The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, August 09, 1882, Image 2

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§|)e |adt3on Jjcnsa. JACK soy. GA. ACC.. 9, 1882 i W. E. HARP’, - - Editor. Mr. J. F. Kiser, of the firm of M. C. A J. Fr Kiser, Atlanta Ga,, is (lend. The Henry County FTeeklv will he published nt McDonough nl'tcr this month. Archibald Brown has announced himself as a candidate for the legisla ture in Henry county. The Colquitt-Brown subsidization of the Democratic party, docs not meet with the opproval of a large number of Butts county people. Stephens will be swallowed like a cold potato in Butts coanty—indeed it will be choking. Aleck Stephens, if ho is elected, will recognize the thousands of fraud ulent hoods now Field against the and the hard worked, tax hnr (dent’d fitment and mechanics will have them to pay. Cnmpmceting begins at Shingle Roof, in Henry county, Wednesday, August ltth. A number of our people are contemplating attending and going up on the cars which passes not far from the camp ground. The Governor should not have tVe power to nppoint a single county ofll ces, in any event. The use of thia power by the present incnm'ent, in such a way as to keep himself in of fice, ought to ho conclusive on this point. We believe tho civil service in Georgia to he a'moat as corrupt as it is in Wat’' Mon —Telegraph & Messenger. What constitutes an organized democrat ? Wo bt-hanged if the late Slate convention ha* not bo be/uds died in, that we don't know which and we etaud on. Wo don't know whether we are foul, biped, quadru ped, llesdi blood, fish, Gentile, Jew, saint, devil, E'hiopian, Cancassian, or mongrel. What in the devil are we anyhow and a hat ia democracy ? We moen Simon pure for God know* we have had enough of Jeffi-r --soaian Democracy, ot the Stephen* band. Madison an: A great want in Gcoegia now ia a few scorn Democratic leaders possess <od of a little genuine manhood. There k ore two or three men in the Democrnt- Sp party, in t >e Stnto, whom the moat ®>f out so-called leaders are afraid to 'oppose- even when urged to sueli a course by self interest and considers ;r,i°i^r blio in our judgement, belotig to Senator Brown and Gov. Colquitt in a more abject sense than that in which the slaves of those men belong ed to them prior to the war. It is a humiliating truth.—Telegraph and Messenger. When Mr. Stephens begins his or*, alorical parade he ought to be lorced to show his hand aa to the candidacy of the Independent! for Congress. Neither the wretched platform, on which lie reoHuea, nor his letter of quotation! from Thomas Jeflaraon, given forth any voice on the subject. The fox should be oornered and ask od to show liia hand. Why should Demociats he forced to vote blindly when they set out to elect a govern or T Huvn't they a right to know the views of the mm for whom they are asked to vote I —Telegraph Mi e. aengor. Tho Conyers Examiner has con cluded to hoist the Gsrtrell flag. It says ; “We slut)! advocate the claims of Gen. Gsrtrell because we believe him to be the best man for tbo office, and not because of any political differ ences that exist, for we regatd Mr Stephens as a true Democrat, hut one who has never been fully organized indeed, he is the “bos* Independent of Georgia.” We regard the nomi >f,T,.t?iJ*p b " n> as a trick of C.X “liif trtKKjff'ring, for the promotion of llieir own personal scheme*, nnd, *o to apeak, have borrowed Mr. Ste phens for the occasion, and propose to uso him as a oai’s-paw." We see from a communication, in the Henry Comity Weekly, signed ly a number of the moat prominent and influential citiaena of that nouns ly, urging Col. E. J Reagan to al low the use of his name as a eandi* dale to represent Henry county in the next legislature, owing to his views favoring a prohibitory liquor law iu the State of Georgia We have known Col. Reagan from his boyhood. He is formerly ol Hook dale county where if we mistake not, he was raised, and his many friends there will be gratified, to learn of the compliment bestowed npoa him in the solicitation of the people of Hen ry county. lie was horn and reared of noble parents, the fiist and fore* must of hia former county. He is a young ruan of sterling worth, and has rose to prominence in his profes sion, that of law. We teel that it the I people of Henry see proper to en- ! dorse Col. J’ongan, on that grand and commendable pisiform “prohibition,” in him they wifi have a faithful and competent ri prc*entative. It gives us pleasure to hear our old friend , |jk< n of in this connection. Black Oak, Ala. July 22d 1882. ,Vk. Editor: As yon have no corres pondent here, i will furnish ytA i with a few local item*. General health of the people here ii good ; crops is fine and if the seasons hold out favorable, corn will not de mand more than 85 cents per bushel at the heep, which will bo grately to tho advantage of the imigration that we are anticipating this fall from ail over tho distant countries. There am a great many who are prospecting now and buying up lands. 1 am very much pleased with our new country ; and people who are an ticipating a home on the Mountain, you should spare no time in securing a home hero, and I am satisfied you would not if you could sec this field as I have saw it. Lands are rapidly ad vancing in value, and soon will be out of roach ofthose with small capital. We find the people of Sand Jlfoun tain, social, clever and of high moral standing. I liav’nt Been a grog-shop on the Mountain, and it is an excep tion to hear a man sweare an oath. Homo of the districts have not had a civil officer for years, and there has been no necessity for one. This is a proof of their morality and fidelity. Our young friend, Dr. J. B. Denton, formerly of Georgia, is doing great work in restoring the ndlicted. BY wish him i inch success in his choice profession. As there is so many marriages in the country, I give the following receipt for making wedding cake. Take 5 pounds of divotion, extract of faithfulness, 3 pounds heart-felt sat isfaction, 4 pounds of prudence and good nature, 1 pound each confidence and mutual forbearance, (1 scruples gentleness and modesty, 8 oz., matri monial fidelity, 12 scruples connubial filicity,3 quarts patients, industry, econ omy, 1 pound each wisdom and exper ience, 15 pennyweights of discretion and benevolence, 9 oz spirits of neat ness, 4oz seed of virtue, J pound es sence of purity, 1 oz sweetness of dis position, 7 quarts of balm of a thou sand ills, 2 quart of cream of excellence, 5 quarts milk of human kindness, 1 gallon of common sense, mixed thor oughly with cheerfulness, then pour into the golden bowl bfdomoslio hap piness, over tho tire of true love ; while warm, overspread with a frost of grace fulness, in the cooler, place the star of hope, all lubricated with the oil of gladness. Bake in tho oven of double blessedness, then set around with dim ples and sparkling eyes, o circle the whole with a wreath of smiles interwo ven with rosy blushes and pink r perfection. Fasten the renth with the golden cords of harmony and the sil ver 1 breads of disconra|' 0 cheat' tuLoc mill l ist a iniprovf with ago. B. J. B. A Colurmlo 4>irl. Chicago Times : A girl in Colors ado Imd been receiving the att< o'ions of a yoimg man for about a year, bin becoming impatient at his failure to bring mat'era to a crisis, she resolv ed to ascertain his intentions. When lie next ended she took him gently by the ear, led him to a seat, and said: “Nobby you’vo been lool'in around this cluini for niiglny near a year, nu’hev never yet shot oft' yer mouth on tho marryin’ biz. I've courted to you on the square clear through, an' hev stood oft'every other goloot that has liied to chip in; an’ now I want you to come down to business or leave the ranch. Kfyou’er on tho many, an' want a pard that’ll stick rite to yo till vo piss in your checks an’ the good Lord calls ye over die range, just sq-mnl, an’ we"ll hitch; but ef tint ain’t yer game, draw out an’give some otlur Idler a show fertile pile. Now sing yer aong or skip out.’’ Ho sang, A London clergyman demands a tee from women who ask spiritual advice, but fakes contracts to do it by the job at live dollars a yiar. Covington Gi, Enterprise: On Thursday a ohicken was hatched on Mr. Joseph Meador’s place near Cov ington, and on Sunday, just three days trom the time it diopped the •hell, Mr. Meadors was stirpr sod to sec and hear the same chicken go ing about the yard crowing like a grown rooster. Several who have saen the little ehickt n testifiy to the truth ot the above, and we have no doubt but it is even so, (or Mr. Mend ors is an honest and truthful man, ami has tvo time or inclination to go about manufacturing big yarns. There is a red-headed young In dian squaw and puppoose in Carson, Nevada,—Exchange. Among tho Inst cargo of Africans imported into this oountry was a wo man ot fine figure and appearance, and with a complexion many degrees lighter than hi r Congo brethren. Whett the tact was pointed to ‘ Old Ben,’’the interpreter and an expo rtation asked for, he grunted and ex claimed “Mishncrry.” Brother Ware, of the I'ublin Ga zette, has been intorview’ing a 1 relia ble gentleman,” and lias nude, through said source, the discovery that a no-hot ned beef li.-is only half a liver, instead of a whole one, like homed cattle. Sometimes it is not judicious to be too particular in locating local occur remje, so we will merely, say the foK lowing conversation was heard in a certain store in Oil City : A young lady was looking at some hosiery, and asked the blushing clerk. “How do you sell these ?” at the same time holding up before him, a long pair of zebra colored ones. “Those are worth $2 a pair,” he answered. “Oh, my !” twittered the giddy creature, “they come pretty high, don’t they V Y-y-ye *, stammered the bashful youth, lli-th-they’er pre-pre ty high, bu bu butyoii’er tall, you know. The ordinary of Chatham county issued fitly six marriage licenses dur iruf tVie mor th of July. STATE OF GEORGIA,) Butts County, j To all whom it may concern Z. F. Harkncw Executor of WMliarn B. Ilarkncm, deceased has rn dm* form Applied to the uuderwigned for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased and said application will he heard on the first Monday in September next. Tills July .'list 1882. J. F. Cahmicmakl, aug2 Ordinary. IVotifc STATE OF GEORGIA. 1 Butts County ) Agreeable to an order of the court of Ordinary of Butts county, will le sold at auo/lon nt the Court Bowse door of said county, on the ftr.rt Tuesday in Heptemhar 1882, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit. One-third interest in one lot on the South side of the Court House square, and hounded us fol lows North and West ly the public streets, East by lot of M. V. McKibben, South by T. A. Spen cer, s lid lot fronting the square tee! and run ning South 120 feet, sold as the property of James U Byons, hile of said county deceased. Also at the same time ami place one lot in town of Jackson containing three-fourth* of an acre (M) more* or less, bounded as follows, North, South and Bast hy public street. West by lot of Meth odist church, sold ns tin* property of James 11. I.voiis late of said county deceased. Terms crash, this J illy 31st 1882. Mary L. I.yons, Administratrix. nug2. M. V. MeKibben, A TTORNEY AT LA if, J.iCKMIX, - - A. ep l> GEO KG*. S B . BIVE.YN, Attorney At Law, Will practice in the Superior Court off he ev ernl enuiitieH coni posing the Flint Judicial Cir cuit and the United States District Court, tom mcreiitl und other collection* u speciality. OFFICE IN THE COURT HOUSE. .Time 27th, IWZ, tf HENDRICK & WRIGHT* Attorneys At Law. JACKSON, BUTTS CO., GA. w . 1.1 i>rnciioc in nil tin* COURTS except in the 1 St *-.Ti\ UWtiftn Vi 11 K,I eitOMPTT.Y. CATCfiGS & BIVINS, ATTORNEY'S AT LAW. .ItCKSOS, - - MA. W’ll.f. plead and practice in Hiitl* and adjoin hr- count its, OFFICJ2 at Court llouee. 1 lel ’N2. PROF. HARKIN’ ' I RADICALCURE^#^ NERVOUS j/£ j/fjA organic' WEAKNESS Ww/ifiZ H MIDDLE-^ a c e and 1*; iSwzmmk WmrnrMmmm la RM No* 1. (eno*|th to >6- -^t/vNsflHI HLllfl A month,) $S - V® ■M Nv *, t sufficient to e ffcc t ini a permatieut cure, uulesa in NTK/ -•fc** seven- v ascsTlu No, S, <t*atf p*l or or thro* months, will restore thow V> ■•Jin tho worn condition,) |I7, Bern by > M mall, in plain wrappers. Full Dlroo-^S. tioua for using will accompany each DoxSv | JVejHired and Sold OAXF by HARRIS REMEDY CO.Mfg.Chsmists, I Market and Bth BTa. BT. LOUIB, MO. VARIETY WORKS. KNOTT I HOMO, All Woik Warranted. Carriages, Buggies, Wag ois, etc. overhauled and repaired on short no- tioe. ALL KINDSOF Job Work dono with neatness and dispatch. CARRIAGE SMITHING DONE, UNDERTAKER. Will keep on hand Coffins, Caskets and Undertakers Hardware. A hears, will also be ftirnioshd. <@u Shop in roar of Duke's store. ir. art com CIS ID STIAI EWGiIIS. C. I, Jo-tins on & Son., it, * IB Il:fe STREET GRIFFIN, GEORGIA, Ij v itc llie atleiiti''M of i izcru of Butts and adjoining counties, to their stock of Hardware* Cutlery, mis, aim.!,'*? hii, • ;/>n-'hit < rial, Paints Oils and Varnishes, which are being offered at lowcHt pnccH. J hey u *•< rvdui che.-pot good quality Steam Engines, manufactured. Also tii VxuA.nkk li.i|.r..v <-.| <■ ■ 'IV.-. ..I--. th.:J. & I. <;j, Call and see llieni. I'Jjulyly ID, W. PATTERSON, N(. 9 EAST SOLOMON STREET, firjffin, Georgia, GINS, lI’GIBIS, GROCERIES C. DxilEID IFfR-TIIT, We are maklnif ap< : i-il|i dricl fruit this season, nml will make it to your interest to urine us all your dried fruit. lligljp market price paid. 19july * Ladd’s Lime Works, C. I )I>, General Agent, 10 S. FORSYTH STREET, ATLANTA, GEORGIA. -rf*wwiisre LADD'S ALKALINE FERTILIZER, . / tiy/K VA'® LADD ' S AGRICULTURAL LIJ/E, £ ***f A Ladd’s Building ami Plastering Lime. i” 1 c f Portland, Rosendale, Louisville, cements. ■4 jXf r r Plastering Hair and Calcined Plaster 19julyly PltfillWl i CHILDREN. r BY THE <BiDi: OF THE ho|e guardian. li ’ll QUARTERS AT MACON,GEORGIA. In LONDON KnglandL Division No, 12 Jackson G-a. The following la list oT the Oflieers ami Charter Members, of the Order now organized in Jacfin, Butts county Ga. Y. A. Will* W, Freaidcnt, J. A. McMICHAEL, Vice President, J. W. CUU Lnancial Sce’y. Dr. J. L. MAPP, Physician. G. \v . iiai. J J- IL I.and, J. T. Land, IT. 0. Benton, I J. W. Carmichael. At Your Deal Your Wife anti Children Will Receive From 500 to 3000 Dollars. One Hundred Ulars Will be paid Immediately for Funeral Expenses. The citizens of ills county will perceive that this plan of insurance is conducted by theii lends, at home, mid each member has a voice in the man agement of die aft s—consequently it no humbug. The gentlemen that com pose DIVISION N Id. at. Jackson is a sufficient guarantee to the people of this section, and i mid ilrnaml their attention. It is a regularly organized, Chartered lustitnt i. with tho most substantial and influential men of Macon and Bibb county ais managers. The Jackson Division meets outlie third Tuesday night, in e h month, and by governed Constitution anil By-Laws which may ho" seen by n| nation tunny of its members. Any male or lonic between the age of JO and GO, who can pass the Exami nation, can heconui member of the Order and insure their lives from SSOO to S3OOO. It is worth ear attention to enequire Into the merits and benefits of "THE HOME OT IDIAN.” Jackson, On., 20th, 1882. CHERRY’S EVAPORATES l?i Till Will <lo twice the ivork.f nnv Kot Mr I>n,r in Aim-ren H* <V ronccs, A V White, Milner, Ga.; llmnihlett * lire , 1-oisj ll <; ;1 fW. U. Mure iv, It irnesvitle. (* i . rn>t many oilier*, Owned anil maiHM. tured by Mi Bit IDF A CO., Atlanta, t*a., lOjuly Gw Tiie “Will i K” Sewing Machine T|o lajuliots Favorite! tßiCJiifi it is tie Ligltest stitch; and has more conveniences than any It is warranted five years and is the easiest to sell, and gives the best satisfaction of any Tstoti ling purchasers are solicited to i amine it before baying. Responsible dealers jr. i> aV T i\ HWITII, Wholesale and Retail Denies, 59 Broatl Slrt’Pl ATLANTA, Gforgia -19 J\ lET. 6f> Broad Street Atlanta, On. MMMfMRMMM M FIORIDI IIEGE’S SAAY I>IIELS Have now IN STORE Two 2to 4 horse power engines on wheels. Four Jto 1 horse* power on wheels. Four 4“ • i power on wheels. Two oto 8 horsepower on wheels. One 10 to [2 horsepower on wheel a? 8 10 to 20 horse power on wheels. Two Here’s 2"> foot Saw Mills. Corn Mills, Circular Saws Si* ne Cotton Gins of various makes, Feeders and Condensers. Fruit Briers, Water Wheels’ a S ttrH give me a call before making vour purclms. J. h ANDERson easc 11 * b’A -•- - - 111! JIN “IB FULL Ibba, OVFURS important Inducements TO SUBSCRIBERS AND To those getting' np Clubs A SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY To Get A Celebrated "White swing Machine' Lor Nofar Tiro, NEWS a 28 column paper, published weekly at JACKSON, the COUN TY SITE of BUTTS county, centrally located between Macon and Atlanta, on the NEW Macon & Brunswick Railroad Extension. It is a live, local paper ami gives the general news throughout the State, as well as Southern new* items and the General Topics of the day, also a large amount ol'lileralue which will be found interesting lo the general reader. Subscription Price $1,50 PEE. jt.mTTTIzT, INV.vEIABLY in advance. n| I-t* <r>. £3’tS" A JUL *3 LJ, so ?3 iu ADVEBTIBI UG P#EDSUM 131 M ;J IS Is <ki %'m iS ll G 1 H , Being published in a section of country which is just being developed by she building of anew railroad am! lving circulated among an inleligent and pry, perous class. Subscribers are being added, every week, to our Already •C&ssit JIL ' Diet. which is circulated throughout a scope of country, 40 miles square,tributary to. Jackson. THE! FOLLO'W INTG INDUCEMENTS Are offered to CASH sr.hserihers, ONLY, at ONE DOLLAP AND FIFTY CENTS each, for a year’s subscription. For A Club of 5 We trill give a line pocket knife, or a year’s subscription to the NEWS, For A Club of 15 We will give a good New Silver Watch, Stem Winder. For a Club of 30 We will give lEN DOLLARS IN GOLD. For A Club of 59 We will give a celebrated “White Sewing Machine,” warranted, with the Companay's written guarantee to keep it in repair for five years. For a Club cf ! 00 We will give a fine- DOUBLE-CASE GOLD WATCH, Stem Winder, with a GOLD I’LATED Chain of a beautiful design. -*■ ... vSI For A Club of 175* We will a fine Home-Made Piano-Box Buggy, warranted to he as good any that can be put up anywhere. IS ns JO II ME We will give each CASH Subscriber, for this year, obtained through a club of otherwise, a printed certitlicatc, entitling them to a chance, FREE of chargO in a drawing for one “White’s Sewing machine With all the Extra Attachments, and Company’s written guarantee to keep it in repair for five years ; the price of which is $50,00. This proposition hold good, provided as many as 50subscribers are obtained trom this date, Ja nary 17th, 1882. to December old, 1882. The drawing will he conducted fa'f'D three or four disentercsted gentlemen of Jackson, will he secured to c C, I a the drawing. The goods we offer you. can he seen by calling at tbc >Lvi office. No humbug, but vou may rely on our propositions. ——JB—— gnu mai iiiiii I —J cnmMnoHanof mmmim S, ~ L,,i A . i ii\'.li.ii's Ikon lonic In my practice,!s,a *?,VkfJakt<■ ’ I prvsrrtbc It In preference to nr Aron preparaUon ma le. In fact. ucu g<~— M DS. tUaTXBS IRON tu>-iC T is T a ne in my j; DR hat..tKco.. - in l *