Newspaper Page Text
Compel! Sal. January 26, 1 i® 11 Days more in Mil
The times were so hard that the people could Buy All they wanted at my said before Christmas, and
I am going to make prices lower than 1 did last Now on this last Thirty days, on this home run,' Come
into my store where a little money will go a long way and bless your homes with the things the family need
and still have about all your money. • SEE THESE PRICES, they are the sample of the way lam slaughter
ing foods; Did you ever buy the following commodities ?cr these prices*
800 yards heavy weight Canton Fian
nel the regular price 8 cents 1 £e
Now going at 3
Percale, extra weight, regular £
price 12£ cts a yd now going at” **
Ladies, Shawls ail wool, extra
large sizes, all goiDg at. . .
Now this farewell word: Don’t wait until the Sale is dosed and then abuse yourself for not getting it
while it was going on. Come and get what you need, it is here, somebody is going to get the goods, for
they must go. Come and get your share.
II ■ —— ■!!■■■■■ 11 lTT——— r ■ 111 n ■ ■■■ll II ll* ■■■■IIHIB—IHI-1181 ll*—■■■
Coca! Hews Items.
Judge Curry spent Monday in Ma
Mr. Will Carter from Elgin was in
Mr. W. D, Curry was in town
A. Q. Taylor’s motto: large sales
and small profits,
Mr. Will D. Jollv and wife spent
Tuesday in the city.
Mrs. J. E. Hannah imertained her
music pupil*Tuesday evening.
Miss Mary Cleveland from Indian
Spring was in our city Tue sday.
Jacksoa has one thing other towns
have not and that is rough streets.
Misses Lilian Daniel and Maude
Johnson of Atlanta are guests in this
Willi3 Lee Nutt of Locust Grove
spent a few days recently with his
Fresh Fish at W. H. C, Hammond
Co’s, on Fridays and Saturdays,
Phone 70.
Messrs P. P‘ Johnson, Mose
Vaugn and B. A. Wright were in
town Monday.
Henry Hendrich came from Atlan
ta and spent several davs with home
folks this week.
From the number of subpenas that
have been issued there will be a live
ly time at court next week.
Mr. Otis Ball spent a few days of
the week in South Georgia on a
pleasure trip with a party of friends,
The statement fr.m the commies
loners confirm, the countie’s financial
condition as outlined by the Record
two weeks ago.
Mrs. J. E Hanoa entertained the
Hanna Smyphony erchestra Tuesday
afternoon from five until eight • clock
after a delightful musical progra n
most delicious refreshments were
“,„d a°d th. wu thoroughly
Large lot Mens Buckskin work
ing gloves, for a pair
Mens four in hand Silk Ties. lAc
Now going at
Mens Negligee Shirts, all sizes and col
ors regular Drice 75 cents 5Ac
Now going at
Buy from A. Q. Taylcr and save
To save money on your tobacco buy
from A. Q. Taylor*
Mr. F. S. Etheridge returned from
New York Saturday.
Mrs. Lacy Maddox who has been
quite ill is somewhat improved.
Mr, Otis Ham entertained at a
Vaiintine party Tuesday evening.
Let the County pay her debts with
out litigation and save that expense.
Mr. J. H. Mills and Walter Moore
of Jenkinsburg spent Monday iu the
Fresh Beef and Pork Kept constan
tly at W. H. C. Hammond Co.’s
Phone 70.
When in need of stock cud poultry
powders call to see A. Q. Taylor he
will tieatyou right.
Mi.-s Snllio May Bail returned from
Griffin Monday where she spent two
weeks very pleasantly.
Mis? Janie Lemon who isattending
the S. S. & B. U. in Atlanta spent
Saturday and Sunday with her moth
The fancy dress masquerade party
at Miss Dollie McKibben’s Tuesday
was the brilliant social affair of the
Messrs Marion Turner of of Mc-
Donough and 01 in Barfield of Atlanta
attended the masquerade party Tues
day evening.
The people are beginning to raise a
row about tbat hog ordiance, and it
is to be hoped that our city fathers
will repeal same.
Mr. Jack Curry went to Atlanta
Tuesday and will bring Mrs. Curry
home which will be the delight of
their many friends.
The friends of Mr A. R. Conner will
find him with Watkins & Crawford
where he will be glad to serve them
everything in the fresh meat line.
Misses Rosa Ham and Elon Tolle
son were cut of town guests at the
valentine party at which Mr, Otis
Ham entertained Thursday evening.
Hon. A. H. Ogletree spent Saturday
.Mr. T. N. Brownlee was in town
Miss Ophelia Banks visited Atlanta
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Hale spent
Wednesday in iowii.
Mr. J. B Settles made a busines*
trip to Atlanta Tuesday.
Miss Mitchell of Barnesville is
visiting Mrs. J. L. Hooten .
Dr. and Arthur Copeland spent
Friday night in McDonough.
Mr. G. H. Asbury our new* County
Commisssloner was here Tuesday.
Miss Georgia Kendrick is the much
admirod guest of Miss Adelle Nutt,
Mr. C. F. Etheridge was mingling
with his many friends here Monday.
Highest prices paid for hides by
Dave Duke at W. H. C. Hammond
Messrs J. G. and John C. Maddox
from Worthville were in town Tues
iViises Nina Harris, Mary and Rosa
Newton are guests of Miss Lula Moy
er in Atlanta.
700 Bushels Bright Burt 90 day
Oats at 70 cents per bushel. The
Jackson Mercantile Cos.
Mr. Paul Collier of Indian Spring
spent Tuesday afternoon in town
shaking hands with his many friends.
Dr. J. A. Jarrell is fitting up a
drugstore that rival, those of a city.
Nothing ever seen in Jackson before
that eclipses his Soda tount. which
alone cost $2,500.00.
Anyone will confer a lasting favor
by looking among their old newspap.
ers and send us the Record of Nov.
30 and Dec. 21 1906 . Please aeconao
date us as this is important.
Thursday evening Mrs. Z. T. Butt
rill entertained her Sunday School
class at a valentine pary. In all the
details tne idea suggestive of St. Val
entine’s day was carried out and the
evening was most pleasantly spent.
Mens Fur Hats, latest, style, Eftc
Now going at. v/
Boys Hats regular price 50 cents lAc
Now going at
* /
Ladies and Msns Rubber Over JAc
• Shoes Now going at
Mr..) E. Hale and wife wore in town
After this issue tne Record will be
The Jacksonian.
Mesrs T. E, Fears and J. M. Col
lins were here Monday.
Clever Dock. Childs of Jenkinsburg
spent Sunday with friends in the city.
Mr. A. Q. Taylor our popular grocer
made a businees trip to Atlanta Wed
If you want all the news subscribe
for the Record the liveliest paper in
Bntts County.
Hon. S. H. Mays our new represen -
tative spent Tuesday in the city with
his many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McCord has
gone to Rome and will make that
their future home.
Mr. Walter Meade Crawford, of
Hawkinsville, ornrmented Jackson’s
boulevards Sunday.
Mrs: W. A . Elder, Misses Fffie and
Beatrice Elder of Indian Spring were
recent shoppers in the city.
I have located my barber shop in
the Masonic building next door to the
Record office. J. H. F. Reeves.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B, Settles enter
tained at a 6 o’clock dinner Friday
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs R. L. Smith, Mrs. J. W. Crum,
Mr. E. T. Powers, Mr. H. L. Daugh
try, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Wiggins.
Col. Wm G. Obear inspector gener
al, Col. W. M. Scott, Capt. Morgan
U. S. Army of Atlanta ar.d Col.
Walter Harris of Macon were here
Mondayjinspectlng the Jackson Rifles
and we are glad to state that the boys
made a good showing,
Pastor B. Lacy Hoge will preach on
the following subjects at the Baptist
church - next Sunday. At II a. m.
“Clay in Peters hand" 7 p. m. “The
Nail Prints." Come out to both ser
vices. Mr. Hoge’s work here will
close with the fourth Sunday. He
has special messages for the two re
gaining Sundays.
Mens Suits in grea* v;-.r lf ies \ll M'm-I
the resuitn price $9 00
Now going at *
Ladies and Gents heavy weight.
Hose, Now going at 4 pr
Large lot, of Ladies and Gentlemen*
Umbrellas, regular price ;
SIOO Now going at. w
iilant M eoluit!
If jou have anything for sale, or
rent, if you want to buy anything, or
want any help ; the Want Column of
The Record is ti e place to put a
Rmall ad for only one cert a word.
LOST — A young setter dog, black
and white in color, with u tan spot
on side of upper lip. Reward tor re
turn to H. G. Asbury. J< u'-'insburg,
Ga. 7-lt
FOR SALE.—Eight shares in the
Jackson Creamery for sale call on or
address L. L. Greer. 4-4 t
Buy Buns Cheap
Now is the time to buy Guns
Cheap. We will sell Single
and Double Barrell Breech
Loading Shot Guns for the
next 30 days for cash, for less
than they can be bought in the
market at wholesale prices.
Come and get a bargain if
you want a gun, 7-4 t
Che 3.5. Johnson * €o.
Carriage & Wagon illfgr.
Plantation Work in gen
eral. Horseshoeing in a
Specialists Hands. Work
done with Dispatch and Ac
curacy and on Shortest Not
ice and at living prices