The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, June 28, 1882, Image 2

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flic ladtscit |Jtrss. and ACh'so.y, (iA. JUXK 2B. 1882 W. E. HARP, * - Kdifor. THE JACKKON M:WS, PUBLISHED EVERY FEW A 1". at JarbKu, Stuffs l'ouul},(ia. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION*: Three Months, ...... !Soe Sii Months, fl Ofl One Year, ! 1 SO srn rr: ri rix ad i a xc 7;. rater fob \i>verttstvo • ArfvertlsemenU will be in.-; ried for ONE POi l,\ IS r* r , f*r (I*r Erst in on. mil PII*TV Cr.NT.'l per sqiinrr* in each nl ipvri'titfu, for one ..lonth, or Icmh. .*,r a longer pc iwl. 11 liberal dmcounfc will !,* made. *|*().i inch In ength, < lean, oo..atitMUs n iiquare. Nolimin tUetoeil column will te 'nacrUd at TKN (JJJXTS |>er line, each in-, Ugh. Marriage* and Ninths ti’l ! e publiiihcd nn item* of n*'v\ , lul obituaries will Ih* vh..g;<) for at advertising ulo. jon wuxvjno Ofevcry description, pro aptly nr 1 neatly csecn ted *a rr/y.tnnn’tl t. ‘ . JACKSON. JACKson, iht ccuniy c'le of Kitth Cothtv, Georgia,now l:t< ru J oau <'onvnnn.Pi' t with the oulside world. i?uah J on the IC. T , Va., A Ga., H. If Macon ami ’ -unsv. k Ilnilioud Lx tension. A h*o ,';t. town of Middle Georgia, fino ti c fertile noil nurroiiuding it U • i vast import vnee inn 'Uglhc many oilier advanta ge* wc limvc to oiler |ormm arakin ; lealtn *! permanent Hv.tjtliernhome*. J Um-i Minnicd in flic center -f he county willmi tl • • r|i*:rl*M- f an hour* drive U> m fuaiotn • .tstn.-i'"- e -nort, Indian t-priru-F, n for It In illh rent -nog properties’/I.;h has niir’- / t - .i. u < tbrou;*fiou: theeountr ‘Ye have a Urifly com . ui.lly . <1 piddle *p'ri|ed cftlxen.H. The climate 1m ui sc di ed ill any country Ftv of pubic debt Onrcit iitena a i.ilvc t<' H e 1,-**-: *dtv . tioiui ffv'ilitley and advautagfia charactcrlsth of a whig, cn te.rpriaiii town. Tl" * - *eiiot of (In- coi,nt<y i finest in Cc r? ‘a, adapted to nr i .* a gro:;l riety ©f agriculture: * ’ !u l*. o < ml rob at-. All kliu.f uf out- . r work can I • performed r.t all sea or * of Hie year. '> a.e alt noted r,i ti.e fruit mowing rrlo uf 11m Kmilu and cotton country. C-',pesly r[ dp L-iud , o ,c. , though rupiffly . Ilaiitu j cultivated, . uHcch ... - hoepltnlnc, Wc haven larpc arc.;' uf conn try to ar.j.pnrt iniHi in“e'en'*rtir.r"M >f .y kid and invt cmljrnmtH to wttl * .m: iik; no hc..<. ipjn..liui;ty . i'- fered mi • hunk trr ' sojai- .id Jr.di' < c.i .ul* if<t to invent midhuiul up a.j .iejcr i *i h *>’.u . Any tilth}:nation '..i1l he ft.r;iii-licd *;. Add;# "Ming Nwa or IT. . i; a . real -r --tatc Mirent dl,c lor>* of county chi in liK'il) •'>! .! in Next Friday is the appointed tiny for llio hanging of GnUoitu. The following in an extract from an article in the Post Appeal, from iho pen of O. VV. Adair, who it is well known bought considerable property here: “I have also lisa the land around the depot at Jackson similarly prepared for sale. Jackson is the county cite of Butts comity, ono of the very host ir. Middle Georgia. This town is six miles north of Indian Spring, and will he the trading point of a splendid farming country along the west bank of I lie Or mulgee river. It is a long established town, having a population composed of the very best people, most of them he longing to old and respected families well known in Georgia history ; and this is true of the entire country through which the new road passes. Jackson has ehurche- schools and good society already established, and it is a pretty place. The railroad will infuse new life and new enterprises, with love, new men in pursuit of business, into both town and country, and both will grow up into a thrifty section of good people, blessed with good lands, good business, good water and good health. About the 20th or Until of July I will advertise and soil at auction the lots at this pitico. lie will have a low rate of fare from Maoo-i r ul Atlanta and all intermediate po'nis, with tick ets good for live days. This will give business men from both cities time to meet at half-way point, visit Indian Spring and drink its health-giving wa ter, look at the country, enjoy a little relaxation and attend a big two-day's sale 1 one day at the Spring, and the other at Jackson next day ; and have a good time generally. Posters and ad vertisements in the papers will give notice of the time, terms of sale, etc. After that I will set a day and have a sale of lots at Stockbridge, Henry county. The four negroes t’l.ark Taylor, George Taylor, Bill Wooten ami Charles War u implicated in the mur der of a pedler, whose dead hi dy was found in the Towaliga river come ten miles from here about six years ago, have recently been arrested, and on Wednesday last were before </ustices for preliminary trial hut the case was continued. This murder has been shrouded in mistery for six years hut it now seems that the veil is to be removed and ./.islice meted out to the perpetrators Some weeks since Mr. Aiiioh Ponder discovered that there was a regularly organized band who lived on his place, Imd keys to bis barn, crib, smokehouse and bu reau drawers, aud bad tor months been carrying on a series of rades up on bis com, meat, money Ac., all val uables He had these negroes arres ted. One of the btirglers turned states evidence. There began a “you’ve told on me and I’ll tell on you” game which resulted in bring ing to light the connection of the ne groes mentioned above with the old It is CMiimateil that over lU.I/Ul) persons are employed io the laund ries of New Yoik. Did sails are made into paper and used for lisnk notes, and old ropes reappear as brown paper. A company lias been formed in Kngland to lay anew cable - between England and the United States. The public schools of Vicksbur-, Mississippi, have closed on account of the increase of scarlet fever. A quarterly dividend of two dollars and fifty cent* per share will lie paid to the stockholders of the Georgia Rail road, on July loth. Emory Speer has filed a hill of in junction against the Athens Banner to prevent it from publishing a lot of let ters said to have been writtpu by him to Prcsidelit Arthur, Madison Davis and other leading republicans, and which if give.: to the public would lie most damaging to him. AlfDoynl, of Griffin, will not swing on the 20th instant. While the mo tion fiir anew trial was over ruled by Judge Stewart on Wednesday, Alfred has anew lease on life until 5.,:. dime after October next, ns the ease •. ill i>< w go to the supremo eon. ... The stations along the Georgia Pa cific will l"* served with fast mail by rail on and after tlm ]• of July, ser vice owing been ordered by the post* toaster-general. Mr. David Thrashers, a soldier of the war of 1812, died in Newton county but week. Its was one of the thrashers who made things lively for the red coats. J. B. Gough, the world renowned temperance orr.tcr, will deliver the Commencement .iddresj M .t Emory colic- )this year. A most enjoyable occasion in nntiaipr.ted. Gen. GutreD and Judge VI. F Wright have brought rait against the Miroefc Car Company, for 'ls."f'O in lx-ha’f of the widow o< Weaver, tin; policeman who ieii from an Atlanta street our and aperwsrda died of the injuries received. There are now in tl.e Georgia pen itentir.ry, rb shown Ly tha Maokho.-.i-d in the principal keeper’s office 1203 persons, sti increase of 4 - over last month. Within the last month two have diod and t wo have been pardcu cl. “In Massachusetts a man who put hi* arm around two women was only fined $10.” He should have known better, if he bud only pnt. his arm around one he not only would have escaped tho fine hat roceiv id :m invitation to come n gain. Col. Wa'erman, of the Monroe Ad vertiser thinks “a man is not tieoi (wa rily a sco at i lire I because lie is an inde pendent, hut some people seem not to know it. We cannot, but regret and condemn tho abusive tone wbi li ionic of our lafethren of the press use towards men who differ with them.’’ Hampton is moving to McDon ough and Jackson in squads mid hat talliens. Griflin may have to do the snrae thing it it doesn’t connect with the M. ofc It. Extension.—Griflin N e w s. It is said that ./alius Horne will start a store in .1 icksnn in tho fall Mso that ./. N. Newmoyer will go to II unptom for the same purpose' Moth are clerks at tho New York store.— Grinin News, Who can beat them ? Wo were shown on last Saturday two bundles of OS's, raised from two grains, which weighed eight pounds and contained -■lll lira's. They were raised by Air. W A. Alinund on land that sold six years ago for two dollars per acre. From 12 grains Mr. Almnnd raised three peeks of shelled oats. We a-k who can beat this f—Madisonian, I lie constitutionally of a law pass ed by the Legislature of .Missouri forbidding the manufacture or sa’e of any imitation of hu'ter, no matter whether declared genuine and whole some or not, and which banishes o’ooinargiuim from the maikets in the S ate, was tustid in the Court of Appeals, and its validity confirmed. So the seine, hutteriuc and the ole omargarine men, like the Chinese have to go. Mr. 0. ll’. I.insoy, at the coaling grounds of tho Cherokee Railroad, in l’olk county, came very near to a hor rible death the other day. Ho was en gaged in burning a kiln of eoal, and upon elimhing to the top of the kiln the earth underneath him gave away, and he sank into the burning kiln up to iris arm pits. Several men (so call ed) were standing near, but rendered the unfortunate man no assistance whatever ; but through great excisions Mr. Liusey managed to scramble out. His lower liinhs are badly burned, but he will recover. These facts we glean from the Codartown Advertiser. These random expressions of opin ion speak for themselves. The f ! low ing in a lighter vein from some Independent journals,*sho\vg the prop er spirit and the consciousness ol power: VTe !o not 1x a long to our (Miron* ; Our paper i* wholly our own ; Y V fc,. u ; The l nliim .us Enquirer Siuu res poits a fatal rose of sunstroke. The unfortunaie was a negio named Tun nel! Jackson. There are only five stations on the Georgia Pacific so far. They an *- Chattahoochee, eight miles from At* 1 mta; .Mabh ton, seven miles from Chattohoochee; Cincinnati nnd Georgia junction, three miles from .Mabieton ; .-alt Springs, three miles iro.-n (,’incitinali and Georgia junc ti-in ; lloiiglasvilie. bis rnihs from Sait Springs ; Winn’s station, five mil .i from D iugla.sville. Del a.') ie, lowa, June 19.—One of the most extraordinary hailstorms ever known occurred here shortly af ter three o,clock this afternoon Dnr>- inga heavy shower of rain hailstones oi an extraordinary size fell. By ac tual meastm moul some of them weie nine to eleven inches in circumfer ence and three to font- inches in di :under, They v.? o as large as sau er-'-s. Tii'i great •;..Ik were about the size of oi stig: i. It undredo o' doliai-s wortli ' 1 ■!:: wan broken, A num ber of plate y'a's windows were frro ki ". Several persons were severely injured. bibb Comity Blade: On last Sunday about 1 p. in. lightning struck the bouse of Mr Alexander Avery,, about a mile from Centerville, and very se veraly shocked Miss Josie Avery, Mrs. Avery mid Mr. 8. D. Logan. The stroke fell on Miss Josie’s neck and passed down,tearing the eho" of one foot and throwing it oome di. mice in the yard. Ms. Avery w: s not so se verely shocked, on!;/ having tier shoe torn in on-' or r.vo places. Mr. Logan had the string-: torn oui and the sole wrenched oil'one sb and a hole torn in the other they and Mr. Avery, who .vim not mjured, were . 1! the peo ple that w:-,- i al.uut the house. Mr. Loj oi and the two ladies were repor ted killed, blit recovered in a littie while, and are doing well, all being up, though lame a little. Hands of music are now forbidden to play on most of the large iron bridges of the world. This is due to the well known phenomenon that a eoi.rtant succession of sound wavos, especially such na comes from the playing of a good band, will excite the wire vibrations. At first these vibrations are very slight, hut they increase ns the sound waves contin ue to oomo. l'd.g experience iti curing dist unes tf the liluod, Skin und Hunt's.-N cr youii Debility, linuuti-ncy, Orgunfu v < toM, liun irrbmh and Mrrcurlul • • 0 ,l MJMMIHiIy treated on •cieutinc • riuciplea, *' t! *ui<: uro remedies. Gall or write for I.lst of Mue®. Hons ■ lw a.iswi rnl by those desiring treatment by mail. £ Person*tulferlcfrom Rapture l oultl mu<l tbelr I earn fotue ibing to their advantage. UL nut n trim.# ULcix Jill. IK’TTH, 13 N. tli ft*., Bt. Loub, Hq, L -XABUsaUi OVEtt TUIUXV VEALS. JTRf FREE! SELF-CURE. A favorite pn ncrlptlon of one of the most not'd at ml Micro., still Hprriiillst.s In the V. S. nc*\v rmirrdj forJliocuroof Xcrvott* Ovhilitu, Jidii/icocf, UVnf.iirf.ff and Df-raj/. Kent lu plai a muled euvelopcyVe*. Druggist* iau flint, Addreit PR. WARD & CO., l-ouisian*. Mo* | TOS C . UAKUlf** A (RADICAL O' | KrTEIWOtTS Jt ORGANIC X 11 WEA KM e!| MIDDLE-b I h 1 1 |> t ut>oX l .; O *j x’\ or three *ltea. f Aj K-’. . trnoush to if V, * month.) oft* ■w- >o. 3, taufflcicot to rflri V a permanent c.ire, unless in |/o *©.• • aevcrv cases,) f:j Ro. 3, <■/ over thru* moolha, will restore thoseNJV ~ • ia the worst condition,) 07. Went V" mi, 1 , In plain wrappers. Full %* gr uona for using 111 aooompany each boxS^ ll*rrpared and Sold OXl,l’ by HARRIS REMEDY CO.M?g.Chemists, Market and Bth 8t3 m ST. LOUIS, MO. VARIETY WORKS. Ml? S HU, J\CKSS, • • C\. All Woik Warranted. Giirrliips, Bmiss, Wag ons, etc. overhauled ntul repaired on short no tice. ALL KINDSOF Job Work done with neatness and dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING DONE. UNDERTAKER. Will keep on lined Coffins, Caskets and Undertakers Hardware, A hears, will also he furnieshd. t?' 1 Shop in i. * ! ••Ac's st ore. PROTECT lOIIH WIFE & CHILDREN. BY JOI.VIYG TilE OKDEOF THE HOiE GUARDIAN, HEADQUARTERS AT MACON,GEORGIA. Organizod In LOIYDON England 18kJki. 12 JaclssoiaGa. The follow ing is a list of the Officers and Charter Members, of the Order now organized in Jackson, Butts county Ga. Y. A. WRIGHT, President, J. A. Mc.MICHAEL, Vice President, J. \V. CRUM, Financial Sec’y. Dr. J. L. MAPP, Physician. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. G. W. Mann, J. H. Land, J. T. Land, H. 0. Benton, J. W. Carmichael. #t Ycur Death, Ysw V.'ifs and Children Will Receive From 500 to 3000 Dollars. One Hundred Dollars Will be paid Immediately for Funeral Expenses. The citizens of Bulls county will perceive that this plan of insurance is conducted by their lends, at home, and each member has a voice in the man agement of the ntl'iiis—consequently it no humbug. The gentlemen that com prise DIVISION NO. 12. at Jackson, is a sufficient guarantee to the people of this section, and shoo'd demand their attention. It is a regularly organized, Institution, with the most substantial and influential men of Macon cud Bibb county as its managers. The Jackson Division meets on the third q iirsduy night in each montli, and by governed Constitution and By-Laws which ui.i / be seen by applicadon toiiiiv of its members. Any male or between the age of l(i and 00, who can pass the Exami unlion, can become a member of tbe Order nnd insure their lives from SSOO to fc;}000. ’ Ithivo your aueotion to enequire Into the merits and benefits of “THE HOME GUARDIAN.” Jackson, Ga., 20th, 1882. lew Process Fill. on— GOLD BIN BRffAD. o MANUFACTUUKD AT ISLAND SHOALS MILLS, r piIESE MILTJS have an entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY manufactured especially for them. This Hour is Highly i§<*oiu me tided by Dr. Ilay -ooil, Presiilent of Emm y (’ollej;e, who e.ills Ihe In t'.ul made from it “Golden Bread,” from which the Hour takes its name ami each sack will be branded GOLDEN BP.ES.D. —FOII SALE— IIy nVEUB .t JI.VIJ.ETT and A. Me WAT KINStO HON, •laekson, (la. JOSIAII BOS VOBTII & CO. 21 tied y Proprietor’s Mills. R. J- DEANE, P x IQTO Cj RAP H E I\ And Dealer in Picture Frames, 17 Hill Street, - - - Griffin, Ga All sizes and kinds of Firt-f’lass work executed protnpUy. Old pictures eoppied and enlarged wall pictur of yourself in a handsome frame K*lo inches, only Inff n fiperienrc of twentv-flve years In medicine, have never found anything to give the results that Du. liAnTh.n s IRON Tonic does. In ninny cases of Nervous Frustration, Female Diseases, Dyspepsia, and an im poverished condition of * he blood, this peerless remedy has, in my hands, made some wonderful cures, (‘uses that have baUlad some of our most eminent physicians have yielded to this great ana Incompar able remedy. 1 prescribe It in preference to any iron preparation made. In, laet,.such a conipoiUMX as Du. ilAJiiEH's luoN Tonic Is a necessity In my practice. Dit. BOliiidtl bAMULLS, MANUFACTUREO CVTHE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 213 N. MAIN ST, ST. LOUIS. MRSS C DUNCANS New MILLENERY Store IS NOW OPEN At Jackson, Georgia. I take tills method of informing the oi/izens of JaelcHon nnd Dui<> ooanly, tnat I lmvooiienwl a new nml ?*tr>e! of Miller.cry tioods in Jackson, in the new store, next tltK>r to M. L. Duke, consisting of the latest style, Ilats and Honnots, Trimmingfs &c, Flowers, Feathers, If'Mions, Colm-elis, Nuinsnks, Muslins, Ties, Edgings, Insert ing, i.aees, W iling, 1 Lamlkerehiels, Fans ifcc., My gootls ure all new ami of the latest style, t'all nml examine them and get my prices. lam offering; them at short profits. Soliciting a liberal share of the patronage of the people of this sec tion. 1 am Kespeotfully Mr*. S. C. IIL t NCAN. The “WHITE" Sewing 1 Machine Tlio LadioN li'avorito! ,1. I>. -V T. F. SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Dcales, .lO Bread Street ATI. AAT A, Georgia .TO H. lIENDJtICK. Y. A. WKIUHT. HENDRICK & WEIGHT. Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. Will, practice in all the COURTS ejtcept in the COUNTY COURT. Will attend to all business PROMPTLY. E. P. CATCHINGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. .5 WILL plead and practice in Putts and adjoin ing counties, tiA2, <)FFIC'E at Court House, 1 feb ’B2. Ju<*k*ou, Ga,, CHILE only hotel offering special accom.noda- I tions to the traveling public visit' kson. The tables arc furnished with the very ..cst market affords. Feed Stables. Parties traveling by private conveyance can also have their stock cared for at reasonable rates. II O. BENTON, sepdO-ly pJtopnifiTOK. To The {Public. THE undersigned is now prepared to can*} pDs;-cngers on tbe regular mail route between .laekson nnd Covington at reasonable rates. Will leave Jackson every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning at 7 o’clock. 1 will also carry baggage or other light freight. Your patronage solicited. Oapt. J. P. LOYD, Mail Contractor. P. S. —When in Jackson I can be found at tlie Benton House. sep 23-tf Money! lONEYIT loiey!! Ijodned 1 o Farmers. Parties desiring to negotiate LOANS on five years time can make application through me by calling at my olttce. I will act as Attorney for any firmer who has improved lands, in securing loans (o the value of one-third of their real es tate. Y. A. WEIGHT, Office at Court House, nmrß Jackson, Ga., Bunn it is tin Latest RTtSKING; the most quiet; makes the prttiest stitok; and has more conveniences than any other Ma.hine. It is warranted five years and is the easiest to sell, aud gives tho best satisfaction of any machine on the market. Tnteuding purchasers are sotciited to auiine it before buying. Responsible dealers wanted in all nnocenitd erritery. IB _ _ 1 If Jffli “IB FOR 1882, OFFERS Important Inducements, TO SUBSCRIBERS AND To those getting up Clubs A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To Get A Celebrated "White Sewing Machine 1 For Nothing, Tim, NEWS a2B column paper, published weeklv at JACKSON the COI'V TY SITE of BUTTS county, centrally located bet ween Macon and’ Atlanta the NEW Macon & Brunswick Railroad Extension. It is a live local n.-i’n er and gives the general news throughout the Stole, as well as Southern newt Hems and the General Topics of the day, also a largo amount of literatue which will be found interesting to the general reader. Subscription Price $1,50 PER -A_JST~NTTT~M-^ INVARIABLY in advance. The Rest ADVERTISING MEDIUM, IS mDDLEGFiOnCII, Being published in a section of country which is just being developed by the building ot a now railroad and being circulated among an inteligeut and pros perous class. Subscribers are being added, every week, to our Already Large List. which is circulated throughout a scope of country, 40 miles square, tributary to Jackson. T ZEE IE FOLLOWI2STG INDUCEMENTS Are offered to CASH subscribers, ONLY, at ONE DOLLAF AND FIFTY CENTS each, lor a year's subscription. For A Club of 5 We will give a fine pocket knife, or a year's subscription to tlie NEWS. For A Club ofls, We will give a good New Silver Watch. Stem Winder. For a Club of 30 We will give JEN DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 5® We will give a celebrated “White Sewing Machine,” warranted, with tht Companay’s written guarantee to keep it in repair for five years. For a Club of 100, We will give a fine DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH, Stem Winder, with a GOLD PLATED Chain of a beautiful design. For A Club of 175. We will give a fine Home-Made Piano-Box Buggy, warranted to be as good any that can be put up anywhere. M ADDITION TO Till ABOVE, We will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through * club or otherwise, a printed certifficnte, entitling them to a chance, FREE of charge, in a drawing for one “White’s Sewing machine With all the Extra Attachments, and Company’ll written guarantee to keep it in repair for five vears ; the price of which is $50,00. This proposition tc hold good, provided ns many as 50 subscribers are obtained from this date, Jan uary 17th, 18S2, to December 31st, 1882. The drawing will be conducted fairly, three or four disenterested gentlemen of Jackson, will be secured to conduct the drawing. Tho goods we offer you, can be seen by culling at the NEWS olHce. .Vohumbug, but von may rely on OHr propositions.