Newspaper Page Text
The Progress-Argus ex
tends a very HAPPY
BIRTHDAY to the following:
November 5: Grace S.
Hays, J. C. McClure, Mrs. F.
L. Maddox, Perry Gene
Duke, Charlotte Kitchens,
Mrs. Bob Carmichael, Mrs.
Roy Prosser, John Lewis
Carter, David Roland Wash
ington, David Haynes, Butler
Smith, William L. Patrick,
Marilyn Pope, W. E. Blue, R.
A. Vaughn, Kathy Arlene
Rutledge, James Pettigrew
Wade, Tammi Dianne
Franks, Raymond Larry
Lunsford. Bruce J. Lane,
Mrs. Ronald Andrews.
November 6: Horace Lee
Cawthon, Mrs. Lois Helm,
Mrs. Betty H. Tyler, Mrs.
Albert Duke, Mrs. T. W.
Hammond, Herbert O’Kel
lev. Mrs. Harry Fletcher,
Danny Blue, M. L. Hodges,
Jr.. Carl Dewitt Jarrell,
David Chestnut, Mrs. Karen
Kelley Mrs. D. Richard
Ballard, Mable Padgett,
Mrs. Ella Ham.
November 7: George T.
Harkness, Valeria Mackey,
Kathleen Mackey, Elzie
Wells, Mrs. Oscas Owen,
David R. Bailey, John Burt
Knowles, Mrs. G. W. Blank
enship. Mrs. Grover Mc-
Kibben, Jr., Mrs. Nevin Clay,
Mrs. Fred Harris, Mark
Raborn. Eric Campbell, Mrs.
Leslie Johnson, Martha
November 8: Mary R.
Rawls, Bobby Hammond,
The Iron Springs Sunshine
Club met October 27th for
their regular monthly meet
ing. Two members, Mrs.
Emma Riley and Mrs. Ethel
Thurman, were welcomed as
new members.
Mrs. Frances James gave
the devotional and Mrs.
Joyce Barnes led in prayer.
Cards were sent to the sick
and reports given.
The president reported
that the Iron Springs Club
was first place winner with
their booth at the Butts
County Fair and she thanked
each one who had a part in
any way toward the booth.
She also reported that Mrs.
Bailey (Martha) Jones from
the community was named
Woman of the Year by the
Exchange Club. She also
announced that the owner of
the beautiful Star quilt (red,
white and blue), made and
quilted by the members of
the club, was Mrs. Harriet
Buchanan Stone of Atlanta.
Thanks were also extended
those who had a part in the
quilt. Plans were made to
deliver baskets, etc. around
Thanksgiving to shut-ins and
Mrs. Barnes gave the
program on flower boxes and
their uses. Each told what
they had done and made of
importance during the year.
The hostesses, Mrs. Fran
ces James and Mrs. Joyce
Barnes, served punch, cake,
nuts and Halloween candy.
A correction was noted in
the minutes of the September
meeting with the name of
Mrs. Lois Bailey omitted
from the hostess list and the
name of Mrs. Mary Burpee
as a visitor.
Mr and Mrs. E. D. Briscoe
attended the Georgia-Cincin
nati game at Sanford
Stadium in Athens Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tucker
were invited to Plains
Saturday night for,, a square
dance with the Carter family.
Ellis Cook, Patsy Martin,
Edith Maddox Lunsford,
Betty Joanne Bennett, Mrs.
Roy Mitchell, J. Dawson
Bryant, Mrs. Douglas Wil
lard. Gary Todd Hillard,
Merritt S. Taylor, Mrs. W. C.
Bradley, Sr., Chuck Glover,
Jack Bedsole.
November 9: Edna Conkle,
Mrs. J. D. Bankston, Jack
Lofton, Ann Clark, Martha
Lee Maddox, Mrs. W. L.
Howell, Mrs. Thomas Fogg,
Elana Compton, A. G.
Cowan, Kimberly Dawn
Kierbow, Clarence Edward
Daniel, Jr., Brenda Fore
hand. Mrs. Billy Pelt, Lyn
Hudgins, Mrs. James 0.
Fincher, Martha Lynn Finch
er. Johnny Branch, Vickie
Lawson, Kathy Freeman
Mai coil, S. J. Loftin, Ronnie
November 10: Robert
Hardy, Mrs. D. D. Estes,
Betty Ruth Meredith, Mrs.
Ora Owens, Mrs. A. H.
Waldrop. Mrs. Ann Shields,
Patricia Ann Minton, Jimmy
Aw try. H. Ed Martin, Jr.,
Jason Phillips, Mrs. Chas. E.
Bennett, Joe B. Taylor, Mrs.
Ruth Thomas.
November 11: Annette
Moore. Absolem Hardy Ogle
tree. Asa O’Neal, Mrs. Alvin
Rush. Judy Annette Rush,
Larry Hodges, George Mer
ritt Brooks, A. A. Thrasher,
Mary Warwick, Mrs. Johnny
Kinard. Julie Ann Morris, R.
F. Burpee, Dr. E. Gonzalez,
Kara Black, James A.
Gregory, Mary Louise Res
press. Alan C. Bowen.
Two local matrons, Mrs.
Lois Coleman and Mrs.
Florence Harris, joined Mrs.
Julia Bailey of Lawrenceville
and Miss Louise Elliott of
East Point, for a most
interesting trip last week,
leaving on Tuesday and
returning late Thursday.
The group toured the Blue
Ridge Mountains, Pisgah
National Forest in North
Carolina, and Tennessee and
report the leaves indescrib
ably beautiful.
As one in the party stated,
“the foliage has never been
more beautiful and we had
such a good driver in Julia,
who chauffeured us through
beautiful country.”
Mrs. Bailey was house
guest of Mrs. Coleman
Thursday night while Miss
Elliott spent the night with
Mrs. Harris. The out of
towners left Friday after
noon for East Point where
Mrs. Bailey was overnight
guest of Miss Elliott, return
ing to Lawrenceville on
The Butts County Associa
tion of Retired Teachers
honored Mrs. Thelma Pros
ser recently by donating a
limited edition of the book,
“Reflections of Georgia
Retired Teachers”, in her
honor to Hawkes Library.
Mrs. Prosser was respon
sible for organizing this
group and also served as its
president for two years. The
book, which contains a
collection of stories and
reminiscences from teachers
throughout the state of
Georgia, was presented in
Mrs. Prosser’s honor for her
outstanding service in the
Mr. and Mrs. Morris
Williams visited Mrs. J. C.
Baughnan in Hiawassee, last
The installation and initia
tion of the new members and
officers of Future Business
Leaders of America of
Jackson High School was
recently held at the First
Church of the Nazarene in
the Fellowship Hall. The
meeting was called to order
by the president, Miss Elaine
Elliott. For the benefit of the
new members, the old
members went through a
candlelight ceremony ex
plaining the emblem of
Future Business Leaders of
America. A delicous supper
consisting of spaghetti,
French bread, tossed salad,
and strawberry short cake,
which was prepared by Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Cook was
served by Miss Sybil Perdue.
We were glad to have as
our guest the former Presi
dent, Miss Deborah Dawson.
She conducted our installa
tion service of new officers.
President-Elaine Elliott,
Vice President-Renee Ker
sey, Secretary-Donna Steve
son, Treasurer-Lee Ann
Harris, Parliamentarian-
Linday Mackey, Historian-
Karen Lofton, Reporter-Rose
Campbell. After the installa
tion the members of last year
presented Deborah with a
president’s pen The next
meeting will be held on club
day at school which is the
10th of November.
Reporter-Rose Campbell.
Members of the Jackson
High VOCA (Vocational
Opportunists Clubs of
America) and Henderson
Junior High VOCA attended
an officers training workshop
in Griffin last Saturday. The
workshop is conducted every
year for club officers and
members for the purpose of
teaching the students the
responsibilities and duties of
each officer.
The workshop was held at
Griffin High School from 9
A.M. untill 12:00. There were
21 clubs represented and
approximately 150 in total
attendance for the training
The students were wel
comed by Mrs. Virginia
Shapard, State Senator from
Griffin, Senator Shapard
talked about her travel to
other countries and pointed
out that we are very lucky in
America to have the right to
choose our own education
and occupation.
Those attending from
Jackson High School were
Darrell Pippin, Timothy
Fish, Edward Head, Pamela
Pye, Felecia Henderson,
Willie Mae Childs and Don
Cook. Jeff Cammon,
Ifif*** asBF Has Joined the
W Staff of
Dee’s Beauty Salon.
Call 775-7487 for an
Appointment with
Ruth Tante,
Joyce Martin, or J 0
Linda Bailey
The Georgia State Board of
Management, National
Society Daughters American
Revolution, held the Fall
meeting at the Quality Inn,
Cartersville, October 27th
and 28th, under the able
leadership of Mrs. Louis
Joseph Bahin, State Regent.
The Etowah Chapter NSDAR
of Cartersville graciously
hosted the group with warm
The meeting was well
attended by representatives
from the local NSDAR
chapters throughout the
State who were privileged to
receive information instruc
tion on the many phases of
services planned for cover
age during the year, both by
National and State officers
and Committee chairmen.
Attending from the Wil
liam Mclntosh Chapter
NSDAR were Mrs. Anna
dawn W. Edwards, Regent;
Mrs. Edith F. Echols,
Chaplain; and Mrs. Beth T.
New Arrivals
Mr. and Mrs. Dane R.
Brown announce the birth of
a daughter. Rachael Melissa,
September 26th at South
Fulton Hospital, Atlanta.
Maternal grandmothers is
Mrs. Betty Munford of
Atlanta. Paternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. G.
M. Mayfield of Atlanta and
great grandmother is Mrs.
Clyde Wise of Jackson.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Culbreth of Decatur an
nounce the birth of a son,
Adam Jeffrey, October 13th
ai Piedmont Hospital, At
lanta. Maternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. G.
M. Mayfield of Atlanta.
Paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Culbreth of Atlanta. Great
grandmother is Mrs. Clyde
Wise of Jackson.
Forming a congenial group
and motoring to Athens on
Saturday for the Georgia-
Cincinnati game were
Messrs. E. M. McCord,
Milton Daniel, Bill Sasser,
and Johnny Smolka.
Messrs Frank Barnes and
Steve Barnes went over the
Athens on Saturday for the
Georgia-Gncinnati game at
Sanford Field.
By Mrs. L. C. Tribble
The Adult Training Union
Class of Worthville Baptist
Church went over to Griffin
FYiday night for supper at
the Bonanza restaurant.
Those attending were Rev.
and Mrs. Clarage Tucker,
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kitch
ens, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Parker, Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Washington, Mr. and Mrs. L.
C. Tribble, Mr. and Mrs.
Re bon Maddox, Mr. and
Mrs. S. A. Washington, Mr.
and Mrs. Otis Faulkner, Mrs.
J. H. Pope, Mrs. Minnie Lee
Hodges, Mrs. Nellie Cochran,
Mrs. Martha Sealey and Mr.
Glen Avery. It was a very
enjoyable occassion.
We would like to welcome
to our community Mi-, and
Mrs. W. R. Barr. They have
recently moved into their
new home on Keys Ferry
We congratulate Mr. and
Mrs. Stanley Washington on
the birth of a son, Andrew
Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Washington on the birth of a
son, Joseph Cory.
Mrs. F. B. Mason had as
guests during the week Mrs.
Rosa Mae Smith and Mrs.
Martha Cook of Jackson.
Mrs. J. H. Pope has
returned home after a weeks
visit in Decatur with her
grandson, Bobby Wilson,
while Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
toured the mountains of
North Carolina and Tennes
Mrs. J. H. Pope had as
guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wilson and Bobby of
Decatur and Mr. and Mrs.
Troy Welch of Jackson.
Mrs. Edna Wilkerson of
Atlanta spent several days
last week with her mother,
Mrs. Nellie Cochran.
Mr. Terry Webb is out of
the hospital and visiting his
brother, Mr. Gary Webb of
Atlanta; Gary and Terry
visited,their parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Webb on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Webb
had as other guests on
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Townsend. Mr. and Mrs.
George Boigt of Atlanta
visited Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tribble
had as guests several days
last week Mr. and Mrs.
Whaley Tribble of Carlton.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Tribble
visited Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Faulkner Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Ireland
had as guests recently Rev.
and Mrs. Henry Brooks of
Locust Grove, Mrs. Ves
Lunsford of Jackson and Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Blanken
ship of Stockbridge.
Mrs. Minnie Lee Hodges
had as guest on Tuesday, her
daughter, Mrs. Tom Collins
of Decatur.
Mrs. W. S. White had as
guests Tuesday Mrs. Phillip
Green and Mrs. Grady
Wilson of Decatur and Mrs.
E. M. Me Cart of Covington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Barr
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Smith of Sparta, Tennessee.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian
Washington of Morrow visit
ed Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Washington on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A.
Washington visited her
sister, Mrs. Madge Granger,
a patient at Emory Hospital
Sunday afternoon. Mrs.
Granger is in a serious
condition. We pray she will
soon be feeling better.
Rev. W. C. James, Pastor
China Grove & Zion
Baptist Churches
TEXT—ROM. 10 -10
For with the heart man
believeth unto righteous
ness; and with the mouth
confession is made unto
1. Do you look for
something to criticize, or do
you look for something to
praise? For instance, if in
your church the choir puts on
an anthem or a cantata or an
oratorio, do you jump on the
mistakes and the inade
quacies that are bound to be
there, or do you comment on
the parts which were well
sung, stressing that a very
creditable attempt has been
made to sing a piece of great
music, even if it did not reach
professional standards?
2. Do you encourage or
discourage? When some
course of action is suggested
do you promptly see all the
difficulties which make it
impossible, or do you see the
possibilities which make it
well worth trying? Are you
one of the people who sit and
consider or one of the people
who rise and march?
:i Do you count your
blessings, or do you count
your misfortunes? Do you
thank God for what you have,
or do you curse God for what
you have lost?
4. Do you look on a difficult
situation as a disaster or as
an opportunity? Do you
regard a crisis as a time to sit
down and wail or a time to
rise up and act?
The minimum inside finished
depth of a clothes closet
should be 24 inches.
Lets Talk Turkey!
Free Turkey given with purchase of:
• RCa console tv.
• CONSOLE stereos
Merchandise purchased on builder’s plan not accepted.
Effective November 4 Thru December 24
922 E. Third Street Phone 775-7501
Mrs. Douglas Richardson
of Bay Gty, Michigan
arrived last week for a visit
with her sister, Mrs. India
Bailey, and Mr . and Mrs. Lou
W. Moelchert. Another sister
of Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. J. F.
Rogers of Gainesville, is
expected to arrive later this
week for a visit. Mrs.
Richardson celebrated her
84th birthday Friday with
Mrs. Bailey and the Moel
Messrs. Charles Carter,
Wes Carter. Mac Collins,
Andy and Mike Collins, and
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Standard
of McDonough formed a
congenial group and motored
to Athens on Saturday for the
Georgia-Cincinnati game.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Harris had as houseguests
this wwk Mr. and Mrs. Jack
“Christmas Special”
Film Fee
One “Special”
Per Family
Groups 5.99 Per
Subjects $1.69
Minors Must Be Accompanied By Parent
9 ’
We are pleased to make your portrait. We hope you and
your loved ones find a lifetime of pleasure in our creation
Nov. 5 and 6 - Friday and Saturday
Photographer’s Hours: 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Hinton of Daytona Beach,
Florida, also on Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Flani
gan of Winder spent the day
with these friends.
Miss Myra Manley was
invited to homecoming fes
tivities, a barbecue, and the
football game between Pres
byterian College and Lenoir
Rhyne the past weekend at
Clinton, South Carolina. She
was accompanied by her
mother. Dr. Jo Anne Manley.
To freeze meat, use a mois
ture-vapor-proof wrap, such
as heavy aluminum foil,
heavily waxed freezer paper,
or specially laminated papers.