The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, June 07, 1882, Image 2

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pc guckson Jjeros. W. E. HABP, • - Editor. THE JACKHON SEWS^ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDA Y. at Jackson* Butts County,Ga. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION: T>ir* Month*, ... ... BOc Sl* Month*, - ... - - SI 00 Om Ye*r, ... • $1 SO STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. rates for advertising AdvarttMkont* will be Inaertod for ONE DOLLAR Pr eouore. for the flint iiuertlon, and FIFTY CENTS per aqua re for each aubeequon Inaertloii, for one month, or loan. For a longer period, a liberal dtarouni will be made. A3T One inch in length, or lea*, ooiatitutaa a in the local column will be Inserted at TEN CENTS per line, each Iniertion. Marriage* and death* will be published aa item* of new*, but obttuarle* will be charged for at advertising rates. JOB PRINTING Ofrwy description, promptly and neatly execu ted at reatonable raiet. Fare on the Woodland Siren rail way of Nashville, has been reduced to two cents. There will be a mass meeting at *jfiig Tavern on thi 17th of June, in the interests ot the Athens and •Tud Tavern railroad. Senator Hill' (colleagues sent him con gratnlations Wat week on the in telligence ot his improved state of health. Col. Sam W. Small and Howard Williams are soon to begin publica tion of the Evening Herald anew pa pet in Atlanta. It a ill only be a few years until dairy farming will be ona ofour moat important and profitable industries. Guiteau yet has two chances to es cape the gallows. The president can pardon him, or lie may oommit aui cide. A negro woman give birth to three children last week, and their combin ed weights amounted to nineteen and a ii ilf pound*. The citizen* of Cobbham complain of depredations on their flower yards by Athens hogs. A negro boy about sixteen years o! age, robbed a lady of her watch and chain on Broughton strict Sa ▼annab A negro, ,/ake Miller, had bis right arm amputated just above the wrist in a ahingle mill in Savannah on Tuesday. Chicken thieves sre still on the rampage in Snvaunsb. The Central railroad, on June Ist, will sell excnrsiog tickets, good un til November, to the various summer resorts. The saw mill oi Mr. Bearden, of Dooly county, hue been burued, The Hawkinavllle dispatch reports that Wash Boon came very near out ting off the aim of Torn Williams with a raaor, on Monday morning. Amerious RecorJer: “This oat raising buainese has got to be slop* ped, or the farmer* of Georgia will have to rent an adjoining State to stack their straw in, at the ground on which the oats are raised will not hoid all of the straw.” A negro giving Ins name at H<-nry Kirkley was arrested in Augusta on Tuesday for the murder of Mr. John W. Price, of Quakey Springs, on the night of June 12th, 1567. Mr. Orrin S. Woodward, of Cullo den, aged 65 years died last Thurs day. It ie estimated that if the State of Texas should ever become aa thickly settled a* Massachusetts its popula tion will be over 52,000,000. The Sprague divorce is finally ended. Mr*. Sprague ia allowed to resume her mai len name, retain the cuitoday of her daughters and to claim alimony. Thus end* a most unfortunate family “fuae.” The oil mar, are predicting a panic They say there are now 80,000,000 bar rel* above ground and new wells dis covered which will produce 30 000 bar rels per day. They think the outlook for profit gloomier than ever before. 1 he fir*t instance where physicians nre mentioned in the Bible is II Chronicles xvi, 12 : “And Am in the Ihirtji-ninth rear of his reign, wee diseased in his feet, until the disease was exceeding great; yet in hit dis ease he sought not the Lord, but to the physicians. ’’ The compiler oooly adda as though a natural consequen ce* : And slept with hit fathers.'' The Atlanta evening Herald under stands that Judge M. J. Crawford of the Supreme Court, will not allow the use of his name in the gubernatorial convention against Mr. Stephen*, and that he will give Mr. Stephens a hear ty support. The same paper is inform ed that Col. A. O. Bacon say* he has gone too far with his candidacy to re cede now. Then, aa the field now stands Mr. Stephens and Col. Ba ron will surely go before *he conven tion, and General Qartrell will stand independently. All those gentlemen } are democrat*. SUICIDED. A dispatch was received May 80th from Senois aays the Griffin News: Aleck Parish, formerly of thie city, had suicided there. Mr. Pariah was s stone mason, about thirty years o'd, ard bad moved to Senois only a few months ago. The life of Aleck Parish was sn eventful, and it might, he oalled sn accidental one. Early in bis career hsfell oui of a tree and broke a limb. Next he was thrown off the tasck by a locomotive. Then he was blown out of a well, in which he was at work, by an ex plosion. He was run over by Kemble ,/aek son on a race course, and thought to have been killed. Again, he was hit over the head by a rook and bis skull broken. In a difficulty at Hampton be bad a jaw broken. After seeing the performance of Lulu at Coup’s circus, he jumped off a spring board in the woods and broke his hack. It is said that at one time he was caught in] the wheel of a running wagon and had his collar bone bro ken. And now, tired of being the sport of Late, be has taken his own life. lie leaves behind him at SeDoia a wife and three ohildren ; and at Grif fin a mother and brother and two sis ters, all of whom have our sympathy Mr. J TANARUS, Hosier, ot Cave Spring, died on laat Sunday afternoon. Southern tomatoes Slid potatoes bring good prioes in the Now York markets. A bold attempt was recently made by some rascal, in Columbus, to break into the alore of Mr, L. Harris. The Enquirer Sun reporta a rumor to the effect that an “out-and-out or ganized Democratic” paper ie soon to le set on fool in Talbolion, and that it will probably be edited by a law yer of ability. The Enquirer Sun haaseen an Irish potato, raised near Colurnbue, by Mr. Eberhart, that weighed twenty oun ces. The Herald report* more buain ss going on in Atlantr now than at any other time siuoe the war. Small manufacturing industries are reported as springing up on all sides in Atlanta. Gannl saya ‘‘negroes are constantly caught in (he aot of stealing goods from stores." Athena is excited over the Jug Tavern railroad. The cotton in the neighborhood of Athene waanevir more unpromising than now. Senator Hill's Condition. The latest information frnm Sena tor Hill, at Eureka Springs, Ark., is to the effuot that he ia slightly im proving. Ha i now ahle to eat pVn ty of solid food, and walk about his rcom. Hie condition, while still criti cal, seems to be more encouraging than at any time since be reached Eureka. Uia many friends all over the country will be delighted to leara there are at ill slight hopes ot hia gets ting better. Mr. Pledger Arrralrd. Athena Banner-Watohmnn : W. A Pledger, serveyor ol the Atlanta cus tom house, was arrested on an indict ment by the graud jury of CJarke county, charging him with aiding and incitinc the late disturbance at our jail. He wa# oonvicted upon thi* tes timony of negroes engaged tu this ri ot. Pledger gave bond for hi* ap praranue bolore the City Court, with E. A. Buck, of Atlanta, as security. Hia bond waa fixed at 1100. Pitting In Haall P Atol sled. A method of preventing pitting in small pox ia given in the Qas<-tle. Receiving also the endowment ot that journal. It it probably as relia ble as any, and it aa follows: A mask is made of very pliable linen cloth, leaving apertures for the eyes, nose and mouth, and the inside of this in smeared with a oertam liniment pre pared in either ot the three following wave. One ot three consists of car bolic soul, four to ten part*, forty parts olive oil anJ sixty parts prepar ed chalk ; another, five pars carbolic acid, and forty p.rl* each of olive oil and pure starch; and a third, two parts thymol, tort) ot linseed oil and sixty of chalk in powder. The mask should be renewed every twelve hours, sad compresses impregnated with oneoftfese misturee may also be placed on the hands, and on any parts of the face which the mask does not directly touch. A negro man, sick with malarUl lever, died on a Central train, near Mcßean, on Sunday night. Georgias Oasts and Wisest. Gen.E L. Too mas, for G. A. Wea ver, ot Upson county, to-day placed exhibition in the Department of Agri culture some specimens of Red Host proof osts, which are superior to any thing seen this season, the heads meaaaring some sixteen inches and the straw about seven feet. Also wheat, the heads of which will meas* are six inches. There are siveral ether apeoimens of wheat and oats in the department which will compare favorably with any grown in the South, Monte-sums Weekly: A lady near Garden Valley has been insane for ten years. She died on Sunday, and, strange to say, become perfectly ra tional. A white married woman, near town, to her utter consternation and sur prise gave birth to a fine healthy boy a tew days ago, rot knowing herself to be pregnant. She thought she was ofllicled with dropsy and was so treated. She has since died. “We are now a reconstructed Ste phens Democrat.’’—Quitman Free Press. “In our humble judgment he will he nominated by ihe Democratic Convention to assemble in Atlanta on the 19 h of July, and will ac cept.,'—Waynesboro Citizen, •‘We are watching to see how gracefnlly the Macon Telegraph and the Albany News and Advertiser will fali into line f >r Mr. Stephens. They Will have to do it, and the only ques tion is as to how they will look and aot In the tail of the procession."— Griffin News. “The Liberals, under Thornton, aa they first found him; Jacobins, under Speer and Felton, say they first found him ; the Republicans, under Farrow, say they first found him ; and the Georgia syndicate, under Colquitt, say they first bound him. Now the Democratic party are asked to orown him.”—Albany News “Whoever the convention may see fit to nominate will receive the sup port of the party and he elected, but we are satisfied that, as matters now aland, the people and the party would regard the nomination and election of Mr. Stephens as a fitting tribute to his recognized ability, and an appro priate honor with which to crown his long career in the service of his State and eountry."—Savannah News. In Elberton, the other day, during a rain, a large turtle feil from the clouds into the streets. Elberton will please take the cuke. Sioux City has a curiosity in a young girl who goes boldly to the barber shop to be shaved every lew days, drinks beer and chews tobacco. The whistle of the locomotive now wakes up the ancient town of McDon ough. Cincinnati Enquirer; It is now fashionable to have small cliildr n for bridesmaids,—Barper’a Bazar. Out West it is fashionable to have the small ohildren come along some con siderable time after the wedding ie over. Tomatoes. We see in the Fruit Recorder a plan to sugar dry tomatoes, which are equal to figs. The procre* is to scald, skin, boil slightly, with a little sugar, then dry thoroughly and pack in small boxes, with a sprinkling of sugar be tween each layer. The beat site for this purpose are those about an inch in diameter. We esn testify to the dclioaoy of these variety we used was the yellow pearahaped. They are not only excellent, hut very handsome. Near Wilmington, N. C., Saturday, Dave Sykee cut the throat of Mrs. Ella Jones, a handsome young widow, kill ing her at once. HIT! WORKS, INOTt t ItIMELD, J VCILftON* • • • CA. All- Work Warranted. Carnaps, Bum Wai sts, R overhauled and repaired on short no tice. ALL KINDSOF Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING DONE, UNDERTAKER. Wtfl keep on hand Coffins,. Caskets and Undertaker* Hardware. A hear*, will also be furnished. H%- Shop in raer of Duke's store. marl PROTECT YOUR WIFE ft CHILDREN. BY JOINING THE OKDE OF THE HOME GUARDIAN* HEADQUARTERS AT MACON, GEORGIA. Organized Ixx LONDON England 18SS. Di-vision No. 12 Jackson Ga. The following is a list of the Officers and Charter Members, of the Order now organized in Jackson, Butts county Ga. Y. A. WRIGHT, President, J. A. McMICHAEL, Vice President, J. W. CRUM, Financial Sec’y. Dr. J. L. MAPP, Physician. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. G. W. Mann, J. H. Land, J. T. Land, H. O. Benton, J. \V. Carmichael. At Your Death, Your Wife and Children Will Receive From 500 to 3000 Dollars. One, Hundred Dollars Will be paid Immediately for Funeral Expenses. The citizens of Butts county will perceive that this plan of insurance is conducted by tlieir friends, at home, nnd each member has a voice in the man agement of the affairs—consequently it no humbug. The gentlemen that com pose DIVISION NO. 12, at Jackson, is a sufficient guarantee to the people of this section, and should demand their attention. It is a regularly organized, Chartered Institution, with the most substantial and influential men of Macon and Bibb county as its managers. The Jackson Division meets on the third Tuesday night in each month, and by governed Constitution and By-Laws which may be seen by application to any of its members. Any male or female between the age of 16 and 60, who can pass the Exami nation, can become a member of the Order and insure their lives from SSOO to S3OOO. ’ It is worth your attention to enequire Into the merits and benefits of “THE HOME GUARDIAN.” Jackson, Go., 20th, 1882. New Process FLOUR. oil GOLD Kit BR .“'AD. o MANUFACTURED AT ISLAND SHOALS MILLS, ejpHESE MILLS have in entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY manufactured specially for them. Thin flour i highly recommended by Dr. liay good, President of Emory College, who culls the bread made from it “Golden Bread,” from widen the flour takes it name and each Hack will be branded SOLD —FOR SALE— Bv BYERS * MALLETT and A. Me WAT KINS * SON, Jackson, (in. JOSIAII BOS VORTH & CO. 21 lively Proprietor’s Mills. DR.R. G. BRYANS, —o— Physician aii Sirpia. —o— JACKSOS, - - Git. —O— OFFICE UNDER MASONIC HALL, one Door South of Drug Store. Can be found at night with Y. A. Wright, flrut door over J. J. Easton’s ttfc.CALLS can be left with Y. A. Wright, or James Harden jati2s GUANO. I Have Reduced fhe Price Of the following HIGH GRADES And well established Fertilizers as fol lows. John Merryman A Co’s C-uano to 450 pound* middling cotton per ton. E. Frank Coe’s Guano to 450 pounds middling ootton per ton. Chesapeake Guano to 450 lbs, MdTng cotton. Walton Whan A Co’s Plow Brand 450 pounds Walton Whann Jt Co’s Acid Phosphate 860 lbs. John Merryman it Co’s Acid Phosphate 880 lbs Call on me opposite the Brick Ware-house or on Captain Slaton, at Planters’ Ware-house, where all my fertilisers are stored and delivered. Jas. A. BEEKS, Agent, marls Griffin, Ga. MRS S C DUNCANS New MILLENERY Store IS NOW OPEN," At Jackson, Georgia. 1 tnkelht* method oMnfonnina tlie ri/iien* of Jackson nn.l Units co,inly, tnat I have opened a new and handsome sun k of Milleuery Goods in Jackson, in the new store, nest door to M. L. Duke, consisting of the latest stylo, IlntH and Bonnets, Trimmings &c, Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons, Colorelts, Nninsuks, Muslins, Ties, Edgings, Insert ing, Laces, Veiling, Handkerchiefs, Fans Jcc.j Mv goods nre all new and of the latest style. Call and examine them and get my prices. lam offrriiur them at short nmtlta. Soliciting u liberal share of Ihe patronage of the la-ople of this sec tieui, I am Respectfully Mrs. S. C. DUNCAN. The “WHITE” Sewing 1 Machine Tho Fnyorite! SHUNNING; the most quiet; makes the prttiest stitch: and has more conveniences than any other Machine. It is warranted five years and is the easiest to sell, and gives the best satisfaction of any machine on the market. Vnteoding purchaser* are solciited to amine it before baying. Responsible dealers wanted in all nnoea-nied erritary. J. I> Ac T. F. SMITH, "Wholesale aud Retail Deales, 39 Broad Street ATL4WA, Georgia 39 H. HENDRICK. V. A. W&ISHT. HENDRICK & WRIGHT, Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. WILL practice in all the COURTS except in the COUNTY COURT. Will attend to all business PROMPTLY. M. V. McKibben, A TTOKNEY AT LA W, JACKNOy, - - OA. sep 9 E. P. CATCHINGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. JACKSON, - • GA. WILL plead and practice in Butts and adjoin ing counties, OFFICE at Court House, 1 fob ’B2. C J LOWER, Jeweler, JACKSON. - - GEORGIA. Repairing done on short notice. Work guar anteed. Dealer in sewing machine oil and at tachments. lfeb ’ Rii vton no vs . Jackson, Ga., fPH®only hotel offering pecinl accom.iioda- L tions to the traveling public visit! kson. The tables are furnished with the very -cat market affords. Feed Stables. Parties traveling by private conveyance enn also have their stock cared for at reasonable rate*. II O. BENTON, sep 30-ly Proprietor. To The Public. THE undersigned is now prepared to carrj passengers on the regular mail route between Jackson and Covington at reasonable rates. Will leave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. I will also carry baggage or other light freight. Your patronage solicited. Capt. J. P. LOYD, Mail Contractor. P. B.—When in Jackson I can be found at the Benton House. sep 23-tf Money! MONEYTT Money!! Loaned to Farmers. Parties desiring to negotiate LOANS on five years time can make application through me by calling at ny office. I will act as Attorney for any farmer who has improved lands, in securing loans to the value of one-third of their real es tate. Y. A. WRIGHT, Office at Court House, raarß Jackson, (ia., B R n Ml 11' FOR ISSZ, OFFt.KS Important Inducements, TO SUBSCRIBERS AND To those getting* U p clubs O A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To Get A Celebrated “White Sewing Machine 1 Fk Keying. - :o: The. NEWS a2s column paper, published weekly at JACKSON, the COUN TY SITE of BUTTS county, centrally located bet ween Macon and Atlanta, ore the NEW Macon & Brunswick Railroad Extension. It is a live, local paper and gives the general news throughout the State, as well as Souther*, new* items and the General Topics of the day, also a large amount of literatus which) will be found interesting to the general reader. Subscription Price $1,50 PER -A-ILTITTrM:, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE The Best ADVERTISING MEDIUM, IK MIDDLE tiEOkGU, Being published in a section of country which is just being developed by the building of* new railroad and being circulated among an inteligent and pros perous class. Subscribers are being every week, to our Already Large List. which is circulated throughout a scope of country, 40 miles square, tributary to. Jackson. THE FOLLOW IJSTC3- INDUCEMENTS Are offered to CASH subscribers, ONLY, at ONE DOLEAF AND FIFTY CENTS each, for a year’s subscription. ''' < *} .♦ i For A Club of 5 We will give a fine pocket knife, or a year’s subscription to the NEWS. For A Club of 15, We will give a good New Silver Watch, Stem Winder. For a Club of 30 We will give lEN DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 50 We will give a celebrated “White Sewing Machine," warranted, with the Companay’s written guarantee to keep it in repair fox five years. For a Club of 100, We will give a fine DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH, Stem Winder, with m GOLD PLATED Chain of a beautiful design* For A Club of 175. We will give a fine Home-Made Piano-Box Buggy, warranted to. ha as gwod any that can be put up anywhere. is Aiimovni ms mm, We will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through a eluk oi otherwise, a printed certificate, entitling them to a chance, FREE of charge, in a drawing for one “White’s Sewing machine With all the Extra Attachments, and Company’s written guarantee to keeF it in repair for five vears ; the price of which is SoU,OO. This proposition tt. hold good, provided as many as 50 suliscrihcrs are obtained from this date, Jan uary 17th, 1882. to December 31st, 1882. The drawing will be conducted fairly, three or four disentcrested gentlemen of Jackson, will lie secured to conduct the drawing. The goods we offer you, can he seen by calling at the?*®™" office. .Vo humbug, hut von may rely on our propositions.