Newspaper Page Text
worth of good clean Merchandise including Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Notions AA/%
BfS must be sold before January Ist 1911. These goods will be sold at wholesale cost. w W
Big Stock of Merchandise will be Closed Out at Actual Wholesale Cost!
R decided to change my line of business and will move to New York on or about January Ist 1911. These goods are all good
Ktock all Fall end Winter Merchandise and must be sold out by the above date and in order to do this I will close out this stock at
i r .i - f big Bargains at our store and 1 will sell these goods at and below cost in order to sell
!« „7f, t i be «*• ■"<! 1 «"> “11 bine cheaper eve, before
Don’t Wait' Don’t Delay! Come first and get the pick of these big bargains-These goods will go afaeiaaUiholesale cost—Nothing
misrepresented but everything stated hereon is absolutely true and guaranteed—Come mto see us whether you intend m'buy .or not.
JU, ve enjoyed my stay in Cochran and my business has been very successfull and I regret very much to leave here,-bui-on account .gf
|L business interests in New York I will have to close up my business here and devote all my time and attention there.
to This, Our Last Big Sale, we will Save You Big Money
■k country trading store,
SAM ' KARELITZ, Proprietor.
VK 'barter.
i nrf i v :
of .1. r. I’eaciu'k,
W. 11. I’cncock, .1.
J. A. Fisher, T. W.
V Fisher and J. II- Mullis Jr., shows
to the court as follows:
T. Petitioners desire to form a
corporation, under the name and
• style of “The Cochran Real Estate.
G 0.,” with it’s home office in the
HklityjJJ®chran, in said state and
show that Slo,oob
Vhas been fully paid in, and they de-
P*ire to capitalize said corporation at
\ SIS,(XX) made up of shares each
of the par value of $ 100.00.
► They desire the power to in
crease the capital stock of said
. corporation to any amount not ex
ceeding one hundred thousand dol
lars ($100,000.00) by a majority
vote o? the stockholders.
3. They desire said -corporation
shall be incorporated for a period of
twenty years, with the privelege of
renewal after the expiration of said
4. The object of said proposed
corporation is pecuniary gain to the
stockholders, and for that purpose
petitioners desire tnat said corpor
ation may have the power to buy,
sell and own or to buy, sell or own
any kinds of real estate for itself or as
agent for others on commission; it
is also prayed that said cor
poraton shall have the power to
lend money on real estate for itself
or for others and to take mortgages
and any kind of written or sealed in
instruments to secure said loans also
to Imrrow money on feal estate' for
itself or for others on commission,
executing any kind of written or
sealed instruments to Secure such
loans; and generally to do a real
estate business.
5. Petitioners pray that they may
be incorporated according to the
prayers of this petition, and that
said corproation may sue and be
sued by its corporate name and
may have the use of a corporate
seal and it may enjoy all the rights
and priveleges and be subject to all
he obligations and liabilities of cor
porations under the general laws of
the state of Georgia, or as they may
be amended.
This 10th. day of November
(signer!) L. A. WHIPPLE
Attorney for Petitioners.
GEORGIA —pi i.ASKi t o:
I, John W. Lancaster, Clerk of
Superior Court of said county, do
hereby certify that the above and
foregoing is a true copy of the orig
ional petition tiled in the office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court on
the 10th day of November 1910.
This 10th day November 1910.
(aijned) J. W. Lancaster,
IM7-4t . C. S.C. P.C.
Notice of Sale
By virtue of the powers vested in
me (Recorded Book of deeds Pulas
ki Co., Oa., Volume 7 Pages 392 —
398) by the heirs at law of the late
Mrs. Antionette Walker, deceased,
1 will sell before the court house
door at Hawkinsville, Georgia
on the first Tuesday in Deoem
be-, 1910, within the legal hours of
sale, to the highest and best bidder
for cash, reserving in me the right
to accept or reject any and all bids,
the following descrilxal realty to
‘ yd. Cochran journal
Lot of land number 219 in the
21st. District of Pulaski Co., Ga.,
containing 202 1 2 acres, more or
Situated south west of Cochran, Ga.,
three hundred yards of Cochran
and Hawkinsville public road and
a!)out one mile from the incorporate
limits of Cochran, one hundred ac
res in good state of cultivation, one
hundred in woods, some very tine
timber is in this tract. On this
farm is one five room dwelling,
painted and two rooms ceiled and
painted, a good barn,smoke house
and two tenant houses. This
place is known as the Dr. V. H.
Walker place.
This October 17, 1910.
J. J. Dennard, att’v. in
fact for the heirs at law of
the late Mrs. Antionette
Walker, deceased, P. O.
address, Pineview, Ga. 10-20-7 t
for the
Or Renew Your Old
Subscription for Anoth
er Year so as to get in
Contest for
(J(| BN CASH PRIZES! (|||<
Three Cash Prizes Will be Given
Away at Our Store on the Night of
December / oth, 1910!
First Prize $5.00 Cash. Two Second Prizes $2.50
Each in Cash.
With Each 25 cent Purchase of Theadford’s Black Draught you are
Entitled to a Coupon.
A Coupon will also be given with each 50 cent Cash Purchase of any
article in our store, and 5 coupons with every Dollar
Paid on Account.
From now until December 1 Oth wo will make the following reductions
in prices:
Taylor & Kennington’s Liver Regulator, 25 cent size, now - - 10 c
Bell’s Kidney and Liver Tonic 25 cent size, sells for - 10 c
Theadford’s Black Draaght, 25 cent size, (on Saturday’s) 2 for 25c
M. A. Simmons’, Hitchcock’s, St. Joseph’s, Thacher’s, Ramon’s
and all other regular 25 cent Liver Regulators, per pkg -20 C
Be Sure and Get Coupon with Number