Newspaper Page Text
Published every Triclay.
Advertising Rates Furnished
On Application.
All copy for advertisements and all
copy intended for publication must
be in tfce office not later than
Wednesday to insure insertion.
Address ull communications to
The Jackson Record.
Entered at the Jackson (Ga.)
Post Office as secend class
mail matter.
, WHEN a bee wants honey he doesnt
go into a flower and sting foremost.
DID you ever notice that the less
a fellow can sing or whistle'the more
he tries.
A MAN never realizes what a dirty
world this is till he puts on a pair of
white trousers.
A MULE like some folks, has more
Illustrious ancestors than he will ever
have decendants.
TILLMAN’S dispensary in South
Carolina is goue. The wonder is that
it stood so long,
BECAUSE the boy and girl sitting
on the front porch look sheepish and
don’t] talk as you pass is no sign
they are du nb or very timid.
These prices are good for One Week Only and positively no longer. Bale be
gins Sat. morning Feb. 16th and continues through Sat, Feb. 23rd.
Winter Weight Dress Goods, Winter Weight Outings
Blankets and Comforts, Heavy Hosiery, Winter Un
derwear for Men, Women and Children at
1-4 OFF
Remember the dates February 16th to and including February 23rd 1907.
AN Atlanta man has caught a
shark. Been knowing sharks were
in Atlanta a long time.'
DID you ever notice that the bigger
the drops of rain the farther apart
they are? Just like men.
AS Henry always said: You can’t
tell what a fellow is worth to the
town by looking at the tax books.
DO the girls ever stop to think that
out of the dozens of young fellows
who are ‘’just a dying forthem” none
ever do.
MAN has made lots of fun of
woman’s judgment, but he seems
mighty pleased when she has decided
upon him.
A MAN never appreciates his wife
till he has occasion to put his prop
erty in her hands to keep his credit
ors from getting it.
THE man who can invent some
thing to entertain the children with
out driving the parents to nervous
prostration has a fortune.
For a Few Days Work The
Record Will Present You
With a Ticket Free.
The Jamestown Exposition to be
held in Norfolk Va., will open Aprii
26th and close November 30th. This
exposition is in commemoration of
the first engiish settlement in Amer
ica, made at Jamestown in 1007 by
Captain John Smith.
Preparations for the exposition
have been in progress for a number
of years and strenuous efforts are b< -
ingmade to make this one ofthebt
expositions that have been held in
America up to this time. Every
state, and most of the foreign nations
.. .If von miss ibis Reduction Salt van last tmq ...
will have their exhibits.
The Record offers any man or
woman in Butts county a chance to
see the Jamestown exposition free.
Here Are Our Propositions.
Contest No. 1. To the one who
will get the most subscribers for ti e
Record between February 15 and
June 1 we will present absolutely free
a round trip ticket, together with six
days free entry into the exposition;
provided the total number sent in by
all the contestants combined ejfceec’s
one hundred.
Contest No 2, To the one who will
get the most subscribers between
February 15 and June 1, we well pre
sent free one round trip ticket to the
exposition; provided the total' num
ber of subscriber sent in by ail the
contestants com bined exceeds seventy
Contest No. 3. The one who will
get the most subscribers between
February 15 and June Ist, we will
pay foron*e half your ticket to the
exposition, provided the total num
ber exceeds fifty.
All subscriptions to be counted
must be pail in advance at SI.OO per
year, and must be new ones.
No one will be ailowed to win in
more than on contest, so state be
fore you start which you want to
enter, contest oae, or three.
Now get busy and secure a trip to
the exposition, and avail yourself of
the opportunity to see aristocratic
old Nirginia. historic Richmond and
beautiful Norfolk by the sea.
We ha ve ad led the following names
to our subscription list this week, all
bran new .
Dr. W.J. Smith, Lucian Woodward,
Tom Byars, G. E. Bucheleu,
T. S. Hammond, J. W. Jones,
John Phinizee, R. L. Smith,
F. M. Lawson, J . H. Lewis.
B. F. Akin, F. S. Noseworthy,
Legal Ativertismsnts.
GEORGIA. Butts County.
Notice is hereby given to all persons con
cerned, that Julia Readen of said County
and State, departed this life intestate and
no person has applied for Administration
on the estate of said Julia]Readen, that Ad
ministration will he vested in the Clerk
of the Superior Court, or some other fit and
proper person, after the publication of this
Citation, unless valid objections are made
to his appointment.
Given under my hand and official Signa
ture this 4th day of Februuary 1907.
J. H. HAM, Ordinary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA. Butts County.—
To All whom It May concern.
W. A. White, Jr. having in proper form,
applied to me for permanent Letters of Ad
ministration on the estate of B. S. White
late of said County, this is to cite all and
singular) the creditors and next of kin of
B. S. White, to he and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and show
cause if any they can, why permanent Ad
ministration should not he granted to W.
A. White Jr. on I!. S. White’s estate.
Witness my hand and official signature
this 4th day of Feb. 1907.
J. H, HAM. Ordinary.
Remnants of Percale, Ginghams, 'Wool Dress Goods
in fact remnants of all kinds
1.-3 OFF
Nursing baby?
It’s a heavy strain on mother.
Her system is called upon to supply
nourishment for two.
Some form of nourishment that will
be easily taken up by mother’s system
is needed.
Scoffs Emulsion contains the
greatest possible amount of nourish
ment in easily digested form.
Mother and baby are wonderfully
helped by its use.
Fortifies to he made.
S. O. Ilam. transferee, having made ap
plication for titles to he executed to him.
to certain lands described-in the bond for
title .thereto attached, purporting to he
signed by Mrs. Julia!Andrews late of Butts
County deceased ■
The said application alleging that said
land has been fully paid for, all parties
concerned are hereby notified that said ap
plication will he heard before the Court of
Ordinrry at the March term of said Court.
This Febuary 4th 1907.
J. H. HAM, Ordinary.
For titles to be made,
W. B. Cochran, transferee, having made
application for titles to be executed to him
to certain lands described in the bond for
title thereto attached, purporting to be
signed hv 8. A. Biles, late of Butts County
j deceased.
1 The said application alleging that said
land has been fully paid for, all parties con
cerned are hereby notified that said appli
cation will be heard before the Court of
Ordinary at the March term of said Court.
This Feb. 4th 1907.
J • H • HAM, Ordinary,
Bears the fhe Kind Yflu HaVO BOUgtt
j Egs r