The Cochran journal. (Cochran, Bleckley County, Ga.) 19??-current, August 31, 1911, Image 1

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VOL. 4. Any body can play a graphophone. They are cheap. Buy one. FREE DELIVERY Georgia’s New Game Law. Americas Time.®-Recorder. Because of Georgia’s new game laws quail on toast will hardly ap pear on Americas hotel menus dur ing the coming winter. By the T saine token it is not likely that wild turkey, doves, or any other game bird, or venison will be offered in the public eating houses Neither will they be displayed in the Amer icas market. OF course lhere is a chance for evasion of the law that now makes it a misdemeanor to sell or or offer to sell any game bird in the state. There is no law that can prevent a . caterer, or any one else for that matter, from importing game. Americus may huy her game, as she buys her liquor, in Florida, hut it is a misdemeanor, punishable with a tine or chaiugang sentence, to sell game here. Not even squirrels, rabbits or pos sum can he brought to any town in Georgia and sold says Governor Smith’s “ legist at er.” Until this session of the legislature Georgia had no tax on hunters, anyone loeing allowed to hunt with out license. The Carolina law has been in affect for several years. The quail season for years has been from November 15 to March 15, but in the recent bill four weeks were <-ut off the season. It will be gin this year December Ist and la®t to March. The limit for a days! Shooting is twenty-five birds. The penalty for shooting more than that number being same as' for vio lating the selling law. The hunters tax will keep a good many out of the field this year. Any man who owns and uses a gun for the purpose of shooting birds, ducks or other game will have to pay a county tax of $1 —a state tax of 83. Foley Kidney Pills will check the progress of your kidney and blad der trouble and heal by removing the cause. Try them. For sale by Taylor & Kennington, '’OR SALE —or rent, one lot of y 4 miles from Moultrie. Mr. derson is living on this lot of Apply to D. A. Bailey, rVv,Ga. 8-17-tf Stye €ocl)ran Journal. COCHRAN, PULASKI COUNTY, GA., THURSDAY \UGUST 31. 1911. JAXON FURNITURE COMPANY. Mrs. Wm. Abney Passes A way. Mrs. Wm. Abney was buried at Evergreen Thursday. She was the daughter of Fredrick Bolinger and the wife of William Abney, a con federate soldier who enlisted from Georgia and served throughout the war in Hampton’s Calvalry surrendering with Johnston at Salis bury. He died several years ago. She leaves two brothers, J. F. and S. E. Bolinger; and five sons, .Jas. S., Charles, Joseph, W. F. and T. J. Abney; and two daughters, Mrs. Taylor, of Montgomery Coun ty, and Miss Sallie Abney, of Carey Notice! On Oct. 30, 1909 we issued a re ceipt tor o:.e bale cotton No. 4737, weight 466 lbs.; on November 24, 1909 we issued a receipt for one bale cotton No. 5718, weight 656 lbs.; on Dec. 15, 1909 we issued a receipt for one bale cotton No. 5935, weight 590 lbs. On Jan. 4, 1910 ive delivered above cotton to the Dixie Cotton Co.’s agent, C. M. Du- and be shipped same. The said Dixie Cotton Co. still holds the receipts for the above cotton, and any one trading for same will do it at their own ri®k. 8-21-4 t Planters Warehouse & Gro. Co. PHONE 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 PHONE 9 CLEAN CLEANER CLEANEST 9 g Drink, eat, and smoke at Walker’s Pharmacy. g We invite you to insped the inside of our Fount. Also every Jar 9 and Countainer our Ice Creams day frozen in Porcelain 8 9 lined churns. 9 Things are clean here. flAll Candies on cold storage. Q We solicit your cudom. J 9 WALKER’S PHARMACY, Ur 1 9 PHONE 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 PHONE Jackson Furniture Co ] ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE SEWING MACHINES ORGANS PIANOS AND GRAPHOFHONES OA. If you buy at Jaxon’s, you will have no kick. Reunion at Bailey ’s Park • The United Confederate Veterans will have a reunion at Bailey’s Park on Sept. 13, at which time all the Confederate veterans and other soldiers of Pulaski county are ex pected to be present. The public generally is invited and requested to bring well filled baskets as there will be dinner on the grounds. It is proposed to make this an annual affair, one to which every one will look forward every year with the happiest anticipation. It will not be for many years that we can mingle socially or otherwise with our veterans, so let us all turn out to make this an occasion long to be remembered and to lend en couragement to the undertaking. Remember the time and place; Sept 13th, at Bailey’s Park. NOTICE The semi-annual singing conven tion of PulasKi county will convene with the church at Bethany on Sept. 2-3 next. Everybody is cordially invited to attend. Ev'ery one living near is request ed to bring a well filled basket that we may properly entertain our vis itors who come from a distance. Come one, come all! and let us have a royal good time. G. J. Stapleton. Mable Paige Here Next Saturday. For the opening attraction at the Cochran Opera House, Manager J. C. Urquhart has secured one of the best known and probably the most generally popular of Southern stars, Miss Mai l Paige, and her excellent supporting company. They will appear here for one night only, Saturday, September 2, in a new nautical comedy, “Billy,” in which they have scored a decided success in other towns and cities through out the South. This same play proved the most popular of all the many good offerings presented in Macon during the past summer, and was highly praised by the news papers of Montgomery, Ala., where Miss Paige presented it to the lar gest attendance of the sea-on earlier in the Summer. Tlje same popular comedy, “Biliy,” held the record for patronage at the Duval theater in Jacksonville, Fla. throughout her recent continuous engagement of nine months in that popular play house, and is to be her opening at traction on her return engagement at that theater next week. The comedy will he presented in Cochran in alii its completeness, in cluding handsome ami elaborate special scenery, a specially selected acting company, new musical num bers, and up-to-date singing and dancing specialties. All signs point to one of the best shows, seen in Cochran in several seasons. Miss Paige herself, who won her first laurels in the South as a child Do not buy anything in furni ture till you get our prices. Henry Chambers Dead Mr. Henry Chaml>ers died Tues day night at the home of his father a few miles from town. He was twenty-two years old and was well known and a popular young farm er. Besides his father, Mr. H. M. Chambers, J>e leaves a brother, Mr. Frank Chambers and several sisters to mourn his death. FOR SALE —Complete market outfit practically new. Cost 8370 Will take 8150 for outfit. Cash or terms. Apply at this office. star, appearing in “Little L>rd Fauntleroy,’ and other juvenile plays, has been prominent as a comedienne and emotional actress ever since: and her name is practi cally a household word in nearly all Southern cities. Her tour of the South last season was the most successful, both artistically and fi nancially, that she has ever enjoyed; and, for this season, her manager, Mr. Charles W. Ritchie, has spared no pains to surround her with the st rongest company and the most elaborate production she has ever offered. The mere fact that she will offer here the same production m which she opens her forthcoming slock season in Jacksonville is as surance that theater goers may de pond upon an especially good show. Popular prices, 25, 50, and 75 cents, will prevail, and seats can be secured in advance at Walker’s Pharmacy. NUMBER 13. PHONE NUMBER 262 LOCAL ITEMS AtiENTS WANTED—to sell Texas lands. No experience neces sary. Big money for traveling salesmen. If you are a “live wire,” write E. E. CLARK, Sales Mana ger, Hamlim XWiiii- NuvL^, Mr. Harry Wynne left today for North Carolina to resume his du- .. ties with th| Southern Vending Co. Miss Josephine Fleming, of ffnw® * jkinsvillfep4vTro has been the guest of Miss Edna Tayhlf,. has returned to i her home. Mrs. R. H. Peacock has returneo from Lithla Springs. Mr. John Harris gave another one of his delightful picnics last Thursday, complimentary to the visiting young ladies. Miss Fannie Smith chaperoned. Master Coleman Hall entertained the “Little Folks’ Club” Friday afternoon. lee cream and cake, and homemade candies were served. M isss Mary Belle Burch, of East man, was the attractive guest of Miss Margurite Urquhart, this week. Mrs. J. R. Taylor is visiting her sister Mrs Stocks in Barnesyille. Miss Annie Blevins, of Calera, Ala., who has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. T. L. Bailey, has returned to her home. Misses Ruby and Pearle Taylor have returned from Indian Springs.. Mr. Dave Harvard spent the week end In Cochran. Mrs. R. W. Dykes spent last Thursday in the city. Miss Mary McVay has returned home after an extended visit to her sister in Macon. Mrs. J. J. Blount of Hawkins ville, spent Thursday in Cochran. Mins Marion Baker has returned to Calera, Ala., after a pleasant vis it to her uncle, T. L. Bailey. Col L. A. Whipple, of Hawkins ville, was in the city Monday. Mr. Frank McVay spent Satur day and Sunday in Cochran J. A. Fausett, of Sandersville, was in the city this week. —Ab’ is always a welcome visitor to our city. Mr. Fred Abney, of Cary was in the city, Tuesday. Read the ad of H. F. Bullard in this issue,