The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, August 30, 1882, Image 1

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W, E. HARP, Publisher. VOLUME I. NEWS GLEANINGS, Nashville has twenty-one hotels. Tennessee has hut nine daily papers. Saloon license costs $1,500 a year at Meridian, Miss. Pensacola will soon begin the con struction of a street railway. The new three-cents-per-mile railroad law has gone into effect in Texas, Fort Valley, Ga., fwill erect a beauth ful and costly Confederate monument. Pike county, Ala., has a fourteen year-old boy who weighs 385 pounds. Arkansas is shipping immense quanti ties of black walnut timber to England. Last year Texas imported corn, but this year will have 50,000,000 bushels to sell. Mississippi has organized several live stock insurance companies—anew de parture. A million dollars worth of improve ments are being added to Birmingham, Alabama. Five miles from Fort Smith, Ark., a vein of coal five feet in thickness has been struck. Griffin, one ef the most enterprising little cities in Georgia, is to have the electric light. The wooden plate at New berne, N. C., turns out 600,000 of the plates each week. F Atlanta, which last year handled 120,- 000 bales of cotton, expects to handle 160,000 bales this year. One hundred and twenty-four varie ties of cotton goods are turned out by the Mississippi mills. Athens, Ala., has a population of 8,- 000 and a valuation of $8,000,000 —that is, SI,OOO to every inhabitant. The coal measures of the Warren, Ala., coal field are 4,000 feet in thick ness. The seams number forty-two ns far as developed. Mrs. Butler, of Marion county, Ga., who has reached the ace of 112 years, was baptised last Sunday as a member of the Primitive Baptist church. Pensacola parties have sent to Ger many for 200 servant girls, to be held under a years contract, with privilege, to employers, of two years. A shark was killed in Mobile bay a few days ago which measured fifteen feet from tip to tip, and of that variety known to sailors as the tiger shark. Columbus, Ga., has ten cotton and woolen mills. Sixteen thousand nine hundred and forty-eight bales of cotton were used in manufacturing last year. D. R. McCurry, of Floyd county, Ga., has succeeded in making a fine article of syrup of watermelon juice. It is rich and thick, and has the taste of honey. Mattresses made of needles from South Carolina pine boughs are said to cure pulmonary and rheumatic ailments, and an active trade in them has been estab lished. A $7,000 diamond was found recently in the bed of a creek near Danbury, N. C. As it was in the rough and other large ones have been found in the State, the charge of salting will not hold. Perhaps the best Mormon polygamy that has been made is by a wit on a Pacific coast newspaper. He says that at least the system does not throw the burden of supporting a hus band on one woman. Louisiana’s salt mine, which is in Iberia parish, covers an area of 140 acres and is a solid deposit of remarkable pur ity and excellence. The rock is very •olid and is without fissure or seams. Over 1,200 sacks Js the present daily output. A weed far superior to oakum, has been discovered in Putnam county,Flor ida. which, after being put through a process, proved the above assertion. A stock company is (being formed for the purpose of utilizing it. The weed is found in abundance. The oldest stove probably in the United States is the one that warms the hall of Virginia’s capitol in Eichmond. It was made in England and sent to Eichmond in 1770, and warmed the House of Burgesses for sixty years oe fore it was removed to its present loca cation, where it has remained for thirty years. "Is the Turkish civil service system,” asked a traveler in the orient of a pasha, "like ours ? Are there retiring allow ances and pensions, for instance?” “My illustrious friend and joy of my liver,” replied the pasha, “Allah is great, and the pub. func. who stands in need of a retiring allowance when his term of of fice expires is an ass! I have spoken.” The Hebrew Aid Society, of New York, is sending back to Eussia the pauper, diseased and infirm Jews sent over to this country by the London committee. This is very [sensible, as the Hebrew Aid Society has enough to do lookine after the able bodied refugees and getting them work in this country. A Jewish agricultural colony baa been established in Colorado, which is said to be doing well. What is said to be the largest flag" THE JACKSON NEWS. stone in America is soon to be laid in front of the stoop of ft, L. Stuart’s house, at Fifth avenue and Sixty eighth street, New York. The stone measures 26 feet 6 inches by 15 feet 6 inches, is 9 inches thick, and weighs nearly 60,000 pounds. It was cut in Sulivan county, at the same quarry from which came Mr. \ atm Jrilt’s great flagstone. It was drawn by 18 horses to its destination. Pittsburgh Telegraph : It is a mistake to suppose that Maine pawed the first prohibitory liquor law in /feerica. An old act passed by the Trustees of Ogle thorpe’s colony 'has been unearthed which “enacted that the drink of rum in Georgia be absolutely prohibited,and that all which shall be brought there shall be staved.” This historical record has considerable interest in these days, the act having been passed in 1733, or forty-three years befere the Declaration of Independence was signed. While the foundation or pillars for the railroad bridge across Flint rive l- , at Montezuma, Ga., was being constructed, one of the workmen placed a toad in the crevice of a rock and fitted another rock over the crevice, and then made the abode of the toad air tight by means of morter. Sixteen years rolled by, when it became necessary to repair the pillar, which was done by the same workman that placed the toad in the pillar when it was first built. He remembered the circumstance, and, upon examination, found the toad still alive. Mrs. Sykes on the Egyptian war : “Is it not strange to reflect upon, that all these mighty engines of war, these splen did armaments, these wonderful equip ments, this pomp and circumstance, are directed upon a distracted enemy by the mere penstrokes of two gentle old-lady ish persons—the Queen, to wit, and Mr. Gladstone? lam sure the Queen-moth er would not personally harm a dove, and as for the people’s William, no doubt Uncle Toby, who freed a captive fly, was a bloodthirsty creature beside him. Yet by the irony 'of fate it is these two who are thrown into positions which force them to be the arbiters of war and death, of cannonading, famine, bodily anguish and every manner of mortal suffering!” Rhode Island is the State that has the largest population in proportion to its area, the extreme smallness of the latter giving it an exceptional density of hab itation. This State, with its 255 per sons to the square mile, being excepted. Massachusetts then becomes very re markable with its 222 to the square mile. No other is near it; but New Jersey is next conspicuous with its 152, and Connecticut with 129. New York’s cities bring her fifth on the list, with 108 persons, in spite of her great extent. Five States only have a population be tween 100 and 50 to the sqtlare mile, these being Pennsylvania and Maryland, with about 95 each ; Ohio with 78, In diana and Illinois with 55. At the oth er end of the scale of States is Oregon, with not, quite two to the square mile, while even California and Nebraska have not quite 6. The territories are all, of course, very thinly peopled in proportion to their areas, except the District of Columbia, if indeed this can be classified among them. The District naturally is far more densely populated than any of the States, having 2,960 to the square mile ; but obviously it is to be compared in this respect rather with cities or counties containing cities. These various densities are based on the census of 1880; in all cases they are now greater, as the populations have since then increased, while the areas have remained the same. Boy Wanted. There is a gospel tent at the corner of Michigan avenue and Fourth street, ami of Sunday evening there is a con siderable passing in and out on the part of pedestrians. Last Sunday evening a boy of fourteen who had just left the tent encountered a stranger, who stopped him and inquired: “Say, bub, what sort of a perform ance is going on in there?” “ Purty good thng,” was the reply'. “I’d kinder like to see the fat woman and the living skeleton and the Albino children once more, but I’m purty near strapped. Is there any way I kin git in ?” “Us boys crawl under the canvas.” “Anybody around to knock you stiff?” “Never saw anybody. I’ll show you where to go under.” “By hokey, I’ll try it! It’s no use to throw away a quarter when you kin beat a side-show.” The boy took him around behind the tent and saw him sa'e under, and then crossed the street and sat down. Ho wailed just exactly three minutes, and then the stranger came out of the tent by the door. He looked up and down, the street, closely scanned every young ster about him, and finally said to a boot-black: “Bub, I’m looking for a youth about two beads taller than you—peaked nose —brown straw hat—hair cut short! I want to see him so awful bad for about a minute that I'll give you half a dollar if you can find him around here.”—De troit Free Press. According to the Salt Lake Tribune, an Apostle of the Mormon Church meanlv cheated a circus which exhibited in Salt Lake City by purchasing a fam ily ticket, on which twenty-nine women with babies in their arms, fifty-two red headed girls and seventy-nine freckled bojs filed Devoted to the Interest of Jeeksen. and Butte Countv. JACKSON, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 30, 18S2. TOPICS OF THE DAT. Illinois farmers are feeding theii hogs rye, as being cheaper than corn anc more fattening. It keeps the postal authorities busy in England watching for dynamite in mol’ matter from America. Montgomery, Alabama, has quaran tined against Pensacola, Florida, where yellow fever is reported. Thu census of 1880 will make thirty volumes of 18,000 pages. They will be quartos, the size of the Congressional Record. Arabi, whose name is just now on every lip, is pronounced A-ra-bi, th 6 accent on the second syllable with the long sound of “a.” The J esuits of Quebec are again agi tating for the restoration to them of all their property confiscated during Henry the Fourth’s reign. Attention is called to the fact that the latest official returns show that the ratio of the insane to the sane has doubled during the last ten years. Oscar Wilde is still in this country. He is at Saratoga. (It is just possible that we owe our readers an apology for permitting this paragraph to be printed.) It may yet be a question whether England will have to whip Egypt, De- Lesseps or Turkey. DeLesseps, how ever, thinks he is one size larger than Egypt. Curious tourists are not flocking to Egypt in as great numbers just now as they did in former times. The strange scenes of that country have lost their charm. Cadet Whittaker has dropped from the public gaze. He has given up lec turing cud returned to his South Caro lina home where he will earn a living at hard work. The Baltimore American cites two classes of professional tramps: One is the wealthy idler who will not toil; the other is tUo impecunious idler who will not toil. This is a distinction without a difference. The postal authorities of the United States have asked the British officials for an explanation of their notion in in terdicting the delivery of American mail matter suspected of containing seditious articles as information. August 13 Professor Vennor wrote to the Boston Post: “No more hot wave, and the straw hat season is over.” Straw hats will be worn, however, until enough money can be scraped together to purchase another sort. Cincinnati is making extensive prep arations for the forthcoming Exposition, which occurs September 6th to October 7th inclusive. The industrial parade on the opening day is expected to be the largest ever witnessed in the West An old landlord says that not more than half of the summer hotels will es cape loss this season, nor moro than one in five yield a profit. Persons who have been subjected to extortion at these fash onable hostelries may extract some com fort from this statement. The approaching school days leads ns to remark the fact that now-a-daya all school books are pretty good, and, as far as merit is concerned, very much alike. The pressure of competition makes it so. And changes of text-books should be made very rarely. The Treasury Department has decid ed that Custom officers may detain re prints of American copyrighted books, and notify the owners of the copyrights, to the end that the latter may take such measures for tho forfeiture of the books as circumstances may warrant The Washington female kickers, known as the Female Society for the Prevention of Unsympathetic Congress men, have arranged what they call a olack-list, it being their purpose to de defeat the future political aspirations of those whose names are upon it. Cobea, the country now attracting some attention owing to ■ the revolt of her people, is a mountainous peninsula lying between the Yellow and Japanese leas. It is a kingdom, whose sovereign is nominally a vassal of China. It con tains about 80,000 square miles, or a lit tle more than twice the area of Ohio. The result of a Southern duel, says the Pittsburg Dispatch, depends a great leal upon the locality, it would appear. £n Virginia, as a general thing, the com oatants return from the field of honor to % wine supper. That |isn’t the way in Kentucky. Tliere both men generally return full of buckshot, and with no ap petite to speak of. The first sentence under the new whipping-post law in Maryland was pro nounced on a negro wife-beater the other day, the sentence being that the offender receive thirty lashes. “Fore le Lord, Judge,” pleaded the criminal, “give me seven years in jail.” A mo tion for anew trial, whioh was made, will stay the execution of the sentence for several days. In approving of the course of the Khe dive. the London Truth says his wife should have the credit of being the in stigator. The Khedive married a grand daughter of Abbas Pasha. She is beau tiful and strong minded, and Tewfik is entirely under her influenee. This mod ern Cleopatra is very rich, and when money has been wanted to bribe the Turks, she has, greatly to her dislike, been obliged to provide it In Toronto, Canada, the street cars do not rnn on Sunday, the bootblack boys are not on duty, and all the tele graph offices are closed except the cen tral one, where one man remains all day to attend to important messages. The cab stands are deserted, and anybody who wants a vehicle and team must go to a livery stable. The drug stores are open at certain hours, and that only for the sale of medicines. The liquor shops close at 7on Saturday evening, and re main dosed till 5 on Monday morning. lir an article on the death of Sonator Hill, of Georgia, the Cincinnati Commer cial (Republican) says : His character is too widely understood to require a word of comment. His abili ties shine forth like stars from the night ot contemporary mediocrity. Perhaps no man of his time could both speak and write the English language witli such force and elegance as belonged to his tongue and pen. More especially was he a thorough orator. The worthy successor of Webster, of Clay, and of Calhoun, his un timely death is not his lass—a Nation’s. Above all, his loss will be most severely felt by the Southern people, who recog nized iu him a fearless, unyielding pat riot and statesman. Corea, whose King and Queen have been assassinated because they effected a treaty of commerce with the United States and England, regards the world at large as barbarians and want nothing to do with it. Confucianism mixed with local superstition is their religion. Tor ture is inflicted as a part of their judioial proceedings. Sometimes a prisoner’s bones are bent or pulled out of joint; sometimes his calves aro beaten into rags by blows from a heavy plank ; hit thighs may be sawed by a heavy cord, or he may be hung up by the arms until he faints or dies. The final step is to out off the victim’s head. A lahoe, new clock has been con structed for the United States Signal Service in Washington, D. 0. The case is made of brass, of enffioient height to allow the swing of the pendulum one moter in length, which weighs about three hundred pounds. The case is made air tight, so that the air can be exhausted from it and the clock move ment runs in a vacuum, in ordor that the variation caused by atmospheric changes will be slightly felt. Avery in genious attachment has been affixed to the movement, whereby the clock winds itself as it runs, so as to overcome the difficulty which might arise from the difference in the power of the spring when fully wound and when partly spent. The way this is accomplished is by alternately breaking and closing an electric circuit, and using the motion thus obtained, and the power of the electricity in rewinding the spring by means of a worm end and other mechan ism, which is so graduated as to motion that the winding keeps exact pace with the running. A Prolonged Fast Ends In Death. Mrs. Hester A. Fryer, Crozerville, Delaware County, abstained from food for fifty-two days. Her period of starv ation was ended by ker death last Mon day. Yesterday she was buried. For two years the lady had been an invalid. Previous to her illness Mrs. Fryer was a large woman, weighing about 250 pounds, and seemed to have a very strong constitution. About two years ago she began to be troubled with hys teria, and gradually became so ill that she was confined to the house. She wasted away slowly, and finally became unable to take any food except milk and weak tea, upon which she subsisted for nearly a year. Even this became un pleasant and irritating to her stomach, and about two months ago she deter mined to attempt a complete fast, with the idea that by absolute rest her stom ach might become more vigorous. Fif ty-six days ago she commenced her long fast, and no food of any kind passed her mouth for forty-five days, although she occasionally drank water. She said that she felt better every day that the fast continued, and really appoared to rally and pick up in spirit and hopefulness if not in flesh. She was no moro troubled with dyspepsia, and although her physi cians protested against her course, she persisted. Her friends and the doctors watched the case with great solicitude, and the latter with great curiosity. One day, about two weeks ago, she for the first time in a year complained that sho was really hungry, and called for some thing to eat. Solid food was at first given to her, but this would not stay upon her stomach, and the old diet of tea and milk was resorted to, but this was also rejected. In short, It was dis covered that her long fast had so com pletely worn out her stomach that it could not work, and every effort to feed her failed. Her husband and friends and the doctors were, therefore, com pelled to watch her slowly but surely starve to death, without being able co help her. The physicians who attended her propose to give a history of the case. —Philadelphia liecord. —M. Muybridge, who has been so successful in photographing the horse in motion, says there is no such thing as a “dead heat” in horse races. Ho predicts that in the near feature no race of any importance will be undertaken without the assistance of photography to determine the winner of what might “‘■erwise be wiioda •* dead heat.” Unfurling the Holy Flag. So much is heard nowadays of the possibility of a union of Islam and a holy war, that it may not be without in terest briefly to look into the subject as it is presented both in history and in popular belief—two very different things, it hardly need be said. An ap parently competent writer in the Lon don Times, when writing of it last year, insisted that it was practically impossi ble for the idea of a jehad, or war of ex termination against the infidels, to ba carried out. Islam—the word signifies full submission to God, and is used by Mohammedans to designate their faith and the whole body of believers in it— had its rise among the Arabs of the desert who inhabited the sterile ranges on the eastern coasts of the Red Sea and the almost equally barren districts of the Nejd, who, like all nomad and semi-savage tribes, relied for their live lihood chiefly upon plundering their richer neighbors, and as often raided each others territories with eaual vigor. These raids were and are called ghazi, and one who takes part in them a ghazi. “All the expeditions and petty warfare by which Mohammed established his power in tho liejaz are spoken of,” wo read, “as ghazawat, and it was only when more ambitious attacks were made up on the Roman and Persian borders and tho cry of ‘There is no god blit Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet,’ had be come tho watchword of victory, that a ghazi came tq bo synonymous with ‘one who fights for the faith.’ This title ex pressed in full, ghazi ed din, was much affected by later Mohammedan princes of other than Arab blood; but few, if any, of the conquering Persian, Turk or Tartar notables ever even understood the term in its original sense, or ever fought merely to propagate the mono theistic creed. Mohammed was tho first to m iko a ghazi on a large scale, and the first to preach to his Arab com patriots tho duty of jehad— that is, of ‘mutual strenuous effort’ for the attain ment of their common aim.” Tho prophet, knowing that the tribes never could become a power while they wasted their energies in internecine warfare, and at the same time that they, could not be united under any master, sought to bring about national unity by bind ing them hy that, “common religious feeling” which really meant, as it so ofteu does, common interests, customs, and superstitions. At Mecca wore all the elements of centralization—the haabah, containing all the gods of the different tribes and the locale of all the fairs and gatherings at which the historical and religious tra ditions of tho race were circulated and kept alive. The Persian Empire was weak and tho Roman Empire was de clining, and tiieir dominions bordering upon Arabia fell no easy prey to the bands now for tho first time acting in concert. “The long series of conquests that followed in quick succession wero,” says the writer already alluded to, “of course attributed to the potency of the profession of faith which formed their battle-cry, and the*r religious enthusi asm grew stronger with each triumph. The Arabs had at last found tho all powerful name of which the children of Shim have over dreamed, by means of which Solomon controlled tho demons and the elements, was wafted through the air on his magic carpet, or scaled up the refractory genie in a bottle at the bottom of the sea. Henceforward the conquered infidels wore offered but one alternative—to acknowledge the name of Allah and bis prophet, or to perish by the sword ; while the formula, ‘ln the name of Allah, tho merciful, tho compassionate,’ was ever after placed at the head or evory Moslem writing. Tho conquest of a country was first treated by these Bedouin raiders like that of an encampment or desert village; all tho portable property that could be laid hands on was seized and shared among the soldiery, and a poll-tax was imposed on all who chose to savo themselves from massacre by tho profession of tho Mohammedan faith. But this primitive system soon became unmanageable as their dominions extended, and a more settled and elaborate government was required. The only way in which this could be secured was by leaving the ad ministration practically in the bauds of native officers and holding the country by a military occupation, which consti tuted a perpetual state of siege. The possibility of a holy war being preached has been discussed repeatedly of late years. It is hold that in Imiia the influence of Islam has never been much more than superficial, and that at the present time an Indian Moslem, in bis observance and tenem, is but a Hin doo in foreign dro-a. Wiih scarcely an exception tho Ulemas, when appealed to to decide whether or not India was oar al hnrb,— an enemy’s country— pronounced fttvas, in the negative, ah opinion c mfirmed later by tho assembly of Meccan doctors, who disposed of the subject once for all. At the same time it is pointed out that tho Arab* who migrated to Africa and set up the rival caliphate in Spain were not sub ject to the same extraneous influences as those under I lie caliphate of Bagdad, having mixed but little with tho na tives, and having preserved to tho present day their Arab customs, tradi tions, and general ogies. “The same elements of Arab religious fanaticism,” said the writer in The Times, “combined with Arab clan feeling, exist there as in lint llcjaz or Yemen, and should some powerful M > Icm saint and chief —and there are many such in Morocco, Tunis, arid Algiers preach the ex termination of i tie Kafirs, it would bo useless to hope that any such moderate counsels would prevail as those which averted a similar danger in India. It might be stri tly a ‘Pan-Islatnic’ move ment, to quote the current iagron of the day, but it would be a universal Arab movement, which would give rise to in expressible horrors of war and blood shed in Western Africa itself, and it would attract sufficient sympathy in other Mohammedan countries to prove a serious danger to tfio general peace.” The “unfurling of tho green flag” is a form frequently used, probably because the 11ag in question is not green and can not be unfurled. It would be refresh ing, indeed, to find any two authorities quite agreed upon the subject of this Yaluablei by Hall. Tho sending of a registered paokage containing bonds valued at $1,000,000 from Baltimore for transmission to Eu rope, which has been a subject of com ment in the Baltimore newspapers, is not regarded by the postal authorities here as a transaction of unusual magni tude. The post-office oflloials are in clined to be retioent as to the value of the money packages reoeived and de livered through the registry depart ment, and, in fact, the amounts are only known when the packages become broken and have to be renaoked and sealed. Bonds sent between this coun try and Europe are now transmitted almost entirely by mail, because that method is the cheapest and quickest. There is no delay of packages for ex amination at the custom house, and the cost is only 10 cents on eaoh package, besides the postage. The bonds are insured by the marine Insurance compa nies in the same way as other merchan dise, and the Government is not legally responsible for their safe delivery. If the value of the package is declared, the post-office authorities may refuse to take the risk of delivery. The transmission of property worth several hundred thous and dollars is thus secured at tho cost of a few dollars. The sending of gold by mail is also very common, especially be tween San Francisco and this city. The gold sent hy the Government from Cali fornia is packed in heavy iron safes and is delivered under the usual Govern ment frank. The safes are taken from the post-office to the Sub-Treasury, and the contents carefully counted, the seals not being touched from the time of de- Earture to that of arrival. Gold sent y private persons is packed for mailing in bags, SI,OOO boing sent in each bag. The Nevada Bank receives the largest part of the gold thus sent from Cali fornia. The value of the gold sent through the malls is often many millions of dollars in a year, and that of the bonds is larger. It is said that when the bonds of the Erie railway were be ing sent to this country for a special purpose, there were securities valued at $80,000,000 within the walls of the post office at one time. Great precautions are taken by the post-office authorities to guard against loss of the valuable matter committed to their charge. In the Registry De partment, as far as possible, every transaction is witnessed by two clerks, and no article is at. any time out of the charge of some person responsible for Its sa ety. Receipts are given for the delivery of each package by one clerk to another. If any paokage falls open, the fact has to be at once reported to the superintendent, who sees that its contents are safe, and that it is securely refastened. When tho registered let ters and packages are distributed for mailing they are put into canvas bags, which are different from those used for common mails, and are fastened with padlocks of peculiar construction. Tho Eadlocks are numbered on one side, and ave an opening through which can be seen a rotating number which changes every time tho lock is opened. The number of the padlock and rotary num ber are registered at each place, and the lock can not bo disturbed between tiie stations without tho fact appearing in a change of the number. Beside valuable articles there are also sent by registered mail some that are remarkabfe in other ways. A firm in one of the Northwestern Territories has a habit of sending registered otter skins to the city, and their odor is a fruitful source of complaint among the clerks. Tho same fault is found with packages of eompressorl mushrooms that are sent to this country from Italy. Two trade dollars wore sent the other day by an economical person, who did not seal them in envelopes, but tied around them a piece of paper containing the address, so that the coins might go as fourth class matter. Occasionally a bug of mail matter on being opened will dis play loose coins and paper money from packages carelessly fastened. The letters that are sent with the packages usually contain enough particulars to enable the clerks to replace tho right amounts. — N. Y. Tribune. Turk* and Illgli (School*. “ I wasted,” said an old Turk, “ ten years of mv life In one * h *>, schools '** quenee of this I know iiothing. Had I gone to tho schools of the Softas 1 might have become a great teacher. A high school teaches noth ing that people want to know. For instance, they teach botany. They ipend weeks in explaining to a young man that a rose is a rose! What earth ly use is that to any one? If a man knows a rose when lie see* it, he knows it without having learned it in a book. If he does not know that it is a rose, no book will ever make him care to know what it is. High schools never did good to any body in this country.” The Turk whs partly right; As In every thing else, so in education, the methods adopted by the Turks are mere apish iniitat'ons of what is found in Europe, and always remain unmeaning forms of exercise, a weariness to hotli teacher and scholar —“ Turkish Life in War 2 in ie' ’ — lhmaht. —A Dakota girl has earned her right to the endearing title of “duck.” Wiiilo crossing the river near Valley City her canoe upset. She tied the ea rn e to her ankle and swam ashore. Another young woman of the same Ter ritory has advertised for a husband as follows: “I mean business. If there is any young man in this county that has as much sand in him as a pound of plug tobacco L want to hear from him. I have a free claim aid homestead, am a good cook and not afraid to work, and willing to do ruy part. If any man with a like amount of land, and docent face and car cass, wants a good wife, I can fill the bill.” —Jones is a timid man. He lives out of town, and out of town ho has remained for a month. Every morning he starts for the train, gets nearly as far as tiie railroad, sees the red flag at the station, and returns homeward, wondering how much longer that case of small pox is to keep him away from the depot.— Horten TrwtorvH 1 RKH't par Abn am. DUMBER 50. banner. Mohammed’s earliest standard wa < the whi'e turban which he captured from Boreide, and he adopted subse quently the black ourtain which hnng before the door of his wife, Ayesha, which passed to Omar, the Abbassides, Selim 1., and finally to Amurath 111.. who took it to Europe. This “ black eagle,” which is inscribed with the words, “Nasrum min Allah”—“The Help of God”—was instituted dit-on, in contradistinction to the great white ban ner of the Korel-hites. Another account insists that the sanajak-i-sherif is a green flag, brought down from heaven to the prophet by the angel Gabriel, and it is kept, in fair covering of green taffeta, inclosed in a case of green cloth, in the mosque of Ayoub at Constantino ple. A third authority rpcites that it is carefully preserved in the seraglio in a case built into the wall. “The stand ard,” we read, “is twelve feet high, and the golden ornament, a closed ball which surmounts it, holds a oooy of the Koran writton by the caliph, Osman 111. In times of peace it is guarded in the hall of the Noble Vestment,” where are preserved the prophet’s dress and other relics. Still another authority declares that it is “an innocent piece of rotten and faded silk, which used to be covered with sacred writings, and which onoa was green in color. The only legible word remaining upon it Is ‘Alem’— world—which appears in asecludedfold near the staff. The flag is never un furled —nor, indeed, can it be from rot tenness —but is kept rolled on its staff and covered wit h a green satin cover, the whole packed away in a gold or gilded box.” When the holy standard is to be brought out, it is carried in its green cover through the streets of Constanti nople, and after the city walls are passed it is “in the field.” It is then stowed away in the gilded box once more and this is carried with tho army muoh as tho Jews used to take the ark of the cov enant to the wars. When it is in the field every Moslem is in duty bound to follow in its train. The usual procla mation is: “This is the prophet’s ban ner; this is the standard of the caliph ate. It is planted before you and un furled over your heads, O true believ ers, to announce to you that your religion is threatened, that your caliphate is in peril, and that, your lives, your wives, your children and your posessions are In danger of becoming a prey to cruel enemies. Any Moslem, therefore, who refuses to take up arms and follow this holy flag is an infidel amenable to death.” When the flag was brought out in 1768, according to Baron Tolt, the Christians had no difficulty in rent ing windows and housetops from which to view the ceremony, but when the proclamation was made: “ no infi del dare to profane with his presenoe the holy standard ol the prophet, and let evory Mussulman, if he sees an un believer, instantly make it known!” their hosts pushed them over the roofs or drove them out of the houses to be butchered by the soldiers and mob. The scene was different \yhen a few years ago, in order to obtain Christians as volunteers, “flags of brotherly love” were paraded through tho streets of Constantinople, which bore in white upon a crimson ground Ihe cross and tho cresoent.— N. Y. World. Paid a Bill. A Detroit lawyer took in anew boy the other day, and as lie had suf fered to some extent from the depreda tions of the former one, he decided to try the new lad’s honesty at once. Ho therefore placed fifteen dollars in bills under a weight on his desk and walked out without a word. Upon his return, half an hour later, the bills were gone and seventy-five cents in silver had taken their place. “ Boy! when I stepped out to get a draft on London l left fifteen dollars un der this weight!” “ Yes, sir.” “ And now I find only seventy-five cents!" “ Yes, sir, but you see yon hadn’t been gono five minutes when a man came in with a bill against you of $14.25, and I paid it. I guess the ohano- - or| .t#ll- ’ “ You—you paid a bill?” “ Yes, sir—there it is, all receipted. The man said it had slipped your mind for the last four years, and so—” He didn’t get any further before he was rushed for the stairs, and he isn’t in the law business any more.— Detroit Free Press. Western Meanness. “Don’t you go there!” ho said as be turned around on the passenger who announced that he was going through to Idaho. “They are the most selfish set of people you ever saw.” “ Howr’ “ Well, take my case; I ran a wildcat nnder a school-house and discovered a silver mine, and yet they wouldn’t let me do any blasting under there during school-hours for fear of disturbing the children. Had to work nights alto gether, and they even charged me thirty cents for breaking a window.” “ Indeed.” “And in another case where I staked out a claim and three men jumped it, the Governor refused to issue ammuni tion or to let the Sheri if move; and do you know what I had to do? I had to dig a canal from a river three miles away and let the water in to drive the jumpers out, and even then the Coroner who sat on the Itodies made me pay for the coffins and charged me sl2 for a funeral sermon only seven minutes long! Don’t go beyond Colorado if you want to be used well!”— Wall Street Flews. —A gentleman admires a charming woman over whose head the swarms of seventeen-year locusts have passed at least thrice. “But, I say," says one of his friends, “she’s very charming, I know; still, you must aumit that she is wrinkled.” “Wrinkled!” echoes the chivalrous lover. “No, sir! There may be the indelible impression of a smile upon her face here and there, but thatis alll”-- From the Fret mA.