The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, May 31, 1882, Image 2

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|l)t gatkaon sjtrog. ,fAOJCSOF,G A., MA Y~ M, 1882 W. K. IURP, - ■ Editor. “THE JA(KJ kh, rUBUSHKD KVERY FRIDAY, at JnrkMoa, HuKtt County,tia. RATBH or Ht'BSCfinTIOM : Threw Woth, - .... flOn 81* Mouths, - 7 * - -■ - - tl no One Year, $1 50 BTRICTL Y IS A If YA NCE. RATP* FOR ADVERTISING : Arluertfoemeitt* will be for ONE IX)U,AK iK*r M|uart, for tlie ft rat insertion, and FIFTY CENTS per square for eneli subeequen iiiAcrtiun. fnr one month, or leas. For a louder penral, a Kt>eral riincmiut will be made. One inch in lontftlt, or fern, constitutes a hi* In lh local column will Iw married at TKN CENTS per line, each iiwcrtion. Murriaicex and den the wf*l he pabTMwd na ftewt of nrwa, Inil nbttuariee will be chained for kla<lT<rt>Mi>( rnlra. jon I’nisrisG Ofevery detfription, promptly and neatly execu ted at rca*onahtr rate*. The delay of the News this week, is caused from a failure to receive our paper in time. ■ The Argus Imd better show up or “ shut up, on the railroad question. Queen Victoria was born 24ih May, 1810, and is coneiqueutly sixty-three - years M. ’ Jt is pone tied by the people that Mr. S'ephens can beat any body tor Governor of Georgia, under any and all circumstances. ~- 1 Wears not famllliar with tho cir cumstances, but all who we hear speak of it, any that the Argus oil the R. R., question, is too utterly too—bosh. Uuknown person, the other night, .desecrated 4he Jewish cemetery at Columbus, S. C., demolishing twenty .[of the handsomest tombs, TLe wife ot Senator Lintar, it is re ported,is dyiugat her home in Ox-, ford, Mias. Her illness has kept the senator put of his seat during most ot the present session. Mr*, Lamar, is tW daughter of Judge Longslrevt the auihor of ‘ Georgia Scenes." A man in Batts county is Iriying to make a living these hard times by pioking his neighbor's geese and dia posing of tho fathers. And yet they say that the Southern farmeis are not • thrifty claae.—Griffin News cT" “’fLe J.ckson New a round* the Clarion notes of its” “political horn,” all through the State ot Butts, nail ing on all Independents, liberals etc., in fact everybody but democrat's to meet in Jackson the 27ih to select delegates to tho mass meeting to be held in AtlairU in June”— Butts County Argus- ~ . It is neediomi to add that the above is as false, as the motive that prompt ;• ed it, i8 degrading. '• The Argus man insinuates that wo wrote the article in the News, under thu oapticn of “Honor to him, to whoms Honor is due,” concerning the origin of the M. A B, It. K. Exten sion. lie attempts to “measure car ' corn in hi* half bushel." Wo disclaim ever writing a communication lor our own columns tinder an assumed name, for the purpose of shielding cur views on any subject. The attention ol the Argua is called to our Editorial col nmna, for the Editor’s continents. Guess again. Some of the Bourbon paper* do nounoe the Independent move in Georgia, as ‘‘nothing,’'a pet feet fane - ’ • ‘doomed failure from the Oral day,” Ac. If this be true there has been mors vsluble space wasted iu long winded editorials, about “nothing,” by sensible men (?) than has ever been known in the history of Georgia Journalism. But it is evident that ■uch is not the case ; the fact is too patent that the Liberal party has created a commotion in Georgia I*ol . itiee ; hence, the attention and “re- paid by the Bourbon press. . Quite use it'Hi* accident happened to me of the supply trains, or* the M. A B. Extension, nenr Ire Burg, one night laet week, in wliioh live or six darkies were crippled, some et them being seriously hurt. As the train Waa crossing a trestle about 3) feet in height, one ol the cars jumped the track knocking down 3 or 4 bente ol the trest'e precipitating three or lour flat eve into the chasm below. It was a miraculous escape of death to tlfoae jumping and tailing with the •am, tie* and limber*. The eng ne et&several cars passed over safely. The incident waa one that is liable to happen to any railroad and can only be accounted '♦’<*l either by one 'ofthe standards, used to bold the tics on tbs oars, falling across the track or the flange breaking off one. of the wheels that oused it to tnoanl the. track, which will wreok the best trestle in the world. The bridge and trestle work on the Extension ere built, heavy timber* sod construct ed under lha skill and supervision ol experienoed workmen. It was ascer tained after examination, that the flange waa broken off one of the wheels under the car that first moun ted the traoit, Rev. J. H Campbell, a faithful and aged minister, continues to bold open air meetings in Columbus Another cotton mill will soon be in operation in Columbus, Georgia will, ere long, be a great manufacturing Slate. Captain Lee, ol Biackshear, lias been sentenced to one year in the penitentiary for killing a man by the name of Long. Putnam county still keeps up its agricultural club. There are many other counties that would find it prof liable to do likewise Little Rock Ark., May 27.—A spe cial received here tiwhiy, front Eureka Springs, says that Senator Hill’s condi tion is precarious, though slightly im proved. Death may come at any time, or life may be prolonged for months. He is hopeful, hut realizes his critical condition. Wm. Strelds, a prominent planter, and his five children, were recently killed by a tornado in Pike county, Aik. Ames Vick, whom every lover of ♦lowers seemed almost to know, died at Rochester, New York, on tho 16111 inst, aged 63 years. Cleveland, 0., Bridge and Car Wofks Company hag suspended, throwing 700 workmen out of em ployment. In a quarrel last Saturday, near Muscatine, In , the 15 year old daugh ter ol John MoMermou shot and k'll ed iiim. Judge Stewart will hear tho mo tion for anew trial for Doyal, now under the death sentence, in Griffin on the 7th of June. Negro hog thieves in Sumter coun ty disguise themselves in a igator skins in order to escape detection whilst plying I heir vocation. Conductor Hammond, who was di* charged by the Central Railroad for putting a colored woman out of the ladiv’s car near Thoinaslon, will bo restored to his position on the Ist of •/tine The decison of the court in banc, just rendered, unanimously affirms the judgement of the lower court, that Guiteau shall hang on June 35. Although Mr Heed speaks mysteri ously of some action he proposes to take, it is regarded as evident that Guileau’s last chance has been swept away. New Switzerland, on the Air Line Railroad, is settled by Swiss colonists. Each family brought with them to Georgia from $2,000 to $5,000 Able W,iglit, ofGriffit; shipped a 1000 enrp taken from bis fish pond one day last week. He realized S2O per hundred. Judge Jones, of Waynesboro, was struck and killed by ligh tYing on the evening of the 1 lib. Hip son, who was witb him at the time, was badly burnt and seriously shooked by the electric fluid Georgia rivers are being stocked with Now if our legislature will enact and the oourts will enforce stringent laws prohibiting seining poisoning, etc , we will eoon I uve In abundance of this brain making food. Miss Fortuer, who was arrested at W rightsville n few dsys ago, charged with opening letters not addressed to her, hss beon found inuocent and te leased, A mail carrier named Bow en turned out to be the guilty party, Sevon steamers landed 7,741 immi grants at Castle Garden Tuesday. The steamer France from Liverpool, brought 1,295 ; the Spain, 1,201; Am sterdam, from Rotterdam., 1,115; the Polsria, from Hamburg. 977; Wnes- Itwid, from Antwerp, 849 the Geiser, from Copenhagen, 70S, and the De Ruyter, from Antwerp, 486. Up tp the present time there have been shipped this year and deposited by the United States Fish Commission about sU million shad. The work of the intire season will probably embrace the distribution of nearly eight mill ion shad and counting millions of her rings. “Iron,” published in London, says There sre many articles in wnich sev eral counties are a long way ahead of us. An example is to be found in the superiority of the tools which sre now so largely imported into this country from America, and which, while re markable for their quality and finish are much less costly than those of Eng lish production. Geo. I. Seney’s explanation is as honorable as his deed. Said he: "If any one asks you why I give so much money to Wesleyan Female College, tell them it was to honor ray mother, to whom, under God. I owe more than to all the world beside." * * “I admire the Southern women. There are possibilities in the Southern women not equalled anywhere else on earth," .. Land in the more common streets of New York is worth IfcWJ.OOO to *BBO,- 000 per acre : in the beet part of Broad way it is *1,000,000 per acre, and the comer of Wall and Broad streets, the most valusble obrner on the oontinent, was recently sold at the rate of $14,- 000,000 per acre. Values sue even greater in ~ naiTmi In New York, property is sold by the foot front; in London hy the square fttot. A Dignified Course. Greensboro Home (Journal : Gen. Gartrell is at present the observed of all observers in the political world. Taking his position at an early hour on a well prepared platform, with philosophical and dignified compos ure, he is biding Lis lime, prepared to acquiesce in the judgement of.the people as announced through the bal lot box next October. This dignifi ed course of the general must com-' mand the respect ol all parties What la An Editor f An exchange gets off the following hiunon us description of* an editor, the latter part of which we commend to the consider a 1 ion of those who read but do not subscribe to the Ne s. Well, he is the man who reads the newspapers, writes articles on most any subject, sets type, reads proofs, folds, mails, runs on errands saws wood, draws water, works in the gar den tilks to all who call is blamed for a hundred tilings which is no body's bit in ess but his own, helps people get into office [who forget all about it afterwards] and frt quentiy gets cheated out of ba'f his earnings. He puffs and does more to build up the town than any other body, and the mixer and fogy are hem filed thereby ; yet they will say that the editor’s paper is of no aeeount, will not advertise or take the paper, but will borrow it from some of their mighbors. Who wouldu’l be an ed itor * A CurlouM Incident. Aunt Char es Fox told us of an American Friend who once filt a ooncurn to go somewhere, lie knew not where, He ordered his gig, his servant asking where he was to drive. ‘Up and down the road,’’ said the master.' At last they met a fuher.l. “Follow this funeral,said tho mas ter. They followed in the procession until they came to the church yard. While the service was being perform ed the Friend sat in his gig ; at its conclusion he walked to tho grave, and ho exclaimed solemnly : “The person now buried is innocent of the crime laid to her charge 1” and then returned to |tis gig.. An elderly gen llemanjin deep mourning ctme up to him in great agitation and said. “Sir, what you said lias surprised me very much." “I can’t help it, I can’t help it," replied the other ; “1 only said wlml I was obliged tossy.’’ “Well,” said the mourner,, “The person jn-i buried is my wile,' who tor some years has lain under the suspicion of hfi delily to me. No one else knew of it, and on her deathbed she again pro tested her innocence, ami said that it 1 would not believe her then a wit ness to it would be raised up even at her graveside 1” Gainesville Southron: Did you ev er soe the Consli' ulion tread aro nnd so softly in political matters as now? I don’t seem to know whether it is aloot or on horseback ; whether it wants to be a “Ccpt. Jinks” or one of the rank and file. Albert L.mar is different, lie's % lull pledged Bour bon General. He is bound to rule or ruin, mostly the latter, if it is a po litical party, college or newspaper he lakes hold of. It is ascertained that almost a'l the western corn coming south has glass finely pulverised in it, which lias been the cause of the death of a large number of mules throughout Alabama. IFesley Poole, colored, murdered Milly Holbrook, near Carncsvillc a, few days ago, in a quarrel over a small looking-glass. The difficulty between the iron work ers and their employers in and around Pittsburg, Pn., will throw 40,000 men out of employment on the Ist of June- VARIETY WORKS, non t nuFin, JUKSD'i, • - 84. All Woik Warranted. Curriaps, Banies, Wai eis, &c. overhauled and repaired on short no tice. ALL. KINDS OF Job Work / done with neftintt* and di/pateb. CARRIAGE SMITHING DONE. UNDERTAKER. Will keep on hand Coffins, Caskete and Undertaker* Hardware. A hear*, will also be furnished. ME- Shop in race ©f Duke’# ore< nwrl PROTECT YOOR WIFE 8 CHILD® BY -JOiATMO THE OHDEOF THE HOME GUARDIAN, HEADQUARTERS AT MACON,GEORGIA. Oi gauized In England 188. Division No. 12 Jackson Ga. The following is a list of the Officers and Chstrter Members, of the Order now organized hr Jackson, Butts county Ga. Y. A. WRIGHT, President, J. A. McMICHAEL, Vice President, J. W. CRUM, Financial Sec’y. Dr. J. L. MAPP, Physician. EXECUTIVE COM3IITTEE. G. W. Mann, J. H. Land, J. T. Land, IT. O. Benton, J. W. Carmichael. At four Death, Your Wife and Children Will Receive From 500 to 3000 Dollars, iff 1 7T Oiii J Dollars Witt 'be paid Immediately for Funeral .Expenses. J The Citizen* of Butts Bounty' will perceive that this plan of insurance is conducted Uy their friends, at home, a rid each member has a voice in the man ugementrof the affairs—consequently it no humbug. Tlte gentlemen that com pose DIVISION NO. 12, at Jackson, is a sufficient guarantee to the people of this section,'and should demand their attention. It is a regularly organized, Chartered Institution, with the most substantial and influential men of Macon and Bibb county as its managers; The Jackson Division meets on the third Tuesday night in each month,and by governed Constitution and By-Laws which may be seep by application tunny of its members. Any male or female, between the age ofl6 and 60, who can pass the Exami nation, can become a member of the Order and insure their lives from SSOO to S3OOO. ’ It is worth your attention to encqttire Into the merits and benefits of “THE HOME GUARDIAN.” Jackson, Ga., 20th, 1882. New Process MIL Oil GOLD KM BREAD. o MANUFACTURED AT ISLAND SHOALS MILLS, r MILLS have an entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY manufactured especially ft>r them. This flour is highly recommended liy Dr. Hay good. President ®f Kinory College, who calls the bread made from it “ Golden JJread t ” from which the flour takes its hamdsinf each aack will be branded GOLDEN BREAD. —FOR SALE— Bv aVkSS * M.\LUfTTnd A. Me WAT- s6.\. Jupkwm, (J. JOSI All BOS'VOItTH A CO. 21 detsl y ' Proprietor’s Mills. dr.h.'g.bhyans. \ 'i ;H. —rQ— Physician ail Sarpon. —-O— --or PICK IT ft rwfrft M A HON 1C H A LL, one Door South of Drug .Stone. Cun he found at night with Y. A. XVright, first door over J. J. Easton's wa&.CALI.S e-un he left with Y. _A. Wright, or James Harden.jan2s GUANO. I Have llcduerd the Price Of the following HIGH GRADES And well established Fertilizers as fol •>’’ lows. John Merrynmtt At (Vs Guano to 4-'M) pound* middling cut ton per ton. K. Frank Coe’* Guano to 450 pound* middling on!ton per ton. Chesapeake Guano to 450 lb*, MdTng eotton. Walton WhaH AAo’a Plow Brand 490 pounds WaDon Whavm A Co> Acto.Phosphibte 360 lb*. John Merryuian ft AlVa Avid Phosphate 380 lha Call on me o|po>dtf the Brick Ware-house or on Captain Hlatou. at Planters Ware-house, where all my fertiliser* are stored and delivered. Jus. A. BECKS, Agent, mar!6 Griflln, Oa. -MRS S C DUNCANS Now MILLENERY Store , ’ IK NOW OCES At Jackson, Georgia. 1 take this method oftnfonninKthe oiliirns of Jackson and Butin .ounly, lrt I havr opened a new and ha.fdeoim- il(x-k of Millenery floods in Jackson, in the new store, ueit door to M. L. Duke, emtsiatins of the lateyt style, UntH and Bonnets, Trimmings &c, Flowers, Featliers, Ribbons, ColoreUs.Nuinsuks, Muslins, Ties, Edgings, Insert ing, Lad's, Veiling, Hnndkcrchiefs, Fans Ac., My iroode are all m-w and of the latest atrle. CkU and examine them and Ret my prices. lam oArrinir them at short profits. Soliciting a liberal al.nre of lln pstronuKC of tin-people of tblxsec- Uon. lam Kes|>eet(\.lly Mrs. S. C. DUSCAX. The “WHITE” Sewing Machine Tlie Favorite! ®BBctiiie it is tie Latest RUNNING; the most quiet; make* the prttieet stitch; and has mors conveuicnccs than any other Machine. It is warranted five year* and is the easiest to sell, and gives the best satisfaction of any machine on the market. intending purchaser* are eolciited to amine it before keying. Responsible dealers wan tu<l in all nnoccoied erritsry. J. 1). & T. F. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Deales, 99 Broad Street ATLANTA, Georgia J® H. IttNDBICK. T. A. WXIfIBI. HENDRICK & WRIGHT. Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. WILL practice in all the COURTS except in the COUNTY COURT. Will attend to all business PROMPTLY. M. V. McKibben, ATTORNEY AT LAW, JACKSON, - - OA. *ep 0 E.P. CATCHINGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JACKHOI, - • et, WjfjL plead and practice in Butts and ad join ing cotiiitiea, <3- OFFiCK at Court House, 1 feb ’B2. C J LOWER, Jewel e r , JACKSON. - - GEORGIA. Repairing done on short notice. Work guar anteed. Dealer in sewing machine oil and at tachments. „ lfeb ’ illATtPi UOIS . Jackson, Oa., ffTHEonly hotel offering special accomi.ioda -- tion* to the traveling public visit’ kson. The tablea Are furnished with the very -cst market affords. Feed Stables. Parties traveling hy private conveyance can also have their atock cared for at reasonable rates. H O. BENTON, *ep 30-ly Proprietor. To The Public; THE undersigned is now prepared to carrj panne tigers on the regular mail route between Jackson and Covington at reasonable rates. Will leave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. I will also carry baggage or other light freight. Your patronage solicited. Copt. J. P. LOYD, Mail Contractor. P. S.—When in Jackson I can be found at the Benton House. aep 23-tf Money! MONEY!! Molly!! Loaned to Farmers. Parties desiring to negotiate LOANS on five year* time can make application through me by calling at my office. I will act a* Attorney for any farmer who ha* improved lands, in securing loans to the value of one-third of their real es tate. Y. A. WRIGHT, Office at Court House, marß Jackson, Ga., K __ ffl FOR. 1882, OFF&RB v* ■ •**".* Important Inducements . .; A r- Vil TO SUBSCRIBERS AND— - VI, ..•4 „ *;.V :r A S V ‘t .<#* To those getting up Clubs • ' r .*? J - r ‘ r ■ > i: * ' A SPLENDID OPFiiTOY , . • -• ' , , . ' .. * rl. t .s It-T;. ”** To Get & Celebrated “White Sewing Machine' For Nothing, The, NEWS a 28 column paper, published weekly st' JACKSDN, ths COUK. TY SITE of BUTTS county, centrally located between Macon and At Unit, on the NEW Macon A Brunswick Railroad Extension. It is s live, loesl pp, r and gives the general news throughout the State, as well ss Sou then nsst items and the General Topics of the day, also a large amount ofjiteratus wkitb will be found interesting to the general reader. Subscription Price si,so pee INVaRIABLY IN ADVANCE. 1,. The Best ADVERTISING MEDIUM, 11 GE4JIICIA, . . -. . j. ‘ '“’•>* ’ •> * * • • Being published in n section of country which is inst being developed hy the building of anew railroad and being circulated anionic an inteligent nd pros perous class. Subscribers are being added, every week, to our Already Large List , . i which is circulated throughout a scope of country, 40 miles square, tributary to Jackson. "■ v . .. ■ t’tttt! follow ijstg- INDUCEMENTS Are offered to CASH subscribers, ONLY, at ONE DOLLAF AND FIFTY CENTS each, for a year’s subscription. Fo rA Club of 5 We will give a fine pocket knife, or a year’s subscription to tU NEWS. k* - * I* -M. :• For A Club of 15, We will give a good New Silver Watch, Stem Winder. For a Club of 30 We will give JEN DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 50 We will give a celebrated “White Sewing Machine.” warranted, with the Gompanny'* written guarantee to keep it in repair, for five year*. For a Club of 100, i * . •, . • •• ’ We will give a fine DOUBLE-CAPE GOLD WATCH, Stem Winder, with a TJOLD PLATED Chain of a beautiful design. . , . , . For A Club of 175* We will give a fine Home-Made Piano-Box Buggy, warranted to be as l oci any that can be put up anywhere. s We will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through a club oi otherwise, a printed certifficate, entitling them to a.chance, FREE of charge, in a drawing for one “White's Sewing machine With all the Extra Attachments, and Company’s written guarantee tq keeip it in repair for five rears ; the price of which is 160,00. This proposition tc hold "nod provided as many as 50 Subscribers are obtained from thi* dat* Jan -nary 17th 1882, to Decemberßlat, 1882. The drawing will be conducted f*ir | T> three or four di sen teres ted gentlemen of Jackson, will be secured to conduct the drawing. The goods we offer you, can he seen hy calling at tbeN*?* B office. -Vo humbug, but you may rely on our propositions.