The Cochran journal. (Cochran, Bleckley County, Ga.) 19??-current, May 19, 1910, Image 3

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THE NEW GROCERY! I have opened up a Store next door to Duggan Brothers & Company and will keep the Best and Freshest Stock always and prices will be to suit—Also an Up-To-Date Cold Drink Stand. 1 Invite all my friends to call on me. Delight ful and Refreshing Cold Drinks of all Kinds will be kept on hand. J. A. DYKES. J. J. TAYLOR, President J. P. PEACOCK, Vice-President. J. A. WALKER, Cashier. ©nrljran Hanking (Company, Capital, $25,000.00. Surplus, $35,000.00. (EnrJjratt, (Senrgta. We Solicit Your Patronage. Kyatiize Interior Finish is a very pale, easy-working, water-proof gF finish. It will not turn white or bloom. Sgfc?, ffIOOR FIRM] It is suitable for the best interior work, k;-j; either full gloss, eggshell or rubbed finish. W. ''3ga. It’s made to finish the Interior of good I; . houses and to hold up the reputation of i the makers. (gif Guaranteed to wear and not crack. « TAYLOR & KENNINGTON. PROFESSIONALS. DR. C. T. HALL. Dentist, Cochran, - Georgia. Office over J. J. Taylor’* Store. R. L. WHIPPLE. Physician, Cochran, - Georgia. Calls answered Day ami Night. Office Phone 264. Residence 273. HERBERT L. GRICE. Attorney-at-La w, Hawkinsville, - Georgia. DR. T. D. WALKER, Physician and Surgeon, Cochran, Georgia. L. A. WHIPPLE, Attorney-at-Law, HAWKINSVILLE. GA. Huggins Building. M. H. BOYER. Lawyer, HAWKINSVILLE. GA. Huggins Building. Rooms 27 and 28. T. D. WALKER. JR.. Physician and Surgeon. SURGERY A SPECIALTY. Calls Answered Promptly at Any Time. Leave Calls at WALKER S PHARMACY. DR. R. J. MORGAN, Physician and Surgeon, Cochran, Georgia. Office Phone 13. Residence 28. DRS. LANFORD Sc WALTERS, Dentists, Office on Main Street, COCHRAN. - - GEORGIA. P. O. Box 93. Dental Work Done in ill of its Branches. W. L. Sc WARREN GRICE, Attorneys-at-Law, Hawkinsville, Georgia. Office over George’s Drug Store, Commerce Street. H. E. COATES, Attorney -at - Law, HAWKINSVILLE. GA. Extract from Paper on Typhoid Fever. $y ‘DR. C. M. CURTIS Chairman City {Board of Health, College Park Medical Direc tor Georgia Military A cad emy. Local Surgen At lanta & West Pint Railroad. Decaying vegetable matter, heat and moisture cause Malaria. De caying animal matter, heat and moisture produce- typhoid fever germs. To get malarial fever you breathe the germs in the atmosphere, or drink them in the water, or you may become inoculated by mosqui toes. You get typhoid fever by taking the germs into the alimentary can al, usually on food. If your stom ach is in perfeer condition the germs are destroyed by gastric juices, but if there is any deficiency in the di gestive organs, the germs go down into the bowels where the infection occurs. In the country, hog pens are the most common cause of typhoid fev er. In towns and cities the surface closets are the most prolific source from which the germs come. They may be, and generally are in the summer, breeding places for both malarial fever and typhoid germs. House flies carry teh germs from the breeding places to the food on which they go down into the stom ach. This is why typhoid fever is most common in the latter part of the summer, when Hies arc more numerous. Flies breed in all kinds of filthy places where disinfectants are not used. Graduation Recital of Miss Annie Wynne. Miss Annie Mae Wynne, the tal ented and accomplished pupil of Mrs. Vance Peacock, gave her gradu ation recital before a large and ap preciative audience last Tuesday evening, She was assisted very happily by Miss Vance Peacock, who rendered her numbers with pretty grace and ease. Miss Wynne’s program was a very difficult one, the rendition of which reflected credit both to herself and her teacher. Below we give a copy of the pro gram: Cochoucha-Caprice, Op 7tl Raff Sonata Patbetique Beethoven Miss Annie Mae Wynne. Recitation —“Mice at Play,” Miss Vance Peacock. Nocturn, Op 117, No. 2 Chopin Faust Valse Liszt Miss Annie Mae Wynne. Recitation —“Making an Orator,” Miss Mary Peacock. Were I a Bird Henselt The Erlking Schubert-Liszt Miss Annie Mae Wynne Song —“Could You Learn to Love a Little Girl Like ■Me,” Miss Vance Peacock. A, Egressy Beny Liszt Miss Annie Mae Wynne. Miss Mary Peacock was on the program for a recitation, but was unable to give same on account of her illness- Drainage Pipe. We have just received a car load of all sizes of drainage pipe and can fill your requirments for any size. Call on E. Cook, Jr. J. A. GEORGE, Physician and Surgeon, Cochran, - - Georgia. Calls attended Night ank Day. Residence at Mrs. Manning's. Protect Your From Flies! will Flies are Disease Carriers, Live and ifl all kinds of Filth. Don’t Allow Flies I House. Don’t Permit Them Food. Flies are the Most Known to Man. I yll! T -i; What to do to get rid ? Screen Every Opening in You] \ j.SmeT^ We Sell Screen Doors and Windows-Call and See Them. Cochran Lumber Co. When These Two Meet there will be plenty of sport on the ball grounds. Inthemean- T" time e( l u >P your baseball nine with balls, bats, catching,gloves, caps, uniforms from our up-to- J\ k"' " -*** dW\JtA date and superior stock of base- Lki ' jjFfjjsmit' l Ta® ball K ,)u 'I s > and sporting goods have everything tire Peacock & Fausett/ Duggan Brothers & Co We Offer the Following Inducements * $2.00 Ladies Sailor Suits - $1.50 1-3 Off on One Piece Dresses and Ladies Ready made Coat Suits. 1-3 Off on Boys Suits and Men’s Odd Pants. 25 Cent, 36 inch Colored Linens at - 19 cts 20 Cent, 27 inch Colored Linens at - 1 9 cts 1 5 Cent Brown Linens at - - 121 -2 cts Duggan Brothers & (® l;