The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, August 02, 1882, Image 2

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gadtscs JJftsL. JACKSOX, <;a. Art;., 2, 1.882 W. K. II4RP, - - I'ditor. —r TIIK JVUiSO\ SEWS, PUBLISHED EVERY W BDXKSDA Ka/ Jackson, Hulls County,4a. RATES OF SUHSOfttPTIOX: Three Months, - - ... fiOc Six Mouths, - ?1 (X) One Year, - - - - - * - Sl5O STRTCTL V IN A 7) \ r A NCH. HATES FOR ADVERT IS INC. : Advertisements will be inserted for ONE J>OLLAIt per square, for the llr*t insertion, and Firry CENTS |M*,r square for caoli sulirequrn insertion, for one month, or less. For a longer period, a liberal discount will be made. One inch in length, or lcas, oonatitutes a sipuire. Notices in the local column will he inserted at TEN ('ENTS per line, each insertion. Marriage* and deaths wi'l be published ns items of news, hut obituaries will he charged for at advertising rates. JOB PRINTING Of every description, promptly and neatly exccu ted at renHonnbte rate*. JACKSON. JACKSON, the county cite of lit"rrs f'ovrTv, Georgia, now has railroadcom mi f cation with the outside world, being situated on the i). TANARUS., Vn., A i (*a. t It. It , M iu'oii and llrunswiek Railroad Ex tension. A few fo<?ton camming town of Middle Georgia, ami the fertile soil surrounding it is of vast inijHirtance among the many other advanta ges w* have to oiler persons M aking health and permanent Houthern home*. Jackson is situated in the center of the county within three-quarters of on hours drive t< Georgia’s famous summer re sort, Indian Hpriugs, noted for its health restoring properties which has made it famous throughout the country. We have a thrifty community and public spirited citizen*. The climate Is unexcell ed in any country. Free of public debt. < Mir cit izen* arc alive to ihe best educational facilities and advantages characteristic of a growing, en terprising town. Tliis section of the country in finest in Georgia, adapted to raising a great va riety of agricultural and horticultural products. All kinds of out-door work can be performed at all seasons of the year. We arc situated in the fruit growing region of the South and cotton country. Property of all kinds Is very cheap though rapidly advancing in value. The inhab itant* are cultivated, courteous and hospitable. We haven large area of country to support busi ness enterprises of any kind and invite emigrants to settle among in*; no hotter opportunity is of errd mechanics, tradesman and Jmlioon* capital-, inf to invest and build up a prosperous busliios* Any information will lie gladly furninlicd liv addressing the Nkwh or li. O. Ilentoi , real es tate agent. Hoc directory of county officers Ate., in local column: The Goddard House was broken into Monday night, ami a Hmall sum of money nnd various articles of cloth ing taken. The thieves went through tho ocs enpied rooms of the Georgia Hole! the same night, nnd obtained some more clothes.—Griffin Daily News. A negro child was born in renoeburg, N. C.. with a full set ol whiskers and moustache. The AilanOt Iloi-'itd reports an in' oendiary nttrm|)t to bum the Chap man boarding house on Monday morning. Mrs, Butler, of Marion connty, who has readied the age of 112 years, will he bapfiz and ou rexi Sunday on a profession of faith ns a member of the Primitive Baptist church. Barnesville Gazette : Monday morning last Bov. L. ./. Davies showed Dr. McDowell a novolty in the way of a kitten. It waa born with two perfect hind legß and one fore leg having only one joint and very short. There was simply a sock et for the other fore leg. It look'd somewhat like a kangaroo and lived only two weeks. Mr. Means, of Ohio, and Miss Har rison, of lowa, neither ot them more than three and a half feet have just been married. Miss Harrison, like a good wife, will go to keeping house and do what she can with her lit t'o Means, until she gets other Means to atsist her, which she must do by all Means. Griffin News ; A hen at W. K. 11. Searcy * house yesterday laid an egg the exact shape of a gourd, which Mr. Searcy exliibi'ed in this office yesterday afternoon. lie claims it a* a sign and prophesy that hereafter the people of Griffin shall drink noth ing but water and that cut of a gourd. A difficulty occurred between two young men of Griffin, on last Friday night, by the nnmes of Hammond and Lytle, in which Hanttnond was mortally wounded with n pistol from the effects of which he died. The dif ficulty grew out of an old feud. Ly tle w*a confined in jail, hut wo learn has since been released, it having been assertained that hia skull was broken. Hammond was emp'oyed in lveeley’s branch store. A distri :'j<ing scene was witnessed on the streets of Augusta \Vmines day morning A negro woman named Sue ./enkins was arrested while wheel ing around the streets a dead child. The dead child was lying beside a living one in the carry age which was propelled by the mother, and in ad dilion to the two in the carriage who were twins, she was leading another aged about eighteen months, by the hand. On investigation it was found that the child had died of starvation and neglrct, and that the mother was demented and unable to provide proper nourishment for them. They were sent to the county poor house .by the authorities. ATTJKXIFfI?I> AS*AS*I.\- AIIO.V A Young Mini Sliol and Se verely Wounded Avar Thomson Augusta Chronicle. # On Sunday evening last, just after sundown, Mr. Tufta.i Boyd was g >iot' from his lather's residence lo Cobb liain, about, eight milts from Timin' son, when ho was fired on twice by some par'ics who were in ambush. The weapon used was a double bar rel shot gun, loaded with buckshot. The first shot took effect in his left side ami breast, hut the second miss ed him. II" was on horse back, nn<l the horse became frighten ami ran off with him. Just before he reached Gobhhain he fell from his horse, utr .conscious from the loss ofldood. Tin nnirnal went on home, and a negro man seeing him riderless immediate ly started in search of Mr. Boyd, and found him lying insensible on the side of the road. Help was summon ed, ami tho wounded man carried back to his father’s house, and medic cal aid procured. The physic inns found that he had received in th e bit arm, in tho left side, and two in the breast. The most serious one is in the left breast, just below tho nipple. Tho people failed w> find the bull in the wound, and it is feared that it is fatal. A second attempt was made on Monday night to kill the young man by shooting him, as he lay in bed, tbrongh the window. This intention was discovered, and the would bo as sassins were driven off. Suspicion was directed to three brothers, linin' ed Martin, as tho perpetrators of the deed. A party of men were organi' zed and went to the place where tlie shooting was done, nnd there they found tho tracks of three parties, These tracks weie followed to a house occupied by Peyton Martin, where one dropped out, anti the two remain ing tracks were followed to the bouse of Mr. It ibort A. Marlin, the father of the Martin brothers. Tho tracks were measured, and found to corres* pond in size to the Marlins, On this and other evidence warrants were sworn out for the arrest of the broth ers, and placed in tha hands of slier' iff Norris, who summon'd a posse and lift Thomson yesterday after noon for the purpose ol arresting the Marl ins. It. is said that the t rouble grew out of charges made l>v Miss Georgia Martin against Boyd. Boyd, it is al so said, promised to marry Miss Mat tin, when confront, and with the accu sation made by her, but failed to do so. Proceedings were instituted against him, and tho trial is set. down olr trial at the September term of McDuffie Superior Court. It is s a ted that llmats against Btyd have several times been made by the M ar tins. There is much excitement in McDuffie over the afl iir. Dr. Wm. N. Hill, one ol the city vaccinators of Baltimore, Mil., is down with the small pux. Though he has vaccinated thousands within the past few months, lie has not himself been vaccinated since early childhood, “Wet and dry” politics run high in Charlotte, N. C. llov Mr.Owens was bitten by a snake near that town, the other day, and sent in a hurry to n saloon ko eper for the usual antidote, l'lie saloon keeper ret used, mnai king that l:e would lit let u man who vo ted the dry tickut have any whisky, even for snake bites.’’ Another ea looniats was more accommodating, and 'the suffering preaolu r took a s" g that effectually relieved him. A couple, Mr, Henry Hill and Miss Cochrane, of Hill, North Carolina, ate booked for a wedding at the Poplar fcent fair. Neither of them are well off ami have bron w ait ing a favorable opportunity lor some time, and this fair suits them. They are to ho married at llio grand stand, in view ot all the spectator*, at 12 o’clock, on the 9th of August, the first day of the fair. The fair buy their license, pays the parson, gives them a dinner and a premium of leu dollars. There will b<> a wedding the second day, on the same terms, but the premium money will lie live dol lars. Fiorn the Apopka Citiren: We dislike to publish anything which hits the appearance of incredibility, yet the following account of a chicken tragedy cotnes to us so direct f.-oiu a gentleman whose truthfulness is ut>* questionable that we give it : Last Wednesday morning a gentleman living near Apopka City Fla,, pro posed to sever the he id and body of one ofitis liens who had a bad reputa- tion, having been known to destroy eggs and besides fighting aU( j coming in the house. No sooner had lie accomplished bis purpose when the head cackled desperately and the body walked about the yar d as though nothing had happened. j{c ran after the body but failed to get it, ns it flew to the top of a pine, where it now is—though lifeless.— Bartlesville GarseiK*. Evening Herald : We learn this morning that a son of Mrs. Webb was struck on the head the other day by <>ne of the bosses at the watch factory. From we could learn it seems that tho superintendent had lolt] the employes that it there were any signs of one of tho lamps explod ing to grab it tip ami throw it <-nt of the building. The other day, Mrs. Webb’s little son, who works at the factory, noticed that cne of the lamps was in a lair way of exploding, and iii'media’eiy picked it up and cast it into the street. As he did so, ono of the bosses above spoken of rushed in and picked up a slick of some kind struck the little fellow over th<- head hut with no serious result. The lit tie fellow is doing well so far we learn. It is said that a warrant has been served upon the party who did the striking. ttLVtr!T'FrLORGrv7""" , "" , ™" Herrs County, j To nil wliotii if may i-oncorn Z. F. Darkness Executor of William B. I Dirkness, deceased has in c!ii<- form applied to flu* uu'lci'ftignerl for leave toai-11 thr land* liclongiiig to the estate of wuid decease 1 and ttiil upplic.iti- *.i will lie lu*arfl on tlie first Monday in Sept* iii?>< r next. This July HIHt 1882. .1. F. ( AHMK 'IAKI,, nng’2 Ordinary. Xnfiee STATE OF GEORGf A.) Butts County j Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Hut i.s county, will la: Hold at auction ut tin* Court House loor of said county, on tin* fir. t Tuesday in Septeinbar IHS2, within tho legal hour* of Hole, the following property to wit. One-! hird interest in ono lot on tlie South side of tin* < kauri Hone Hqimro. and bounded a* 10l lowm North Hinl Wen* by tin- public Hired*, I£atf hy lot of M. V. Moliilihon, .South by h. A, Hpen eer, hhM lot fronting the ki uure 3# feet and run ning South 120 feet, Mold a-* the property of James K. I.yons, lute of'stid county Alho ut t In* .* urn* time: nnd place one lot in toxvn o Jackson containing th‘c-f* xirihtt of an iu*re (% more or less, bounded us follows, North, Houili nnd East by public Hired, We dby lot of Meth odist eb urcli, so hi us the property of James It. I,yon* lute of said county tlcoenbed. Termw cash, this July 31*t IHS'J. .Mary L. Lyons, Adminint ratrix. Bg2. M. V. McKibben, A TTORNE V AT LA IF, jACiisoy - - oa. Hep f J UldOlUb'. r. .ill VS NS, Attorney At Lay/, JACK SOS, - - • Will practice in the Superior Court of the sev eral count i< ( composing the Mint Judicial < ir ciiitjind the Fulled Staten I >istrict < 'ourt. Com mercial nnd other colleetion.* a HpcciuUty. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. June 27th, 1882, tf HENDRICK & WRIGHT- Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. Wll.l. pmHioo in all the C’Ol'RTSexcejit in the* COUNTY COURT. Will attend to all huaine** FROMFTf,Y. CATCHINGS & BIVINS, ATTORNEY’S AT LAW, JU WIJ.I. |>!<*n<l and practice in Ihdts am? ad.join iik cotmtie*, BJ)u. UFFK‘I’7 at Court House, 1 lel> ’B2. PROl'. lIARKIS’ / I RADICALCUREjK^I HERVOUB TjjjiJ 30 EBILITY^f 1 ORGANIC* H mid dl e- US jffjßof throe alt**. ri** V>v ft|3 ■Ms,., i, . n.-snt xA- r.rjXWa Kjla-I * month.) >. Vy' Bbl Wo. *J, i sufficient to rffret \ V k permanent euro, unless In (C* |wj severe c•*••,) #.’> t No. 8, ■plover three month*, will restore thoseNf*/ Kfllu the wor*t condition.) *r. Sent hr I WjmaU. in plain wrapper*. J*ull Mucus for UkingwiU kccouipaoy each boxS^ JVrjMireil and Solti €>XLY by HARRIS REMEDY CO.Mfc.Cbomists, Market and Bth Bt3„ ST. LOUIS, MO. MIST! WORKS, non * imbed, - C\. All Woik Warranted, Carriages, Buggies, Wai ns, etc. overhauled and repaired on short no tice. ALL KINDSOF Job Work done w ith neatness nnd dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING DONE, UNDERTAKER. Will keep on hand Coffins, Caskets and Undertakers Hardware. A hears, will also bo furnieahd. Shop in rcardf Duke's store. marl COTTON GIIS Hi STM ENGiNS. C. H. Johnson Sc Son., io /Till street griffin, Georgia, Invjfc* the attention of lie* citizen* of Huttsanrl adjoining counties, to their stock of Hardware 4 < uilery, Gins, Carriage und H agon Material, J'aint* Oils and Varnishes, which are being ottered at IV"**! 1 They ore selling the che.|x*st good quality Hie tm Engine*, manufactured. A 100 the ViinU inkle linproxcd Ginmul I'ros, also the J. fc I. Gin, Call and .see them. 19julyly H>. W. PATTERSON, NO. 9 EAST SOLOMON STREET, Griffin, Georgia,, GfflS, ENGINES. GROCERIES SC. FRUIT, We are making a specialty in dried fruit Ibis season, and will make it to your interest to bring us all your dried fruit. Highest market price paid. r.ijuly Ladd’s Lime Works, C. Ij A. I )1), General Agent, 10 S. FORSYTH STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. LADD’S ALKALINE FERTILIZER, LADD’S AGRICULTURAL LIME, y/A £ * Ladd’s Building and Plastering Lime. H°)Portland, Rosendale, Louisville, y Plastering Hair and Calcined Plaster Mjulyly PROTECT yoaa WIFE t CHILDREN, BY JOIXIXG TiBE ORPF Ol' TB3a-I HO M E GUARDIAN, HEADQUARTERS AT MACON,GEORGIA. Orgranized In IjOIVDON England 18^33. Division If o. 12 Jackson Ga.. The following is a list of Ihe Officers and Charter Members, of the Order now organized in Jackson, Butts county Ga. Y. A- WRIGHT, President, J. A. McMICIIAEL, Vice President, J. W. CRUM, Financial See’y. Dr. J. L. MAI’P, Physician. EXECL TI \ E COMMITTEE. cj. . M.vmh, J. 11. I.aml. 3. T. Land, 11. O. Benton, J. \Y. Carmichael. At Your Death, Your Wife and Children Will Receive From 500 to 8000 Dollars, One Hundred Dollars M ill be paid Immediately for Funeral Expenses The citizens of Units county will perceive that this plan of insurance is conducted hy their friends, at home, and each member has a voice in the man agement of the affairs—consequently it no humbug. The gentlemen that com pose DIVISION NO. 12. at Jackson is a sufficient guarantee lo the people of this section, and should Jr muni their attention. It is a regularly nr-oinized Chartered Institution, with the most substantial and influential men ~7 M aeon and Bihh county as us managers. The Jackson Division meets on the third Tuesday night in each month, and by governed Constitution and By-Laws which may be seen by application tunny of its members. Any male or female between the age of lfi and 60, who can pass the Exami nation, <'im become a member of the Order and insure their fives from SSOO to CJOtH). It is worth V"iu-attention to enequire Into Ihe merits and henefils of "THE HOME GUARDIAN.” Jackson, Ga., 20th, 1882. CHE R R Y’S E¥APO RAT £ R I*4 THE *. Will tlo twice the work of any 11 t Air Pryor in America. References, A. J. White, Milner, Ga.; Bramble tt lire., Forsyth, G.t.; W. R. Murphy, Bartlesville, Gn., and many other*. Owned and inanufaetured by McBKIDE & CO., Atlanta, Ga., lOjuly fiw The “Will IE” Sewing* Machine Tlio lAtdit's Favorite! ggggggggggggggg .1. I>. At T. 1". SMITH, Wholesale and Retail Deales, 30 Krone! Street ATI. I\TA, Georgia 39 M'i is it is 1 Latest RUNNING; the most quiet; makes the prttiegt stitch; and has uiove conveniences than any other Machine. It is warranted five years and is the easiest to sell, and gives the host satisfaction of any machine on the market. Intending purchasers are solciited to .amine it before buying. Responsible dealers wanted in all unoecnied erritory. J~. IT. 6H Broad Street Atlanta, Ga, GENERAL EGEHOW GEORGIA MR FLOAIRA IIECiE’S j^IILIjS Have now IN STORE Two 2to 1 horse power engines on wheels. Four 3to l horse power on wheels. Four 4to 6ho power on wheels. Two 610 8 horse power on wheels. One 10 to 12 horsepower on wheels o lo to 20 horse power on wheels. Two liege's 25 foot Saw Mills, Corn Mills, Circular Saws, Separat Cotton Gina of various makes, Feeders and Condensers. Fruit Driers, Water Wheels’ ic PiL er8 * give me a call before making your purchas. J. 11. ANDERSON eaß ° IT 11 tiii “' F U 1 HH2, i-F l U important Ind li osms.i ts TO SUBSCRIBERS AND To those getting tsp Clubs A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY lo Get A Celebrated "White ewing Machine’ For Nothing, Tbe, NEWS n2B column paper, published weekly at JACKSON, the COUN TY SITE of BUTTS county,, centra toy located between Macon and’ Atlanta, on the NEW Macon A Brunswick Railroad Extension, it is a live, local paper and gives the general news throughout the State, ns- well as Southern news items and the General Topics of the day, also a large amount of literatue which will be found interesting to the general reader. Subscription Price 51, 50 PEE -/i-ZtTUNTTXIM:, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Tiie Best ADVERTISING IVSEDIUM IN SllDllliFiGßOlUil.k Being published in a section of country which is just being developed by the building of anew railroad and being circulated among an inteligcnt and pros perous elass. Subscribers are being added, every wee!;, to our Already Larga’JList. which is circulated throughout a scope of country, 40 miles square, tributary to Jackson. INDUCEMENTS Are offered to CASH subscribers, ONLY, at ONE DOLLAF AND FI FT A OEN I’S each, for a year’s subscription. For A Club of 5 'Vo will give a fine pocket knife, or a year’s subscription to the NEWS. For A Club of S 5 We will give a good New Silver Watch. Stem Winder. For a Club of 3 0 We will give •EN DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 50 W o will give ji celebrated “White Se\vin<r Machine,” warranted, with tin Oompanav’s written guarantee to keep it in repair lor live years. For a Club of SQO We will civc a fine DOUBLE-CASE GOLD \\ ATCU, ini Winder, with a GOLD PLATED Chain of a beautiful design. For A Club of 175, We will give a fine Home-Made Diano-Box Buggy, warranted to be as good any that can be put up anywhere. A\ e will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through a club oi otherwise, a printed certificate, entitling them to a chance, FREE of charge, in a drawing for one “WlaXte’s Sewing machine M ith all the Extra Attachments, and Company's written guarantee to keep it in repair for five years ; the price of which is $50,00.- This proposition tc hold good, provided as many as 50 subscribers are obtained from this date, Jan uary 17th, ISS2, to December fil-t, ISS2. The drawing will be conducted fairly, three or four disentcrested gentlemen of Jackson, will be secured to conduct the drawing. The goods we offer you, can be seen by calling at the NEWS office. .Vo humbug, but von may rely on our propositions. / -t rmtilti tuition of rv.* W/mmg/^WMWmJfan J[ s^SSraags sK^TESlKN , muv^us<"rT>u7 , !^rKTSK , B"lHo.v Tonic iu my practice. And In *n i>erlP3c> of ” twenty-five Tears in medicine, have never found anythin? to give the results that I)R. Iron Tonic doe's. In manv cases of Nervous Prostration, Female Diseases, Dyspepsia, and an im poverished condition of the blood, this peerlc a remedy has, in my hands, made some wonderful cures. Cases that have battled some of our most eminent physicians have yielded to this ftreat and Inconjparj able remedy. 1 prescribe it in preference to any Iron preparation made. In fact, such a^compounfl as Uih lIAAiTtH and Ikon Tonic is a necessity in my practice. Da. RoDUiT BAMLELo, Bt. T/>n<, Mo.. Nov, gith. It gives rotor to the blood,\ natural healthful tone to j *SgEf%7~A W £f £23— .Jr JEf ja B M J the digestive organs and I B A B B B V ££M& JW ff ff fB B B^A nervous ay.item* making Ella/ M&Af B B f &J*f£3r Am A B ’BB MB it anvlieahle to General- B a mf ff B I dflEfigr JM MMr J M M Debility, Lost of Appe- \ I W BMB BB A AGBSf ff $ A BM & tite. Prostration of t ital I AM BvSF a BLMj pouer* and impotent* J |5555555255E55555522522255-S MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. 2D N. MAIN ST, ST. IQIHS.