The Jackson news. (Jackson, Ga.) 1881-????, September 20, 1882, Image 3

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g|)e fftthssra Jjnos Jackson, ga., sup., 20, 18x2 TOW* A!\l> COUNTY. esMJ- 1 "" •■- - NOTICE. OFFICE COUNTY COURT,! Butts County, On. v April 4th 1H82.) On snd after this date, all advertisements of rountv matters will be done in the Jackson News Kv order of the Court. HENRY lIENPRICK. Judge c.c. n. c. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR TAX RECEIVER. \VE are authorised to announce the name of C. It. Carter, for the office of Tux Receiver of Butts county. For Tax Receiver. We are nuthotized to announce the name of j M. HOLIFIF.LD, for the office of TAX RK CKiV ER of Butts county. FOR TA X COLLECTOR. We arc authorized to announce the name of Mr. OUEKN HARDER, for the office of TAX COL LECTOR of llutts county. For Tax Collector. We are authorized to announce the name of Ja. Le<.!uin, Jr., for the office of TAX COLLEC TOR of fntta county. The infant of Mr., and Mrs. T. A. Harkr.ess, died lust week. Sunday trains are now miming on (lie Extension. This is hotter. We are wa ling for an invitation t,> some hodv’s scupnernong arbor. Maj. Fletcher informs us that tlie Farmers IFnre House has received 1.1 or 20 hales of new cotton tiiis week. See advertisement of E. L. Hender son, Photographer. He is now located on the public square. We don’t look for the U. 8. .Vail to he put upon the railroad, until it is completed to Home, which will he about the first of October next. Ci\pt. Nutt, our ofticient and wor thy Tux Collector, will call oil you for taxes in a few days. The per cent is the hundreu! C '*°**" r - or 30 cents on Ruths will have an adjourned term of the Superior Court the -Ith Monday in A'ovemher next. The traverse ju rors were dismissed, and the Grand Ju ry was requested to return, at which time they will make their general pre sentments. Gen. Gartrell will address (ho peo ple of Buds county, at the Court House in Jackson on Saturday next, the 23d at 11 o'clock a. m. Those who desire to participate in the primary election, and hear the address, can east their votes in the town district. Mcßiudk & Cos.. Atlanta (/a. Manufacture Show Cases, are agents for Seth Thomas clocks, and Lambeth's Fly fans and own the celebrated Gate City store water Filter and Chesries steam Fruit nml Vegetative Dryer fur the world. a ug2o. We learn some of our young ladies and gents attended a party in the country the other night. On their re turn, one. of the party in tryingto drive past a buggy ran over a stump, capsiz ing the buggy and spilling the occu pants on the ground. The horse kick ed .loose from the huggv and came near causing other horses to run away. , No serious damage to person sustain ed. Mr. Jno. A ntlrews and Mrs. IToli— field were returning from the formers residence, when the mule became frightened itt a pile of rock in the cor ner of the fence, shied to one side end run over a slump capsizing the buggy. We learn Mrs. Holifield broke gome of ilic bones in one of her hands. Mr. Andrews also sustained some injuries alight. I)r. Mays is in town and on being asked if he was a candidate, replied. For ntanv reasons unknown, only to a few, I have declined to enter into a scramble with my organized friends, for re-election to the Legislature. As for the past my political record isopen for investigation. Mr future intentions will he for the best interest of the man who by the swet of the brow earns his bread. I am opposed to live men like Gen. Grant, being retired on big pensions, and dead men of luxury, having monuments placed over their grav< sat the expense of we common people. To the Voter* of Butts County. W. W. Hoard most earnestly and respectfully solicits your aid by giving him the oHicc of Tax collector, he has a fami y entirely dependent upon his daily labor for a support, and had the sad misfortune to loose his right 'eg in the same kind o fa cause as that of the hoys that wore the gray, he was labor ing in defence of his home and dear ones, a short while since as he was ri ding to his plow his horse became frightened threw him and drug him around a while, hence the amputation ofliie leg which unfits him for manual labor. Billie being a sober, rpiiet and industrious man and fully competent for the duties of the office of Tax Col lector. Let's give him the office. Voters. Merchants make out list of crockery Glass, Wood and Tin ware that you are in want of, and send it to us, we will attach prices, and save you ruin ous freight and breakage, that you al ways get from far off East. J/cßkidk <fc Cos, Atlanta Ga., nug29 Mr L.-on Robichanx, of Chaca hoola. La., has patented a rice beat er which beats out from seven to eight barrels per and >y. Capt. W althail interview cd-l'oliticnl Scram bles Nominations Xc., Ac, On Monday the first day of court, others and myself approached Capt. W althail and asked him if wo might place his name in the nomination, which is to he held in this county on the 23d of this mouth to nominate a candidate to represent- Butts county in the next general assembly. His reply was, “I have not given the matter any thought, did not know there was to he 1 a nomination and cannot give you an answer unless F knew who was spoken of. My great aim being to avoid con fusion.” We stated that we had not heard of any other than Col. McKibben. .Says he : ‘‘l think Col. Me., will readily withdraw when he learns that my name will be in the nomination, because of a previous arrangement be tween he and I.” What is the nature of this arrange ment? Says he: “Col. Me., told me at a convention of delegates held at Jack son in 1871, that if I would withdraw, lie would, at any time in future, ii I should need or want political assis tance or support, to call on him and lie would render it. Someofhis friends wore present at the time and agreed to the sa me.” Why was this proposition made? Says he: “When the convention assembled they adopted the two thirds rule, which resulted in fifteen votes for me and nine for him, and after bal loting sometime Col. Me., asked me to withdraw my name, us he was just en tering to practice of law and a term of service in the legislature would be ben eficial to him in his profession. I did’ so contrary to the wish of tny friends and a majority of that convention.” Suppose, says we, that he refuses to withdraw his name? Says lie : “He can’t refuse. Ho will , " .ii|K'IIUU IAJ B IkliUiu ~,v iumiu W cause be promised to do so whenever I called on him, plainly and uncomli tionaly.” A few days afterwards we again ask ed Capt, llaltliall if we were at liberty to announce his name in the nomina tion. he replied that Col. Me., had refus'd to withdraw, but I am a candi date in the nomination and solicit the support of the democratic party and if defeated will cheerfully support the choice of the party. Friend. JUHMLV. We finl the (olloiving, an extrnc.l I’rom au artide in the Gr enback Cause, I'lildshevl in Atlanta : Denton House, by If. U Ronton. A. E. F\ ilkerson, boarding lion-d', livery staliies, liiliianl salouns Inr ness slin|!, tin shop, etej.,. am! many names of otl,er parties we tailed-to tret. A live weekly newspapi r, cal! 0,l the/.ckson News, published by W. E. Hu p, an-l deserves the pa t-'ti nge ol every c tizen in the town and county, for there is nothing that helps to build up a county like a newspa per. The building “boom” in Jack son lias opened up in good earnest. Twenty buildings are nuAv in course of construct in mostly business hous es, urn) others anticipated, car loads of lumber and building material coin ing in every day, iu fact, everything in (/iicksnu is on a boom. Freight and passenger trains are running regularly. T'avel good. Everyone is preparing to do a good business this fall. The population of Jackson is between three anil four hundn>.!, and rapidly filling up with new corns era every day The society is best extant. The business men are live, energetic, moral, intelligent and pro gram ive, and are doing all they oau to build up the town The citizens er kiiti, libort 1 an courteous to strangers. The young men are gal bint, the young ladies beautiful. Up on the whole, ./ackson is destined to lie the business town between Atlan ta and Macon. Among Iho many very noat resi dences, C ilotirl H. N. Byars, we think, has the most hcatt'iful. Every* thing looks neat and tasty, the front van) is filled with it variety of choice flowers and shrubbery, which would do credit to Atlanta, and i peaks lor Mrs. Byars as a lady of cu,ture and refinement. We are under many obligations to the h stand it os'ess tf the Benton House, for kind treatment and good fare Miss Will eis the household pet, and the pride of her parents, her beauty, simplicity, grtcelul and p’cas ant marinoM to all, win* the ndtnira* tion of all. Always stop at 'he Ben ton House when you visit Jackson. Many thanks to Mr. W. T. Heflin, the good looking and very popular young man that presides at the ticket and telegraph office?, for favors re* cc-ived. In fact, I can truly say, I never found a more social and hospitable people anywhere in the south, and partu s looking for a location for business health, good so* ciety and prosperity, should by all means visit Jackson, while property can be got cheap. c pi edict a bright future for this beautiful town. Tr.A vi.'LEn. Col. Jas. H. Logan of Gridin is dead. Reports of the storm generally, arc that considerable damage was done to property and crops. Mr. H. Meigs, a printer of Atlan ta, had his legs cut oil' by the ears last week. In getting out of the way of one train he was knocked down and rail over by another, llis injuries proved fatal. Columbus Times: Mr. J. D. White hoist, of this county, who ana re cently taken to the lunatic asylum at Tuscaloosa, was struck on the bond by another patient at the asylum a few days since and killed. lie was passing through a room in which the patient was scouring and was struck without provocation. I L HENDERSON, Ph otogra pliic Artist X. IV. Corner Public Square, JACKSON, GA- Where lie can lx* /bund at all times, and ready to accommodate you with any kind of pictures you may desire. Protmture, Viewing, Coppyinj?, and enlarging any kind of an old picture to any size or style. All branches of the Art-Soicnce execu ted in the latest nml best style. You are eordiully invited to call and examine his work. Special arrangements made with OLI7RB. sop R. C. Bosche & co. SION PAINTERS, C WALL STREET, Atlanta, - - Ga. Under the Kimball House. sep East Tenn„ Va„ & Georgia ltailroml. Tits Great Souths™ Trunk ILINR BETWEEN All Principal Southern Cities FOR FREIGHT AND PASSENGERS. Shortest, most Direct and Comfortable Route to ah EASTERN iiiidYlttGsN3A cm f.s. Only I)irect Route to the Watering Places awl Resort a of EAST TENNESSEE & VIRGINIA THE GREAT EMIGRANT ROUT TO TEXAS AND THE NORTH WEST via its Memphis and Charleston Division, And io all Joints in Southern and Central Text is, via OaleuA or mkiiiden and N'K\v OUt.I2.VNB. • Through Sleeping Coaches MEMPHIS TO iVE \V Y ORK via Jioanokv and the New Shenandoah Mallet/ Lint’,, also Through Simpers New Orleans via Roanoke connecting with Line to Neto I < rk. Gsarjla Division Sou Op Through from Brunswick to Dallas via MACON and A TLANTA, And will ho open thr >ugh to Ufiutfaiioogu via Ronu* Bv the loth of September 1882. 1-jau The Pomona Hill Huiseries CiIIEKNMIIOIIO, N. C. J, Vaa LiiDley, Prauriolor. Having luwl twenty-eight yearn experience in growing Nursery St* k. best adapted to the Southern climate, including all varieties ul roaches Apples Fears Plums Cherries Grapes Strawberries and all other fruit grown in the South, from the Lat st to the Earliest Varieties- Mr. E. P. CANTRELL, AGENT FOR ]\li<l<lle Ga., Aiwl hi. asuMcnt Agent. I- now oimvassini; I'' l * county. All tbooc who desire to obtain Rood fruit tree# from a reliable Nursery, now is your time. Each and Every Tree is Guaranteed to live with nroeiK-r attention. Notice of fuel of „i,v trees ihcing, nnnto known nl the office, Ut'eciiKborn, X. t\, will lx*'replaced lit once. Mr Cur.trcll, our tieiicral agent for Middle On. hiu, been rngiigeil ill the fruit ss for sev eral vciirs. unit cun ndvi-.c you uh regririis the fniit'besl n lapteil to your elinmte. Ills Ii rni.t ,,cut residence i (irintu.thi.. nil ">n'’'," l ] , 'nlu ■>< promptly answered. I', I*. 'l■ hr. I, innrtx t.. n. Ag-nt. PROIO HARRIti' RADIO ALCUR J mervoub Jm debility^; ORGANIC weaknessn Hm 13 11 |4up in r v,i Hfl *>t U.rcc sitrt. NA. ** r J A BM mm No. 1, to yy % mooth,) 4" • Kfl No. 2, f iC*:tcnt to effect. \ a jM-rmnent rir*. nulcisn lO severe case.; N 0. , (1 w I D JfA wrm over tbf-0 niontlis, will res'ore those fSjta the worst cooAtion.) 7 Kent ratil. io plain wrappers. Full Dlree- JS. % £Jtion* for usln* wiU nceompnaj each boxN^ j" jVejM*Fs<f attfi 80X1M ONLY by I HARRIS R€MEDY CO. Wg. Obsmiski, | Market amo ern era.. STjg-O'Jtß, MO. F. J. Cool* & Brier, fid South Broad Street, AYiaNNVA. - ca. B HOLESA LE , Paints, Oil, ilrunilips, Window Cflh*s, Have ill stock all kinds of Machine. Kngine, Cylinder ami Wood Oils, nt bottom prieea. Saint I,ouis Lend. Red Star atriekly I'ure l end, mat Linseed oil. WHITE Kilt t'UICKS. HUB a SUMS. Lumber on hand and constantly arriving. Yellow Pine Lumber AND SHINGLES AT THE LOWEST FIGURES. We respectfully invito all in want of BUILDING MATERIAL .. -.ii ... j b c f o ,.p pinning their orders. 2(ijuly in FT ■ *V f v -I- * '<>■ rnxisr shop At Jackson, Georgia. The Hut,norther >i unlive of Uroil'k. ( <>., Md., will, CO yours expi-rienoe in Tinnintc nvpoet' fully olt'i rs llis sei vicoM In Hie fi i |.lo oi Juekson uml Uul'.s ouiuity een. rally, lor uuythlnt; ni i line of bui<icßf*, including lloufsng. Cornice, Guttering, Spoiitiug uutl ALL KINDS OF TIN AND SHEET IRON WORK. Will soon Imve Iu u full Slock of Cooking nml limiting Stoves. Agentf for Snyder's Sl,fit Iron ItooCing, tuul Lmvn’s Metatlo I‘nlut. Will he glnil to trlvooirioes on Hiiylhiug ilesirerl, delennineil to work ns low uml ilo it he tern ,ny one oUo. 1 Imve loouto.l here tor life and .1.8 II try ' 2:lUffly 1 1 Maclimery and Wag ©as, WHITE & MILLUK, C‘. \BUV\h & HVSTKU BTB. A., - - C3-A.. (.i-iuTid Dealers in C. 4 G. COOPER'S PLAIN, PORTABLE Tfaction & Statonary Engines T E have a large stock of these favorite Engines on hand an <1 M>* *> .gjjfflfoi Gins and Presses, Sugar ami * 'am* Mills general agents for the of the RmuJ.'' The attention of dealer* is called to the fact that W *re prepared io furnish by car-load or in small lot*, these mi* jH*rh w:i)f<>ns at short notice. Don’t buy until you confer with igSßCfcgiSQgg* us either bv mail or in person. Herd for illustrated eailnloguj and price list. -augly rTjpi. ~ y ~j4A T i'r~ r 1~ .agyipsLia^p^; —' , -~ jr. H.^JSr3DER,SOJiSr,. lift Rroa<l Nfrcet Atlnnfn, <J(i. GEN EH,I MOT M GEOHGI, MB FICHIO* ]I EG E’S SA W MILLS If avo now IN STORE T’d 2fo 1 horw power , fon wheel* Hour fto I hor on win '•!*. T'otir If'tO hor • power on wh*tl-. Two OU* filiffn-; on rr oh whet-k OimlflfofJ horr iowr on wheel*. Or. I r, to 2Mh r ■ |itffvt-r on wbrcla. Two Hs'trc’* 2-foot H.iw Mill*, LidS-iv**, m, fn iron f.inr ov v-irir-H* Diak*, I *> r Wrx *nl <*oii<l*iuicrrt. Hruil lU iti ,w:i f* r \N' iu ;•* .<*••. *r. .r c gi-'o me uwili lx*fore muklrg ;*our purcha#. *• **• '*♦* “L-vT'Oa. rrrrrrr* Goddard Hi; e, LUCIUS GODDARD Proprietor. Itroadvi ay, Cor. Brook Sir GHIIHTN, CiA. j -piwl 'jr 1 - 1 ! !>'*!•*[ •**** IF* 3uuq o| jnOA oj jt ULw pun ■miiißjs ujf p<iap ui Ai{t-pidov oao ‘□Lijrj-'sarua: ceeki^ce W mm ‘SSI3I ‘l3 ‘'BiSaoeo ‘ugjiaf) ‘A33NXS XOKOTOS J.SV3 6 ON isEOS'aiaiaLaL'Vca: "ce J. A. BEEKS, ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, CHAMPION REAPERS AND MOWERS lam the njeout for these celebrated Machines mui have muue machines in store, und invite plant era to call nn<l see them, and nil persons wanting them will do well io ffivo mo their or ders i\t once, for four of not uettiiiK them in time. They are much admired and planters are viving orders freely. Hold extremely low for Hitch ma chines. The No. 4 Combined llonper and Mower, with dropper price ut factory 8120 with freight to i Jrjflhi, to bn added. The price of thin light Mow er ♦7 r ut thn factory, I sell the Ooutetf Hake for and ENGINES. lam the agent-for the stile of the Kcllpw or rile Kuglnc. Its nuperlorlty is well ewtabllnhed. more of them now being used and Hold than all farm enginra in Will he sold on eftHy icrmw u. aud perfect satisfaction p;uarnutced. , Giillof Gins ami Prnltkins, Feoilcrs and Coinlenser*. 1 am the agent for this part of the State for tins sale of those pins. Call on me nml 1 will allow Hie most satisfactory evidence of their nuperior- Uy over all others. The fuel that more ot them are now sold than any other is proof of the esti mation in which they are held by our bent plan* tern. Samples always on hand. Terms easy and perfect satisfaction guaranteed, i'larli NecikCottoii Cleaner. This |wsi new and valuable machine. It pre pares the eotton for the gins, saved tho gin front wear, und will )>ny for itself in a short time. Have large unmoor of eertiitoatoH from our best und and most practical planters that it improves the cotton from 1 , to 2 ot uer pound, Cull on me and see it. it will be sold low and gnuran teed. I now have a sample machine. J. A. lIBEKS. New Process Hill OH GOLDK.N BREAD. 0 MANUFACTURED at ISLAND SHOALS MILLS, V 'niIEHK MILLS lmve Ail entire outfit of NEW PROCESS MACHINERY tnntiufm’fUl'iml oMproinlly for tlu’in. Thin flour in highly rweomim*.ilc<l b.v I>r. Ility goo<l. I’rerfiflrnt of Kntory Collcgi*. who null* the nrc.'ul uitnh* from ft “(lolflon llrrtKl," from which the flour tuLort it* name ftiwi each Hack will Imj branded GOLDEN BREAD. —FOR SALK— tty IIVKIH Jfc MAM.KTT unit A. Alo WAT- Kl.NrtiL* SON, .(molcmiii, Ou. JOS IAII BOSAOUTII &. CO. 21decly I'roprietor's Mills. fIRST CLASS BAR, JACKMON GA. t EAT, DRINK __ BE MGUItY. /Wt A. if J. J. EASTON’S \\ WIII.SKIKs , __ _ * Makes you FAT. A dvr Taking- ia-l'orc Taking Hay, .1, ,s,,' ; You „r,- gpttlllg jtowtTful fnt of fit,-1 Getting filonty to vat now? Not any too t„„„li to eat John, 11m 11 ,*■ ,|,,nlity of II, |,Kira man ■ iriokn. You arc looking rather till,, Join,, what's tlm mnlu-r, got tin; crump ? Wrl, I frit yon Judge l , I lo‘* k drink of rod Honor ’while and I’m fc llpg powerful liud. H'otlir finality of liquor you ,till,k. my hoy. I.ook ok inf*, if you want to live long mid grow fat. always do your trading with tin- hf.D It F.1.l- AIII.B J. .1. FAHTO.V, where you en always got PURE WISKIES. Cain. Hum, ArO. THE CELEBRATED AURORA LAGER BF.ER <•" <*rafi and bettlid. Vure Hyo and corn whisky for medicinal corpora:*, * specially 1* yon want somethin,- to make „ Iran m-n fnt awVa M man train -against . peat call’*b J- T . EAts/Or*. Tdftf. WILL be sold befora the Court House door in the town of Jackson Butt* comity. €M. the usual pl 'ee of holding Sheriff’s sale, between the legal hours of sale, on tho first Tuesday in October ISB2 the following described proper* y i*i wit: lAt of land Number containing22sort*#more or less, ulo lot N'umlM't 6*, containing £> ntbrb* more or loss, also lot Number *7 containing 15 acres more or less, also lot Nuntbdf W Wwtsininjf ffl acres more or less. All the above lots lying aid! being iu tlie Indisn Springs rwcr c Butts eovtntf’ and town of Mclnfoslt und botttailed its foflowe, North by I>r. .1. 11. Vryuns ni others. Kani by lamb mv£ n it as dower for Mrs, ilnrtha Dum lulc, South by landM of J, F. Clekvliwl and otli ers, West hinds of H, <f. Byars and J. H. Hry unS: levied upon a the property of John /• Uutflhlc decciiseui, by virtue of on*- fi fa isaned from Butts Hu|ertor court in favbr of R. J. By. ars vs, tlie said J. B. Dumblc, other ft fss in mV bsnds, Tenant in possession given written notice. Thiel August 2Mh IW2. J. O. BKArCIIAMFf Sheriff B. C: STATE OF GEORGIA, t Butts County, j Agrrenblo to an order of the court'of of said county, will he. b6UI at om?tiffti at tns rov rt lioiihc duor ofsnid usuunty, on thenrst Turn liny In October 1882, within tlie lefcal iionm of Male the fOllowhifr (Icnerilied property to wit. One eefb of htint more or letw, lion Tided • tol lowh, NiiMt hy. Mr.". M 1.. I.yontf, Wt by n<M of farmielmiT nml North by lent 8 .if Mr.. Lyonn. in 812 Drttriot, O. M. Sold** property of Junto.? rk t-ton.. tote of mi* tom ty ilccenatit. Ternfn L'ojiJi. .. YMRY r.. I.YONB, Ailmint.tratrtr. STATE OF GEORGIA, > Butts County. ) \irroonltJr loan order of the LVfnrtof On!lnrjJ of llutfM county (Jeorylu, will be aokl at anctiod at tin' court house door of ssid county bu ths Aral, Tuesday ir November next, within the legsi hours of sale, the following described property 'l'wo lnmdrivl and forty acres of land lc*, rtffy ncroH <riginsl forest well twnbersri, t went y-ft^vi! ncriFH of the lineal field, pine timbor, thret* guard tenant houses, tevel, well waters** miut extnary hcultliv. Lying one imi'i from the erf y of Jackson, on th<* ro*d fropl Mon to < riflin’, ini joining the lands of w*rf Bdl trill, Burklv and others, nisking It the rttfmt de si ruble place in thA coumy. Hdd as the Drttperly of Win. H. HurkncHK lr,te of sakl Terms cash. Hepteniwt 1 2fftli . Z. K. HAHKNF>S, Kxecutor. DR. R. G. BRYANS, Physician aiifl Sirpon - - CA. —-(> OFITCK UMniCU MASONIC IIAIJ., on* l>oor Southof I>rug Mtore. Cun be found at nig It with A. Wright, first door over J. J. Kostin's can I>© left with Y. A.- Wright, or James jicnltt [iveiji anil Feed Stable, n. t. WATKms, rare. JACKSON GA. o rpilK PKOPLE of Butts <-*nnty and the travel I ing public generally, arc hereby notiflcul that a livery uii*l feed stable is now i>f>eii in Jackson where they can be accommodated at reasonatds prices. I have in connection, u large lot suitahltf for drovers, convenient, to show fctock to tlie bs advantage. H AHHEIi SHOT'. Your attention is ulso called to the fact that a good BAltßKlt HIIOI* t h mi* in comicali*i with the stable, llalr cut, shaving and shmupooning done by a flrot-uluiM Imrher. BsR AND BILLIABDS. - FINK Whiskey. WINES, BEER, ALE, ET B. T. Wallins, Pipßtcr, JACKSON GA. o My Hloelc of wine*, wliixkey ret,, ar tier and tir Rfiiuiiir. I keep the bout ami putiirtr* the market My terra* uivl price# wre rraui>e *• (livtniy Hood* a trial uud I*' convinced fl> ielnt xeclciit qualify. o3or*ovly UOCH HhOWIKQ DONE Y NEW IMPROVED METHOD, IX Wells, Mill Races, Ditches and ifilumU. me *tJackson or Indian Sprint*, Q* JOHN LABPEYERE. Iticlimonri it Danville It. It I'AMHKNUCIt OKPAUTMENI. On mill after June fall, 18.S1, lH***njr*'r Train Hervlce on the Atlanta and Cliarlott* Air-Line divihlun t*f I hi* road will l>e it* follow* : Kinttwiird, I’MITKO HT.ATKM MAII., SO. IS, A. Leave Atlanta 4:<# a in Arrive Charlotte, m ... . 3:i& pni NEW YOiUt EXI'KFM, SV 47, R. Ireave Atlanta, • - /* • ft;ls p m Arrive <’lirlotle, It .... 3:15 ant UNITED NTATEH FAMT MAtL, KO 49, •*. Ireiive Atliinta. - ... H:Wp ni Arrive Charlotte, m - - 5:3d m m O.MMOri.VTION, NO 21. Leave Atlanta, • * • ft.OO p Arrive Huwnnnee, n. - 7:o* r> m Wcniyy >■ rl. rSITKOSTATI* MAII., AO 42. f.e„vo ctiarlottr, m, ... f -y-:*r p nt Arrive .Atlanta, - - ... IgrOA BKW YOIIK KXI-KKSU, NO IS. heave Clijirtoltr. it, ... igjiu . m Arrive Atlanta, 12.-J0 p m IMTKII .fATKH KAHT MAII., No y>. 10-ave ITiarlnlte, X, - ... |J:Tt Arrive Atlanta, ..... lngtx aT-WAXvrk aia-ommcdatioa, va :*2. lew* Slnvamiff, n, ... A; to Arrive Atlanta ..... Srfio a m coxxßcmoxa. A, wiih Irri’ ii’g tr(n f Orerfta C.nfr.l and A and W I’ rnilroada It. with nreiving train, of fJrorgta Central, and W I* and W amt A rnilrr-ada C, with train* arrivtmr on tla. railroad. p, with T iiiranveiiUr Itrum-I, to anil IVein la, wr-neevilh*. M. will, c fund A— C t*.—lt and bund A T.nd tl. for all ,*niida IVeat. Xnrth and Ikipl, Vnlt,,inn HleepingCar Service on TraliieVo iy and t-t doily, ivUlomt ehiingr, tel Wren ttlant and New York. A. Pftl’Eat cdlp tien’l I’ann. A*c Tim rceent s'orm was the m<t se vere that has passer! over this section within the recollection of the oldest inh-tbU'nnts. It destroy'd thrnitmi.rfs nl timber besides doing ectiaMersb'n damage to nnltott :n and aff n‘lir-r Imu cropf. IVe Lear ol rn. l lots cf life.