Newspaper Page Text
m Public/Holices
Under and by virtue of the
powers contained in the Deed
to Secure Debt, executed by
William Samuel Kubricht,
Jr. to Edgar L. Thaxton,
dated March 21, 1972, which
said deed is rcorded in Deed
Book 47 pages 76 through 78
in the Office of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Butts
County, Georgia, there will
be sold at public auction to
the highest and best bidder
for cash at the Courthouse
door of Butts County,
Georgia, by the undersigned,
acting as attorney in fact for
the said William Samuel
Kubricht, Jr., between the
hours of 10:00 A.M. and 4:00
P.M. on the first Tuesday
inoctober, 1976, to wit
October 5,1976, the following
described land, to wit:
All that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in the
610th Dist., G. M., Butts
County, Georgia containing
'wenty five (25) acres, more
or less, being improved with
a seven room house, and
being bounded as follows:
North by T. W. Futral, east
by Walter F. Graefe; south
by Etheridge Smith Cos., and
west by J. R. Hatcher
homeplace. Said description
is as of now or formerly. This
is the same property as that
described in the deed of
September 1,1945 from Mrs.
D. W. Folds, as Administra
trix of the Estate of J. F.
Cochran as grantor to Dewey
W. Cochran, as grantee, as
the second described tract in
said deed, said deed being
recorded in the Office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Butts County, Georgia in
Deed Book 14, Page 392. This
is also the same property as
that described in that certain
warranty deed of December
22, 1964 from Dewey W.
Cochran to Edd Thaxton and
recorded in the Office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Butts County, Georgia in
Deed Book 31, Page 469.
Said powers will be
exercised and said land will
be sold as the property of
William Samuel Kubricht,
Jr. by the undersigned as
attorney in fact for the
purpose of paying the
indebtedness secured by
said deed, to wit, the
principal sum of Ten Thou
sand Dollars, besides
interest thereon since March
21,1973 at the rate of eight (8
percent) per centrum per
annum, said indebtedness
having become due on March
21,1976, and no part thereof
having been paid. Proper
conveyance will be made to
the purchaser by the under
signed as attorney-in-fact of
said William Samuel
Kubricht, Jr..
Said property will be sold
subject to all unpaid taxes
that may be a lien on the said
property, and right is
reserved to offer same for
sale from day to day until
acceptable bid is obtained.
This the third day of
September, 1976.
Edgar L. Thaxton
Attorney-in-fact for
William Samuel
Kubricht, Jr.
Richard W. Watkins, Jr.
Attorney at Law
169 Dempsey Avenue
Jackson, Georgia 30233
Attorney for Edgar L.
Thaxton, Grantee in Deed to
Secure Debt.
Butts Court of Probate.
August 23,1976
The appraisers upon appli
cation of Mildred D. Alex
ander widow of said Charlie
Luther Alexander for a
twelve months’ support for
herself and 1 minor child,
having filed their return; all
persons concerned hereby
are cited to show cause, if
any they have, at the next
regular October term of this
Court, why said application
should not be granted.
L. J. Washington
Probate Judge, Butts County
Section 22-803, Georgia Code
1933, as Amended (Ga. Laws,
1968, pp. 565, 647
Georgia, Butts County
Upon Application of
West Third Street, Jackson,
Georgia, Articles of Incorpo
ration have been granted to
“C. CARTER, INC.”, by
Honorable Sam L. Whitmire,
Judge of the Superior Court
of Butts County, Georgia, in
accordance with the applic
able provisions of the
Georgia Business Corpora
tion Code. The registered
Office of said Corporation
shall be 25 Carolina Avenue,
Jackson, Georgia. The Reg
istered Agent is CHARLES
W. CARTER, and his home
address is 853 West Third
Street, Jackson, Georgia.
The purpose of said
Corporation is to engage in
the business of selling
building materials and sup
plies for the construction,
erecting, repairing and re
modeling of buildings and
structures of all kinds, at
both retail and wholesale
stores and outlets; and, for
the building and the con
struction, as well as repair
ing and remodeling of all
kinds of houses and build
ings; for the selling of
supplies and materials for
the construction of drive
ways, sidewalks, curbs,
gutters, and all other kinds of
materials and supplies for
surface paving; for the
selling, at both wholesale and
retail stores of septic tanks,
for all kinds of buildings and
the installation thereof. To
buy, sell, exchange, lease
sub-divide and improve all
kinds of real estate; together
with the furnishings of the
usual and necessary services
for said corporation, and
others to carry on the
aforesaid activities. To own
and operate retail and
wholesale stores, outlets and
warehouses to carry on such
activities. To own, operate
and engage in the business of
landscaping for the improve
ment of homes, driveways
and business houses. To
engage generally in any
business or activity which is
necessary, incidental or
convenient to carry out the
foregoing purposes and gen
eral objectives of said
Corporation. The Minimum
capital which said Corpora
tion shall commence busi
ness shall be FIVE HUN
DRED DOLLARS ($500.00).
This the 27th day of
September, 1976.
Attorney for
Commercial Building
P.O. Box 3886
Jackson, Georgia 30233
I will not be responsible for
any debts made by anyone
other than myself, this 22nd
day of September 1976.
-Helen McDowell
To all Whom it May Concern:
Anne P. McClelland, of
said State, having applied for
tetters of Administration de
bonis non Cum Testamento
Annexo on the estate of Mrs.
Sue R. Patrick, late of said
County, deceased, this is to
cite all and singular the heirs
and creditors of said deceas
ed to be and appear at the
October Term, 1976, of the
Court of Ordinary of said
County, to be held on the first
Monday in October next, and
show cause, if any they can,
why such letters should not
be granted.
This Sept. Ist, 1976.
L. J. Washington,
Probate Judge
The Butts County Board of
Equalization in a scheduled
meeting on Sept. 24, 1976 has
ordered that the valuation on
all improvements shown on
the 1976 digest shall be
increased to read the same
as the 1975 digest This
decision relates to a group or
class of real property and
includes all structures locat
ed on the land such as houses,
trailers, buildings, ware
houses, stores etc.
It is the considered opinion
of the Board of Equalization
that land valuations for 1976
were correctly assessed at
fair market value. In view of
the aforementioned it is
ordered that 1976 land
valuations shall remain the
same, except in those cases
where they were adjusted by
the Board of Equalization for
specific reasons.
All Board members con
Butts Conty Board
of Equalization
Cecil L. Scarbrough
R. A. Allen
O. L. Weaver Jr.
Jim Wallace
Secretary to the Board
To James H. Smith in
accordance with Georgia
Laws 1956, Act. 362, codified
as Code Section 92A-611, you
are notified that security in
the amount of $143.21 will be
deposited in the general fund
of the Treasury if not
claimed by you before
October 21, 1977. Captain H.
E. Hyde, Supervisor, Bureau
of Safety Responsibility.
County of Butts
Articles of Amendment
have been granted to BUTTS
PEAL, INC., by Honorable
Hugh D. Sosebee, Judge of
the Superior Court of Butts
County, Georgia, in accord
ance with the applicable
provisions of the Georgia
Nonprofit Corporation Code.
The purpose of the Articles of
Amendment are to delete
Article Three of the Articles
of Incorporation and replace
same with the following:
“The purpose of the organi
zation is to establish a
central bureau with which all
charitable, educational, lite
rary, or scientific organiza
tions and organizations for
the prevention of cruelty to
children or animals in said
county, supported in whole or
part by voluntary contribu
tions may be affiliated, with
the object of securing unity of
P.0.80X 3604
(404 ) 775-4467
Notice is hereby given that
pursuant to the power of sale
contained in Deed to Secure
Debt executed and delivered
on May 22, 1974, by Edward
F. Tuten, as Grantor, to
FIN, GEORGIA, as Grantee,
and recorded in Deed Book
54, page 165, Butts Superior
Court records, and by virtue
of default in payment of the
indebtedness therein
mentioned, which has made
the aforesaid power of sale
operative and effective, the
undersigned, as attorney in
fact for EDWARD F.
TUTEN, will sell at public
outcry before the Courthouse
door in Butts County,
Georgia, on the first Tuesday
in October, 1976, durng the
legal hours of sale, to the
highest bidder for cash, the
property described in said
Security Deed, to-wit:
All that tract or parcel of
land lying and being in Land
Lot 75 of the Ninth Land
District, 552nd GM District,
of Butts County, Georgia,
being a portion of lands
conveyed to the Grantor
herein by M. W. Reeves and
Nell B. Reeves, by Warranty
Deed executed January 3,
1973, and recorded in Deed
Book 49, page 128-130, Butts
County records, and being
more particularly described
as Lot No. 462, as shown on
Map No. 61-F, Butts County
Tax Assessors’ records, said
map dated Feburary, 1963.
The Note executed on May
23. 1974, by EDWARD F.
in default, and the said
elect that said Note, with
principal and interest, be
come due and payable at
The proceeds from said
sale shall be distributed as
follows: (a) to pay the
expenses of said sale; (b) to
pay all indebtedness secured
by said Deed to Secure Debt;
(c) to pay attorneys fees;
and (and) to distribute any
excess proceeds as provided
by law.
This the Ist day of
September, 1976.
As Attorney in Fact for
Attorneys at Law
. ■ . . 9-9-4tp
Whereas, James Duvall
Patrick, Executor of the last
will of J. H. Patrick,
represents to the court, in his
petition, duly filed and
entered on record, that he
and Edward Dean Patrick,
as Co-Executor, have fully
administered J. H. Patrick’s
estate: This is therefore to
cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to
show cause, if any they can,
why said Executors should
not be discharged from
administration, and receive
Letters of Dimission, on the
first Monday in October,
L. J. Washington
Probate Judge
Dot Padgett, Georgie Co
ordinator for the Carter-
Mondale campaign, today
announced the appointment
of Sally Train as Georgia
Press Coordinator.
Ms. Train, 33, a former
English instructor at Georgia
State University, has a B. A.
in American History from
Connecticut College and a M.
A. in English from Indiana
Ms. Train’s office will be
in the Carter-Mondale head
quarters office at the Plaza
level of the 100 Colony Square
building in Atlanta.
An elephant drinks by draw
ing water halfway up his
trunk and then squirting it
down his throat!
Entry Deadlines Announced
For Georgia State Fair
Entry deadlines have been
announced for the various
departments of the 121st
Georgia State Fair scheduled
for the week of Oct. 18 at
Central City Park in Macon.
Earliest closing date for
entries is in the Livestock
Department. All entries in
this division must be in the
fair office by Oct. 1.
Deadline for gems, min
erals and fossils is 5 p.m.,
Oct. 9. All entries will be
arranged in place in the Arts
and Crafts building on the
fairgrounds Oct. 16 and will
be judged Oct. 17. The
department is under the
supervision of the Mid
Georgia Gem and Mineral
Closing date for entries in
the bottles department which
includes hand drawn, free
blown, machine made and
bottles in one certain field
such as Coca Cola collection,
is 5:30 p.m., Oct. 9. Entries
will be set up Oct. 16 and 17
with judging beginning at 2
p.m., Oct 17. Judging will be
done by a committee from
the Macon Antique Bottle
The Open Poultry Show
will receive entries until Oct.
11. All birds must be on the
fair grounds by noon Oct. 18.
The show will be under the
rules and regulations of the
American Poultry Associa
tion. Judging will be Oct. 19
at 8 a.m.
Entries for the Bibb County
4-H Club and Youth exhibits
must be delivered to the
fairgrounds between the
hours of 1 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
on Oct. 13. They should be
delivered to the rear door of
the Arts and Craft building.
Judging will be held Oct. 15.
Other entries that must be
received by Oct. 13 include
those in the home arts and
crafts department and the
photography department.
Articles for exhibit in the
culinary, needlework, tex
tiles, domestic anf fine arts
classes of the home arts and
crafts department will be
received in the Arts and
Crafts Building from Oct. 11
through 6 p.m. Oct 13. Only
amateurs in Georgia may
enter. Separate painting
sections are open for children
between the ages of nine and
12, 13 to 16 years of age and
over 17 years of age. There is
also a crafts and sewing
category for children ages 10
to 12, a section for crafts by
the blind and a section for
crafts by exceptional child
ren and adults.
Only residents of Georgia
may enter prints in the
photography competition.
Pictures must have been
taken since Jan. 1,1973, must
be at least 65 inches square in
size and will be received
from Oct. 11 through Oct. 13
from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the
fair's Arts and Crafts
Building. Mail or express
exhibits from out-of-town
exhibitors will be received
be’ween Oct. 4 and Oct. 13.
The department is under the
supervision of the Middle
Georgia Camera Club.
Anyone wishing to display
hanging baskets in the
Federated Garden Clubs of
Macon autumn flower show
must make a reservation by
Oct. 13 with the consultant or
show chairman.
Closing date for entries in
the scale model department
is Oct. 17 at 5 p.m. Models
must be brought to the rear
side door of the long building
at the fairgrounds between 2
p.m. and 5 p.m. Oct. 17.
Judging will be conducted
Oct. 17 at 5 p.m. before
models are displayed.
All exhibits of pot plants
for the autumn fiuwer show
mus' be entered between 3
p.m. and 5 p.m. Oct. 17. Cut
flowers and artistic designs
must be in place and ready
for judg ng on Oct. 19 by
10:30 a.m. Judi; ng will begin
at 11:30 a.m. The show will
be open to the public on Oct.
19 at 3 p.m. Any garden or
other club that wants to enter
a collection display of potted
plants or cut flowers must
register with the consultant
or show chairman by Oct. 13
as space is limited.
This year’s state fair will
also include a 4-H square
dance and calling contest
Oct. 23 at 1 p.m. and a dog
obedience trial Oct. 20 from 6
to 9 p.m. Registration for the
trial begins at 5 p.m.
Out-of-town exhibits may
be mailed to the Georgia
State Fair, P. O. Box 5260,
Macon, Ga. 31208 for entry in
the various departments
provided they are mailed
properly and are accompani
ed by an official entry form,
said Charles Inman, general
manager of the fair.
Entries should be address
ed to the proper department
and sent prepaid parcel post
or express with the sender’s
name and address, plainly
written on the outside of the
package. An official entry
blank showing a person’s
name, address, department,
section, class, lot number
and description of articles as
shown in the fair’s premium
book must accompany all
The official premium book
let for the 121st Georgia State
Fair and entry forms are
available at the fair office in
Central City Park in Macon
or by writing the Georgia
State Fair at the above
address or phoning 912-746-
As the summer draws to an
end and we pull together the
final figures for our 1977-78
budget, I look back over our
records for the year and
recall the names of those who
have contributed towards a
successful program even
though we suffered a budget
Let me say again how
much we at Archives
appreciate your cooperation
in making available to us at
no cost a subscription to your
newspaper. When the year
ends the issues will be
microfilmed for permanent
retention in our file. We feel
much of the local history of
our state is recorded on the
pages of your newspaper.
I would like to think that in
the year 2076 as people plan
the celebration of the
tricentennial birth of our
nation that they will read
these newspapers with much
interest and learn that most
Georgians were patriotic and
enthusiastically moved
toward the third century with
determination to make this a
better world.
(Miss) Carroll Hart, Director
Department of Archives
and History
Invitation To Bid
(1) Dodge Pick-up,. 1970 model, serial number
(1) Ford Pick-up, 1958 model, serial number
(1) Dodge Pick-up, 1969 model, serial number 3600
These trucks may be seen at the City Maintenance Barn
on Alabama Blvd.
Bids must be received by 5:00 P. M. October 18, 1976
Bids must be sealed and marked “Bid on Truck”
Each truck must be bid on separately
The Mayor and Council, City of Jackson, reserves the
right to reject any and all bids.
This 15th day of September 1976
Mayor and Council
Butts County
Health Dept.
By W. E. Essich
Water has long been
considered an economical
and unlimited resource.
However, many people today
are realizing it is not
unlimited and they see by
their water bills that it is not
as economical as once
In a recent study of the
Atlanta Regional Commis
sion it was estimated the
Atlanta area could save 67
million gallons of water per
day, resulting in significant
savings in potable water
production and waste water
treatment costs. These sav
ings are not limited to
municipal supplies, but can
also be applied to the
individual private water and
sewage system. When water
conservation fixtures are
used, savings may be
realized in several areas,
1. Reduction in water used
2. Cost of heating waiter
3. Cost of pumping water
4. Reduction in sewage
charges on public sew
age due to reduced flows
5. Reduced loads on sewer
lines and treatment
plants, etc.
6. Reduced load on septic
tank systems
How are these savings
accomplished? Actually
they can be accomplished
both simply and economic
ally by installing water
conserving toilets and
shower heads in new con
struction or when replacing
old or worn out fixtures. The
water conserving toilet using
.3.5 gallons per flush, rather
than five gallons or more,
and the water conserving
shower head using three
gallons rather than the usual
six or more gallons is
responsible for the estimated
What all this means is, that
by using these water con
serving devices, the average
family may reduce their
water consumption by 15-25
percent thus reducing the
cost. If you have your own
individual water supply and
sewage disposal system, it
could extend the life of both
systems, reduce the pos
sibility of a malfunctioning
septic tank system and result
in significant savings in
energy cost and maintenance
i I
Place extra towel bars one
above the other over the
bathtub to hang stockings
and underwear to drip dry.
Report From
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mullis
and children of Dublin visited
relatives and friends here
Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Batchelor, Holly and Cal of
Bremen spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Maddox
had as their guests during the
week Mr. Richard Davis,
Benny Jones of Lewiston, N.
C., and Mr. Gibson Youmans
of Donalsonville.
Mr. Stan Hogan had as his
weekend guests Mr. and Mrs.
John Havron of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hoard
spent a few days last week
with Rev. and Mrs. Ed Hoard
in Atlanta.
Guests of Mrs. Margaret
Greer over the weekend were
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle McMich
ael, Mrs. Frances Hursh,
Mrs. Martha Franklin, Mr.
and Mrs. Buster Duke, Lynn
and A1 of Jackson, Mr. and
Mrs. Larry Duke of Milledge
ville, Mr. and Mrs. Kenny
Duke of East Point, Mr. and
Mrs. Lamar Hogan and Clay
of Dublin, Mrs. Jean Goetz
and Meta of Warner Robins,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McMichael
of Anderson, S. C., Mr. and
Mrs. Bobby Kinard of
Covington, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank McMichael of Indian
Springs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Zontek, Teresa, Tony and
Walter of Tallahassee, Fla.,
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff McMichael
of Macon.
Mr. George Flynn and Miss
Virginia Phillips spent last
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
John Webb.
Miss Rita Bennett of
Athens, Airman Bryan
Flynn of Albany, N.Y., Mrs.
Adelle Smith, Cenith Melvin,
Delmar Kahn of Macon, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Bennett of
Macon spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Bennett and attended the
Bennett-Oliver wedding
Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Doyle
Faulkner of Athens spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Holloway.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ander
son of Santa Ana, Calif, are
spending a week here with
relatives and Mrs. Minerva
Caulder, Eileen, S.C. joined
them here for the weekend
and Sunday they had a
Torbett reunion at the State
Park. About 35 enjoyed this
In chess, the castle gets the
name rook from the Persian,
rukh, which is said to have
meant a warrior.