firt-riluoa work executed promptly. Old pictures copied and enlarged wall picture of yourself io a kaudsome^fYama Bxlo inches,only $2. Richmond Bt Danville R. H PAKHKNQER DEPARTMENT, On and after Juno sth, Mil, Passenger Train Service on the Atlanta and Charlotte Air-Line division of this road will be us follows; Foiward. UNITED •TATES SAIL, NO. 43, A, Leave Atlantc 4:00 ft m Arrive ChurloLte, m 8:30 j> m NKW YORK KXPUEM*, NO 47, R. Leave Atlanta, - Bjls p qg Arrive Charlotte, .m • • 8;15 ft m UNITED HTATES EAST MAIL, NO 40, C. Leave Atlanta, - 5:80 p to Arrive Charlotte, M - - 5:36 ux HI'WANBE ACCOMMODATION, NO 81. Leave Atlanta, . • - • • 5:00 pru Arrive Suwunneo, n, • 7:oi P m WeMwurd. # UNITED STATES MAIL, NO 42. Leave Charlotte, m, 12:80 p tn Arrive Atlanta, ..... 12:06 ft m NF.W YORK EXPRURI, NC 48. Leave Charlotte, M, • 12:48 ft m Arrive Atlanta, .... • 12:30 p m UNITED STATES EAST SAIL, NO M. Leave Uimrlotti*, M, ... - 12:38 Arrive Atluntu, - - - - • 10:35 SUWAXNKK ACCOMMODATION, NO 22. Lftiivc Huwannee, and, • • 5:40 Arrive Atlantu 8:00 ft m CONNECTIONS. A, with arriving trains of Georgia Central and A and W F railroads 11, with arriving trains of Oeorgift Central, A and W I* and W and A railroads. 1 C, with trains arriving on Ga. railroad. I), with Luwrenceville Brunch to and from Lawrenoeville. M, with • <' and A—o C.—H and I) and A T and O, for all points West. North and J£*at. Pullman .Sleeping car Service on Trains No 47 and W daily, without change, lietween Atlanta and New York. A. POPE, sept 9 Gen* I Pas*. Agent. Livery and Feed Stable, B.T.WATM' PEON. JACKSON GA. rpilK PROPER of Butts county and the travel- I iiK public generally, are hereby notified that a livery and feed stable is now open in Jackson, where they can be accommodated at reasonable price*. I nave in connection, a large lot suitable for drovers, convenient, to show stock to the best advantage. C DARBER SHOP. Your attention is also called to the fact that a Rood BARBER SHOP is run in connection with the stable. Hair eut, shaving and done by u first *cluh burlier. 0 BjR AND BILLIAEB3. FINE- Whiskey. WINES, BEER, ALE, ETC E. T. faiths, Proprietor, J-AOKRfQPV GA. o My stock of wines, whiskey ect,, Mrs rlar ts •*nd are ircv.uieo. 1 keep (he hot and puthefr#, ''■<* • c? Hv terms and price* arc rensonc ae Oiveioy a trial and be convinced fb leltie \eeleut